35 Cents B ROAD CASTI N G , THE a NI AND RADIO r N3 51R University USAF Air ? oG SerIs Unit Acq Branch Y Library 19784 FEBRUARY 18, 1963 - - - 62 -7547 (01-600) APR63.ANNC Force Base The public looks at tv: ne Maxwell Air tus report on key Ala NEWSPAPER the most detailed answers Montgomery 67 Look at ratings: Oren Harris getting ready Changing hands: tv station transfers down for full -scale hearing 34 in '62, while radio increased 100 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 eep close to your customs with Snot Radio Selling coffee? This is the right moment to do it- while she's using the product. Her attention is yours with Spot Radio. She will hear your message under ideal conditions on these outstanding stations. KOB Albuquerque WTAR... Norfolk- Newport News WSB Atlanta KFAB Omaha WGR Buffalo KPOJ Portland WGN Chicago WRNL Richmond WDOK Cleveland WROC Rochester WFAA Dallas -Ft. Worth KCRA Sacramento KBTR Denver KALL Salt Lake City KDAL Duluth- Superior WOAI San Antonio KPRC Houston KFMB San Diego WDAF Kansas City KYA San Francisco KARK Little Rock KMA Shenandoah KLAC Los Angeles KREM Spokane WINZ Miami WGTO. Tampa -Lakeland -Orlando KSTP Minneapolis -St. Paul KYOO Tulsa Intermountain Network RADIO DIVISION EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC. THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE JEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS )ETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS 41 EFFIGIES A SERIES OF FRAMEABLE ADworld CLOSE -UPS! heeling VUBLG L N 1\ A (-3A-ttLE o vo L60 #21 WTReffigy TV SERIES FROM WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA Scan Zoo Animals, Inc., Los Angeles, California Important ... WTRF -TV Wheeling Market ... Dominant in Rich Booming Wheeling- Steubenville Industrial Ohio Valley ... 2% Million People spending 13% Billion Dollars Annually ... 7500 Retail Outlets Tops in Sales ... Service ... Results! Better Buy .. WTRF -TV Wheeling! (RED EYED SET? Write for your frameable WTReffi9ies, our ad.wor(d closeup series!) 316,000 watts network color WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA Represented Nationally by George P. Hollingbery Company SELL THE BIG SPENDERS! Aim straight for the big spenders . the level programming . the outstanding re- parents who budget and buy for their growing gional news ... the CBS network features .. families! These families need more of all kinds the mature personalities and the serious of products and services! Reach them and you community service WCBM offers. reach the most buying important segment of Sell the "big family spenders" every day on the growing Baltimore metro market! the radio station that consistently delivers WCBM best delivers your radio message to the most adult radio audience in the huge them ... because they prefer WCBM's adult- Baltimore area -WCBM! National Sales Representative es 'tW Mk *á A SERVICE OF METROPOLITAN BROADCASTING A CBS RADIO AFFILIATE 10,000 Watts on 68 KC & 106.5 FM Baltimore 13, Maryland BROADCASTING, February 18, 1963 3 KRLD -TV Pe4Ìedaie &3 In every measurement pub- lished by ARB and Nielsen for 1962, KRLD -TV was the NUMBER ONE sta- tion in the Dallas -Fort Worth market .. largest Metro Share in the average week ... greatest Total Homes per average quarter -hour. 1963 promises to be even more rewarding for Channel 4 advertisers. To place your schedule in the finest perspective, call your ADVERTISING TIME SALES representative. represented nationally by Advertising Time Sales, Inc S O"GeUf pa/444-- -FCC. hennit Clyde W. Rembert, Presiden! MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, February 18, 1963 Waiting for word It's unlikely there will be formal CLOSED CIRCUIT confirmation of Newton N. Minow's Among program men with gripe Assn., which last week retained coun- resignation as chairman of FCC until against ratings are David Susskind, sel to undertake project. Dr. Harold after he returns from European trip Peter Tewksbury of It's a Man's J. Barnett, Ohio State economist, and Feb. 24. Even then chances are he World and Sylvester L. (Pat) Weaver. It Charles H. Smith, of U. of Minne- won't comment until he's confronted also is anticipated that testimony will sota, former CBS economist, were re- on Capitol Hill by either House or be solicited from network heads and tained, along with Ernest Jennes, of Senate Commerce Committee, which their programming vice presidents, Covington & Burling, and Tom Wil- might develop week or so later. leading advertisers and responsible son, of Dow, Lohnes and Albertson, There's avid congressional interest be- government agencies. After opening as Washington legal counsel with cause Commerce Committee chairmen round on generalities of surveys, in- Mr. Jennes as coordinator. Cost of had had no inkling of Minow plans vestigation will likely turn to individ- project understood to be in area of until publication in Feb. 11 issue of ual rating firms. $35,000 and will be underwritten by BROADCASTING of report that he had contributions of highest half -hour rate advised President Kennedy of his in- Two for one of affiliated stations. Study will in- tention to leave in late May and had There's good change A. C. Nielsen clude affiliate compensation as well as recommended FCC's newest commis- Co. will act soon, as number of its option time, clearances and related sioner, 33- year -old E. William Henry, clients have been urging, to resolve factors. Individual compensation Tennessee Democrat, as successor. measurement problem that otherwise agreements will not be covered. Proj- ect was approved by affiliates board Customarily there has been no time will get bigger month by month. Prob- at in Palm Springs, Calif., lag when member of FCC has re- lem is in its treatment of multiple -set meeting last signed. But, in extenuation of Minow tv homes: If there are two sets in December. situation, it's recalled that in most in- house and both are tuned to same Affiliates board last week approved stances in which commissioners have channel, it's counted as one home; if retention of experts on recommenda- left before completion of their ap- they're tuned to different channels, it's tion of its economic and legal study pointed terms they have either joined two homes. And in computing "Homes committee, which met in Chicago Feb. entities in communications or in law Using Television" it's counted as two 6. Members of committee are How- practice which would have posed con- homes in any case as long as both sets ard Lane, KOIN -TV Portland, Ore., flict of interest questions. In Mr. are on. "HUT' figures, then, are in- chairman; T. B. Baker Jr., WLAC- Minow's case, however, his associa- flated to extent that there's concur- TV Nashville, chairman of full board; tion with Encyclopaedia Britannica rent multiple -set usage within homes. Thomas S. Murphy, Capital Cities would present no such question since Multiple -set homes now represent Broadcasting, New York, secretary; firm isn't licensee in broadcasting. about 12% of national total (more in Charles H. Crutchfield, Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Co. (WBTV), Early lock -up some areas such as New York), but Nielsen says non -concurrent usage re- Charlotte; William B. Quarton, WMT- CBS-TV President James T. Aubrey duces inflation to "insignificant" pro- TV Cedar Rapids; Tom Chauncey, Jr. is expected to send letter to portions. It acknowledges, though, KOOL -TV Phoenix, and Richard A. affiliates this week giving fall schedule that situation will get worse as mul- Borel, WBNS -TV Columbus. for 1963 -64 season (also see story, tiple -set homes increase, so is trying page 60). Letter expected to contain to work out solution now. This may New ally personal note to effect that this is ear- take form of multiple processing to Sen. J. Howard Edmondson (D- liest CBS -TV, or any network, has ever eliminate duplication. Okla.) has heeded complaints of Okla- locked up fall schedule. Torrid pro- homa broadcasters against FCC pro- Local and live gramming pace also is reflected in CBS - gramming intrusions and plans to take TV's selling. Judy Garland's new ve- FCC is expected to act within 30 action. Senator, who resigned as gov- hicle, Sunday, 9 -10 p.m., next fall, re- days on license renewals of most of ernor two weeks before end of his portedly already is SRO and with ad- some 100 California and Texas sta- term to accept appointment to Senate, vertisers actually waiting for possible tions whose applications have been plans conference with Oklahoma opening. Advertisers already in show held up because of questions about broadcasters this weekend. Confer- are said to include Menley -James programming policy (BROADCASTING, ence was called because of protests (Contac), American Tobacco, S &H Dec. 3, 1962). Staff is now review- against FCC's Omaha hearing on local Green Stamps, and fourth unidenti- ing applications in light of FCC de- television programming (BROADCAST- fied advertiser. cisions in WKY -TV Oklahoma City ING. Feb. 11, 4). and WFAA -TV Dallas cases. Both Ratings witnesses stations had been cited by staff be- Location shooting "Who's Who" of broadcasting, ad- cause of alleged lack of proposed Dearth of prime time, first-run syn- vertising, program production and local, live programming. But com- dicated series is expected to continue government are expected to be called mission renewed both after ruling they in 1963 -64, but one strong contender to testify early in March when House had made substantial showing in 6 -11 in this category is United Artists Tele- Special Subcommittee on Investiga- p.m. time period through policy of vision's Lee Marvin Show. UA Tv tions begins long- awaited hearings on pre -emption. Rule of thumb being is reported to be producing and sell- broadcast rating services (see story, used is that stations that can make ing series with following twist: If sta- page 34).
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