Inter-species hybrid x Annual grain sorghum Wild perennial sorghum Sorghum halapense Highly diverse Perennial breeding grain population sorghum 160 cm BULK06-10 perennial legumes 1. The Land Institute is domesticating Illinois bundleflower (IBF) – Adapted to Great Plains conditions – Nitrogen fixation and seed protein content similar to soybean Dehiscent Indehiscent Pod dropping score (0=marcescent, 2=highly deciduous) 2008 families: 0 0.5 1 2 Indehiscent families 11 13 36 48 Dehiscent families 18 2 2 1 Pod dropping score (0=marcescent, 2=highly deciduous) 2008 families: 0 0.5 1 2 Indehiscent families 11 13 36 48 Dehiscent families 18 2 2 1 2. Existing forage legumes as nitrogen source for perennial cereals Mowed legume intercrop Multi-row mower tractor attachment Late spring: Mow between each row of cereal Early summer: Mowing triggers legume to drop fine roots; nitrogen from decomposing roots and leaves is taken up by the cereal crop 3. Existing perennial grain legumes – but usually grown as annuals • pigeonpea • lab-lab • runner bean • Lima bean Pigeon Pea •Deeply-rooted, perennial •4.92 million hectares worldwide (3.58 million in India alone) •Average yield 898 kg/ha ―The pigeonpea plants, especially of the perennial varieties, have a strong root system, which helps hold the soil on sloping hillsides. ― ―’Pigeonpea has been found to be very successful in covering the soil and reducing soil erosion," says Dr Zong Xuxiao, from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences at Beijing.’‖ http://www.cgiar.org/newsroom/releases/news.asp?idnews=536 Lab-lab or hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) Protecting fragile landscapes, reclaim degraded farmland In Haiti alone,15,000 acres are ―abandoned to erosion‖ each year (Paskett and Philoctete, 1990) Perennials: •No tillage: protect steep slopes •Perform well despite crusted, degraded soil •Deep taproots access moisture in droughts IBF: seed yields of 3000 kg/ha on mine spoils in Florida! http://www.spiralmonkey.com/nepal/nepal.0084.jpg Protein consumption (per capita) http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World_map_of_Protein_consumption _1979-1981.svg by Lokal_Profil Perennial Oilseed Grains Sunflower family (Asteraceae) Helianthus Helianthus annuus maximiliani : Silphium integrifolium: modern domestic cultivar many heads, large many heads, seeds, wild accession (Kansas) small seeds, few seeds many seeds per head per head Strategies for perennial sunflower Domestication Interspecific Wild perennial Annual crop X Perennial wild species in Asteraceae sunflower (2x) sunflower (6x) F1 mostly perennial (4x) A B C Small seed, shattering Annual crop (nearly) sunflower random mating (4x) X to create a diverse 4x No shatter- BC1 population resistance Annuals & perennials found X X X Cycles of X selection for seed size and Large seed, seed yield non-shattering Backcross breeding to give a tuberous Helianthus Moderate High annuus (4x) yield yield University of Minnesota The Land Institute Perennial sunflower domestication program: Variation in plant form in recurrent selection populations of Kansas rosinseed Domestication: Helianthus maximilianii (Maximilian sunflower) 1 meter 1 Growing in natural Growing in research plots grassland ecosystem Perennial sunflower domestication program: Recurrent phenotypic selection of H. maximiliani for various agronomic traits. Maximilian sunflower Trait “Heritability” Lodging score 0.39 Yield per area 0.32 Yield per stalk 0.51 Seed weight 0.46 Shattering 0.56 Plant Height 0.61 Seed size Foliar disease (2007) Seeds/head 1838 Foliar disease (2008) Yield per head Index Plant dwarfing Yield per stalk 2108 8 Head clustering Yield per plant Stalk density Stalk diameter Average of the ―top 50‖ genotypes chosen for combined scores for Shatter resistance (3) seed size, yield, etc. Overall these Shatter resistance (2) are better than the population mean, but never the best for any one trait. Seed size Foliar disease (2007) Seeds/head 1838 Foliar disease (2008) Yield per head Index Plant dwarfing - Yield per stalk - - 2108 8 Head clustering Yield per plant Stalk density 1104 Stalk diameter + + This genotype had reduced Shatter resistance (3) shattering but also small heads— would not have been included in Shatter resistance (2) the ―top 50‖ Seed size Foliar disease (2007) Seeds/head 1838 Foliar disease (2008) + Yield per head Index Plant dwarfing - Yield per stalk 2108 8 Head clustering Yield per plant - - Stalk density 1104 Stalk diameter This genotype had huge seeds Shatter resistance (3) but higher-than-average shattering. Shatter resistance (2) Perennial sunflower domestication program: Variation among the half-sib progeny of a single unusually apically dominant plant •head size •ligule number •branching pattern •leaf size/shape Normal, branched form Unbranched type No-branching types ??? No heads! = extreme apical dominance? Hexaploid perennials --H. tuberosus --H. rigidus Eggs: 51 Eggs: 51 chromosomes chromosomes X Pollen: 17 X chromosomes Pollen: 17 chromosomes Diploid Annuals --H. annuus (wild) --H. annuus (crop) --H. petiolaris Diploid perennials --H. maximiliani --H. salicifolius --H. grosseserratus Tetraploid Breeding Population (68 chromosome) --H. giganteus containing genes from many species 2009 Sunflower populations 2009 Sunflower populations Interspecific perennial sunflower program: Variation in head size between half-sib progeny of a cross between H. annuus and H. tuberosus. Long-lived trees Annuals Shrubs, short-lived trees Herbaceous Average annual seed yield (kg/ha)yield seedannual Average perennials 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Long-lived trees Herbaceous Shrubs, short-lived trees Annuals perennials Average annual seed yield (kg/ha)yield seedannual Average ? 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) structures frequently lost due to ecological disturbance: Stems, leaves (herbivory, frost, fire) Roots, rhizomes (drought, tillage, flooding) Long-lived trees Annuals Shrubs, short-lived trees Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual Herbaceous perennials 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Stems, leaves (herbivory, frost, fire) Roots, rhizomes (drought, tillage, flooding) Strongest Competition: Competition to colonize: Competition for water, nitrogen, space: Competition for light: Invest in seeds Invest in roots, rhizomes invest in trunks Long-lived trees Annuals Shrubs, short-lived trees Herbaceous perennials Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Stems, leaves (herbivory, frost, fire) Few losses: ability to invest in dispersal Roots, rhizomes (seeds, fruits), once established. (drought, tillage, flooding) Competition to colonize: Competition for water, nitrogen, space: Competition for light: Invest in seeds Invest in roots, rhizomes invest in trunks Long-lived trees Annuals Shrubs, short-lived trees Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual Herbaceous perennials 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Annual grains Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Nuts, Annual grains fruits Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Crop Product Dry matter Annual net Basis of Source and yielda reproductive reproduct location (kg ha-1) effortb ive effort Malus x domestica Fruit (diaspore) 13,000 to 0.65 Mass Palmer (1988), (apple) 17,000 New Zealand Elaeis guineensis (oil Fruit plus seed 5000 to 9000 0.34 Mass Corley (1983), palm) 0.52 Energy Malaysia Cocos nucifera Copra (seed 3000 to 6000 0.20 Mass Corley (1983), (coconut palm) endosperm) 0.31 Energy Malaysia Elaeis guineensis Oil (kernel & 6800 0.32 Energy Wahid et al. (2004), mesocarp) Bunches (fruit & Malaysia peduncles) 16,800 0.55 Energy Olea europaea (olive) Fruit (whole, 4600 0.54 Mass Villalobos et al. with seed) (2006), Spain Musa spp., genomes Fruit (whole, - 0.60 Mass Baiyeri (2002), AAB (plantain) seedless) Nigeria Vaccinium Fruit (whole fruit - 0.55 Mass Pritts and Hancock corymbosum & seed) (1985), United (highbush blueberry) States Nuts, Annual grains fruits ? Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Reference Common names Part harvested Species Baileyb beet root Beta vulgaris pigeon pea, red gram seed Cajanus cajan hyacinth bean, lablab seed Dolichos lablab sweet potato tuberous roots Ipomoea Batatas tomato fruit Lycopersicon lycopersicum cassava, manioc, tuberous root Manihot esculenta tapioca, yucca runner bean seed Phaseolus coccineus lima bean seed Phaseolus lunatus castor-bean seed Ricinus communis potato tuber Solanum tuberosum Ploschuk, 2005 bladderpod seed Lesquerella fendleri Smartt, 1990 chickling pea, khesari seed Lathyrus sativus dhal goa bean seed, roots, fruit Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Annual grains Nuts, fruits Annual reproductive effort reproductive Annual 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Greatest age of any plant structure (years) Perennial grasses harvested for grain Vaughn et al. (2008) China Oryza rufipogond Bohrer (1972) Poland Glyceria fluitans Guo et al. (2007) China Zizania latifolia Mongolia Elymus giganteus Griffin and Rowlett Scandinavia Leymus arenarius Arundo villosa (1981) Bye (1985) Southwestern N. Festuca octoflora Weiss et al. (2004) Israel Puccinellia distans America Alopecurus arundinaceus Distichlis palmeri Bar-Yosef and Kislev
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