UN'TED NAT'ONS ut- GHIffiAI GENERAL A/I8cox ,I lec€$ber J_9c+ A S S E M B LY MTGI,ISH oRIGrlrAr,: E{GTISE/FBflVCE Nineteenth session RE}OBT OF TEE SPICfAL COMMIITEE ON [83 SITLIATION I.IflE REGA.RD TO TEE ]MPI,EMmITATION OF TEX DECIARI{ITON ON EEE GRANTTNG OF IND@U{DH{CE TO COLONIAL COIJI{TRTES AND }EOFI,ES*I6 Rapporteur: Itu. K. NAtldAR Str{Gfl (Ind.la) CONISVIS Chapter Paragraphs ?age IEITM OT' TRANSMTTTAL 4 I. ESIASLISEMEilTI, OBGANIZATION A]JD ACTIVITIES OF TEE SPEC]AL COMMMTEE L-].72 5 A. ES'IASITSEMm'II OF TEE SPMTAL COMMIITM B. OpHVnSc OF TEE SPECTAL COMMrrrmtS MEIF]MS rN 1964 . B- 2L g C. ORCiANIZATION OF WORK ,2 - 111 1) !. lv]ruTII{CS OF THE S}ECIAL COMMTTTM AND IIS WOBTII}IG GROUP AND SUB.COMMTTTMS . 112 - 126 )+4 E. CONS]DMATION OF TI]RRITOXIES . t27 - LrI )+6 T. CONS]DMATION OF CIEXR Q1IESTIONS Ltz - L1+2 48 G. Rtr.ATIONS WITE ctrEM UNIITED IVATIONS BODTES L41 - L5t ,o E. REIITEIil OF '!fORK . Lrz - L66 52 I. FUIUBN WORK L67 - rT 58 J. APPBOVAL OF TEE RtrOBI L72 60 the report as a wbole, lucotDoratlng the chaptere clrculated as addenda, viIL be i66ued. urder the sprtoJ. A/58o0/nev.f. Iten 2l- of the provLstonal agenda. 65-ooo14 ei4lEir coNIIt{TS ( contlnued.) Chapter Paraeraphs Page II. llVFom/nIION IROM NON-Su'-OOVm$n\rG TffiRITORIES TRANSI{flTD IJI{DB ARIIOLE 77 e OF Tm CEAmm .AND BMABM QUESIIONS A?PtrNDIX I: FUNCTIONS mffRUSI@ To Tm SPECIAL COMMIITIE R$ATING TO INF0sl,lABIoN 0N N0N-SIIJ'-GoVffiNING TBnmORmS rBA$Sl4IrrED UI\DB AHIICLE ?} e 0F Effi CEARIER: NOTE llY Tm SECBEIARY-GENffiAL ASPE{DI( I1: I]{FOBIIAIION OI{ N0N-Sm;F-G0\rffiNING TIRBIToBIES [!AN$.ryr'ID UI{IDER ARIICLE 71 e Op Tm CEAmm AND REIAIED QUESIIONS: RmoRt 0F Tm SECREtrARY-GETIMAI IIr. SOumffiN BE0DESIA (tssued e,s t/59ao/ Add..l and Add.I [Bart IIl / rv. SoulE wEsJ AITtlcA . , . ( tssuea as t/5$oo/ Ada.2 J v. TERRIToRTES UNDm IOFTUGuESE ADMIIJSTFATIoN . (lssued. as t/l$Oo/ Add.rl vr. ADm[ . (lseuea a,s t/59oo/ vlr. _arl.ruDtl uuLAtur utII. SASUIOI.AND, BECEUAIVALAND AND SWAZIIAT{D rx. FMI{ANDO POO, RIO MUNI, fFIfI AND SPANIffi SAEARA . X. Gl3IAttrAR (lesued ae tt/59oo/ ix. r'4AL[A . xII. NORIEERN IEODESTA AND GA}EIA rlfi. FIJI x_Lv. I'{AURIIIUS, SEYCEELLES A]']D SrI. TrF"rr'FW\ xv. ccoK ISIANDS, MUE, TOKEf,AU ISAI\DS AMIBICAN SAMOA X\ruI. GUAM . TRUSI TERRITORY OF Tffi PACIETC ISI,AIiES t /59oo/ )GX. TBUST TBRIToRY OF ISAURU, rA?rrA AND TRUSI TffiRIIORY 0F rfEfl GmNEA AND COCOS (mm,rnC) rSAr{DS NEI"I ESRTDES, GII,3ffi AND M,],ICE ]SIAI{DS, PITCAIRN AI{D SOLOMON f SIAIIDS tci.t. sRUNET )ffir. EOI{G KONG A/r&oo E:ellslx D Page J COlmm S (ccntlnued.) Chapter Peragaphe Page NGII. FALKI.AND ISIANDS (IUAT.VIIVAS) KflV. 3ffiMUDA, BAEAMAS, TURKS AND CAICOS ISI,AI\DS AND CA]N4AN ISI,AI{DS Nff. IINITD STATES IIIRGff ISIANDS, BRITISE iIIRGIN ISIANDS, ( lesued ae t/58oo/ A}IT'IGLA, DOMIISICA, GRETSADA, MOI$]SEBRAT, SI.ICTTS- A(Io.'( ,/ NEITTS-AIVGIIIIIA, ST. LUCIA, ST. VINCE{T AND SARBADOS . .) }O$N. BRTTISE EONDI,RAS .......) ANNHCES I. I,EITB DATD 20 OCTOBIB 1964 FROM TEE REPBEStr\TIATI\IE OF TEE UN]trED lfiVGDOM TO TEE CEAIRI'{AN OF TEE SPECI.AL COMMITTIE II. ilTgI OF RtrRESEX\TATIVES ,aJo ^/Exg1lsb Page 4 T,T]ITtrA Or' TRANSI4ITTAL 22 December p64 Sir, I have the honour to trsj1snlt to you the report to the GeneraL Aesmb]-y of the speciaL conmlttee on the sltuatloa v'itb regard to the rnplellentatlon of the DecLaratloD on the Gra,:cting of rnd.epend.er.ce to coloalaL countrlee nnd- peopresr !x accordance v'ith General AoseabJ-y reso.Iutlon l_956 ( X!.Jfi ) of IL Decenber 196r, fhls report covers the vork of the Specla]- CoEnl.ttee durlng lp6lr. Tbe reporb of the SpectaL CommJttee conce!]llng the lary.}l.cattons of the actlsrties of the ninlng fuduEtry ard of the otJxer lnternatlonal- conparles ha.!.rng lnteregts 1n South Weet Afrlca, lrblcb llas regu.esbed. ln Geoera]- AseenbLy resolutLon 1899 (xmII) of 1, November L961, ls being transnltted to you sepEratery. * Accept, Slr, the assurances of Esr hlgheBt congid.eratLon. (srspea) gorl COUfiBALY Pregld.ent of. tbe SpecLaL CoEnlttee me Exce].lency U [haDt Secrctary-Genere,L United Natlons Nev York a./58).+o. L/r9oo ftagJ.lBh Fage 5 CEAPIER I ESTIBLISHMENI,oBGA}IIZATIoNAl{DAc[rlj.lrIEsoFTEESPECIAIC0I4MITTiEE A. ES[ABLfffiMm{g OF mE SPECJAL COl'$trmEE (XV) or 1. tre Generaf Assenbly, at lts flfteenth session, by resolutlon f5l-4 to 14 Decenber f960, adolted the Declaration on the Granting of IndependeBce CoLonial Co-untrles and Feoples. of 2. At tts sixteenth session the Geaeral Assenbly, foJ.J-ow"ing 1ts conElderation the situation wlth regard to the irplenentation of the DecLaration on the grantlng of independence to colooial countries and peopLes' adopted a resolution 1654 (xrru) of 27 Norre!fter L961 by shlch lt declded to establlsh Special.Coumltteeof-seventeenroembere.meft)eclatcolodtteefi'asd'lrected.to and recomendatlons exa.nine the apSlLcation of the Decla,rat!'on, to nake euggestlons ontheprogressa,nd.erbentofthelmtr.e@entatlonoftheDeclarationandtolteporE tnenbers of to the Generq'l Aosenbly at 1tB Beveateenth session' frre seventeen the SpeciaJ- Co@lttee liere: Au6tralia Talgarylka (nov the Unlted Republlc of Tanzanla] Cambodla Tunl sia Ethlopla Unlon of, Sovlet Soclalist nepubli'cs Iadia Unlted Ihngdon of Great Srlta;in and Ite.ly Northern Ire].and Iuad.aga,scar ijirlted States of nner:ica MaJ-1 Uruguay Polarxd Venezuela $rrla Yugoelavia conslderation 1. At its seventeenth sesslon the Geoeral AssenfiIy, fo1lovlng 1tg adopted of, tho report of 'uhe special CormLttee of Seventeen (A/5218) t member6hiB regoiutlon 1B1o (l$Ilf) of J-f Decernbe t :.:962 by whlch lt enlarged tbe aJxd lnvited the of the Speclal Comlttee by the addltion of seven nev &embe?6 alxd means enlarged Speclal cor0Blttee to contlnue to seek the mo 6t sui-tab1e l.tays territorLes for the sTeedy ard total appllcatlon of, the Declaratlon to a1l A/58oo &le!1sh sage b I r'rl:Lch have aot yet attained lnd,epend,ence. The nen, nembers added to the speclar- Co@dttee wer€ ! Bulga.eie Ixaq Chll-e Ivory CoeBt Derunark Si.erra leone fraa l+. At its etghteeath sesslon the Genera-1 Asse!ftrJ, forlol,tng 1ts consid,eration of the reporb of the Special- Co@lttee of, fventy-Four (a/5t+l+6 /ne:y,t) adopted resolution 1956 (xlErr ) of lL Deceabe I :1965 by whlch 1t requesbed, the specia.l coumittee continue to to seek the best "/ra,y6 and neans for the irmeclLate and, total applice,tlon of, the Decl-aratlon to 811 texrltories ,nhlch bave not yet attained. lndepeadence and to reporb to the General Asseurbly not later thptr at 1ts nlneteenth session. Ihe texb of resor.ution 1956 (xtrJrr) is reproduced ber-ou: "!he Genera]_ Assenbfy, "Becal-Ling the neclaratlon on tb.e graatlng of Lnd.ependence to colonlal countri.es ond. leop].e s contalned. ln tts re solution ].51L (XV) of Deceurber 14 J-p6O, and resolutions 1654 (Xrj.I) of 2l ilovember f96f anO r-Bro (xrfi) of u necenle r 1962 by irtu Genercer- Assenbry established the special colxolttee on the sltuatLoa"i:."i- vith to the fu$,1enenta,tlo! of the DecLaratlon on the grenting of lndepend,ence"egard to cor-onla-r, countrr.es and peopJ-ee, 'rIaving consid.ered. the report of the SpeclaJ. Ccmittee, xlaklps ln!o. conslderatlon the observatlons of the grecla.l_ Connittee Tegaro]-ng the ILst of territonies to be e:'Fn{ ned by it, ^ - "Ngltne lrlth *e.p reeret thet, three years a.fter the ad.option of the r€ciarataon, Eany terrltorles €,re stll:L unde" foreign dorrt aation and. that, in sone casee, not even preJj,mlnary ioea€ures have been taken tovards the atrpJ.lcatloa of the DecJ.aratlon, .- "lept, orlng the negatlve attltud e of cerbaln Ad:dnlsteri:ag powers and. theLr lax"tial or cor4>Lete refusaL to co-operate rd-lth the ftrecial co@xittee ln the furylenentatlon of the DecLaratlon, polrers _ "D-epl-oring furbher the asslstance given to some Adrninlsbering by certain sbates, whlch enablee those powers to Berel Bt ln their refusaL to apply the Declaratlon, t /5&oo &lgllsh Page 7 South West- Afrlca, "Ea!-inE ad-opted reso].utions on Southem Ehodesia, Territorles under .PorEuguese adnai-nlstration, Ad'en, Matta, tr'ijl, It*|",'" FhodesXa, Nyasa'land, Basutolard., Bechuana'Land a'nd S\tazlland and 'BrLl1sn Guiana, uI. Rea^ffl:ms its resolutlons 1!l-lr (r;V), 1654 (xvT) and 1B1o (rvrr); acconpLished by the "2. NoteE r,rlth appresig,tllg the vork ^Strncial' comittee onT6Affiiffift regard to the impLenentatlon of the of hddpend.ence to countrles and Decla"atlon on the Srantlng "oJ.on:ial peoples and. endorees lts eethods and proced'ures; u3. ApDroves the of the Strrecial Coroaittee and caJ-Ls upon the Admlnister6Fmrs 1q"eporb i;I'Ieloent the conclusions and recomaendations contalned, therein; rvays BequeBts the Special Comlttee to contlnue to seek the best "4. al-L und *uuns iffi" r*uai'rtu total applicatlon of tbe DecLaratlon to temitorles ,n'blch bave not yet"na attained- ind'ependence, end to report to the GeneraL AssenbJy not Later than at lts nineteenth sesoioni Powers to 't5. Deer:l"v regretg the refusa]. of certain Administer:i-ng co-oneratelffiEFeoia-L coornlttee and their continued dlsregard of the resolutlone of the Genera^l Asserqbly; of "6.
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