LakeLake SimcoeSimcoe MuskellungeMuskellunge RestorationRestoration ProjectProject (LSMRP):(LSMRP): Winter 2008 Jason Borwick Brad Allan Management Biologist Management Biologist Aurora District Midhurst District OutlineOutline HistoryHistory MovingMoving forwardforward towardtoward restorationrestoration CurrentCurrent LSMRPLSMRP overviewoverview LakeLake SimcoeSimcoe muskellungemuskellunge habitathabitat StockingStocking analysisanalysis AnnualAnnual nettingnetting effortsefforts && resultsresults AnnualAnnual eggegg collectionscollections MuskellungeMuskellunge cultureculture AnnualAnnual stockingstocking resultsresults PartnershipsPartnerships ProjectProject budgetbudget andand financialsfinancials NextNext stepssteps HistoryHistory Muskellunge are native to Lake Simcoe Commercial fishery for muskellunge in the late 1800’s Exceptional sport fishery in the early 1900’s Significant population decline by the 1930’s MNR stocked Kawartha Lakes strain muskellunge fry and fingerlings into Simcoe from 1936-1969 with little success “An attempt to restore the maskinonge fishery in Lake Simcoe under altered environmental conditions would constitute a worthwhile management research” (Macrimmon & Skobe, 1970) LossLoss ofof MuskellungeMuskellunge LOSS OF ADULTS LOSS OF SPAWNING LOSS OF JUVENILES FISH INCREASED SPORT FISH HARVEST MISIDENTIFICATION FISHING • COMMERCIAL •ILLEGAL •SPORT PHOSPHOROUS COMPETITION LOSS OF SPAWNING & MUSKELLUNGE NURSERY HABITAT HABITAT LOSS FISH POPULATION COMMUNITY DECLINE HABITAT •CARP LOSS TOXICITY •PIKE • PHYSICAL GENETIC DILUTION • MUSKELLUNGE •WATER STOCKING QUALITY SEDIMENTATION INCREASED HARVEST PREDATION OXYGEN DEPLETION HarvestHarvest EcologicalEcological ChangeChange HabitatHabitat LossLoss HoweverHowever…… 1996 1998 2003 - Very odd adult muskellunge reported as incidental catch on Lake Simcoe - Most likely roaming/foraging adults from small Couchiching population MovingMoving ForwardForward TowardToward RestorationRestoration • Surveyed 8 of the 20 historic sites for muskellunge habitat • Determined that 6 of the 8 habitats were good to excellent quality spawning and nursery habitats for muskellunge • Therefore sufficient habitat to further investigate feasibility Habitat Study (Cimbura & Buchanan, 2000) MovingMoving ForwardForward TowardToward RestorationRestoration Feasibility study determined that: “the restoration of muskellunge to Lake Simcoe is a feasible fisheries management objective” Recommended: 1) Significantly reduce harvest through regulations 2) Must protect existing and rehabilitate degraded habitats 3) Restore the population through annual stocking events 4) Continue to monitor and assess progress and success Feasibility Study (Buchanan & Lebeau, 2000) MovingMoving ForwardForward TowardToward RestorationRestoration Stocking Strategy (La Rose & Business Case (Muskies Buchanan, 2001) Canada Inc., 2002-2004) StartStart ofof CurrentCurrent LSMRPLSMRP ProjectProject 20042004--20052005 LSMRPLSMRP GoalGoal ““ToTo restorerestore aa selfself sustainingsustaining muskellungemuskellunge populationpopulation toto LakeLake SimcoeSimcoe throughthrough aa longlong termterm restorationrestoration projectproject includingincluding habitathabitat enhancementenhancement andand stockingstocking effortsefforts”” TheThe goalgoal isis notnot toto createcreate aa ““putput growgrow andand taketake”” fisheryfishery LSMRPLSMRP GeneralGeneral PlanPlan 1010 yearyear projectproject 55 yearsyears ofof stockingstocking 1010 yearsyears ofof stockingstocking andand populationpopulation assessmentassessment 1010 yearsyears ofof habitathabitat assessmentassessment andand rehabilitationrehabilitation InitialInitial RestorationRestoration EffortsEfforts TheThe muskellungemuskellunge fisheryfishery inin LakesLakes SimcoeSimcoe andand CouchichingCouchiching waswas closedclosed inin 20052005 GeneticsGenetics researchresearch waswas completedcompleted forfor muskellungemuskellunge populationspopulations acrossacross OntarioOntario AnnualAnnual nettingnetting && stockingstocking effortsefforts ““KnowKnow thethe DifferenceDifference”” campaigncampaign AnnualAnnual habitathabitat protectionprotection andand enhancementsenhancements KnowKnow thethe DifferenceDifference CampaignCampaign EssentialEssential messagemessage forfor anglersanglers SignageSignage installedinstalled aroundaround LakesLakes SimcoeSimcoe && CouchichingCouchiching AdditionalAdditional signssigns toto bebe installedinstalled LakeLake SimcoeSimcoe MuskellungeMuskellunge HabitatHabitat 2020 knownknown historichistoric spawningspawning andand nurserynursery habitatshabitats 88 ofof thesethese havehave beenbeen surveyedsurveyed 66 ofof thethe 88 surveyedsurveyed areare goodgood toto excellentexcellent qualityquality habitathabitat AdditionalAdditional habitathabitat surveyssurveys willwill bebe conductedconducted inin thethe summersummer ofof 20082008 focusingfocusing onon habitatshabitats fromfrom OrilliaOrillia toto LagoonLagoon CityCity 2020 HistoricHistoric SitesSites ExampleExample ofof HabitatHabitat AssessmentAssessment N r rr rrrr r rr r rrrrr 4 r rr rr r LAKE SIMCOE T$ r rrrrr 1 rr rrr . 5 m r r rr r r rr rrrr rr rrr r 1.5 m r rrrrrrrr rr rrrr r 3 rrrrrrrr rr rrrrT$ r rrr 2 1 r 2 rrrrrr PW T$ rrrrrrrr . 5 m rrr 3 rrrrrrrr r rr rr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rr rr rrr rr rrrr rr rrr rr rrr rrrrrr r rr r r r rrrrrr rrr rPW LP rr rrrrrrr rrr rr rrrrr rrrr rrr r rrT$r r r rrr r r rrrrr r rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr r PW rrr rrr rrrrrrrrrr r rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr r 4 CT rr rr r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrr CTr rrrr LP CT rrrrr Legend Morning Glory Swamp Potential Spawning and Nursery Area Wetland Hardstem Bulrush r rrrr rr Three Square Rush rrr r rr rr Cattail CT Pickerelweed PW Lily Pad Colony LP 40 0 40 80 120 Meters Seining Location $T Sector Number 2 1: 6500 HabitatHabitat WorkWork ContinuedContinued AA habitathabitat modelmodel hashas beenbeen createdcreated forfor LakeLake SimcoeSimcoe toto identifyidentify additionaladditional muskellungemuskellunge habitathabitat basedbased on:on: –Substrate –Flow/Current –Depth –Vegetation SmallSmall scalescale habitathabitat rehabilitationrehabilitation experimentexperiment inin HollandHolland MarshMarsh isis proposedproposed forfor 20082008 StockingStocking –– MajorMajor ChallengesChallenges WhatWhat eggegg sourcesource isis appropriate?appropriate? NobodyNobody raisingraising muskellungemuskellunge inin OntarioOntario RaisingRaising muskellungemuskellunge is:is: –– veryvery challengingchallenging (i.e.(i.e. cannibalism,cannibalism, etc.)etc.) –– ExperimentalExperimental inin termsterms ofof techniquestechniques –– VeryVery expensiveexpensive MostMost difficultdifficult challengechallenge waswas toto explainexplain toto publicpublic thatthat successfulsuccessful muskellungemuskellunge stockingstocking waswas notnot aa numbersnumbers gamegame butbut allall aboutabout qualityquality RiskRisk AnalysisAnalysis ofof StockingStocking StrategyStrategy MinimizeMinimize geneticgenetic harmharm toto CouchichingCouchiching muskymusky populationpopulation MinimizeMinimize diseasedisease riskrisk toto LakesLakes CouchichingCouchiching andand SimcoeSimcoe SuccessfulSuccessful attributesattributes ofof donordonor stock:stock: ¾AbilityAbility toto coexistcoexist withwith pikepike ¾ComparableComparable thermalthermal regimesregimes Broodstock Assessment ¾ComparableComparable spawningspawning andand (Butler & Wilson, 2004) nurserynursery habitathabitat GeneticsGenetics ResearchResearch 2323 differentdifferent populationspopulations (lakes)(lakes) inin OntarioOntario werewere testedtested ConclusionConclusion ÆÆ 11 speciesspecies ofof muskellungemuskellunge inin OntarioOntario ThereforeTherefore locallocal adaptationadaptation inin pastpast 10,00010,000 yearsyears 11 speciesspecies butbut stillstill geneticgenetic risksrisks ofof stockingstocking LevelsLevels ofof RiskRisk Disease Risk Genetic Risk CouchichingCouchiching None Low SparrowSparrow SevernSevern RiverRiver GloucesterGloucester PoolPool GeorgianGeorgian BayBay High Medium Georgian Bay Severn Sound Sparrow Lake Gloucester Pool Lake Couchiching Lake Simcoe Barrie StockingStocking StrategyStrategy MaximizeMaximize opportunityopportunity forfor naturalnatural reproductionreproduction throughthrough imprintingimprinting MaximizeMaximize survivalsurvival BestBest lifelife stagestage isis thereforetherefore fallfall fingerlingfingerling EnsureEnsure familiesfamilies areare diseasedisease testedtested (e.g.(e.g. VHS)VHS) MarkMark fishfish forfor futurefuture assessmentassessment (fin(fin clipping/codedclipping/coded wirewire tags)tags) FocusFocus onon saturatingsaturating mostmost appropriateappropriate assessedassessed nurserynursery habitatshabitats AnnualAnnual NettingNetting EffortsEfforts PastPast NettingNetting StudiesStudies 20012001 LakeLake CouchichingCouchiching –– startedstarted MayMay 2323rd ¾1 male musky ¾No eggs 20032003 LakeLake CouchichingCouchiching –– startedstarted MayMay 77th ¾10+ Musky Caught all in 1st week of netting ¾No eggs Æ All fish hard/spent AnnualAnnual NettingNetting ContinuedContinued 20052005 -- NettedNetted LakesLakes CouchichingCouchiching andand GloucesterGloucester PoolPool 20062006 –– NettedNetted GloucesterGloucester PoolPool onlyonly 20072007 –– NettedNetted GloucesterGloucester PoolPool andand GeorgianGeorgian BayBay (Severn(Severn Sound)Sound) NettingNetting DataData TheThe numbernumber andand speciesspecies capturedcaptured isis recordedrecorded forfor eacheach netnet setset
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