ADDITIONS TO THE HETEROPTERA-FAUNA OF THE CANARY ISLANDS 1 By E. HEISS & J. RIBES ** ABSTRACT: The present paper is a first addition to tbe preliminary cataloguo Jf the Heteropteru-fauna of the Canary Islands (HEISS & BAEZ.1990) and includes corrections, new taxonomic assignmcnts and further citations from literature and several new records. 29 species are reported as new to the Canarian fauna, but one species is a synonym (Geocoris pvbescens Jak. = G.timidus Put.) and 8 spccies are regarded as doubtíidspccies inquirenda which should be deleted from the list. This brings the total number of species known to date from Canary Islands to 333. Key words: Heteropteru, catalogue, new additions, Canary Islands RESUMEN: La presente aportación es una primera addenda al catálogo preliminar de los Heterópferos des las islas Canarias (HEISS & BAEZ, 1990). Incluye enmiendas, nuevos cambios taxonómicos, datos complementarios y numerosas citas inéditas. Todo ello se desglosa en cuatro secciones distintas dentro del segundo capítulo: referencias adicionales y cambios en la literatura, citas canarias nuevas, citas isleñas nuevas y specics inquirenda. De este acervo hay que entresacar 29 especies para incorporar a la fauna canaria, con relación a lar 3 13 inventariadas, pero una es una sinonimia (Geocoris pvbescem lak. = G.rimidus Put.) y 8 especies más se consideran dudosas, por lo que se eliminan de la lista, quedando pues un total de 333 especies que se estiman válidas. Toda la bibliografía es nueva. 1.1 N TRO D UC TI ON The publication of “A preliminary catalogue of the Heíeropíera of the Canary Islands” by HEISS & BAEZ (1990) as a compilation of the then available data from literature was an attempt to provide a kind of practica1 “check-list” without pretension of completeness. Since its preparation (1987) and during publication time additional informa- tion concerning omissions. corrections, new taxonomic assignments and new records were gathered by both present authors and are summarized in this paper. ~~ Joacf Schraffl-Strasse 2A, A-6020 Innsbruck. Austria ** Valencia 123-125, ent. 3a. E-0801 1 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Bol. Mur. Mun. Fuucbil, 44 (238): 77- 102 , 112 ISSN 0870 - 3876 78’ Boletim do Museu Municipal do Fundia No. XLN, Art. 238 The recent publications by HOBERLANDT( 1987); PUTSHKOV (1987) and Sigara (Halicorixa) selecta (FIEBER,1848) BAENA & BAEZ (1990) also comprise references of Canarian Heteroprera which are Sigara lugubris (FIEBER, 1848) = S.stagnalis (LEAcH,~~17) of NOUALHIER included here. CARVALHO (1957-i960), STICHEL (1955-1962), SLATER (1964) and (1893) sec. BAENA & BAEZ (1990); S.slagnalis NIESER & MONTES (1984) VAZQUEZ (1 987) repeat some very doubtful ancient records which should be C removed from the Canarian list, unless their presence there is proved. For practica1 reasons we use the same sequence of categories and abbrevia- Family No t o n e c t i da e tions as used in the “preliminary catalog”. It differs from the recently published “Verzeichnis der Wanzen Mitteleuropas” (G~NTHER & SCHUSTER, 1990) by Anisops sardeus HERRICH-SCHAEFFER,1853 another collocation of some suprageneric categories within the basically identical BAENA & BAEZ (1990) system e.g. now Leptopodomorpha come after Gerromorpha and Tingoidea are at the Alegranza beginning of Cimicomorpha. Family H e b r i da e The indication 1/1 refers to the number of malelfemale spechens found. Hebrus pusillus (FALLEN, 1807) 2. TAXONOMIC RESULTS The taxonornic status of the reported ssp. canariensis PO1SS0Ny1954 is questioned by NIESER & MONTES (1 984) and BAENA & BAEZ(1990) 2.1 Additional references and taxonomic‘changes from literature Merragata hebroides BUCHANAN WHITE, 1877 Family Corixidae BAENA & BAEZ (1990) Subfam. C o r i x i n aie H,F Corixa alfinis LEACH, 1817 Family Hydro m e f r ida e New to G, Alegranza, BAENA & BAEZ (1990) Hydrometra stagnorum (LINNAEUS, 1758) Sigara (Vermicorixa) lateralis (LEACH, 1817) New for F, L, cited in a tabie withouth giving data, BAENA & BAEZ (1990) The ssp.nakurui POISSON, 1958, which has beenreported from CanqIslands by LMDBERG (1961) and HOBERLANDT (1967) is a mere synonym of lateralis sec. FamilyMiridae JANSSON (1986), BAENA & BAEZ (1990) Subfam. D i cyph ina e Alegranza Cyrtopeltis (Canariesia) salviae CARAPEZZA, 1988 Sigara (Tropocorixa) hoggarica POISSON, 1929 CARAPEZZA (1988) BAENA & BAEZ (1990) .. New subgenus and species described on material from Tenerife. C T Sigara (Vermicorixa) scripta (RAMBUR, 1842) Dicyphus baezi RIBES, 1983 It has been verified that the reported specimens belong to S.lateralis The unknown female has been discovered and a brief description is given: (LEACH, 1817), for which reason this species has been excluded from the Canarian Macmpterous. Hemelytra slightly surpassing the apex of abdomen (considerably fauna by BAENA & BAEZ (1990) in). Antennal segment 11 yellowish with dark basd 1/3 and black apical 1/3. in 111 only the basa1 1/4 is yellowish (11 with a wide dark subapical ring and iight coloured . I 81 80 Bolethn do Museu Municipal do Funchal No. XLiV, Ah 238 Heiss & Ribes, Additions to he Heteroptera-hu~of the Canary 1s. 1 111 in ). Posterior lobe of pronotum with transverse rugosities (not distinct in ). Dark Cardiasleihus, Scoioposceiis, Xylocoris) are therefore placed here in Xylocorinae. coloration on corium less extended than in male. Morphology and pilosity as in male. Length 4.5 mm. Xylocoris obliquus COSTA, 1852 T - Aguamansa, 011 1.X.56. MORALES leg.er coll., RIBES der. GOMEZ MENOR (1956); STICHEL(1955 -62); not mentioned from the Canary lslands by PBRICART(1972) Subfam. M i r i n a e T Pinalirus conspurcatus (REUTER, 1873) = Orrhops conspurcarus Family N a b i d a e KERZHNER(1988a) Subfam. Nabinae New generic assignment 1 l \ Halonabis sarepíanus occidentalis KERZHNER, 1963 Pinalitus insularis (REUTER, 1895) = Orrhops insularis KERZHNER (1988b) KERZHNER(1988a) The author has revised the material cited by LiNDBERG & WAGNER( 1965) and New generic assignment confirms that it belongs to H.occidentalis. KERZHNER (1963) has originally de- scribed occideníalis as a ssp. ofsareptanus but gave it specific rank later. PBRICART Phylocoris (Eckerleinius) meinanderi WAGMR, 1968 (1987), whom we follow here has treated it again as a subspecies. WAGNER 1968,1970-75,1978; LINNAVUOU (1972); RIBES (1978) F, L,Graciosa Family Reduviidae Subfam. E m e s i n a e Subfam. P h y 1 i n ae Compsidoion (Chamaeliops) coiiare WAGNE~,1976 I Empicoris salinus (LINDBERG, 1932) WAGNER (1 978), add.ref.for T l VIDAL 1938; later repeated by DISPONS 1955; STICHEL (1955-62); ! WYGODZINSKY 1966; WBES (1973) Maurodactylus gomercnsis WAGNER, 1954 I “Canary lslands” ASWOLE & ASHMOLE (1988a) T - 1/1,15. and 22.11.84, Teide on snow, RIBES der.er coll. The record given by VIDAL refers to a specimen, which has been found in Morocco on bananas, which were imported from Canary Islands. Now a male . specimen from Tenerife, HElSS leg., which belongs to the salinus-group proves the Tuponia (Chlorotuponia) verricaíu WAGNER, 1975 previous record. A revision of the western europeaa species of Empicoris is in WAGNER 1978, add.ref.for T preparation by PUTSHKOV and RIBES. Ploiaria chilensis (PHILIPPI, 1862) Family Anthoc0rida.e WYGODZINSKY 1966, ASHMOLE & ASHMOLE (1988b), add.ref.for T Subfam. X y 1 o c o r i n a e Subfam. P e ira t i n a e The former subfamily Lyclocorinue has been given family rank (with the only genus Lycrocoris) by SCHUH & STYS (1991). Folloping their well founded assign- ’ The name Peiruíinae AMYOT el SERVILLE,( 1843) and PEIRATES SERVILLE, ment, the remaining genera reported from Canary Islands (Bruchysieles, (183 1) hasg been introduced by PUTSHKOV & PUTSHKOV (1985). Subsequently a2 Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal No. XLIV, Art. 238 1 1992 Heiss & Ribes, Additioos to the Heteroptera-fauna of the Canary 1s. I 83 i followed by KANYUKOVA (1988) but not by PUTSHKOV (1987) and GÜNTHER& Neides aduncus FIEBER, 1859 SCHUSTER (1990). 1 PBRICART(1984), additional record for l C i Ectomocoris chiragra (FABRICIUS, 1803) c Peirates chiragra l LINNAVUORI (1972a) 1 Family L y g a e i d a e New generic assignment Subfam. O r s i 1 i n a e Subfam. H a r p a c t o r i n a e Nysius (Macropari.us) cymoides (SPRJOLA, 1840) Coranus kerzhneri PUTSHKOV, 1982 BL~TE(1929), LINDBERG (1936,1953) PUTSHKOV (1987) As part o€ the material cited by the latter author was used for the description “Canary Islands” t of N.latus WAGNER, 1958, the distribution of N-cymoides on the islands is not clear, but seems to be common. Family Aradigae PGTC F(?) Subfam. A r a d i n a e Nysius (sstr.) thymi latus WAGNER, 1958 = N’sius latus WAGNER, 1958 Aradus canariensis KORMILEV, 1954 LINNAVUORI (1986). ASHMOLE& ASHMOLE (1988a, 1989) According to PÉRlCART in-lirt. N.latus might be a synonym of Nericae T - add. reference from Teide on snow, 110 15.1134, RIBES der. (SCHILLiNG,1829). ASHMOLE & ASHMOLE (1988a) report some specimens from T, Teide on snow, 30.III.and 1.V.84, RIBES det. Family B e r y t i d a e New specific assignment. Subfam. Berytinae Subfam. I s c h n o r h y n c h i n a e Beryrinus (Lizinus) geniculatus HORVATH, 1885 PÉRKART(1984) Kleidocerys ericae (HORVATH, 1909) = K. lruncatulus truncatulus auct. T CARAYON, 1989 The author has investigated the European species and considers K.truncatulus Berytinus (s.str.) hirticornis pilipes PUTON, 1875 (WALKER, 1872) as an endemic species of Madeira. = hirticornis nigrolineatus in HEISS &¿ BAEZ (1990) Canaria specimens belong to the widespread Euro-Mediterranean K.ericae. PERICART(1984) Subspecific reassignment as ssp. pilipes represents the west mediterrgnean Subfamily G e o c o r i n a e subspecies. Recorded from W,T Geocoris (Eilatus) chloroticus PUTON, 1888 = G.nigriceps ,189 1 LINNAVUORI (1972b) Berytinus (Lizinus) montivagus (MEYER-DÜR,184 1) New subgeneric assignment.
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