LA CALIDAD DEL AGUA EN LAS AMÉRICAS | RIESGOS Y OPORTUNIDADES 1 Water Quality in the Americas Risks and Opportunities WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 1 Water Quality in the Americas Risks and Opportunities 2 WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES The Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences IANAS IANAS is a regional network of Academies of Sciences created to support cooperation to strengthen science and technology as tools for advancing research and development, prosperity and equity in the Americas. IANAS is regional member of the Inter Academy Partnership (IAP). IANAS Water Program of IANAS Co-Chairs: Juan Asenjo and Jeremy McNeil Co-Chairs: Katherine Vammen (Nicaragua), Directora Ejecutiva: Adriana de la Cruz Molina Co-Chair Honorarios: José Editorial Committee Henry Vaux (USA). SpanishTundisi (Brasil) proofreading and Blanca Jiménez (México). Gabriel Roldán (Colombia), Jose Tundisi (Brazil), Blanca Jiménez and authors of the chapters. (Mexico), Katherine Vammen (Nicaragua), Henry Vaux (USA), Ma. Areli Montes Suárez Ernesto González (Venezuela) with the collaboration of Miguel Doria Translation of UNESCO-IHP for Latin America and the Caribbean. Book Coordination Suzanne D. Stephens Katherine Vammen, Heny Vaux and Adriana de la Cruz Molina. Editorial Design Reviewers Committee Víctor Daniel Moreno Alanís Administrative Support Gabriel Roldán (Colombia), Katherine Vammen (Nicaragua), Henry Vaux (USA), Ernesto González (Venezuela), Ricardo Izurieta (Ecuador), José Fábrega (Panama) and Pablo Pastén González (Chile). Alejandra Muñoz Buenrostro We are grateful for the reviews by the National Committees and Focal Points of the International Hydrological Program, as well as the Members of CODIA who responded to the request for revision of the chapters of this publication. - - Printed by The Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS-IAP) Calle Cipreses s/n, Km 23.5 de la Carret - era Federal México-Cuernavaca, 14400 Tlalpan, Ciudad de México, México and the United Nations Educational, Scientif ic and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France, con oficina UNESCO en Monte video, Edificio Mercosur, Luis Pereira 1992, 2o piso, casilla de correo 859, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay. © IANAS 2019 ISBN: 978-607-8379-33-0 Printed in México - Open Access under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) license (http://creativecommons.org/licens es/by-sa/3.0/igo/). For the printed and electronic book the present license applies exclusively to the text content of the publication. For the use of any material not clearly identified as belonging to IANAS, IAP or UNESCO prior permission shall be requested from: [email protected]. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The ideas and of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IANAS, IAP, UNESCO or CODIA concerning the legal status of any country, or CODIA and do not commit the Organization. opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors; they are not necessarily those of IANAS-IAP, UNESCO - This publication has been printed on ecological paper (FSC Certification): one part of the fibers is from recycled materi in order to contribute to the conservation of water resources. al and the other from forests exploited in a sustainable manner. Moreover, this paper is chlorine free (ECF Certification) WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 3 Water Quality in the Americas Risks and Opportunities 4 WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Academies and scientific organizations affiliated to IANAS Argentina Robert Williams, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Argentina www.ancefn.org.ar Juan Tirao, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias www.anc-argentina.org.ar/es/ Brazil Luiz Davidovich, President Academia Brasileira de Ciências www.abc.org.br Bolivia Gonzalo Taboada López, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia www.aciencias.org.bo Canada Chad Gaffield, President The Royal Society of Canada : The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada https://rsc-src.ca/en/ Caribbean Winston Mellowes, President Caribbean Academy of Sciences www.caswi.org Chile María Cecilia Hidalgo Tapia, President Academia Chilena de Ciencias www.academia-ciencias.cl Colombia Enrique Forero, President Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales www.accefyn.org.co Costa Rica Pedro León Azofeita, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias Costa Rica www.anc.cr Cuba Luis Velázquez Pérez, President Academia de Ciencias de Cuba www.academiaciencias.cu WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 5 Ecuador Washington Benítez, President Academia de Ciencias del Ecuador www.academiadecienciasecuador.org Dominican Republic Luis Scheker Ortiz, President Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana www.academiadecienciasrd.org Guatemala María del Carmen Samayoa, President Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de Guatemala www.interacademies.net/Academies/ByRegion/LatinAmericaCarribbean/Guatemala/ Honduras Mario Lanza, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Honduras www.guspepper.net/academia.htm Mexico José Luis Morán López, President Academia Mexicana de Ciencias www.amc.unam.mx Nicaragua María Luisa Acosta, President Academia de Ciencias de Nicaragua www.cienciasdenicaragua.org Panama Martín Candanedo, President Asociación Panameña para el Avance de la Ciencia www.apanac.org.edu.pa Peru Gustavo González, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Perú www.ancperu.org United States of America Marcia McNutt, President The US-National Academy of Sciences www.nasonline.org Uruguay Rafael Radi, President Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la República Oriental del Uruguay www.anciu.org.uy Venezuela Gioconda San-Blas, President Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela www.acfiman.org.ve 6 WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Contents Foreword 10 A General Overview of Water Quality in the Americas 12 Important Aspects related to Water Quality Water and Society. The multidimensionality of water quality 20 María Luisa Torregrosa, Daniela de las Mercedes Arellano Acosta and Karina Kloster Water and Health 27 Martín Forde, Ricardo Izurieta, Banu Ôrmeci, Mercedes Arellano and Kerry Mitchell Biological Monitoring of Water Quality in the Americas 37 Ernesto González and Gabriel Roldán Use of New Methodologies in Monitoring and Zoning Water Bodies in Argentina 51 César Luis García, Carlos Catalini and Carlos Marcelo Garcíae On the subject of water quality in the Americas: Argentinas 57 Coordinators: Raúl A. Lopardo and Luis E. Higa. Authors: Emilio J Lentini, José María Regueira, Melina Tobías and Raúl A. Lopardo Drinking Water Quality in Bolivia 77 Coordinador: Fernando Urquidi. Authors: Carlos D. España Vásquez and Fernando Urquidi Water Quality In Brazil 104 Coordinators: José Tundisi y Carlos Bicudo. Authors: Adalberto Luís Val, Carlos E. de M. Bicudo, Denise de C. Bicudo, Diego Guimarães Florencio Fernando Rosado Spilki, Ina de Souza Nogueira, Ivanildo Hespanhol, José Almir Cirilo, José Galizia Tundisi, Pedro Val, Ricardo Hirata, Sandra Maria Feliciano de Oliveira e Azevedo, Silvio Crestana and Virginia S.T. Ciminelli. Past, Present and Future Challenges to Management of Freshwater Quality in Canada 129 D. W. Schindler WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 7 Special Chapter 149 Water Quality and Alternative Energy Nexus in the Americas Kwame Emmanuel y Anthony Clayton. With the special contribution of Julián Despradel, Judith Franco, José María Rincón-Martínez, Diana Marcela Durán-Hernández, Melio Sáenz y Felipe Cisneros, Claudio Wheelock, Julio López de la Fuente, Erick Sandoval, Juan Rodríguez, Roberto Castello Tió and Mireya R. Goldwasser Water Quality in Chile: Progress, Challenges and Perspectives 161 Coordinator: Pablo Pastén. Authors: Pablo Pastén, Alejandra Vega, Paula Guerra, Jaime Pizarro and Katherine Lizama Water Quality in Colombia 192 Coordinator: Gabriel Roldán-Pérez. Authors: Gabriel Roldán-Pérez, Claudia Patricia Campuzano Ochoa, Diego Alejandro Chalarca, Francisco José Molina Pérez, Diana Catalina Rodríguez Loaiza, Carlos Augusto Benjumea- Hoyos, Silvia Lucía Villabona-González and María Isabel Ríos-Pulgarín. Water Quality in Costa Rica 228 Coordinator: Hugo G. Hidalgo. Authors: Hugo G. Hidalgo, Monika Springer, Yamileth Astorga, Eddy Gómez, Ingrid Vargas and Édgar Meléndez Water Quality in Cuba 255 Coordinator: Joaquín B. Gutiérrez Díaz. Authors: Joaquín B. Gutiérrez Díaz and Jorge Mario García Fernández Water Quality in the Dominican Republic 271 Coordinator: Eleuterio Martínez. Authors: Eleuterio Martínez, Roberto Castillo Tió, Luis Reyes Tatis, Pedro de León and Luis Salcedo Water Quality in Ecuador 303 Coordinator: Ricardo Izurieta. Authors: Ricardo Izurieta, Arturo Campaña, Juan Calles, Edmundo Estévez and Tatiana Ochoa Water Quality in the Americas: El Salvador 326 Julio César Quiñónez Basagoitia 8 WATER QUALITY IN THE AMERICAS | RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Water Quality in the Americas: Caribbean-Grenada 355 Coordinator: Martin S. Forde. Authors: Kerry Mitchell, Martin S. Forde and Allan Neptune Water Quality in Guatemala 268 Coordinator: Manuel Basterrechea. Authors: Manuel Basterrechea, Margaret Dix, Sharon van Tuylen, Ángela
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