AUGUST 18, 1958 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS B RCit eo. 4yactpd!)CASTI N G THE BUSI' £N 410i 'ON AND RADIO ais yz,ZrIgol.2..s, a0 epr: .ou Broadcast-busy 85th Congress about out of the v._ Page 31 Automotive accounts get in gear for fall schedules Page 39 CBS's record six months profit tops RCA for first time Page 62 National Theatres dickering to buy National Telefilm control Page 82 all sale ... no spurn! FIRST AND ONLY: won't chase viewers . guaranteed! FIRST AND ONLY: stays with audience for full effect! The first television station that is thoroughly absorbed - down through the first layer, right to the second layer of audience con- sciousness. It gives you a new, deep kind of penetration. This softens the sell luxuriously. Leaves no sticky mess to block the sales message. KPRC -TV gives you a faster, longer- lasting impact. A beautiful sun -gold sale . All sale ... no spurn! EDWARD PETRY & CO., NatIOnI Raplaaantativas MORNlNGS1DE COLLEGE LIBRARY CHANNEL ROUX CITY IOWA new KPRCTV With apologies to Tartan) Sometimes when we feel the need for a little self -glorification, we run a slogan with our station call -letters. It reads: The Travel- Adventure station. Seems there are a lot of people, perhaps a couple of million in Southern California, who get a vicarious kick out of seeing far -off places; and the farther the better. Well, to accommodate this mass hunger for travel, several months ago we cleared a full- hour's strip between 7 and 8 each weekday night, and filled it with no less than 10 different T. & A. programs. We won't claim every show's a blockbuster, but most are downright fascinating to a great many people, as a bucketful of ratings will verify. The fellow who supplies us with some of the best of the series is Bill Burrud. Whether it's chasing witch -doctors down the Congo, or searching a fortune in Trinidad treasure, Bill's camera -laden cohorts have captured some pretty exciting, and beautiful, stuff. And Burrud, who in tenderer years was a movie moppet, handles his chores as host and narrator with personable charm. Now watch out! Here's the pitch. As this is written, Burrud's Wanderlust, on Mondays, which has always been one of KCOP's outstanding programs, is momentarily available. It is uniquely entertaining; attracts a family audience; and delivers a goodly chunk of the Southern California market. Interested? Give your Petry Man or us a call. Los Angeles' most powerful station represented nationally by Edward Petry & Co., Inc. 1 0 0 0 N C A H U E N G A , N O L L Y W O O D 3 8 hardly a prospect for a new car,,,. Oh, don't get us wrong ... Susie would dearly love to see a new 1959 model in the driveway - but it's Mom and Dad who control the purse- strings. And lets face it: Mom's average hectic day is being spent more and more with the soothing music of the standards and better pops ... the kind of music she can always find on WFAA RADIO! And Dad? Well, he's still a newshound and sports fan - preferring network radio to keep him posted accurately and quickly. Here, too, more men turn to WFAA RADIO than any other! Moral: It pays to pinpoint your advertising! the stations with "variety programming" W FAA 820 570 5000 WATTS D A L L A S NBC A B C Radio service of The Dallas Morning News Edward Petry & Co., National Representative Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by SnonacnsrINO PUBLICATIONS INC., 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 19, 1933 at Post Office, Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. sales grow LARGER Your profits increase! This pioneer station ranks first in Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, as well as in numerous other cities: Gettysburg, Hanover. Lebanon, Cham- bersburg, Carlisle, Lewistown. etc. Your advertising budget goes farther! The multi -city coverage which WGAL -TV delivers costs you far less than buying single -city coverage. The list of advertisers using the selling force of this pioneer station grows larger all the time. WGAL -TV is important in your selling plans. 1,040,465 households 942,661 TV households 3,691,785 people $3% billion annual retail sales $6% billion annual income GAL-1V LANCASTER, PA. NBC and CBS STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. AMERICA'S 10th TV MARKET HARRISBURG <uuw. ,.. tu 0111111100 -- LANCASTERLANCASTERÍ <. YORK 011W. ..... ^.-.. <,.YI.. ...... n..,r1. OInTfu.0 .... S . Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Page 4 August 18, 1958 BROADCASTING closed circuit UP FOR GRABS? Will precedent be ters around what steps, if any, may be ownership to dispose of properties which established by return of valuable vhf taken during Congressional recess to cope have been in same hands for generations. facility to FCC? That could happen in with increasingly acute problem caused Wilmington - by demands of Government (military) for case of ch. 12 WVUE -TV DETERGENT FEUD Here are in- if Broadcasting Co. more spectrum space. One prediction is Philadelphia, Storer and fascinating corn - purchaser at President Eisenhower will appoint his own gredients of frantic does not find acceptable petitive battle in detergents field: Intro- equitable price for this facility, which study group which, of course, would not duction by Procter & Gamble, Lever multiple owner- be binding on Congress, and therefore must be disposed of under Bros. and Colgate- Palmolive of all -pur- -plus have no legislative force. ship rule by virtue of Storer's $4.5 pose liquid household detergents. To be 6 WITI -TV Milwaukee acquisition of ch. introduced market -by- market: P & G's [AT DEADLINE, Aug. 111 Irrespective of what President may do, Mr. Clean, C-P's Genie and Lever's it's foregone conclusion that at next ses- Handy Andy. Last -named product Friday Pending offers for WVUE -TV are be- sion Congress again will consider legisla- (Aug. 15) named Kenyon & Eckhardt, ing considered, and others are being tion for study, but in more relaxed manner New York, which will test in Chicago and sought, it's learned. Storer paid $5.6 mil- and without pressure of eleventh hour Baltimore. Genie, via McCann- Erickson, on lion for tv property, plus highly profitable amendments which spelled doom of Potter at present is testing radio -tv in San WIBG -AM -FM Philadelphia, which will Resolution in House because it shifted Francisco market, while Mr. Clean, via not be sold. Unless Storer closes with focus of probe from military to radio and Tatham- Laird, Chicago, is expected to qualified purchaser at worthwhile price, it tv use and FCC management of alloca- move with broadcast media. would be prudent taxwise to turn in license tions. Big question will be whether probe into account cash write -off should be handled by special commission to FCC, taking by soap giants in all -pur- to WVUE- or by joint congressional study committee. New moves of purchase price attributable detergents come as Lestoil said to ex- (See editorial, page 110). pose liquid TV plus accumulated losses, (Adel! Chemical Co., Holyoke, Mass.), per month since acquisi- ceed $100,000 $9 million per year spot tv advertiser, con- tion in May, 1957. COMING ATTRACTION Surprise tinues to open up new markets reaching package of NAB Fall Conference series southward from its original northeast U. S. MILWAUKEE RIDDLE Acquisition starting Sept. 18 will be specially pro- area (now in Georgia, slated to open by Storer of ch. 6 WITI -TV Milwaukee duced film dramatizing tv code violations Miami next) and westward (now in Detroit has aroused speculation on fate of CBS - (including cleavage). Fifteen- minute docu- and newly in Evansville [see story, page 46] to enter St. Louis). owned ch. 19 WXIX (TV) in Milwaukee. mentary is based on clandestine romance and expected It's open secret that WXIX hasn't ac- in which denouement graphically dem- Lestoil is Adell's only mass -sold product; in given quired status hoped for any more than onstrates common program and commer- company forces distribution mar- ket via tv campaign on all stations ch. 17 WBUF (TV) Buffalo did job for outlawed code. spot with this has become its NBC owner, with result that latter and pattern tv's spectacular multi-million- dollar success facility is being dropped in October in J. L. (Jack) Van Volkenburg, who story. favor of ch. 2 WGR -TV regular affilia- CBS Television tion. But CBS, according to highest au- resigned as president of family reasons, has thority, has no present intention of quit- 20 months ago for DAYBREAK EXTENSION Reports from Englewood, Fla., to Los ting uhf and, in fact, is now shifting moved place ABC -TV's "Operation Daybreak" where he will become executive WXIX (TV) from ch. 19 to ch. 18 in Angeles close to SRO with advertisers committed only indirectly accordance with recent FCC authoriza- head of new enterprise to 56 out of 60 available quarter -hours related to broadcast field. Announcement tion. Because of other Storer affiliations per week. Favorable advertiser response of project may be made this week. Since with CBS -TV, speculation generally is has network officials turning naturally to his resignation, he has continued as con- on shift of WITI -TV to that network. possible extension of daybreak to total sultant with CBS. 70 quarter -hours weekly by making 11:30 a.m.-noon period available. Now con- Arbitron, learned authoritatively that ARBITRON UNKINKED firmed: Addition in OD of Armour & It was also American Research Bureau's new "instant at least four companies had varying op- Co., through Foote, Cone & Belding, and ratings" service whose New York start tions to purchase ch.
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