VOL. LXXVIII FASC. 156 JULY-DECEMBER 2009 ARCHIVUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU Thomas M. McCoog, S.J. Editor Advisory Editors Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke (Munich) Julius Oswald, SJ. (Augsburg) Paul Begheyn, S.J. (Amsterdam) Ulderico Parente (Naples) Robert L. Bireley, SJ. (Chicago) Anton ella Romano (Florence) Francesco Cesareo (Worcester, Ma.) Flavio Rurale (Udine) Kathleen M. Comerford (Statesboro) Lydia Salviucci-Insolera (Rome) Marek lnglot, SJ. (Rome) Nuno da Silva Gon~alves, SJ. (Lisbon) Jeffrey Klaiber, SJ. (Lima) Nicolas Standaert, S.J. (Leuven) Mark A Lewis, S.J. (New Orleans) Robert Trisco (Washington, D.C.) Antonio Maldonado, SJ. (Cordoba) M. Antoni J. O~erler, SJ. (Oxford) Martin M. Morales, SJ. (Rome) Agustin Udias, SJ. (Madrid) TABLE OF CONTENTS The Jesuit Order as a "Synagogue of Jews": Discrimination against Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry in the Early Society ofJesus RobertA. Maryks 339 Leben und Werk des Wiirzburger Mathematikers Kaspar Schott S.J. julius Oswald, S.J. 417 Kaspar Schotts Arithmetica Practica Hans-Joachim Vollrath 443 Bibliography of the History of the Society of Jesus 2009 Paul Beghryn, S.J. 473 Reviews 571 Jesuit Historiographical Notes 595 Books Received 603 Index 607 ARCHIVUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU Back issues may be obtained. The price for a single issue is € 20,00 (plus postage). Volumes 1-L (1981) may be purchased for € 35,00 (plus postage) a volume. Volumes LI-LXIX (1982-2000) are € 40,00 (plus postage) a volume. Anyone purchasing a complete set of volumes I-LXIX (1932-2000) with the three volumes of index will receive a 30% discount. The four volumes of indices (vol. 1 :I-XX [1932-1951); vol. 2: XXI-XXX [1952-1961); vol. 3: XXXI-L [1962-1981); val. 4: LI-LX [1982-1991)) are available for € 20,00 or $22.00 each. Articles from back issues of the Archivum may also be obtained electronically from Pro Quest through their website at: <http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK> While pre-1996 are available electronically, current issues are not published on-line. Manuscripts, books for review, news for the historiographical notes section, should be addressed to Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu; C.P. 6139; 00195 Roma-Prati, or Borgo S. Spirito, 4; 00193 Rome; telephone number 39-06-689- 77466; fax number 39-06-689-77461; e-mail address: <[email protected]> All inquiries concerning subscriptions, orders, payments, etc. should be addressed to Secretary, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, at the above address. Requests for volumes not received and presumably lost in the post will only be acknowledged for one year after issue date. Subscription for 2009: $50.00 or € 36,00. Published Semi-Annually by Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 0037-8887 Copyright 2009 by the lnstitutum Historicum Societatis lesu BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS 2009 Paul Begheyn, S.J. I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting together this bibliography: Alberto Arrocha Duarte (Sevilla), Fernando Arrocha Duarte SJ (Malaga), Nicoletta Basilotta (Rome), Geza Bikfalvi (Budapest), Clemens Brodkorb (Munchen), Bernard Deprez (Leuven), Oldfich Kaspar (Prague), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Leuven), Laszlo Szilas SJ (Rome), and Gabriel Maria Verd SJ (Malaga). For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please tum to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www.ignaziana.org, a review of theological research. You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Paul Begheyn, S.J. Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies Singel448 1017 AV Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected] GENERAL INDEX I. THE ENTIRE SOCIETY A General History 1. Auxiliary Sciences 1-5 2. Historical Works 6-20 B. Special History 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 21-45 2. Institute 46-65 473 474 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE JESUITS 3. Spiritual Exercises 66-76 4. Spirituality 77-82 5. Pastoral Activities 83-86 6. Cultural Activities 87-138 7. Polemical Writings 139-140 II. COUNTRIES A. Africa 141-149 B. America 150-226 C. Asia 227-263 D. Europe 264-489 III. PERSONS Persons in alphabetical order 490-992 Complementary list of persons 557 Index of authors 558 I. THE ENTIRE SOCIETY A. GENERAL HISTORY 1. Auxiliary sciences 1. L. Polgar & N. Basilotta, 'Bibliography on the history of the Society ofJesus', AHSI70 (2001), 265-579. 2. Catalogus defunctorum in renata Societate Iesu (II) 1970-1985, Romae, Curia Praepositi Generalis, 2001, 95 p. 3. P. Begheyn, 'Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus: Additions to the 2007 edition', AHSI 77 (2008), 213-219. 4. P. Begheyn, 'Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus (2008)', AHSI 77 (2008), 347-496. 5. 'Bibliografia lgnaciana 2007', Manresa 80 (2008), 267-298. 2. Historical works 6. A. Guerra, 'Note a margine della vita religiosa nel Cinquecento: i primi Gesuiti', Dimensioni eproblemi della ricerca storica 1 (2000), 89-100. PAUL BEGHEYN, S.J. 475 7. M. Sievernich, 'Homo jesuiticus', in M. Schwarze (ed.), Der neue Mensch. Perspektiven der Renaissance, Regensburg, Pustet, 2000, 53-78. 8. I. Fernandez Arrillaga, 'Entre el repudio y la sospecha: los jesuitas secularizados', Revista de Historia Moderna 21 (2003), 7-41. 9.]. Wright, Los jesuitas. Una historia de los soldados de Dios, Mexico, Random House I Mondadori, 2005, 368 p. 10. D. Babarczi, A}e!(!IS Tdrsasdgfelos'\fatdsa (1759-1773) [The dissolution of the Society of Jesus], Szeged,JATEPress, 2006,54 p. 11. J.W. O'Malley, Az elso jezsuitdk [The first Jesuits], Budapest, Szent Istvan T:irsulat, 2006, 486 p. 12. E. Fontana Castelli, "La Compagnia di Gesit sotto altro nome':· Niccolo Paccanari e Ia Compagnia della fide di Gesit (1797-1814), Roma, Institutum Historicum S.I., 2007,325 p. 13. K. Fiilep, 'Dominus ac Redemptor Noster, 1773', Magyar Egyhd~o·rteneti Vd'\fatok- Regnum 19 (2007), 109-147. 14. M.M. Morales, 'El arte se me ha perdido. Aproximaciones a la historiografia jesuitica', in La prueba del tiempo: Ia Compania de Jesus, [Ciudad de Mexico], Universidad Iberoamericana, 2007, 17-56. 15. S. Pavone, Losjesuitas desde los origenes basta Ia suppresiOn, Buenos Aires, Libros de la Araucaria, 2007, 171 p. 16. P. Shore, 'Recent studies in Jesuit history', The Journal of Religious History 31 (2007), 316-323 . 17. T. Worcester (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Jesuits, Cambridge [etc.], Cambridge University Press, 2008, 361 p. 18. T. Worcester, 'Jesuits today', in T. Worcester (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Jesuits, Cambridge [etc.], Cambridge University Press, 2008,319-327. 19. J. Wright, 'The Suppression and Restoration', in T. Worcester (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Jesuits, Cambridge [etc.], Cambridge University Press, 2008, 263-277. 20. H. Yannou, jesuites et compagnie, Paris, Lethielleux, 2008, 398 p. 476 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE JESUITS B. SPECIAL HISTORY 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 561, 610, 793, 956, 983. 21. E. Nemesszeghy, 'Loyolai Szent lgnac jelentosege a mai korban' [Importance of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in our time], Tdvlatok 66 (2004), 466- 480. 22. A.J. Coelho (ed.), Autobiografia de Santo Indcio de uiola, Braga, Editorial Apostolado da Oras:ao, 2005, 151 p. 23. P.A. Fabre, 'Une sentence ignatienne. Malentendu et construction theologique dans Ia culture jesuite du XVIIe siecle', inN. Bouter (ed.), Ecrire son histoire. Les communautis rigulieres face aleur passe, Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne, 2005, 521-528. 24. T. Spidlik, E/ "Starets" Ignacio. Un gemplo de paternidad spiritua4 Burgos, Monte Carmela, 2005, 165 p. 25. A.J. Coelho (ed.) , Santo Indcio de uiola, Cartas, Braga, Editorial Apostolado da Oras:ao, 2006, 375 p. 26. D.A. Dombrowski, '"All for the greater glory of God": Was St. Ignatius irrational?', lAgos 9 (2006), 109-117. 27. Z. Dzurii:ikova, 'Ikonografia a kult sv. Ignaca z Loyoly a sv. Frantiska Xaverskeho' [Iconography and cult of Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Francis Xavier], in Jezuitske fko/stvo vfera a dnes, Trnava, Trnavska univerzita, 2006, 129-140. 28. G. Hevenesi, Iskry sv. Ignaca [Sparks of Saint Ignatius], Trnava, Dobra kniha, 2006,270 p. 29. N. Lohfink, 'Liebe zum Heiligen Land: Christusnahe bei Ignatius von Loyola', Geist und Leben 79 (2006), 401-406. 30. M.A. Lluch Villalba & C. Mata Indur:iin, 'San Ignacio de Loyola en el tearro espaiiol del siglo XX: El caballero de Dios Ignacio de Loyola (1923) de Juan Marzal, S.l., y El capitan de si mismo (1950) de Manuel lribarren',Anuario del Instituto Ignacio de !Ayola 13 (2006), 315-337. 31. R. Ondrus: Rytier a reformdtor. iivotopis sv. Igndca !Ayolskiho (Knight and Reformer. The Biography of Saint Ignatius of Loyola], Trnava, Dobra kniha, 2006,320 p. 32. J .M. Rodriguez Olaizola, Ignacio de !Ayo/a, nunca solo, Madrid, San Pablo, 2006, 287 p. PAUL BEGHEYN, S.J. 477 33. M. Schneider, 'Zum 450. Todestag des hl. Ignatius von Loyola', Theologische Revue 102 (2006), 371-374. 34. F. Szabo, 'A ,szolg.ilat misztikaja" Szent lgnacnal' [The ,mystic of service" in Saint Ignatius of Loyola], Tdvlatok 71 (2006), 5-12. 35. G. Arledler, 'Una nuova edizione degli scritti diS. lgnazio di Loyola', La Civilta Cattolica 158/3 (2007), 135-142. 36. M. Gerwing, 'Ignatius von Loyola', Theologie und Glaube97 (2007), 105-111. 37. S.C. Kessler, "'Freunde im Herrn": das Freundschaftsideal des Ignatius von Loyola. Die Spannung zwischen Freundschaft und Sendung als Ferment kirchlicher Erneuerung', Communio 36 (2007), 258-269. 38. C.I. Ossowski, 'Relendo cartas de Inacio de Loyola e posic;oes de sujeito. Inspirac;ao para uma pedagogia inaciana?', Broteria 165 (2007), 457-469. 39. K. Vechtel, 'Das Priesterbild des Ignatius und die Priesterausbildung heute', Geist und Leben 80 (2007), 94-108. 40. ].C. Coupeau, 'Five personae of Ignatius of Loyola', in T. Worcester (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Jesuits, Cambridge [etc.], Cambridge University Press, 2008, 32-51.
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