Prepared Microscope Slides in Systematic Order 49 PREPARED MICROSCOPE SLIDES IN SYSTEMATIC ORDER The list of the available microscopic specimens was also revised and further essentially completed. Their systematic arrangement facilitates the finding of slides necessary to compile series for special use. A detailed list of contents is found on page 76. Helpful for orientation are the • marked slides of important specimens which are characteristic and representative of the taxonomic group or of the subject. Various slides are available only in small number or have a long delivery period, as their material is either rare or causes unusual difficulties in processing. This applies particularly to the slides marked with an asterisk * in the catalogue, for which we cannot guarantee delivery. Abbreviations: t.s. transverse or cross section l.s. longitudinal section w.m. whole mount or entire specimen Pr2114d Phacus, flat heart-shaped cells w.m. Pr2115e Trachelomonas, a free swimming species of PROTOZOA the Euglenophyta Pr212c • Ceratium hirundinella, a fresh water di- Rhizopoda (Sarcodina) noflagellate w.m. Pr2121c Ceratium, slide showing different marine forms Pr112e • Amoeba proteus, showing nucleus, endo- w.m. plasm, ectoplasm, food vacuoles, pseudopodia Pr2123d Peridinium, a fresh water dinoflagellate w.m. Pr112e Pr211c w.m. Pr213d • Noctiluca miliaris, a large marine flagellate Pr113f Amoeba proteus, section through specimens causing the phosphorescence of the sea, w.m. Pr114f • Entamoeba histolytica, causes amebic dys- Pr225h Chilomastix mesnili, flagellate found in human entery, smear from feces intestine, nonpathogenic, smear with trophozo- Pr1141h Entamoeba histolytica, causes amebic dys- ites * entery, smear showing trophozoites (asexual Pr2252h Chilomastix mesnili, smear with cysts forms) * Pr221h Giardia lamblia intestinalis, human parasite, Pr1142h Entamoeba histolytica, causes amebic dys- smear with trophozoites * Pr1142h entery, smear showing cysts * Pr2212h Giardia lamblia intestinalis, smear showing Pr212c Pr115g Entamoeba histolytica, section through dis- cysts * eased colon showing the parasites in situ Pr223f • Trichomonas sp., smear with trophozoites Pr116g • Entamoeba coli, nonpathogenic, smear from Pr2232h Trichomonas vaginalis, smear * feces Pr2233h Trichomonas muris, trophozoites Pr1161h Entamoeba coli, nonpathogenic, smear with Pr230f • Trypanosoma gambiense, a blood flagellate, trophozoites * causing Central African sleeping disease, blood Pr1162h Entamoeba coli, smear showing cysts * smear Pr1165h Entamoeba hartmanni trophozoites. Smear, Pr231f Trypanosoma rhodesiense, causes South Pr1162h Pr213d intestinal amoeba; nonpathogenic to humans African sleeping disease, blood smear with Pr1166h Entamoeba hartmanni cysts. Smear parasites Pr1168h Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoites. Smear Pr232f • Trypanosoma evansi, causes surra in cattle, Pr117f Entamoeba invadens, large specimens from blood smear culture, good for demonstration Pr233f • Trypanosoma brucei, causes nagana, blood Pr1173g Entamoeba gingivalis, smear with trophozoi- smear tes Pr234f Trypanosoma congolense, pathogenic to do- Pr1174h Endolimax nana, small human parasite, smear mestic animals, blood smear Pr115g with trophozoites * Pr235f • Trypanosoma equiperdum, dourine in hors- Pr221h Pr1175h Endolimax nana, smear with cysts * es, blood smear Pr1177h Jodamoeba butschlii, a commensal living in Pr236f • Trypanosoma cruzi (Schizotrypanum), caus- the human intestine, smear with trophozoites * es Chagas disease of man, blood smear show- Pr1178h Jodamoeba butschlii, smear with uninucleate ing trypanosomes cysts * Pr237g • Trypanosoma cruzi, section through infected Pr1181v Pneumocystis carinii. Smear from lung tissue heart muscle shows Leishmania forms in tis- stained to show cyst wall of parasites * sue * Pr114f Pr1182v Pneumocystis carinii. Smear from lung tissue Pr2372h Trypanosoma cruzi. Smear from culture show- Pr223f stained to show trophozoites and sporozoites * ing cultured forms * Pr119d • Arcella, shelled amoeba w.m. Pr2373g Trypanosoma cruzi. Leishmania forms in sec. Pr1195s Actinosphaerium, a fresh water actinopode of mouse brain * w.m. * Pr2374g Trypanosoma cruzi. Leishmania forms in sec. Pr121d • Radiolaria, mixed species showing different of mouse liver * forms Pr2375g Trypanosoma cruzi. Leishmania forms in sec. Pr122d • Foraminifera, mixed species showing different of mouse heart muscle fibres * forms Pr2376g Trypanosoma cruzi. Leishmania forms in sec. Pr119d Pr1251d Foraminifera from Mediterranean sea, mixed of mouse spleen Pr2232h recent Pr241f Trypanosoma lewisi, a large species living in Pr1252d Foraminifera, mixed fossil, chalk rats and mice, blood smear with parasite, heavy Pr124d Foraminifera, mixed forms from the Adriatic infection Sea Pr2413g • Trypanosoma lewisi, blood smear, early stag- Pr123d • Globigerina, marine forms, mixed species es of infection with division stages Pr2414g Trypanosoma lewisi, blood smear, later stag- Flagellata (Mastigophora) es of infection, large forms * Pr121d Pr238f • Leishmania donovani, causes Kala-Azar, Pr230f Pr211c • Euglena viridis, a common green flagellate smear from the infected spleen showing the with eyespot and flagellum, w.m. typical Leishman-Donovan bodies • Pr2112c Euglena gracilis, a smaller species, w.m. Pr239g Leishmania donovani, section through infect- Pr2113f Euglena, a large species specially fixed and ed spleen or liver showing the parasites within stained to show the flagella, w.m. the cells Pr122d Pr236f 50 Prepared Microscope Slides in Systematic Order Pr2392t Leishmania donovani, smear from culture Pr3392f Sarcocystis tenella in heart muscle, sec. showing Leishman and leptomonad forms * Pr3365s Myxosoma, parasite on fish gill, sec. * Pr2395h Leishmania donovani, promastigotes, smear from culture * Ciliata (Infusoria) Pr2396h Leishmania donovani, amastigotes, smear from tissue * Pr411d • Paramecium, macro- and micronuclei stained. Pr2397h Leishmania mexicana, promastigotes, smear The typical slide for general study of this com- from culture * Pr237g mon ciliate Pr339f Pr240f Leishmania enrietti, section through nasal Pr412e Paramecium, food vacuoles and nuclei doubly abscess from Guinea pig. Very heavy infection stained Pr2405g Crithidia fasciculata, smear from intestine of Pr413e Paramecium, pellicle stained after Bresslau Anopheles mosquito showing the typical crithid- Pr414e Paramecium, silver stained to show the silver ia forms * line or neuroformative system Pr2378g Termite flagellates. w.m., showing large veg- Pr415e Paramecium, specially prepared and stained etative forms * to show the trichocysts • Pr251d Silicoflagellates, various species Pr416f • Paramecium, in conjugation, nuclei stained * Pr238f Pr417g • Paramecium, in fission, nuclei stained * Pr412e Pr418e Paramecium, section through many individu- Sporozoa als, triply stained Pr419f Paramecium, stained with Feulgen reaction Pr311f • Plasmodium falciparum, malignant tertian Pr4194e Paramecium multimicronucleatum, w.m. nu- malaria of man, blood smear with typical ring clei stained. this species contains several mi- stages cronuclei Pr3112g Plasmodium falciparum, blood smear with Pr4195e Paramecium aurelia, w.m. nuclei stained. This Pr239g more gametocytes * species containing one macronucleus and two Pr413e Pr312f Plasmodium falciparum, thick diagnostic micronuclei smear * Pr4196e Paramecium bursaria, w.m. and nuclei Pr313h Plasmodium vivax, benign tertian malaria of stained, showing symbiotic zoochlorellae in man, blood smear * endoplasm Pr3132h Plasmodium vivax, thick diagnostic blood Pr422e • Vorticella, a common stalked ciliate w.m. smear * Pr4222e Vorticella, a marine species, coloniate ciliate Pr3145h Plasmodium malariae, causing quartan ma- Pr421d • Stylonychia, a common ciliate w.m. laria, blood smear * Pr430e • Colpidium, a common holotrich ciliate Pr311f Pr415e Pr315f • Plasmodium berghei, blood smear from ex- Pr427f Spirostomum ambiguum, a ciliate with very perimentally infected mouse. Very heavy infec- large nucleus tion shows abundant parasites in different stag- Pr428g Stentor, a trumpet-shaped large ciliate * es of development Pr429e • Euplotes, a common marine ciliate Pr320h Plasmodium sp., section through infected Pr4306f Bursaria truncatella, a large fresh water cili- mosquito stomach with oocysts containing ate * sporozoites * Pr4309e Blepharisma, a large ciliate with pigment gran- Pr321i Plasmodium sp., section through the salivary ules * Pr315f gland of infected mosquito with sporozoites * Pr4305e Didinium nasutum, a small ciliate parasite on Pr416f Pr322h Plasmodium sp., exoerythrocytic stages in Paramecium * sec. of brain * Pr423f Dendrocometes paradoxus, suctorial infuso- Pr323h Plasmodium sp., exoerythrocytic stages in ria on the gills of Gammarus * sec. of liver * Pr424f Trichodina domerguei, parasite living on fish Pr3235g Malaria melanemia in human spleen, sec. gills * showing pigment granules in endothelium and Pr4307e • Ephelota, a stalked marine suctorian * Kupffer’s cells Pr4311e Suctoria, marine species Pr326f Plasmodium praecox, avian malaria, blood Pr425f Opalina ranarum, smear from frog intestine Pr320h Pr417g smear Pr426e • Opalina ranarum, in section through frog in- Pr327f • Plasmodium gallinaceum (Proteosoma), fowl testine malaria, blood smear from chicken * Pr4265t Balantidium coli, human parasite, smear with Pr328f Plasmodium cathemerium, avian malaria, trophozoites * blood smear * Pr4266t Balantidium coli, smear with cysts * Pr3285s Plasmodium circumflexum, smear
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