1 1174 MILDENHALL. SU:{''FOLK. (KELLY S Here are the extensive flour mills of Mr. W. S. Owers, who chancel is paved with encaustic tiles : the east window is has added to them an effective roller mill on the Hungarian stained, in memory of Emily Vavasor Durell, erected by system, fitted np by Mr. H. Simon C.E. milling engineer, her sister, Mrs. Livingstone, the wife of the present vicar : Manchester : there are some good shops, hotels and inns. there are two in memory of Mr. John Webb, a former The market cross is of the time of Henry V. constructed of churchwarden, one also to his wife and one to his daughter, timber, hexagonal in form and roofed with lead; the market Mrs. Gostwick: thero are rso sittings. The Rev. Herbert day is Friday. A horticultural show is held here annually. Seddon Howley M. .A.. of Queen's College, Oxford, has been Here are almshouses, founded in 1722 by Sir Thomas curate in charge since x88g and resides at Mildenhall. Hanmer, for four poor widows, and several other small There is a chapel for Wesleyans, built in 1829, for about charities, amounting in the whole to £150 yearly. A 300. The church of England Waifs and Strays Society Cottage Hospital was established here in 1868 with eight have a home for girls here, viz. St. John's home. beds, and the average number of patients during the year is West Row, 2~ miles west, is a large straggling village. 54· Manor House, the scat of Sir Edward Herbert Bunbury The church of St. Peter was built out of the material of the bart. and residence of Lady Bunbury, widow of Sir Charles old National Schools, being flint and rubble, and the chancd Bunbnry bart, is a noble ediflce, built in the time of Charles was added in I87 5 ; it consists of chancel, nave and north I. by Sir Henry North bart. : it is in the Elizabethan style, porch: on the north side of the chancel there is a. two-light surrounded by lofty trees, with pleasure grounds attached : stained window, erected December, r883, to the memory of the north wing is used as a girls' school. Sir Edward Lawrence Clutterbnck, son of the late curate, who lost his llerbert Buntmry, of Barton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, is life July 2nd, I883, whilst a<wing the life of a fellow-student lord of the manor and chief landowner, but there are from drowning near Lancing College, Brighton : there are several smaller owners. The soil is various, being of excel­ 150 sittings. The Rev. John Theodore Nurris Lee B.A. of lent quality in the district between the high town and the Trinity College, Cambridge, is the resident curate. There Rows and in other parts sandy heather and fen; the sub­ are chapels for Baptists and Wes!eyans. A parish room was soil, chalk, and in the Fen districts clay and sand. The built in I886 by Lady Bunbury. Fruit and vegetables are chief crops are cereals. The area, including woods, is grown here in abundance and sent to the London and other 16,766 acres, this being the most extensive parish in the markets. · county ; rateable value, £ IS,8og ; and the population of the entire parish in 1891 was 3,732, including officers and in­ Holywell Row is a watch or hamlet, r~ miles north, mates m the workhouse. on the road to Lakenheath. The population in r88r was 396. Beck Row is a watch or hamlet, 2 miles north-west. KENNY HILL is 4 miles north-west : here is a small iron A church, St. John the Evangelist, was erected in r876 by church, erected in I876, in which divine service is held private subscription at Cake Street, between Beck Row and every Sunday, and a small Board school in r878. BunNT Holywell Row, in a wide and scattered d1strict ; the founda- FEN is 7 miles north ; WESTON DITCH is 3 miles north­ tion stone was laid by Lady Bunbury on the 6th March, west ; UKDLEY CoM~ON is 4~ miles north-west-by-north; 1875; it is a flint building, with Bath stone dressings, in the WILDE S·rREET is 3 miles north; these are all scattered Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south transept, places. south porch and western bell turret containing one.bell: the Sexton, Gcorgc Turner. Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, court has jurisdiction over the following parishes :­ High street (Sub-Office. Letters should have S. 0. Suffolk Barton Mills, Cavenham, Elveden, Eriswell, Freckenham, added).-Charles Palmer, postmaster. Letters arrive at Herringswell, Icklingham All Saints, lcklingham St. 5 a.m. & 1.30 & 6.50 p.m. & delivered at 7 a.m. & 1.45 James, Kentford, Lakenheath, Mildenhall (including Beck & 7-l5 p.m.; dispatched at g. IS & II.30 a.m. & 3 & 8 Row, Burnt Fen, Holywell Row, Kenny Hill, Undley p.m. ; sundays, delivered at 7 a.m. & drspatched at 8 p.m Common, West Row, ''Vest Row Fen, ·wilde Street), PosT OFFICE, \Vest Row.-John Ph1llips, receiver. Letters Undley, Tuddenham, Wangford & Worlington arrive from Mildenhall S. 0. by foot post at 7 a. m. ; dis­ Certified Bailiff, appointed under the "Law of Distress patched at 6 p. m. .\'lildenhall is the nearest money order Amendment Act," Henry Large, Market place & telegraph ofllce County Police Station, Samuel Garnham Reeve, superin- PosT OFFICE, Beck Row.-David Draper, receiver. Letters tendent & 2 constables arrive from Mild en hall S.O. at 7· IO a. m. ; dispatched at Fire Engine House, North road, Wm. SL Owers, captain 5·55 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Inland Revenue Office, Mill st. Wm. Josiah Barrett, officer The nearest money order & telegraph office Mildenhall Stamp Office, Henry Large, Market place, sub-distributor foST OFFICE, Holywell Row.-Matthew Haylock, sub-post­ MILDENIJAI_L UNION. master. Letters arrive from Mildenhall 8.0. at 7 a. m. ; Board day, alternate fridays, at 10.30, at the Board room, dispatched at 6.30 p.m. The nearest money order & tele­ Union workhouse. graph office is at Mildenhall The Union of Miloenhall comprises the following places :­ COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR LACKFORD PETTY S:ii:SSIONAL Barton Mills, Cavenharn, Elveden (or El den), Eriswell, DIVISION. Freckenham, Herringswell, Icklingham, Kent ford, Laken­ Sitting at Mildenhall & Brandon. heath, Mildeuhall, Tucldenham, Wangford & Worlington. Hamilton Lieut.-Co!onel Boyd Cullen Poley, Souihgate The population of t.he union in I 891 was 8, 559; area, house, Bury St. Edmunds, chairman of MildenhallBench 6r,244 acres; rateable value, £46,422 Mackenzie Edward fh1lippe esq. n.r,.. Downham hall, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Francis Brandon, chairman of Brandon Bench Edward Bloss, Mill street, Mildenhall Angerstein William esq. Weeting hall Treasurer, Beckford Bevan, Bury St. Edmunds Angerstein John Richard Julius esq. Weeting hall Medical Officers, Lakenheath district, Alfred Joscph Pick­ Fison Cornell Henry esq. Ford Place, Thetford worth L.R.C.P.Edin. Lakenheath; Worlington district, Hammond Rev. Octavius M.A. Herringswell rectory Pelham Aldricb, Mildenhall Holden Rev. John .Shuttleworth M.A. Lackford rectory Public Vaccinators, Lakenheath district. George \Villiam Image Wm. Edmd. esq. D.L. Herrin!!swell house, Mildenhall Ord L.R.c.P.LOnd. West street; Miluenhall; )1ildenhall Marsham Major George Augustus, The Rookery, Thetford district, John Lea Walton Kitching L. R.C. P. LOnd. Milden­ Sparke Rev. E7.ekiel M.A. Redory, Tuddenham St. M<\ry hall; Worlington district, Pelham Alclrich, Mildenhall Waddington Harry Spencer esq. D. r.. Cavenham hall Relieving & Vaccination Officer, John W. S. Pcarmain, Waddington Spencer B. esq. Cavenham hall, Mildenhall 1\" orth terrace, Mildenhall Clerk to the Magistrates, Odden F. Read, H1gh street SuperintendentRegistrar,Fras. Ed wd. Bloss, Mill st.Mildenhal1 Petty Sessions are held at the Police court on alternate Registrar~ of Births & Deaths, MildPnhal1 district, John W.S. fridays at 1 r a.m. for the parishes of Bartnn Mills., Caven­ Pearmain, North terrace, Mildenh:tll; deputy, Edward bam, Eri.swell, Freckenbam, Herringswell, Icklingham, Godfrey, Worlington Lakenheath, J\1ildenhall, Tuddcnham & Worlington & at Registrar of Marriages, Henry Large, Market.pl. Mildenhall the Police court, Brand on, monthly at 1.1. IS a. m. for the Workhouse, a building of brick, built to hold 113 inmates, parishes of .Brandon1 Downham, Elvedon & Wanford C. A. Jessup, master; Pelham Aldrich, medical officer; PUBLIC EsTABLISHM~NTS :~ Mrs. J. Jessup, matron Cemetery, John Jolly, lodge keeper Cottage llospital, Cemetery road ; Messrs. Kitching & Ord RuRAL SANITARY AUTHO~IT'Y. & Pelham Aldrich & Son, medical officers; George W11liam Meets at Board room on last friuay in month. at II.30' a.m. Ord, hon. sec. ; Mrs. Balls, matron · Clerk, Francis Ed warcl Blos~, Mill street, jV[ildenhall Ppblic Hall, Arthur Adams, sec. St. Andrew's street Treasurer, Beckford Bevan, Bury St. Edmumls County Court, held bi-monthly at the Police court, His Medical Otlicer of Health, Art bur \V or !ledge Aldrich L. R.C.P. Honor Hngh Eardle_v· Wilmot B . .A.. judge; Odd en Frederick Edin, Mill street, Mildenhall Read, registrar & high bailiff; office, High street; Fredk. Inspector of Nuisances, Robert Gittus, St. Andrew's street, Messent, Ipswich, bankruptcy & official receiver. The Mildenhall .
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