Utbildningsradion – Over to You 2001/2002 The Fear of Animals: Fear of Frogs & Toads Programnr: 00060/ra 7 Fear of Frogs & Toads (Simplifi ed) Sändningsdatum: 14.9 2001 Programlängd: 5 min. Producent: Claes Nordenskjöld The fear of frogs & toads ... ... a fear you fi nd in horror fi lms. In real life frogs and toads are small, but they can be very frightening ... ... Their huge bulging eyes ... utstående ... slimy or warty skins ... vårtiga ... and sudden movements, make them frightening. plötsliga rörelser Frogs and toads have always had a bad reputation. They were an important part of magic potions made by witches so, of course people became afraid of them. But why do people fear these cold-blooded creatures? Perhaps, deep down we think they threaten us ... but most hota of them are no threat at all. But frogs with bright colours are starka färger very dangerous ... Like these poison dart frogs. The skin of one golden poison-dart frog could kill 1,000 people. The perfect poison for a blowpipe. blåsrör Indians in Peru use these poisons for other things ... Poison from green tree frogs is rubbed into open wounds - giving sår a powerful dreamlike effect. This idea reached California in the 1960’s. Toadlicking became a drug cult ... just as powerful and dangerous as heroin. Frogs’ skins are so powerful that they’re being tested as medicines. American cane toads were once taken to Australia to fi ght sockerrör, bekämpa sugar cane beetles. But the cane toads became serious pests ett allvarligt hot themselves, killing more than just beetles. There was mass hysteria. Frogs and toads are everywhere! ... they cross extremely hot deserts ... mycket varma ... survive dry savannahs ... överlever ... fl y through tropical rainforests ... and are even found in the highest and most mysterious lake in the world, the lake Titicaca ...The bizarre Lake Titicaca frog lives 4,000 metres high up in the Andes. In Australia some frogs survive drought by hiding under- torka ground for up to seven years. Unless a thirsty Aborigine fi nds them, that is! For the Australian Aborigines frogs and toads are a sign that the rains are coming. The Indians of Central America 1 Utbildningsradion – Over to You 2001/2002 The Fear of Animals: Fear of Frogs & Toads Programnr: 00060/ra 7 even thought that frogs and toads brought the rains which made things grow. They also created frog-like decorations. tillverkade To ancient Egyptians frogs were divine. The Frog goddess heliga Hequat was the protector of the newborn. nyföddas beskyd- Frogs and toads will risk their lives to breed. This behaviour dare, för att föröka can scare people, creating a fear of frogs and toads. sig 2 Utbildningsradion – Over to You 2001/2002 The Fear of Cats Programnr. 00060tv 8 FEAR OF CATS (simplifi ed) Sändningsdatum: 21.9 2001 Programlängd: 5 min. Producent: Claes Nordenskjöld Some people are terrifi ed of cats because of the way they move and their powerful claws, sharp teeth and piercing genomskådande eyes. Both wild cats and domestic cats have killer instincts, tama which can really frighten us. People thought that witches could turn themselves into cats. förvandla sig till Cats were hunted down and tortured, because they were associated with death, evil, and witches. The cat is said to be psychic and can tell when a disaster is about to happen. synsk / olycka Some people still believe cats, especially black ones, bring bad luck. Whether they are wild or domesticated, cats are the perfect predators. They can run fast and move quietly. They rovdjur / smyga ambush their prey and they have a strong instinct to kill lägger sig i bakhåll . They are serial killers, killing many native animals. In seriemördare Australia, for example, where cats were introduced by man, a cat curfew prevents them hunting at night! utegångsförbud / Although most wild cats avoid human beings, some do kill hindrar / undviker people . The lion and the tiger are man-eaters, killing thousands of people every year. Workers in the mangrove forests of Bangladesh have a mangroveträdsskog unique way of preventing an attack from behind. People are the wild cats’ greatest enemy because they hunt them and destroy their habitats. boendemiljö Cats have existed for 500 million years - much longer than humans. Cats are tough animals that can survive in motståndskraftiga many different habitats around the world. The cat was fi rst /överleva domesticated 4 to 5,000 years ago. Since then cats have accompanied people all over the world. har följt med In Ancient Egypt the cat was sacred and represented the föreställde mother goddess Bastet. People thought so highly of cats that hade så höga tankar they were mummifi ed and buried like the pharaohs. om In Thailand cats have special privileges in royal households förmåner and temples. Buddhist monks in Japan worship cats as an dyrkar incarnation of the Goddess of Mercy. barmhärtighet Cats everywhere awaken powerful feelings in humans. They väcker fascinate us. Cats have kept their killer instincts although we have tried to dominate and control them. And this makes some people afraid of cats. 1 Utbildningsradion – Over to You 2001/2002 The Fear of Dogs Programnr. 00060tv 9 Fear of Dogs (simplifi ed) Sändningsdatum: 28.9 2001 Programlängd: 5 min. Producent: Claes Nordenskjöld The fear of dogs ... Dogs frighten many people because they think dogs are killers. Maybe it’s because dogs are related to wolves ... or the way they can be dangerous, noisy, destructive, and dirty. A bad experience or a bite can lead to a lifelong fear kan leda till of dogs. People have always been afraid of dogs ... In folklore people folktro thought that dogs were wild killers, and creatures of the devil. Many believed a howling dog was a sure sign of ylande death. People thought that dogs were psychic and that they synsk could see ghosts. In mythology, monster dogs guard the door to the secrets of the underworld. In legends man transformed himself into a werewolf at full moon. varulv Five hundred years ago people were burnt at the stake brändes på bål accused of being werewolves. utpekade Fantastic stories have taught us to be afraid of dogs ... and some do deserve our fear ... Dogs have attacked förtjänar people, especially young children. The real danger from dogs is rabies. This disease can cause madness and death for orsaka both animals and people. People have bred dogs to make fött upp them more aggressive. Like this Pit Bull Terrier. But sometimes their attacks go beyond the call of duty. vad plikten kallar Man has also used the dog’s killer instinct for sport. Dogs are animals that can adapt easily to many different anpassa sig conditions ... ... this fox lives in temperatures below freezing in the Arctic ... the Fennec fox can live in the dry heat of the Saharan Desert. ... these bushdogs are very shy and there are not many of them. They live in the forests of South America. Wild dogs, like this Coyote, can even be found in our towns and cities ... People kill them because they attack their livestock. boskap Some people hate dogs and others love and respect them. Native American Indians had a lot of respect for the wolf ... it was taboo to kill this great hunter. Some Indians even thought their ancestors were wolves. Their skins were worn for magic and power when they hunted bison. Dogs have been part of our lives for twelve thousand years, they have been faithful friends, guardians, hunters and trofasta 1 Utbildningsradion – Over to You 2001/2002 The Fear of Dogs Programnr. 00060tv 9 herders. We still love them today Most domestic dogs keep their wild side under control ... but they still have their killer instincts ... and this makes us afraid. 2 Utbildningsradion – Over to You 2001/2002 The Fear of Insects Programnr. 00060tv 10 Fear of Insects (simplifi ed) Sändningsdatum: 5.10 2001 Programlängd: 5 min. Producent: Claes Nordenskjöld The fear of insects ... In our imagination insects seem larger than life. Is it because they look so strange? ... ... or is it their reputation as scary and yucky? motbjudande, äcklig ... or is it because they bite and sting ... that people everywhere hate and fear them? There are lots of myths and superstitions connected with insects and their special powers ... The drumming trummandet of a Death watch beetle meant that something terrible was going to happen. If a Death’s Head Hawk moth fl ew through an open window at night ... people believed it might kill them. They believed this because it has the pattern of the skull and crossbones on its back. People also dödskalle m. kors- believed that when a person dies, the soul left the body in lagda benknotor/själ the form of a butterfl y or a moth. How realistic are our fears? Although this little bed bug sucks our blood at night ... it’s not dangerous. The common housefl y causes over a million deaths a year because it spreads germs on food and baciller / orsakar causes diseases. Every ten seconds one person in the world sjukdomar dies of malaria, spread by mosquitoes. South American Army ants swarm in their thousands ... destroying everyth- svärma / raserar ing in their path ... they have even killed humans. Thousands of people die from bee and wasp stings every year — especially those who are allergic. Their stings can be painful but for most people they are not dangerous. Insects are the most common and the most successful creatures in the animal kingdom. djur, djurriket In many places they are a big problem . Swarms of locusts can destroy crops and cause famine. Billions of gräshoppor från insects invade our cities because the can fi nd food there.
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