Kingdom of Morocco High Commission for Planning The Regional Directorate of Agadir ReRegigionalonal StatiSticalStatiStical YeaRbookYeaRbook SouSSSouSS MaSSaMaSSa 20182018 RReeggiioonnaall SSttaattiiSSttiiccaall YYeeaaRRbbooookk SSoouuSSSS MMaaSSSSaa 22001188 PRESENTATION Aware of the importance of statistical information at the level of the Region, prefectures and provinces for the preparation and implementation of development programs and for carrying out socio- economic studies using data reliable, the Regional Directorate of the High Commission for Planning of Agadir publishes an annual regional statistical directory. This issue, which includes the data for the year 2018 and bears the number 43, is the fruit of the collection and processing of statistics under-produced by the various external services of the ministries at the level of the Souss-Massa region. The Regional Directorate of Agadir shall remain at the disposal of the various providers and users of statistics to take all observations and suggestions. It also wishes to thank all those who have contributed to the production of this directory and informs users that an electronic version is available on the website of the High Commission for Planning www.hcp.ma as well as on its own site www.hcp.ma/region- agadir 1 SUMMARY PRESENTATION PART I : Climatology and population Chapter 1 : Climatology ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………13 Chapter 2 : Population …………………………...…………….………………………………………17 PART II : Social sectors Chapter 1 : Education ……………………………………………….….……………..……………………………27 Chapter 2 : Educational training……………………………………………….….……………..……………………………63 Chapter 3 : Professional training …………………………………………………………69 Chapter 4 : health …………………………………….…...…………………………………………………75 Chapter 5 : Employment………………………………………...…………………………………………………87 Chapter 6 : Youth and sport ……………………….………………….……………..…………107 Chapter 7 : Justice ……………………………………………….…………………………………………113 Chapter 8 : National mutual aid ……………………………………………….…………………………………………119 PART III : Productive sectors Chapter 1 : Agriculture and forestry …………………..……………………………………………125 Chapter 2 : Fishing ………………………………………..…….……………………………………………137 Chapter 3 : Industry and trade…………………………………………..…..………………………………………145 Chapter 4 : Craft ………………………………………………..……………………………………155 Chapter 5 : Tourism ……………………………………………..…………………………………………161 Chapter 6 : Energy and mines…………………………..……………………………………………171 PART IV : Infrastructure sectors Chapter 1 : Equipment and transport …………………..…………………………………181 Chapter 2 : Construction…………………………………………………………………………………………197 Chapter 3 : Town planing …………………………………………………………………………………………211 Chapter 4 : Water and environment…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………221 PART V : Prices, finances and cooperatives Chapter 1 : Prices …………………………………………………….…………………………………………233 Chapter 2 : Finances and investment…………………………………………….…………………………………………237 Chapter 3 : Cooperatives …………………………………………………...…………………………247 3 Conventional signs used Information not available * Null or insignificant result - Hectare ha Kilowatt hour Kwh Kilogram Kg Kilometer Km Metre m Square meter m2 Cubic meter m3 Number Nbr Quintals Q Tonne T Provisional or estimated data P Data rectified R 4 Main indicators Region Souss-Massa Area : 53789 Km² County town : Agadir Estimate of the number of households according to the area of residence by provinces and prefectures 2018 urban rural Total Souss - Massa 411 407 250 517 661 924 Morocco Total 5 407 782 2 561 891 7 969 673 Agriculture 2017/2018 Cultivated area of 39 854 cereals (in ha) Cultivated area of 31 463 vegetable crops (in ha) Citrus cultivated area 40 395 (ha) Number of livestock (head) 799 044 Beekeeping production (in kg) 932 000 Fishing 2018 Coastal and artisanal fishing (in tonnes) 5 141 Energy 2018 Sale of electricity in 106 kWh 2 430 Number of electricity consumers 835 297 5 Main indicators Construction and public works 2017 Number of building authorizations issued 3 527 Expected values of authorized 1 497 772 constructions (in 103DH) Floor area (in m²) 1 067 112 Dwellings expected to be constructed 9 157 Transport 2018 Air travelers 1 929 230 Coach park 663 Tourism 2018 Classified hotels (number) 247 Number of beds in Listed Hotels 43 358 Tourist overnight stays in 5 984 303 establishments classified Education 2018/2019 Registrants in public primary 316 821 Registrants in public secondary school 134 232 Registrants in Public qualifying 79 514 secondary school Registrants in the public superior 113 678 Public primary teachers 13 070 Public college secondary teachers 5 145 Public qualifying secondary school teachers 4 322 6 Main indicators Health 2018 Beds available in public hospitals 1 538 Employment 2017 Urban activity rate (population aged 15 and over) Region 41,8 National 42,4 Urban unemployment rate (population aged 15 and over) Region 12,8 National 14,7 Consumer price index 2015 2016 2017 2018 General index (478 items) Base 100 : 2006 Region 113,2 115,4 115,8 118 National 115,2 117,2 117,9 120,1 7 PART I : Climatology and population PART I CHAPTER 1: Climatology Climatology 1- The geographic location of weather stations year 2018 Longitude and latitude in degreesAltitude in meter Stations Longitude Latitude Altitude Agadir 9°34' W 30°23' N 18 Agadir- Ait Melloul 9°23'58" W 30°19'44" N 74 Taroudant 8°49' W 30°30' N 264 Tiznit 9°44' W29°41' N 260 Source : Regional Direction of Meteorology of the South 2- Annual rainfall by stations In millimeters Stations 2018 Agadir 256 Agadir- Ait Melloul 203 Taroudant 204 Tiznit 194 Source : Regional Direction of Meteorology of the South 13 Climatology 14 PART I CHAPTER 2: Population Population 1-Administrative division of the region Year 2018 Number Number of Communes Provinces and Administrati of ve unit Prefectures districts Urban Rural Total Agadir Ida Outanane Prefecture 2 1 12 13 Inezgane Ait Melloul Prefecture 1 4 2 6 Chtouka Ait Baha Province 3 2 20 22 Taroudant Province 5 8 81 89 Tiznit Province 3 2 23 25 Tata Province 3 4 16 20 Souss - Massa Region 17 21 154 175 National 196 221 1 282 1 503 Part of region 8,7% 9,5% 12% 11,6% Source : Statistical yearbook of Morocco 2018 2- Legal population according to provinces and prefectures of the region Provinces and GCPH 2004 GCPH 2014 Annual Growth Prefectures Urban Total Urban Total Rate (%) Agadir Ida Outanane 384 987 487 954 508 155 600 599 2,10 Inezgane Ait Melloul 385 612 419 614 513 706 541 118 2,58 Chtouka Ait Baha 39 694 297 245 113 531 371 102 2,24 Taroudant 186 471 780 661 248 640 838 820 0,72 Tiznit 58 613 217 050 81 044 207 367 -0,46 Tata 39 060 121 618 40 820 117 841 -0,31 Souss - Massa 1 094 437 2 324 142 1 505 896 2 676 847 1,42 Source : G.C.P.H : General Census of Population and Housing 2004 and 2014 17 Population 3-Population estimates according to area of residence and provinces and prefectures Provinces 2017 2018 and Prefectures Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Agadir Ida 551 240 87 650 638 890 567 055 86 032 653 087 Outanane Inezgane- Ait Melloul 554 820 27 710 582 530 569 865 27 806 597 671 Chtouka- Ait Baha 133 050 259 260 392 310 140 642 259 843 400 485 Taroudant 266 730 578 550 845 280 273 306 574 518 847 824 Tata 41 740 73 840 115 580 42 054 72 752 114 806 Tiznit 87 800 116 380 204 180 90 276 113 055 203 331 Souss - 1 635 380 1 143 390 2 778 770 1 683 198 1 134 006 2 817 204 Massa Morocco Total 21 560 580 13 291 540 34 852 120 21 968 101 13 251 446 35 219 547 Source :High Commission for Planning (Department of Statistics, Center for Demographic Studies and Research). 18 Population 4-Evolution of the population according to age groups and area of residence 2016 2017 2018 Âge Total Urban Total Urban Total Urban 0-4 years 258 157 149 559 251 508 148 717 243 065 147 017 5-9 years 253 372 143 496 260 478 149 207 268 885 155 706 10-14 years 242 142 133 406 241 642 134 900 242 011 136 914 15-19 years 232 771 130 898 234 430 132 997 235 893 134 973 20-24 years 232 916 143 058 231 315 143 466 229 909 143 762 25-29 years 227 545 143 200 232 285 149 466 236 252 155 097 30-34 years 217 486 135 045 219 789 139 213 222 462 143 758 35-39 years 204 001 123 916 209 018 129 315 213 797 134 723 40-44 years 188 828 113 221 191 816 116 261 194 959 119 555 45-49 years 158 186 94 976 164 604 99 741 170 950 104 482 50-54 years 137 230 81 590 136 342 82 305 136 065 83 315 55-59 years 112 736 63 808 119 808 68 537 125 881 72 781 60-64 years 93 026 49 834 94 854 52 201 97 256 54 832 65-69 years 66 982 32 671 75 625 37 806 83 719 42 848 70-74 years 46 275 20 995 44 596 20 992 44 246 21 651 75 years and over69 567 28 757 70 660 30 256 71 850 31 786 Souss - 2 741 220 1 588 430 2 778 770 1 635 380 2 817 200 1 683 200 Massa Source :High Commission for Planning (Department of Statistics, Center for Demographic Studies and Research). 19 Population 5 -Estimated number of households according to area of residence and provinces and prefectures Year 2018 Provinces and Total Rural Urban prefectures Agadir Ida Outanane 163 283 19 223 144 060 Inezgane- Aït Melloul 142 549 6 381 136 168 Chtouka-Aït Baha 99 852 64 281 35 571 Taroudant 180 895 117 445 63 450 Tata 22 675 14 002 8 673 Tiznit 52 671 29 186 23 485 Souss - 661 925 250 518 411 407 Massa Maroc 7 969 6732 561 891 5 407 782 TotalSource :High Commission for Planning (Department of Statistics, Center for Demographic Studies and Research). 20 Population 6 -Evolution of poverty indicators according to area of residence and provinces and prefectures Total Provinces Poverty rate Vulnerability rate and Prefectures 2004 2007 2014 2004 2007 2014 Agadir Ida 8,90
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