(14.3.9S) 1 - ,10 ,, I/':; 2Nd Sitting (1S.3.9S) 11 - 94

(14.3.9S) 1 - ,10 ,, I/':; 2Nd Sitting (1S.3.9S) 11 - 94

,, lAWN AWLNA, ( INDEX J f_.: ,Pagelf ~"t 1. 1st Sitting (14.3.9S) 1 - ,10 ,, i/':; 2nd sitting (1S.3.9S) 11 - 94 . 3,_ . • 3rd Sittin,9 (16.3.9S) 9S ..... , 96: 4. 4th· Sitting (20.3.9S) 97 167 , 4'- ,'<i' S. Sth Sitting (21.3.90) 168,lj 234 6. 6.th Sitting (22.3.9S) 23S~" 3J7 -7. 7th Sitting (23.3.9S) 338 ... 418 9, '8th Sitting (24.3.9s) 419- ,497 • ~~h Sitting (27.3.9S) 49 8": ,577 10. 10th Sitting ·(2B.3.9S) 57B- ,67~ 11 • t1th. SittftH3 (29.3.9S) 680- ~9 "VO-. 12. 12th 5.i ttin-g' (30.3.9,5) 800. 'B72 -:, , 13. 13th Sitting , (31.3.9S) 873- " 941 ..,., 14. 14th Sitting ( 3.4.95) 942'-', 1992 • .'. - • No. MAL. 33/95/3 .o ~~ted A±z-awi, '-the 20th .sept, ,'5. '- -- TO, PU _~__-"- ~ • SUbject. .o proceedings --oi Mizoram- Legi;slativ-~ Assembly (Mizb .ver s.t on) - .auppLy. of .. Sir, I ~m directed to forward herewith a copy of Mizo ver-at.on of the Fifth sceai.on of the Third Mizoram '. State Legislative Assembly' Proceedings fqr ;favour of your information and record. Kindly acknowledge receipt of the same. " Yours faithfully, ;L...-tV-t0 (jL,Y.-;C~Cl ( SA",:>CHHUNGA) \( \ I Undersecretary. Mizoram"L'e...,9islative, Assembly. V-.-r-.1'1. .- ~ Memo No. MAL. 33/95/3 o. Da-te9- AizBwl; the 20th sept. Copy to :- -1) secretary General, Rajy.a' Sabha secree arf at, New Delhi. • 2) secretary General; Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi. ' - 3) p • S.. to Governor, ,Mi z'orem.. .4) P.S .. to Chief Minister, .Mizoram • 5) . P ..S.. to Mini ster I Miaor-ern., 6) P.S. to Chief secretary, Govt.' of Mizoram. 7) .Al.L Commi'Ssioners &. seqretarie,s., oovt., of Mizoram• - 2 8) Director, Information & Public Reiations, Go.t. of Mizoram. 9) Director, Tourism, Govt. of Mizoram • • 10) Librarian,NEHD Library, Mayurchany House, Nonqt.hyma.i, I Shiliang - 793003 •. 11) Li~rarian, St~teLibrary, Govt4 of M~zora~. 12) ritrect.or s. SIB, .Gov t , of India, Aizawl. 13) Ldb.rarLen , All Colleges, Mizora;n. 14) Director, Census Operator, Govt. of Mizorcm. 15) p.~.P. Govt; , 'Of Mizoram. 16) ArchiVist, .l"1izoram S't.at.e Archivist, Aiz21,"1. • 17) president, MBSE, Aizawl. 18) S.P, sB/elD, Aiz6wl. 19) secretary, Lakher (Mara) DIG, Saiha/Chakma Die, Karnanalag~r/Lai DIC, Lawngtlai .. 20). Controller, P&SLeptt. Govt .. of 11/'tizoram, Ai z awL• 21) Liaison Officer, Govt. ~f Mizoram, Silchar/Shillong! Calcutta/NewDelhi. 22) Librarian, .Mrzoram LIAr Af.z awl. • • M~.--''p,-'.£! L .J.»; J.. (! • '(S:.~;ICHHUNGA ) I; \.x:I~ Undersecretary~ 'I. Mizoram Legislative Assembly• . PROCEEDINGS OF TIlE FIFTH SESslOO,OF .THE.• 'l'!f.t1W MIZORAM LEGI.8LATlVE ASSEMBLY FROM THE J4TH MARCH 1'0 TlIE THIRD .. , APRIL, J.99,5. , . FIRST SITTING ~~ TuESDAY,' THE 14TH MARCli, J.995. PjlESENT PU VAIVENGA, speaker at1:he Ch~. Cl>ief Minister, F,ifteen Mini sters and Twenty Three Me:YI\b8rs we~ present. GOVERNOR' S '@J?RES~ HIS EXCEr,LENC'(· :the Governor, Mr PRo :Kyildiah-to Addre ss the House." .,;,;; OBITUARY REFEREN(;E THE SPEAKER to 'make references. on the demise" of (1) Shri Giani Zail .Singh, Ex-P.esident of India. ! (2) flu P•.,Slamliana, 'E:x:-MLA' tif Mizorarn.. HOTloN PO LALBIAKZUA.LA to rn ove Moti.on'hf Thanks-:-on tl1e Governor' 6. address in -,the' followingfotm -; "That the Member pf- the--M.\z9ram Leg1~lative .:' . Assembly assembled. in tl1is_ -session are deeply grateful to. the Governor for the-Address Which ,he has been pleased to deli,""r totJie Asseml:>ly , on the 14th March, 1995", .- ELECTION OF DEPUTY SPEAKER , THE HOUSE 'to ele'ct- Deputy \ ~a~'~"""l~',.~:":'_';'._ oovernoz- ad?re~skh& tl,en eem ulia', • vawi.i,n a1;an ken busin"ss Iist-ah " khal> tihtur p,,~ Io!iI'l 1e neil e • .obituary reiexe¢ce, Motion of 'i'tianks Ieh Ell!ction'of Deputy ,. , , •• 2/- - 2 - .Spe~ker a;n~ a~ -. Mc;?~e;JtU11i3J:t-,hi,an Thingpui pawnah buat.se.Ih a n r, a., Tlll.ngpu~. 1.n·-in darkar charrve cbawi. ta a La , Chumi iawh.ah cbuan lut leh 11a, kan business chu xnn chhunzawn,dawn nf.a, Tunah i 10 chawl lawk anq u , 'TUna kan lih Le h tur chu Obituary' reference p ahn.Lh kan House-ah sunnakan neL dawn a , cbunq chu PU Giani zail Singh leh Pu P.Siamliana te'an nl a. 'Pu Giani za11 Singhkan sawi hmaaa ang a, Pu Giani 2a11 Singh hi kum 1916' May 5 khan Swadan Farikod District, Punjab hmunah a piang a. I Pi Pradhan Kaund'nen in-neiinfapa pakha'\)'·fleh .fanu pathum an nei a. Kum 1938 khan Punj ab..a Autocratic rorelna dubLo pawla nasa taka a tel avanginmah a ni. A ni hi Farikod State, Congress dintu ~ ni a. 1948-'52 khan pepsu S6rkarhnuaiah Minister hoa a vuan a. Kum 1956-62'khanRajya Sabha Member ani a. 1966-72 khan President, PunjciliPradesh "congress Committee ·a ni-leh, a. Kum1972-1977 khan punjab Chief Minister ani a •. Giani Zail·"Singh hi kum 1982.... July 25 khan India r'.re s.r., den'eca thlan a ni ta a hi. :..pu Zail singh..a hi november 26"" 1994 khan a cchuanna Car ~'an insut avangin h Ld amna tak tuarin PGI Nehru Hospdtia Lcah d.ah ani a,' a natina tuar lovin ni 25 December 1994 khan a boral am 1\- thih hian kum 78 mi a ni.' A thih 1ai hiana nupui Pi Pradhan Kaur leh a fapa Le h .a_ f anu te hi a bulah an awn am India ram t.ene miropui kan hlohin kart chan ta a ni m . Pu' p , Siamliana hi chu Mizorama MLA"ah thlan niin Minister of State a 10 ni tawh a.. 6th December, 1994 khan Greenwood Hospital Aizawl-ah'a boral am A ni hi kum. 45- a upa a ni. PU Pm Siamliana hi Hr-anqkbume Le'h Than- huami fa a n1 a, 9th Novembe'r-, 1949 khan Zobawk Lunq.LeL kiangah a piang a, Pi Rohlupuiinenin neiin~fanu 2'leh fapa 1 an nei. Pu PmSiamliana hi College 'Leh university.... a a kal iaiin Student Union.ah active member a ni thin am Kum 1972­ 74 khan,President... _All India -Struden t; Pede r-a'tdonySru Lfonq a. ni a.. Kum 1974 khan oener-et Secretary, Mizo Cultural Club, Sh.Ll.Lonq a nl bawk. Kum 1975-77 Preside.nt, MZPJ Shill?ng Branch a nf, 1eh a" Kum 1976... ah Joint secretary) All Joint student Associ'ation,Shill9fig a ni am A ni hi Political' Sct80ae~ah MmA.Degree,NEau hnuaiah a n1 a. A ni hi Thal­ favang Kutah secretarY Le h NERSU- Executive Member nun-cc.t tak. chhtUl9 a 10 tang .tawh a. Pu PmSiam1iana hi Political Party te leh Student ten"India nena Peace Talk an neihna ~ active part 1a in hemi a vang hiari turnhnih Lad.: Jail·-ah khung ani bawk.-under Ground-a:h a Lu't; a, March 23.1982 khan man a nia, Silchar Jail-ah kunlkhat eda rei mah khung a n i , PU PmSiamliana hi MizQ Pe3ce Fo~ (MPF) President hmasa ber a n L, !'frlF Leh. India .sorkClr inremna thuthlung an ziah khan a ~riatpuitu te .zing,-ah a b=!l ve am Kum 1984 Election khan MPF ticket-in a din'g ve a', Mahse a tling zo 'ce 10 a ni~ ~ • m •. 3/-- • "'" 4 - . - Tiol·President alo nih khan kan r~ah' alo zin a, khawchhiat avangin a chen hun tur aia tum ~wmin . Tuirial E-ir-fi~ldah". nf.Lenqa, Helicopte-r ngh2.ka knn hotute nena awm ni~p~wh khan oinglo hme! pu takin, nul~ tlungv_ nltbzingah lean zeLa.ia anq zel a min kawm t.ht am a 01 n , lean n.~l h Le ani•. • . President an.:l.h'- chh'unqf n a hm Lnq ::'::)dwh a .tiba h Le a .. "president atangaa b an vhrruah pawh khulai Delhi ah keto thenawmah c. awn a, inthenawrn anq.i.n han clruan ked z awk z~VJk theih Loh l1lahse, min eahpui tur a han .memawh • changin; min ngaihttiah zui viauin;kan t.an a inhawng h Le thin a. Chuvangin,athihnaah ~ian Indiaio. ~iropui tak,hruaitu ropultik kan'chan-~ai oi lovin, ketoi Mizote ngei pawh . hd an Central aocke.r I'eh _India ram pumpui tie z Lnqa min .duhsak . tu leh min lairiattu kan chana, ili a.· Kan tan cherma rap- thlaw"..e-ak a 01." ' ".J PU speaker, PU P.Siamli2na hi H~useah 'tumhnih lean 10 thawhpui tawh a nf a. A chanch.in lean ngaih­ thlak atangin zirlai a nih l~i pawhin, ?irlaite zingnh, zirlaite tan a sulsutu leh kaihruaitur kan rum pawnah pa~ a'\1i tih i suwf, 'tawh, a. Kaq. ramah pawh .Students movemcnteh hr-uat t;u pewfmawh tak a niifi1dik leh tha nd a a hriatah chuan huaisen takin Sorkarte pawh a tulanga sawisel a, 4~dul hgamin, cause .tha nia·a.hriatah Chuan lungin hial tans ngaro ani tih i ~awi taWh a. _ Tichuen1kan;thawhhochhungin roi Lnnqe.Ltlawru tak, 'hotute,thu zawm thiam t.ak a n i a. Hini ster anihn~ah pawh thawktha tak ani. Mihring hian famk~m loh na kan nei 'Ebeuh a, -man se, ram Le h hrram Le h k.h awt.Lanq tuna .- athawhnaah 'te le'h ken t:hawhhona kawng tiLn r-e nqah thawhhopui nuem tak' a ni e'. Vangiai tak"niin,bawrhsawnna.

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