Panel To Outline College Grades Problem NEXT WEEK OCE Grad-Sponsored Full report on reactions to THE Oregonian articles. Forum to Discuss Feature on F.T.A. Be sure To Get Your CoPY! M RO •Oregonian' Series "Why Do Oollege Freshmen Fail" is the topic for the second in a ser­ VOL'QME VI OREGON COLLEGE OP EDUCATION, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1949 NUMBER 34 .._... ies of Wednesday discussion forums sponsQred by students in Dr. Ha­ gan's graduate courses. The group will meet this time in 900Confer Campbell hall auditorium in order to better present the discussion to the larger audience expected t.o at­ On Use of tend. All summer session students and members of the faculty are in­ vited. The session begins at 4:30 p.m. Sex Film Theme of the meeting is drawn from a series of three penetrating Nearly 900 attended the Summer analysee of one of the top problems Conference on Social Hygiene held in education today, written for the all day TUesday on the campus. Sunday Magazine of the Portland General reaction of the audience Oregonian by Wilma Momson, an was that the material presented at Oregonian reporter. • the CQnference had a very defiinite Panel on Problems and high value for all teachers. Five members of OCE's faculty Much interest was expressed in get­ will review the implications of Miss ting the film "Human Growth" on Morrison's findings which touch on which work of the conference was special fields in education. With Dr. based, scheduled for use in schools H. Barry Rose of Arizona. state, vis­ represented in the audience. (More iting lecturer in psychology, as speclflc reactions, gathered 1>yLam­ Photo shows impact of "Human Growth" film on group of pupils from the l:ampus elementary moderator, Professor Matthew R. om reporters, will be found eJse­ school. Pictures were made during the showing of the film at the request of Mr. Avery, Brown Trust di­ Thompson will discuss the reflec­ where in this issue.) rector; they will be used as illustrations of an a.rticle being prepared for Oregon Journal for fall release. tions on mathematics and science Auditorium Crowded courses. Crowding Campbell hall auditor­ Dr. H. Kent Parley will point out ium for the morning session, the facets of the problem touching on teacher-audience saw a skillful pre­ teacher education, arid Dr. Deni!! sentation of the material in the P-T A Sponsors Class Talks Here Baron will talk on the counseling film, conducted by Lester Beck, U. potentials. Oregon Congress of Parents and of Portland, Safety Chairman; Mrs. Mrs. Melford Nelson, School Lunch Dr. Victor Phelps wW discuss the of O. psychologist. Mr. Beck moti­ I vated later discussion of the film by Teachers has arranged a series of Ralph Herron. of Lebanon, Visual Chairman, Independence; and Mrs. grading and examining factors in­ the test audience of campus ele­ three discussions of P-TA work for, Education Chairman; Mrs. Har­ James Bunnell, Health Cha!rman, volved In the situation, and Miss mentary school pupils, and at the the classes in school organizationI greaves; Mrs. A. Fratzke, Indepen­ Salem. Emma Henkle, d1rector of OCE's at OCE's summer term. same time outlined reactions to be dence, Regional Vice-President; Mrs. Jennelle Moor.head, profes­ reading clinic, will report on the re­ First speaker in the series will be expected for the teachers watching sor of physical education of U. of actions from the standpoint of Mrs. H. H. Hargreaves, president of and listening. o., and a vice-president of the Ore­ 1eaclting of reading, both in the the congress. Her topic ill e Unique Opportunity gon Congress, will address the After the presentation of the W b elementary schools and in the high "Function and Background of P­ (Continued on Page Two) groups on Friday, July 22. Her topic schools. TA." She wlll appear on Monday, E v e r y thinking Oregonian will be "Relationship of Teachers ''White Collar Myth" July 18. needs full background knowl­ and Parents Through P-TA." Mr. William Wiest, OCE summer Judges Ready A panel discussion of local, state edge on the Columbia river, The classes in school organization term student, who has a wide back­ and national educational projects mighty giant of power and poli­ are under the direction of Dr. Vic­ ground of experience in and out of will be presented on Tuesday, July tics. tor Phelps, of the general extension the teaching profession, will dis­ In Foto Contest 19. Speakers will be Roy E. Lieual­ A unique opportunity to ge� division, and Miss Henrietta Wolf­ cuss the extent to which the "white len, of OCE, P-TA School Educa­ such knowledge is the lecture er, principal of the campus elemen­ Miss Mary Fullington, visiting lec­ on "The Columbia River'' from tary school. tion chairman; Mrs. R. H. Walter, In order to provide full access turer In a.rt from the Seattle public its source to its mouth by an for intelligent consideration, schools; Harry Peters, ASB repre­ acknowledged expert on the the Summer Session Lamron sentative for summer session; and stream, Dr. Reginald Shaw, pro­ Workshoppers ha.s arranged an exhibit of the Lamron Photo Editor Willis Keith­ Degree Trend fessor of geography at Central three Oregonian articles which ley have set up judging standards Washington College of Ed. Dr. are the theme of the Wednes­ -for the Summer session Photo Shaw will lecture at a 6:30 p.m. End Research Reported Strong: day OTBd. Students' Forum. It sweepstakes, it was learned today. dinner meeting of the two-week wW be found at the entrance to The judges are ready to award institute on Northwest Resourc­ An outstanding array of speakers Strong emphasis on classroom the library. 1lrst prize of $10 (still on ice) and es opening at OSC in Corvallis teachers' need for degree training on educational topics appe!Ued be­ The text and accompanying Second Prize of five ditto for win- TODAY (3uly 18). Tickets for Is revealed in figures released today fore the four-week workshop on so­ lllustrations form 'a remarkably ners In the summer Session Photo the dinner meeting are $1.75. cial sciences which ended July 14 effective presentation of one of Y the Lam- by R. E. IJeuallen, OCE registrar. See Mr. Heintzelman for reser­ Sweepstakes·sponsore d b the top problems in modem ed­ 25. All Of nearly 650 students attending vations and transportation. at OCE's summer session. ron. Contest deadline ls 3v,J.y ucation. Bureau by ,summer session, 209 are seeking the Under the direction of Mrs. Doro­ entries must be in News Oome to the forum and learn degree of bachelor of science in ed- thy Goodwin, elementary special­ then to be eligible. the latest on how these prob­ Contfst rules are reprinted below: ucation ist in the Highline public schools of , a survey of registrations Rev. Charles Neville lems are being worked out in Rule One: Pictures must have disclosed. There are 130 women and Seattle, the group heard Rex Put­ the various fields of education. beeri made since start of summer 79 men included in the group. Nea.r­ nam, state superintendent of public Speaks at Chapel Express YOUR opinion, too: ly 100 are seelting August gradua­ instruction and Mrs. Agnes Booth, aesslon, June 15, 1949. that's how problems get solved. Rule Two: No professionally made tion from degree courses or as three Rev. Charles Neville of the Epis­ superintendent of schools in Mar­ shots will be accepted. 'year certificate graduates. copal church of The Good Samari­ ion county, discuss ''The Social Rule Three: Judging categories Teachers Return tan, Corvallis, was guest speaker at studies." collar myth" is responsible for the will be Scenic, Portrait, Animal or Most of those covered in the sur­ the third summer session chapel, Miss F.mma Henkle, associate conditions Miss Morrison ha.s re­ Nature study, Children, Architec- vey are teachers who have returned held in Campbell hall auditorium professor and director of the OCE ported to exist. tural, campus Activities. Entrant to OCE for further training after Friday at 11 a.m. reading clinic, and Miss Florence Each of these topics will be as­ should indicat� on back of photo in spending time in the field. Some The program was as follows: Beardsley of Salem, director of ele- signed five minutes of floor time; which class print is entered.) Black are regular students at OCE who Organ Prelude mentary eduction in the state de- after which there will be a period and white and color will Se judged are aware of the increasing pres­ 0 :Worship the King .............. Haydn partment of education: Mrs. ·Edna of discussion from the floor, in separately. .Any size of print is per- sure for degree training in the pro- Congregation directed by Ber­ Neher Charles, instructor In earl which all are invited to participate. missible. fession. win Murry of choral class childhood education at UCLA; Dr, The articles strike at the heart Rule Four: Decisions of judges It is estimated that a luge per­ Scripture Reading Gerald Gillaspie Arthur Taylor, of the social science of one of the most pressing of ed­ will be final and all prints will be- centage of others included in the The Lost Chord ...... Arthur Sullivan department at SOCE; Miss Dorotht ucation's problems-how to adjust come property of OCE. 650 summer term registrants will George Redden Gillanders, director of dance, Ari.. the curriculums of the high school also seek degrees, but have not in­ Address -·····•··•···· Rev Charles Neville zona State teachers college; MiS.! and college In relation to each DR.
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