MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN FOR THE YEARS 1773-1 828. VOLUME I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. MASON AND G. LANE, FOR THE METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBERRY-STREEt. J. Collord, Printer. 1840. 268 Minutes for 1816. lively as I ever knew him to be. Yet, I he had the soldiers together who desired believe this kind of labour was too severe to flee from the wrath to come. How for a man of his advanced age in this hot lovingly and earnestly he would address climate ; and I am sorry to add, not only them ! and how fervently would he ad frqm my own thoughts, but also from the dress the Lord Jesus on their behalf! judgment of the above-mentioned medical These little meetings he considered as gentlemen, that it was one means of has dawnings of the gospel in the East. tening his sudden death. Yet while we Tuesday, May 3. This day God has view and deplore this conduct, as exem visited us with a most awful and afflictive plified in the case of our venerable leader, dispensation. Our highly esteemed and it is a standard of emulation, at which all venerable leader is taken from us. Dr. young ministers ought to aspire ; and even Coke is dead ! This morning he was our passengers confessed that Dr. Coke's found dead in his cabin. While we view conduct was a tacit reproof to all. The every circumstance of this most distress only way in which I can account for his ing visitation, we are led to wonder and unremitting labours, is this :—That as Asia adore. The event would have been less had so long occupied his serious attention, alarming had he been encircled by his and to send the gospel to so great a num friends, who might have heard his latest ber of immortal souls, who were in hea testimony, received his dying instructions, thenish darkness and superstition, was and obtained directions how to proceed in now the chief concern of his life ; as more the work of this great mission ; but these than once, since we came on board, he advantages were not enjoyed, and we are had told me, that if he had not succeeded now left to lament the departure of our in establishing the present mission, he be Elijah, and to tremble for the cause of lieved it would have broken his heart; but God. He is gone ! and he is gone to re having so clear a discovery of the will of ceive a crown of righteousness that fadeth God on the subject, he cast himself upon not away. His death, though a loss to us, his direction, fully persuaded that his way and to the cause of God, to himself is infi would be opened ; and having so far suc nite gain. Though sudden, his death was ceeded, he took it as a proof of the divine glorious : he died in the work of God, with approbation of the undertaking, and now his soul fired with an ardent desire and determined to spend and be spent in so zeal for the enlargement of his church, glorious a cause. And now, having made and the divine glory. For some time be a beginning, by translating and composing fore his death it appeared that he had no in Portuguese, he experienced great joy desire to live, but to see the gospel est*, in his soul ; and when he had composed a blished in Asia. He frequently observed, short sermon or prayer, he always read that he had given up his life to Asia ; and it to us with joy and gratitude. But it is astonishing with what assiduity he that which afforded him the greatest joy pursued his object. Though near sixty- • was, when in our prayer meetings we seven years of age, in a short time he ac sung his translation of our hymns into quired such a knowledge of the Portuguese Portuguese, and which (according to our language that he had written many sermons, judgment) were translated astonishingly and translated many hymns : this work he well. Among all these labours, our ever was engaged in but yesterday, and is now dear father enjoyed deep communion with enjoying his reward. Thus did he his Lord and Saviour; this we felt both " His body with his charge lay down, in our public and private meetings, when And cease at once to work and live." MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOB THE YEAR 1816. Quest. 1. Wh» are admitted on trial ? Cunningham, Absalom Hunt, James Sim- OHIO CONFERENCE. mons, John Tivis, Othniel Talbot, James Cornelius Springer, Samuel Hamilton, G. Leach, Matthew Mahan, Samuel Che- Andrew Monroe, Benj. Lawrence, Wm. nowith, John Kent — 13. Minutes for 1816. 2G9 TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. C. Harbison, John Scrips, Elijah Gen Lewis Garrett, John Seaton, John Hut try—7. chinson, Nathan Barnes, Dan'l M'Henry, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Thomas Davis, John Bloom, Wm. Ster John W. Norton, John Simons, Wm. venson, Benjamin Proctor, Joseph Piggott, Kennedy, John Mote, Bryan Gause—5. Alex. Fleming, Josiah Daughtry, Philip Davis, John Smith — 14. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Daniel Day, Thacker Muire, Allen R. Barnard, John T. Brame, David Brow- ZaccheusDowling, Zachariah Williams, der, Thomas Browder, Joshua Feather- Daniel Gartman, James Bellah, Samuel stone, John F. Wright, Ebenezer W. Harrison, Jesse Sinclair, Dan'l Christen- Ward, Benj. Stephens, James Reid —11. burv, Andrew Hammill, Tillman Snead, David Garretson — 10. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. John Everhart, Henry Baker, Joha Childs, Robert Cadden, Bazil James Hanner, John Turner, Samuel Barry, Ro bert —6. Hooser, Russel Foster, George Burnett, Boyd William Peebles, Wm. H. Star, Samuel PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Wells, John W. Boyd, Solomon Day, Rich'dW.Petherbridge, Jacob Moore — 2. Stephen Rowe, Williarn Richards, Thos. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Saunders— 13. Aaron Pierce, Sherman Minor, Josiah BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Bowen, James Young, Heman Bangs, Joseph Carper, Morris Covert, Thomas Smith Dayton, Earl Bancroft, Phinehas Beaks, Mordecai Gosnell, George Brown, Doan— 8. , — James Taylor 6. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. John Lord, Josiah A. Scarritt, Nathan Sinickson Tuff, John Creamer, Walters Paine, Salmon Winchester, Bradbury Burrows, Abraham Ketchum— 4. Clay, Joseph C. Pierce — 6. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. GENESEE CONFERENCE. James Covel, David Barclay, Jeremiah James H. Harris, William Brown, M'Daniels, John Goodsel, Isaac Lent, Joshua Rogers, John Arnold, Peter Ba John Boyd, David Miller, Ibri Cannon, ker— 5. Isaac Hill, Zalmon Stewart, Horace Quest. 3. Who are admitted into Weston, John Lovejoy — 12. full connection ? NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. OHIO CONFERENCE. Jeremiah Marsh, Moses Fifield, Daniel John Solomon, David Sharp, Samuel Plumley, Daniel Dorchester— 4. Brown, Olrver Carver, Jacob Hooper, GENESEE CONFERENCE. Sbadrach Ruark — 6. Daniel Sheperson, John Dempster, TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Abraham Lippett, Joshua Beebee, Al- Hardy M. Cryer, Ivy Walke, John pheus Davis, Joseph M'Creary, George Schrader, John Manifee, William Strib- Peck, Isaac Grant, William Jones, Ebe- ling, Nicholas Norwood, Moses Ash- nezer Fairchild, John Byem, Thomas worth, Joshua Butcher, Peter James, M'Gee, George Ferguson — 13. Thomas Owen, Thomas Bailey, John Quest. 2. Who remain on trial t M'Gee, John S. Ford, Elisha Lott— 14. OHIO CONFERENCE. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Lemuel Lane, Boroughs Westlake, Elijah Bird, David Hilliard, John Lane, Joseph Pownal, Sadosa Bacon, Henry John Murrow, Daniel Monaghan, West Baker, William P. Finley, Elijah Truitt, Williams, John M'Clendon, William Win- John Waterman, William Hunt, Russell ningham, Travis Owen, Aquila Leather- Bigelow, William Adams, Jabez Bow wood, William Collinsworth, John Scott, man, Henry B. Bascom— 13. Nicholas M'Intyre — 13. TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Josiah Patterson, George M'Nelly, Hugh A. M'Cain, James C. M'Aden, Nace Overall, Jacob Wbitesides, John Peyton Anderson, Waddell Johnson, Reu 270 Minutes for 1816. ben Ellis, Bowen Reynolds, William Daniel Monaghan,* Nicholas M'Intyre, Jones, Charles Moseley — 8. elect, West Williams,* John M'Clendon,* BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. William Winningham,* Travis Owen,* Aquila Leatherwood* — 28. Samuel P. V. Gillespie, John Bear, Samuel Davis, Richard Hunt, James VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Sewell, Henry Padgett, Thomas Lar- Lewis Kimbell, Lewis Skidmore, John kins — 7. Doyle, Fletcher Harris, Elijah Sparks, Samuel B. White, Abraham Trail, Hugh PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. A. M'Cain,* James C. M'Aden,* Peyton William Preityman, Daniel Moore, Wil Anderson,* Reuben Ellis,* Bowen Rey liam Lummis, Edward Stout, Joseph nolds,* William Jones,* Charles Mose Rusling, William Ross, Henry Kunzel- ley*— 14. — man, Lott Warfield, Amos C. Moore 9. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Caleb Leach, John Macklefresh, Tho Buel Good sell, Daniel Brayton, Charles mas C. Thornton, William C. Morrison, Northrop, William M. Stilwell, Daniel I. Thomas Kennerly, John Connelly, Zach- Wright, Eli Barnett, Samuel Eighmey, ariah Mitchell, Samuel P. V. Gillespie,* Moses Amedon— 8. John Bear,* Samuel Davis,* Richard Hunt,* Thomas Lar- NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Henry Padgett,* kins*— 13. Zenas Adams, Orin Roberts, Job Pratt, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Ezekiel W. Coffin, Bartholomew Othe- man, Walter Sleeper, Henry True, Elea- Phinehas Price, elect, Wm. Prettyman, zar Phelps — 8. elect, Daniel Moore, elect, Wm. Lum mis, elect, Edward Stout, elect, Joseph GENESEE CONFERENCE. Rusling, elect, Wm. Ross, elect, Henry Wyatt Chamberlin, John Griffin, James Kunzelman, elect, Amos C. Moore, elect, Hazen, Elias Bowen, William Cameron, John Potts, elect, Samuel Cox, elect, — J. William Barlow 6. John Goforth, elect — 12. Quest. 4. Who are the deacons ? NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Those marked thus (*) were ordained this year. Thomas Thorp, Beardsley Northrop, OHIO CONFERENCE. Nicholas White, Buel Goodsell,* Daniel Brayton,* Charles Northrop,* William M. John Graham, Charles Waddel, Robert Stilwell,* Daniel I. Wright,* Eli Bar C. Hatton, John Dew, Francis Landrum, nett,* Samuel Eighmey,* Moses Ame John Solomon,* David Samuel Sharp,* don*— 11.
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