40p The Winsley Weaver April 2011 Village Magazine ANNUAL subscriptions DUE THIS MONTH 1 EDITORIAL TEAM & INFORMATION Editorial Enquiries: Janet Cunli!e-Jones Please send items for inclusion in Murhill House the next month’s edition of The Limpley Stoke Winsley Weaver to both Tanya & 01225 722162 Janet by the 14 of the month, [email protected] earlier if possible. Late copy may be included if possible, or held over to the following month. Desktop Publisher: Tanya Reid The Editor holds no responsibility 22 Poston Way for any opinions expressed. Winsley 01225 722644 Advertisements for local events run by voluntary groups etc. are [email protected] free of charge, for one month only, the size (whole or half page etc.) Treasurer: to be left to the discretion Pat Harrison of the editor but your choice 64 Tyning Road wherever possible. Winsley 01225 863649 The current cost for an entry in “The Directory” is £14.00 Advertising: for 12 months. Please contact John Barnes John Barnes if you wish to take 1 Late Broads advantage of our low costs Winsley to promote your product / BA15 2NW service to approximately 400 01225 723305 household monthly. [email protected] ‘Small Ads’ can be placed in the body of the magazine at a cost Distribution: of £2.00 for 40 words maximum. Keith and Pam Bennett Contact John Barnes. 37 Winsley Printed by St John’s Communications Centre, BA15 2LT Trowbridge. Telephone 01225 767468 01225 723090 Reg. Charity No. 289677 2 Editorial APRIL 2011 On pages 23 –24 we have notification from Wiltshire Council that the B3018 will be closed at the bottom of Winsley Hill from 22.00 hours on the night of Monday April 4th till 6.00 on Tuesday morning, April 5th, to allow inspection of the railway bridge. Anyone coming out of Bath that evening will have to use the A 363 – “Sally in the Wood”. I do not know what the buses will do. If you plan coming out by bus after 10.pm that night, you should probably check with the bus company. I hope they don’t find flaws in the bridge – or we might have to suffer longer disruption sometime in the future. Next week – as I write – the clocks go forward, which I suppose is another sign that spring may finally have arrived. Longer light evenings are good, but for myself I love the six months (nearly) when I can actually get up in daylight – and find my slippers without having to put the light on! We think we love spring, but it must have been even more welcome to our ancestors, who endured winter weather without some of our creature comforts. Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king; Then blooms each thing; then maids dance in a ring; Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing . The palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play . The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit . Thomas Nashe 1567 - 1601 3 News from Dorothy House Join in the Dotty Day fun Will you be doing something dotty for Dorothy House on 1 April? As well as being April Fools’ Day, it’s our annual Dotty Day, when we invite our supporters to be as silly as they like and raise funds for the hospice. We hope lots of people around the village will be supporting the hospice in this way – so, if you see a Dotty event advertised, do go along and support it. Everything in the garden... Our open gardens season gets under way next month with the beautiful gardens at Hazelbury Manor, near Box, open to visitors on Sunday 22 May. Details of this and other gardens open for Dorothy House this summer are available on our website – www.dorothyhouse.co.uk .If you have a garden, large or small, that you would be willing to open to raise funds for the hospice, please let us know. We can help with publicity and provide support on the day, so do get in touch if you’d like to be involved. Sax of the best Music by composers as diverse as Faure and Satie, Lennon and McCartney, George Gershwin and James Brown will be on the programme when the talented Saxophonics entertain at Dorothy House on Friday 8 April. The concert in the %ORRP¿HOG+DOOUXQVIURPSP±SP7LFNHWVDW WRLQFOXGHDIUHH JODVVRIZLQHDUHDYDLODEOHQRZIURPIXQGUDLVLQJRQ Everything stops for tea It’s time for tea – Tea@3 that is, when Dorothy House supporters brew up to raise funds for patient care. Tea@3 events can be held anywhere – in schools, workplaces, village halls or gardens – at any time from now until September. And it doesn’t even have to be Tea@3 – you could invite friends and colleagues to &RIIHH#LI\RXOLNHRUHYHQ* 7#:KHWKHU\RX¶UHD¿UVWWLPHURUD7HD# regular, the fundraising team can help with ideas about how to organise and publicise your event: call us for a fundraising pack. 4 6&+22/·66327 March was a busy month at Winsley Primary School. The younger children had a lovely time on their trip to Lackham to see the lambs, and even saw some being born. We all wore something red for Red Nose Day and raised some money for Comic Relief. We have been active with sports, taking part in a tag rugby tournament, practicing for a gymnastics competition, and gearing up for the cricket season. We’ve also been creative: Year 5 took part in a massed choir singing a fantastic African vocal work called Zimbe at the Wiltshire Music Centre. In National Book Week we held a competition for the children to draw their favourite book characters, and a new after- school dance club has started up. The wildlife area, comprising a pond, an area of grassland, a beech hedge and scattered trees, has been receiving some attention. Liz and Matt Johns and their team have been planting around the fences and putting up bird boxes. It will become a useful educational resource for the school and a valuable habitat. It is now so attractive to wildlife that we recently had an injured pheasant sheltering there. The children were concerned about her so we called the RSPCA who took her away to take care of her! The Village Quiz in the school hall was enjoyed by all. Teams of school governors, staff and parents were joined by teams from the wider Winsley community. Please put the date of the Summer Fete in your diary: Saturday 2 July, in the school grounds. 5 Winsley Parish Council Cllr Bennett was elected Chairman of the Parish Council at their meeting on March 1st. She will hold this position until May 10th, the AGM of the Council. There is a vacancy in the Parish Council, due to the resignation of Cllr J. Allison. Details of the process will be posted on the notice boards, in the Weaver and on the website. ‘significant concerns’ Winsley Parish Council have received a letter from Wiltshire Council asking for any ‘significant concerns’ as a result of their proposed reductions to some of the local bus services. They need a response by May 1st The main proposals which affect the immediate area are: Bus 265 reduce to 2-hourly after 7pm weekdays NO bus after 7pm Sundays Warminster - Trowbridge section. Wiltshire Council funding withdrawn Other reductions proposed in the Trowbridge/Bradford area are to: ZigZag, 95, 49, X88 Concerns should be addressed to the acting Clerk to the Parish Council (details are in the Weaver) for forwarding. Diary for april 2011 26 1 april Dotty Day at Dorothy House 1 april Winsley School - Village Quiz 1 april Easter Whist Drive 4 april Top Tips for revision event 4 april Limply Stoke road closure 8 april Saxophonics Concert at Dorothy House 9 april Co!ee Morning and sale of books, jigsaws, etc. 12 april Annual Parish Meeting 14 april Mobile Library 14 april WEAVER DEADLINE 15 april Whist Drive 17 april Troughs - Spring Fayre 26 april Winsley Village Hall AGM 28 april Mobile Library 28 april Winsley Gardening Club - Classic, Rare & Unusual Bulbs 29 april Deadline for ‘signi"cant concerns’ MAY 10 may Winsley Parish Council AGM 25 THE WINSLEY WEAVER S UBS C RIP TIO N RENEWAL we hoped you have enjoyed the magazine in the last 12 months and would like to remind you to renew your 12 months subscription £4.50. the subscription form is below for you to complete. if you choose to pay by cheque please make it payable to THE WINSLEY WEAVER and not to the treasurer - pat harrison. please send your subscription to : pat harrison, 64 tyning Road winsley, bradford on avon, ba15 2jp or if you prefer please put your cash or cheque and the completed subscription form in a sealed enveloped addressed to THE WINSLEY WEAVER and take it to the winsley co-op shop, by courtesy of the management who we thank for their cooperation. (we repeat that cash MUST be in a sealed envelope as sta! cannot accept loose change). WINSLEY WEAVER SUBSCRIPTION FORM APRIL 2011 - 2012 i would like to pay for 12 months subscription. i enclose a cheque for £4.50 for 12 months. NAMES(S) ADDRESS TELEPHONE BRADFORD ON AVON POLICE CONSULTATION SLIPS If you have any concerns you would like us to know about please complete this slip and post in the NPT post box outside the Co-op. Alternatively, consultation slips can be posted to Bradford on Avon Police Station, Station Approach, Bradford on Avon BA15 1DF or emailed to [email protected] To report a non- urgent crime call 0845 4087000 or for all other emergencies dial 999 Name (optional) Address Phone number 6 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Tuesday 12 th April 7.30pm Village Hall All residents are warmly invited to this year’s Parish Meeting.
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