o THECOPYRIGHT, 1888, BY THE SPOHTKKJ LIFE PUBLISHINO Co. SPORTING LIFEENTERED AT PHILA. POKT OTFICE AB SECOND CLASS MATTKR. VOLUME 11, NO. 15. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JULY 18, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. carnate, Glaeacock, the New Torker<i were left in pretty been changed to the 24th. Piltsburg will also play iu place of 30 per cent, of the receipts to the vlsitinif l*ad shape. George, Bat field and Gore do not make here and will pitch Jimmy Galvin. The Boston and club, as now in vogue. A cry of horror went up from much of an outfield, no matter how elastic your 1m- Baltimore dates hare been cancelled. several of the clulis at this announcement, and they A BAD_BREAL agluation Is. I hear that s nee Eatei brook ceased A SHAKE-UP. Sikh will probably play to-day at Hamilton. Welch's LATE NEWS. declared that they would rather ubUin a slice of tb» to be H Giant Slnttery has t&kcu hfs place as the first game will be Saturday at home. Reidy will also Eastern club's receipts than trust to their owii gate for champion feeder ol the team. The New York players be nble to play at third base on that day. support. have frequently remarked that Slattery Is nearly al­ There are ciitidsuiH and criticism*. But the most The Usual Midsummer ways lut't at the plate wlmu the rest of the team leave Jas. A. Williams no Longer langhable In all that line was that in which tbe Ez- Two Ball Clubs Quarrel­ the diiiing rooai. In this city where Slattery is well preu man said that I said that Newark led the Inter­ ROCKFOJID RIPPLES. known bis entrance into a restauraLtgont rally creates national Association in my last week's letter. Bond it Association Kick. a stampede amou^ the waiters. Nature will help a Manager. again, my friend, and read it slow. ling Over a Player. Alleu'a Disgraceful Fiasco—Players teff Slattery digest tho« edtblt-s in a littlo while, aud he Hibbari Bros., a jewelry firm of this city, have of­ Penniless—A Local Revival, Etc. will tnke Ins place in left field to-morrow or Monday fered a silver ball to the Buffalo player who leads the ROCJ[FORD, III., jLly 7. Editor .SPORT IN u LIFE: at the outside. George will probably pitch at Indian* team lu batting. Up to datr Grant leads with Ml; Nothing Las been done by eithi-r ex-Mnn^t r Alien or Hard - Losing Yon der Ahe apolU to-day. I wish him luck, but the good Lord Cleveland's Team to be Han­ Hamburg is .343, and Lohane .307. A New League Umpire Play­ the alleged committee to effect any settlement or com­ preserve him in ca.se he gives 49 men bases on balls This morning a dispatch from Hamilton stated that promise with tho players, who were left bankrupt by Makes Serious, but Un­ and loses the »amc. The New Yorkers get back on dled by Loflus, of the Presideut rnahman had visited that city on Mond-iy the recent tiisbaudmt-'ut uf tho Rockford Club- Most Monday week, and will find happier friends than last and that he had offered Remsan, Oarroll and Mc- ers Released and Signed of them have secured temporary angrt^events ua usual t-j greet them on tbeir return to the Polo C:0«kev, together with £800 cash, for the release of O'Brien, with Peoria; Joe Cnmillion, with Dut»uque; supported, Charges. Gioundj. They bave made a good record on the trip St. Louis Club. Knfght, Audrusand Vi-mer. It further stated tbat General Intelligence. Snydtr, with Crawiordflville (now Terre Haute); aiid deserve considerable Hamiltm wanted 81,000 bontM, and that Mr. Cushman StapJeton. with £io(JiniugU<n. Bttlwlis, tiawever, hue agreed to It. This deal, unsigned, bo leads the Lattibg, li.i-ving a record iu 34 GOTHAM SQUIDS. If completed, as It probably Tt would be a cold summer, indeed, when Special to SPORTING Lira. will be, will strengthen Buffalo greatly iu every [ar­ FKOM LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS. games vf.'^OC, aud a fieltiiug record of .901 besides Slattery, Esterbreek and your own Seward would ticular. The team would stand ftlnnit as follows: Bat- btiug a star base-runuer. iUnry liines, of tbe de- some kind of a row didn't take place in the As­ make the champion entry in any pie eating contest. CLEVELAND, 0., July 14. Poor Jimmie Wil­ funot St. Louis Wdites, teriea. Hart aud Tinner, Vaunt up and Welch. Walsh, The Special League Meeting— Substitute for is als > here unsigned, having sociation. 'Twas ever thus, and this season Glawcock'e recent conduct has been sufficient to liams is in hard luck. On Tuesday, disheart­ Gibbs and Kappel; Lehune. first; Andrus, second (to refined gevtral oft-rs with minor club?. cause bis expuls'ou fr"m the League. He says he did ened and disgusted, he resigned themanagement Umpire Lynch— New Flayers for Wash­ Ex-Mauager-i'i-etMcuc Alien Ictt for Pev-ria to-day, couldn't escape. It is also a noticeable fact that not meftD to spike. He is mean enough for anything. relieve Grant); Reidy, tbird; Flyun.uhort stop; Knight, the storm centre is almost invariably located in of the Cleveland Ciub, and that eame day his left; Silcb, centre, and Hamburg, right. Flyun will ington. to ctll a meeting of tbe luiei-SiuteLeague, to bo field An old story nbout Giasgcock is that lie used to throw 6l>ecial to SPORTING LIFE. th«re to-moiTow (Sumlay), for the purpctio of a^ain the wild, wooly, rowdy West. Ever since the sand In base-runncra* t-yes. Ills recent tricks seem to aged and respected father died at Mechanics- probably be released when Grant recovers, aud Andrus be placed at sbuit stop. Or, if Esterday fa secured, WASHINGTON, July 14. The special meeting "paichiug" up the vacancy caused by the rfrctut dis- Eastern clubs invaded the West there have been imike thetnnd story probable. burg, 0., aged 66. Jimmic left the club at Andrus might be placed at third baao aud lleidy go be­ banduientof the DHnvilles. Alien, however, left f,>r squabbles. Messrs. Byrne and Stern had quite Porter neems to save alt his strength and energy for once, and it is in the hands of Charley Sayder hind the bat again. OLIMPIC. of League directors may not convene before the publication in the Gazette (an insignificant ditfty ]>«b- the Brooklyn Club. Porter should a fuss over the Fourth of July morning game at feel no animus and Secretary Hawley in Cincinnati. On Mon­ middle of August, as several members of the libht-d here, uot«d pritici|ally for it-t paiiicip-tuoit iu toward the Brooklyn Club, for be was always used well scaudala au.l as a defendant iu a recent prominent Cincinnati. Baltimore had Iota of trouble nt day the men will be home, and Tom Loftus, BASE BAIX SOUTH. board find it inconvenient to go to Atlantic City hero. the latter part <f ihe praunt month. Tho matters to libel «t;it instituted a.rJnst it) u pcurritloiw ar:ic!e Kansas City, and the Athletics and Cincinnatis Premature publication often spoils deals and 8om#- who has been selected and engaged as manager, over his signature, purporting to be a reply to iiiy The Southern Leagrue Dead at Last—New be considered are not couddered urgent »t.d the iu«g- hai a regular row. But the climax was capped ttnjps delays tbeai imle finitely. Knowles will be a will begin his reign. At the same time it is ftatea will be again, consulted befyr* the call ia offi­ letter in jour lant issue (which th*5 published je--tt-r- at St. Louis last week, when Von der Ahe lost Giant, though, in time. probable that Jiui McGarr, whom you know so Orleans Absorbed by tho Texas League cially promulgated. day), in which I undertook to faithfully porliay iho \Vtfidimii wiif probably twirl the globe regularly for —Tlie New Arrangement. exact situation of bast^ ball uatUra ho;e. teaid article his head over the loss of the lead and the un­ the Jersey City Club hereafter. well, will play his first game, in short field, for NEW rLAYEUS SECURED. the Cleveland?, vice Gus Albert, released. The Southern League is dead notwithstand­ npptRte iu to-day's iw>ue of tbo afvireeaid, and inas-- usual experience of four straight defeats for hia Poor old St. Louis. They were going to win four Manager Ted SuHivun telegraph* from New Orleans much as it will not be read by to exceed over five" pet Browns, and made a bad break at the presi­ str.tischt from Brooklyn and did not get even one. Joe Other changes will follow. Loftus' only work ing a heroic struggle for existence, and the that he has signed Fuller, short s1«p, and Will Wid- hundred (that bting about the extent of tb«ir snb- dent of a fellow club, an umpire and a couple Pritchard has probably gone daft. fur some time will be to make the Cleveland Birmingham Clnb's president by chicanery ma­ ner, pitctier, late of the New Orients. The pl*Ttng of scriptiou list) I shall not lose any «lt-ep, nor under­ Tbe expulsion *>f tbe New Jersey Athletic Club nine terially helped to kill it. The club was to give the>e two men In the Southern Le*gne has attracted take to inflict any morn "suffering" U[Km your fitly of his own players.
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