NOTES FROM A LENINGRAD MANUSCRIPT: EUGENIOS VOULGARIS' AUTOGRAPH LIST OF HIS OWN WORKS* Within the broad field of Balkan, particularly Greek, En­ lightenment studies, one of the greatest problems concerns the limited accessibility and use of Soviet manuscript and published material. Just as Soviet and pre-revolutionary Russian scho­ lars have called attention to the substantial archival resources for earlier periods of Greek history,1 so also rich Soviet colle­ ctions bearing on more recent Greco-Russian ties await scholarly investigation.2 Indicative of the contribution that Soviet repositories offer * The International Research and lished in the dissertation abstract Exchanges Board (IREX), through (Moscow, IzdateFstvo Moskovskogo their sponsorship and support in Universiteta, 1969), pp. 6-9. For the Soviet Union, made possible coverage of Leningrad, see the sy­ the year of research upon which this stematic catalogs of E. E. Gran- article draws. Special thanks also strem in Vizantiiskii Vremennik go to B. A. Gradova and Ε. E. Gran- [Βυζαντινά Χρονικά], «Katalog gre- strem for their assistance at the cheskikh rukopisei leningradskikh Leningrad Public Library. Permis­ khranilishch,» in eight parts begin­ sion to photograph the Voulgaris ning with volume 16 (1959). For manuscript was kindly given by Greek New Testament manuscripts the Library's Division of Manu­ in the Soviet Union, see Kurt Treu, scripts. Oie griechischen Handschriften des 1. For a general guide to Russian Neuen Testaments in der UdSSR: and Soviet catalogs to Greek hol­ Eine systematische Auswertung der dings, see Marcel Richard, Reper­ Texthandschriften in Leningrad, Mo­ toire des bibliothèques et des catalo­ skau, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi und Ere­ gues de manuscrits grecs, 2nd ed., van, Vol. 91 (Texte und Untersuch­ Paris, 1958; and Richard's Supplé­ ungen zur Geschichte der altchri­ ment I (1958-1963J, Paris, 1964. stlichen Literatur), Berlin, 1966. See also the extensive bibliographi­ 2. For recent guides to some of cal guide in the «kandidat» disserta­ these later materials, see I. N. tion of B. L. Fonkich, «Grecheskaia Lebedeva, compiler, Opisanie ruko- kodikologiia (na materiale rukopi- pisnogo otdela biblioteki akademiei sei X - XVII vv. sobranii Moskvy i nauk SSSR, Tom 5: Grecheskie Ru- Leningrada)», part of which is pub­ kopisi, Leningrad (AkademiiaNauk) 2 Ο ΕΡΑΝΙΣΤΗΣ, 13 (1976), αρ. 73 to Greek scholarship is the heretofore unknown manuscript in the Leningrad Public Library,1 «Conspectus Operum, Editorum atque Ineditorum»,2 Eugenios Voulgaris' autograph list of hi& own published and unpublished works. Though accounts of Voulgaris' lengthy career have often alluded to his last thirty - five years (1771-1806) in the Russian Empire —some dismissing the period quite summarily as being the time when Voulgaris «turned conservative»— relatively little work has sought to ex­ plore the precise nature of Voulgaris' substantial activity in Catherinean and post-Catherinean Russia.3 While the manu­ script here in question dcres not in isolation reveal the rich comple­ xity of Voulgaris' involvements within the Russian Empire, it nevertheless is of particular interest for the significant new in­ sights it offers into retrospective Greek bibliography. The origin of the Voulgaris autograph «Conspectus» is not particularly difficult to determine. Residing during the last five 1973; also, the very noteworthy such as «The Constantinople Mis­ article by B. L. Fonkich on patriar­ sion» and «Russian Relations with chal documents of the XVI-XIX the Ionian Islands», to the Arkhiv centuries, «Grecheskie gramoty so- Vneshnei Politiki Rossa (AVPR. .. vetskikh khranilishch», in Problemy Archive of Russian Foreign Po­ Paleografii i Kodihologii ν SSSR licy). Moscow (Akademiia Nauk), 1975, 1. Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia pp. 242-260. It is in this article Biblioteka im. Saltykova - Shched- where Fonkich notes, among many rina, hereafter referred to as GPB. others, the relatively unknown, long 2. The Voulgaris autograph list letters of Cyril Loucaris «concerning under this Latin title is located in the political situation in the Near GPB, fond 588 (Pogodinskie avto- East» (p. 247). Among the other grafy), delo 329, 8 leaves. Two wor­ sources found throughout the USSR king drafts in Greek, also in Voul­ for study of Greco-Russian ties, garis' hand, are found in GPB, the very large archival collection, Sobranie Pogodina 2009, Vol. II, «Russian Relations with Greece», leaves 247-249. now exists in two separate locations 3. For an account of Voulgaris' in Moscow. Materials up to 1721 are career in Russia based upon Soviet housed in fond n° 52, Tsentral'nyi archival resources, see this writer's Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Drevnikh unpublished doctoral dissertation, Aktov (TsGADA ... Central State «Eugenios Voulgaris in Russia, Archive of Ancient Acts). Materials 1771-1806: A Chapter in Greco-Sla­ dating after 1721 have been trans­ vic Ties of the Eighteenth Century»,. ferred, along with other collections University of Minnesota, 1975. St. Κ. Batalden, VOULGARIS' LIST OF HIS OWN WORKS Ϊ years of his life in the Aleksandr Nevskii Monastery in St. Peters­ burg, Voulgaris was in frequent contact there with the learned scholar and monk, Evgenii Bolkhovitinov (1767-1837), later to become the Metropolitan of Kiev.1 Bolkhovitinov was already at the time compiling materials for his two-volume biographical dictionary of critical figures in Russian intellectual and church history.2 In this context Bolkhovitinov undoubtedly asked Arch­ bishop Eugenios to assist him in the preparation of Voulgaris' own biographical article by drafting a list of his published and unpublished works. That Bolkhovitinov or his immediate assi­ stant must have been the source of the request may be verified through two independent sources. On the one hand, Bolkhovi- tinov's published dictionary, which includes a biographical article on Voulgaris, contains the only Voulgaris bibliography taken directly from the «Conspectus».3 As a result, this Bolkhovitinov bi­ bliography, while it understandably is not complete, remains one of the best for coverage both of Voulgaris' published and unpublished works. Further bearing out Bolkhovitinov's tie with the «Conspe­ ctus» is the fact that two of the manuscript copies in Voulgaris' own hand are bound in GPB within the manuscript volumes entitled, «Materials for Evgenii's (Bolkhovitinov's) Dictionary».4 1. For the date of Voulgaris' the same author's Slovar' russkikh move to Aleksandr Nevskii Mona­ svetskikh pisatelei sootechestvennikov stery, see the account of two con­ i chuzhestrantsev, pisavshikh ν Ros­ temporaries, Ivan I. Martynov, sii, 1st ed. (only Α-Γ), Moscow, «Izvestie ο Arkhiepiskope Evgenii 1838; republished in completed e- Bulgare», Litsei, Ch. Ill, kn. 1, dition in Moscow, 1845. p. 43; and Evgenii [Bolkhovitinov], 3. See Evgenii [Bolkhovitinov], Slovar' Istoricheskii ο byvshikh ν Slovar'. dukhovnago china (St. Rossii pisateliakh dukhovnago china, Petersburg, 1818), pp. 150-172 (for grekorossiskiia tserkvi, Chast' I, St. bibliography, pp. 156-170). Petersburg, 1818, p. 156. For Bol­ 4. GPB, Sobranie Pogodina 2009, khovitinov's own account of his consists of two volumes under this association with Voulgaris, see «Vy- title. The Voulgaris materials are derzhki iz druzheskikh pisem Evge- in Vol. II, leaves 244-257. Interestin niia», Russkii Arkhiv(l870), 785-786. gly, Vol. I, leaves 369-371, contains 2. For reference to the first di­ a brief account «concerning the ctionary, on the writers of spiritual Zosimades brothers», with reference rank, see Evgenii [Bolkhovitinov], to their publishing activity and op. cit.; for secular writers, see their deposit in Moscow of 150,000 4 Ο ΕΡΑΝΙΣΤΗΣ, 13 (1976), αρ. 73 All other items in the bound manuscript volumes, including a copy of Voulgaris' will, as well as substantial material on nume­ rous other figures represented in the Slovaf (Dictionary), have the common thread of their connection with the Bolkhovitinov publications. The dating of Voulgaris' «Conspectus» can be fairly well approximated. In as much as Voulgaris identifies the publication of volumes printed in 1801,1 but fails to credit the subsequent publication in 1804 of several other manuscripts,2 we can as­ sume that Voulgaris wrote the «Conspectus» sometime within that two to three year period, 1801-1804. With respect to the handwriting and condition of the manu­ scripts, it is clear that each of the three lists—two drafts in Greek and the one below in Latin— is in the hand of Voulgaris.3 Unfor­ tunately, the only list that can be reproduced in entirety without marginal loss is the Latin one, facsimile of which is attached. Though the Latin «Conspectus» is the most inclusive of the three in terms of items — it has one more entry than the two Greek lists there are occasions when Voulgaris gives information in the Greek lists otherwise lacking in the corresponding Latin list. In such cases I have provided supplementary notes below. In general, readers will quickly note that, for a man of 85 to 88 years of age (b. 1716), Eugenios Voulgaris' hand remained remark- ablv strong— a point which lends added credibility to the accounts of those contemporaries who said that Voulgaris con- rubles, the interest on which was of Voulgaris at a similar stage in being sent to Greece for use by the his life, readers may note the hand­ «schools of Ioannina and other ap­ written additions by Voulgaris to his propriate and useful matters» (leaf «Κύκλος ποιητικών άθυρματίων», pre­ 369). served
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