Agenda Item #3K-3 PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: December 3, 2019 Consent [X] Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Department: Water Utilities Department I. EXECUTIVE BRIEF Motion and Title: Staff recommends motion to approve: Amendment No. 2 to the Contract for Consulting/Professional Services Lift Station Rehabilitation Project B (Contract) with Mock, Roos & Associates, Inc. (Consultant) to extend the project schedule by 486 calendar days and increase the not to exceed amount by $198,766.92. Summary: On September 13, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the Water Utilities Department (WUD) Contract (R2016-1172) with Consultant to provide engineering services during the design, permitting, bidding and construction phases for the Lift Station Rehabilitation Project B (Project) which includes the rehabilitation of sixty (60) lift stations. Amendment No. 2 to the Contract provides for the performance of additional project management, survey, engineering design and permitting support services as requested by WUD. These additional services are related to revised requirements occurring after the Contract was executed. This Contract was procured under the requirements of the 2002 Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Ordinance (R2002-0064) prior to the adoption of the new Equal Business Opportunity Ordinance on October 16, 2018. The SBE participation goal established by the 2002 SBE Ordinance was 15% overall participation. The Contract provides for 96% SBE participation. Amendment No. 2 includes an overall SBE participation of 100%. The cumulative SBE participation including Amendment No. 2 is 100%. Consultant is a Palm Beach County company. The Project is included in the WUD FY20 budget. (WUD Project No. 15-096B) Countywide (MJ) Background and Justification: During the Consultant's completion of their design efforts for Bid Package No. 2, several revised requirements resulted in impacts to the project delivery schedule. Survey services are needed to support documentation requirements associated with obtaining five (5) easements. Electrical engineering services are needed to support the improvements at sixteen (16) lift stations. Other engineering services are needed to support the incorporation of a significant revision to WUD's standard specification into the remaining design submittals and bid documents for Bid Package No. 2 and to address recent changes in the Palm Beach County Right-pf-Way permit requirements. Attachments: 1. Three (3) Originals of Amendment No. 2 2. Location Map 3. Certificate of Liability Insurance Recommended By: (o-'3(-l9 Department Director Date Approved By: Date II. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS A. Five Year Summary of Fiscal Impact: Fiscal Years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Capital Expenditures i1982767 Q Q Q Q Operating Costs 0 Q Q Q Q External Revenues Q Q Q Q Q Program Income (County) Q ·Q Q Q Q In-Kind Match County Q Q Q Q Q NET FISCAL IMPACT $198.767 Q Q Q Q # ADDITIONAL FTE POSITIONS (Cumulative) Q Q Q Q Q Budget Account No.: Fund 4011 Dept 721 Unit W031 Object 6546 Is Item Included in Current Budget? Yes X No Does this item include the use of federal funds? Yes No X Reporting Category N/A B. Recommended Sources of Funds/Summary of Fiscal Impact: C. Ill. REVIEW COMMENTS A. OFMB Fiscal and/or Contract Development and Control Comments: B. C. Other Department Review: Department Director This summary is not to be used as a basis for payment. AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIFT STATION REHABILITATION PROJECT B COOS PROJECT NO. WUD 15-0968 This Amendment is made as of the ____day of______20_, by and between Palm Beach County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through its Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and Mock, Roos & Associates, Inc. [] an individual, [ ] a partnership, [X] a corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT, whose Federal I.D. is 59-0878800. In.consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT agree that the Contract for Consulting/Professional Services entered into by the parties on September 13, 2016, and referenced by County Resolution Number R2016-1172 , as amended by Amendment No. 1 dated April 10, 2018, and referenced by County Resolution Number R2018-0555 (hereinafter "the Contract"), is amended as follows: 1. Additional services shall be provided pursuant to Exhibit A2 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The pricing as depicted in the Contract is not changed. Exhibit 82, Fee Schedule to the Contract is not modified by this Amendment. 3. The compensation in the Contract was a not-to-exceed fee of $1,846,359.43. The not-to­ exceed amount is hereby increased by $198,766.92 from $1,846,359.43 to $2,045,126.35 as presented in Exhibit C2 which only depicts the increased amount for the additional services, and which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4. The project schedule as depicted in the Contract was to be completed in 1,834 days. Exhibit D2, Project Schedule to the Contract is hereby increased by 486 days from 1,834 days to 2,320 days as presented in Exhibit D2. 5. The OEBO Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 documents are presented in Exhibit E2 attached hereto and made a part hereof for the additional services presented in this Amendment. All other provisions in the Contract remain unchanged and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida has made and executed this Amendment No. 2 on Behalf of the COUNTY and CONSULTANT has hereunto set its hand the day and year above written. F:\_PROPOSALS\pbcu\B5044.00_PBC Lift Station\Amendment No. 2\Mock Roos Contract-20191014.doc AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIFT STATION REHABILITATION PROJECT B COOS PROJECT NO. WUD 15-0968 ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY, BY ITS SHARON R. BOCK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CLERK & COMPTROLLER By:_________ JJ By:----------­ Deputy Clerk Mayor 101i1lr\ WITNESS: Debra C. McCray, Corporate Secretary Thomas A. Biggs, P.E., Executive Vice President Name (Type or Print) Name (Type or Print) Mock, Roos & Associates, Inc. Firm Corporate Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO TERMS AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY AND CONDITIONS By:---------­ By:<\~~ Assistant County Attorney epartment Director F:\_PROPOSALS\pbcu\85044.00_PBC Lift Station\Amendment No. 2\Mock Roos Contract-20191014.doc Exhibit A2 Scope of Services EXIIlBITA2 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIFT STATION REHABILITATION PROJECT B CD08 PROJECT NO. WUD 15-096B The SCOPE OF WORK is hereby amended as follows: Task 3.3 - Sketch & Legal - Easement Work The original contract was based on the CONSULTANT preparing twenty (20) sketches and legal descriptions for the COUNTY's use recording easements. The CONSULTANT will provide the services of a surveyor licensed in the state of Florida to prepare up to an additional five (5) sketch and legal descriptions for the COUNTY's use to record easements. Three (3) hard copies of all sketch and legal descriptions will be provided. The original contract was also based on the assumption that the COUNTY would prepare preliminary sketches for Foresight Communications & Consulting, Inc. (Foresight) to engage property owners for lift stations that are to have easements requested. This is the process that was used for Bid Package 1; however, the COUNTY has requested that the CONSULTANT prepare the preliminary sketches for Foresight to use with the easement acquisition process associated with Bid Package 2. The CONSULTANT will prepare up to twenty (20) 8.5"x11" sketches and revise each sketch up to three (3) times. A PDF of each of the sketches will be provided to the COUNTY and Foresight. Task 4.0 - Geotechnical Investigation The original contract was based on the CONSULTANT preparing subsurface explorations and geotechnical studies to obtain subsurface soil information necessary for the proper design of a new lift station control panel support structure. The work includes one (1) standard penetration test to a depth of 10 feet for five (5) lift stations where geotechnical information is required for designing the lift station improvements. The borings will be performed in general accordance with procedures recommended in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D-1586, using a truck-mounted drilling rig. A geotechnical report summarizing the results of the boring will be made available to potential bidders for informational purposes only. The report will include the location and depth of the borings, visual classification of the recovered samples, and compressive strength test results on rock as necessary. The hours estimated during the scoping for this task in the original contract were sufficient to complete the task. The hours for this line item are being reduced to reflect the actual work required to complete this task since this task is now complete. Task 5.7 - Bid Package 2: Electrical Design The original contract was based on the assumption that forty (40) of the sixty (60) lift stations selected in Bid Package 1 and Bid Package 2 projects would receive electrical improvements; however, fifty-six (56) lift stations selected for rehabilitation are receiving electrical improvements. The CONSULTANT will provide the design of electrical improvements for an additional sixteen (16) lift stations including up to two (2) additional generators. F:\_PROPOSALS\pbcu\85044.00_PBC Lift Station\Amendment No. 2\Mock Roos Contract-20191014.doc Task 5.9- Bid Package 2: 100% Design Submittal The COUNTY issued a significant revision to the COUNTY's standard specifications that are to be incorporated into the contract documents for Bid Package 2. At the COUNTY's request, the CONSULTANT will review and incorporate the COUNTY's new standard specifications into the 100% Submittal for Bid Package 2.
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