CALVIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1978 compiled by PETER DE KLERK I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bartel, Oskar. "Jan Kalwin i kalwinizm w Polsce, na Litwie i w Rosji (do 1917 r.)" Rocznik Teologiczny 14 No. 2 (1972) 5-27. De Klerk, Peter. "Calvin bibliography 1977" Calvin Theological Jour­ nal 12 (1977) 164-187. II. CALVIN'S WORKS A. Works La epístola del apóstol Pablo a los Hebreos. Traducción al Castellano de la versión Inglesa (1853) por Luis Torres y Marquez. Grand Rapids: Subcomisión Literatura Cristiana de la Iglesia Cristiana Re­ formada, 1977. Reprint of 1960 edition. La epístola del apóstol Pablo a los Romanos. Traducción al Castellano de la versión Francesa (1960) por Claudio Gutierrez Marin. Grand Rapids: Subcomisión Literatura Cristiana de la Iglesia Cristiana Re­ formada, 1977. De handelingen der apostelen. Uitgelegd. Opnieuw uit het latijn ver- taald, naar de editie van Baum, Cunits en Reuss door G. Wielenga. Goudriaan: W. A. de Groot, 1977. 2 vol. Reprint of 1899-1900 and 1970 editions. Sermons on the epistle to the Ephesians. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1975. Reprint of 1973 edition. B. Selected works Aggiornamento o riforma della chiesa? Lettere tra un cardinale e un riformatore del '500. Par Jacopo Sadoleto e Giovanni Calvino. Intro­ duzione e note a cura di Giorgio Tourn. Testi della Riforma, 7. To­ rino: Editrice Claudiana, 1976. A compend of the Institutes of the Christian, religion. Ed. by Hugh Thomson Kerr. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1976. Sixth printing. *'De catechismus van Genève" in De belijdenisgeschriften volgens artikel X van de kerkorde van de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk. Red. van Jan Nicolaas Bakhuizen van den Brink. 's-Gravenhage : Boekencen- trum, 1966. Pp. 159-240. Earlier edition dated 1957. Devotions & prayers of John Calvin. 52 one-page devotions with selected prayers on facing pages. Ed. by Charles E. Edwards. Summit Books. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976. Reprint of 1954, 1957 and 1960 editions. NOTE: In this bibliography the closest English equivalents have been substituted for some of the non-English characters. 166 CALVIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1978 167 Golden booklet of the true Christian life. Tr. and ed. by Henry John Van Andel. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977. Sixth printing. "John Calvin: preface to the homilies of Chrysostom" Tr. by John H. Mclndoe. The Hartford Quarterly 5 (Winter 1965) 19-26. "Leerredenen over Job 39, 8-42, 17" in his Stemmen uit Genève. Pre- ken, artikelen, brieven, enz. Vertaald door D. van Dijk. No. 40, juni 1977; No. 41, September 1977. Goudriaan: De Gereformeerde Biblio- theek, 1977. Pp. 365-423, 424-486. The piety of John Calvin. An anthology illustrative of the spirituality of the reformer. Tr. and ed. by Ford Lewis Battles. Music edited by Stanley Tagg. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. "Predikatiën van Johannes Calvijn" in his Stemmen uit Genève. Preken, artikelen, brieven, enz. Vertaald uit het Frans door Jan Martini. No. 42, december 1977; No. 43, maart 1978. Goudriaan: De Gereformeer­ de Bibliotheek, 1977. Pp. 3-80, 81-152. Reprint of 1855 edition. C. Selections of works "[Brief] an Kaspar Olevianus in Heidelberg,, (abridged) [Re: von der Genfer Kirchenzucht] in Reformation und Gegenreformation. Eine Zeitenwende? Von Robert Konrad. Würzburg: Verlag Ploetz, 1974. Pp. 33-35. Fuller version in his Johannes Calvins Lebenswerk in seinen Briefen. Eine Auswahl von Briefen Calvins. Übersetzt von Rudolf Schwarz. Neukirchen Kreis Moers: Neukirchener Verlag der Buch­ handlung des Erziehungsvereins, 1962. Pp. 1091-1093. "Calvin and the reformation in Geneva" in The reformation. A narrative history related by contemporary observers and participants. Ed. by Hans Joachim Hillerbrand. Twin Brooks Series. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. Pp. 170-213. Reprint of 1964 edition. "Constitutional magistrates ought to check the tyranny of kings" in Christianity and revolution. Radical Christian testimonies 1520-1650. Ed. by Lowell H. Zuck. Documents in Free Church History. Phila­ delphia: Temple University Press, 1975. Pp. 139-141. "Enduring persecution for Christ" (Hebrews 13, 13) in Treasury of the world's great sermons. Compiled by Warren W. Wiersbe. Grand Rap­ ids: Kregel Publications, 1977. Pp. 101-108. "How men should pray" [I Timothy 2, 8] in An anthology of devotional literature. Compiled by Thomas Samuel Kepler. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977. Pp. 267-273. Earlier edition entitled The fellowship of the saints. An anthology of Christian devotional literature. Compiled by Thomas Samuel Kepler. New York: Abing- don-Cokesbury Press, 1948. Pp. 267-273. "I greet thee" (Hymn) The Banner 112 (October 21, 1977) 24. "Over de prediking" (naar aanleiding van drie uitspraken van Calvijn) in Verkondiging en verwachtmg. Door O. Mooiweer. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 1976. Pp. 9-12. Six Psalms of John Calvin. Psalms 25, 36, 46, 91, 113, 138. Words by John Calvin. Tr. by Ford Lewis Battles. Harmonizations by Stanley Tagg. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. "The story of a runaway slave" (Philemon) (Study Guide) The Banner 112 (March 25, 1977) 16-17, (April 8, 1977) 16-17. Fuller version in 168 CALVIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL his The second epistle of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians and the epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Tr. by T. A. Smail. Ed. by David W. Torrance and Thomas Forsyth Torrance. Calvin's Com­ mentaries, 10. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973. Pp. 393-401. "Sur la nativité" Ichthus No. 64 (novembre-décembre 1976) 2-3. English version (excerpts) in "The nativity of Jesus Christ" (Luke 2, 1-14) in his The deity of Christ and other sermons. Tr. by Leroy Nixon. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1950. Pp. 37-40. "A teremtés magyarázata" (Genesis 1, 1-2, 3) Forditó István Orth. Re- formátus Szemle 63 (1970) 52-70. French text in his Le livre de la Genèse. Commentaires sur l'Ancien Testament, 1. Texte établi par André Malet, avec la collaboration de Pierre Marcel et de Michel Réveillaud. Genève: Labor et Fides, 1961. Pp. 23-44. "La volonté de Dieu" (Psaume 135, 6) Ichthus No. 65 (janvier 1977) 26-27. English version in his Commentary on the book of Psalms. Tr. by James Anderson. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1949. Vol. 5, pp. 174-175. III. CALVIN'S LIFE AND WORK A. Biography Aland, Kurt. "Die Reformation Jean Calvins" in his Repetitorium der Kirchengeschichte. Teil 3, Reformation und Gegenreformation. Samm­ lung Töpelmann, Reihe 1, Band 10/3. Berlin: Alfred Töpelmann, 1967. Pp. 91-98. Algermissen, Konrad. "Calvin, Johann" in Lexikon der Marienkunde. Hrsg. von Konrad Algermissen, e.a. Band 1, Aachen bis Elisabeth. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 1967. Pp. 1042-1046. Armogathe, Jean-Robert. "Les vies de Calvin au XVIe et XVII^ siècles" in Historiographie de la Réforme. Sous la direction de Philippe Jou- tard. Paris: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1977. Pp. 45-59. Bailly, Auguste. "Calvin" in his La Réforme en France jusqu'à VÊdit de Nantes. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1960. Pp. 119-218. Bèze, Théodore de. "Death-bed of Calvin" The Protestant Review 9 (1977/78) 93, 95. Different version in his The Life of John Calvin. Tr. by Henry Beveridge. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1909. Pp. 107-112. Boettner, Loraine. "John Calvin" Sword & Trowel 1 (Aprii 1968) 1-3, (June 1968) 3-4. Bornkamm, Heinrich. "Calvin; zum 400. Todestage am 27. Mai 1964" Ruperto-Carola 16 (June 1964) 139-143. Braselmann, Werner. "Zum Calvinbild Reinhold Schneiders" Reformier­ te Kirchenzeitung 104 (1963) 115-116. Brezzi, Paolo. "Calvino e il suo movimento" in his Le origini del pro­ testantesimo. "Ut Unum Sint," 1. Roma: Edizioni Paoline, 1961. Pp. 148-174. Burbach, Karl Heinz. "Calvin und der Genfer Gottesstaat" in Renais­ sance—Reformation—Glaubenskämpfe. Von Karl Heinz Burbach, Hel­ mut Mann und Rudolf Stielow. Bilder aus der Weltgeschichte, 6/7. CALVIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1978 169 Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1977. Pp. 56-62. Seventh printing. Büsser, Fritz. "Calvin, John (1509-1564)" in Collier's encyclopedia. Vol. 5, Burnap to Charm. New York: Macmillan Educational Cor­ poration; London: P. F. Collier, 1978. Pp. 183-187. "Calvin, Johann" in Brockhaus Enzyklopädie. Band 3, Blit-Choc. Wies­ baden: F. A. Brockhaus, 1967. Pp. 573-574. Dankbaar, Willem Frederik. "Calvijn, Johannes" in Grote Winkler Prins. Red. van A. J. Wiggers, e.a. Deel 5, Calt-Coui. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1968. Pp. 7-9. Dannenfeldt, Karl Henry. "John Calvin" in his The church of the renaissance and reformation. Decline and reform from 1300 to 1600. Church in History Series. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1970. Pp. 72-90. Delteil, Frank. "Guizot et la Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français: Calvin vu par Guizot" in Actes du Colloque François Guizot (Paris, 22-25 octobre 1974). Paris: Société de l'Histoire du Protestan­ tisme Français, 1976. Pp. 417-437. Donnelly, John Patrick. "John Calvin" in his Reform and renewal. Faith of our Fathers, 2. Wilmington, N.C.: Consortium Books, 1977. Pp. 84-90. Dowey, Edward Atkinson, Jr. "Calvin, John (1509-1564)" in Ency­ clopaedia britannica. Vol. 4, Botha-Carthage. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1970. Pp. 671-674. Edel, Gottfried. "Calvin—eine Entgegnung" (letter to Karl Halaski) Reformierte Kirchenzeitung 105 (1964) 127-129. Frankfurter, A. Daniel. "The protestant offensive" in his A history of the Christian movement. The development of Christian institutions. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1978. Pp. 192-204. Halaski, Karl. "Auch ein Calvin-Brief" (first response to Gottfried Edel) Reformierte Kirchenzeitung 105 (1964) 116-118. "Bloss kein neues Calvin-Klischee" (second response to Gott­ fried Edel) Reformierte Kirchenzeitung 105 (1964) 141-143. Hourticq, Denise. "Die letzten Lebensjahre" Die Hugenottenkirche 17 (1964) 34-35. French text entitled "La fin d'une vie" in his Calvin, mon ami. Genève: Éditions Labor et Fides, 1970. Pp. 98-102. ímre, Lajos. "Kálvin, a fegyelem embere" Reformatus Szemle 66 (1973) 101-108. Iserloh, Erwin. "Der reformierte Protestantismus: Entstehung—Grundi­ deen—Ausbreitung" in Konfessionskunde.
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