E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1999 No. 101 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. tered by the National Highway Traffic Safe- Ways and Means now printed in the bill, it The Chaplain, the Reverend James ty Administration. shall be in order to consider as an original David Ford, D.D., offered the following The message also announced that the bill for the purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule an amendment in the na- prayer: Senate has passed a bill of the fol- ture of a substitute consisting of the text of At the beginning of this day we pause lowing title in which concurrence of H.R. 2489. All points of order against that in the quiet of this place to offer our the House is requested: amendment in the nature of a substitute are thanks and praise to You, O God, for S. 468. An act to improve the effectiveness waived. No amendment to that amendment the wonderful gifts of love that You and performance of Federal financial assist- in the nature of a substitute shall be in order have made available to us and to all ance programs, simplify Federal financial as- except those printed in the report of the people. We know that we were not cre- sistance application and reporting require- Committee on Rules accompanying this res- ated to be alone, but to share in the ments, and improve the delivery of services olution. Each amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may blessings that You have given, to care to the public. f be offered only by a Member designated in for one another in our sorrows and to the report, shall be considered as read, shall celebrate together in our joys. What- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER be debatable for the time specified in the re- ever our situation we are grateful, O port equally divided and controlled by the God, that You are with us and will The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- never depart from us. For these and all tain 1-minutes at the end of legislative ject to amendment, and shall not be subject Your blessings, we offer these words of business today. to a demand for division of the question in prayer. Amen. f the House or in the Committee of the Whole. All points of order against the amendments f PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION printed in the report are waived. The chair- THE JOURNAL OF H.R. 434, AFRICAN GROWTH man of the Committee of the Whole may: (1) postpone until a time during further consid- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- AND OPPORTUNITY ACT eration in the Committee of the Whole a re- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, by di- quest for a recorded vote on any amendment; ceedings and announces to the House rection of the Committee on Rules, I and (2) reduce to five minutes the minimum his approval thereof. call up House Resolution 250 and ask time for electronic voting on any postponed Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- for its immediate consideration. question that follows another electronic vote without intervening business, provided that nal stands approved. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- the minimum time for electronic voting on f lows: the first in any series of questions shall be 15 H. RES. 250 minutes. At the conclusion of consideration PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Resolved, That, at any time after the adop- of the bill for amendment the Committee The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman tion of this resolution the Speaker may, pur- shall rise and report the bill to the House from Massachusetts (Mr. MOAKLEY) suant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the with such amendments as may have been come forward and lead the House in the House resolved into the Committee of the adopted. Any Member may demand a sepa- Pledge of Allegiance. Whole House on the state of the Union for rate vote in the House on any amendment consideration of the bill (H.R. 434) to author- adopted in the Committee of the Whole to Mr. MOAKLEY led the Pledge of Al- the bill or to the amendment in the nature of legiance as follows: ize a new trade and investment policy for sub-Sahara Africa. The first reading of the a substitute made in order as original text. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the bill shall be dispensed with. All points of The previous question shall be considered as United States of America, and to the Repub- order against consideration of the bill are ordered on the bill and amendments thereto lic for which it stands, one nation under God, waived. General debate shall be confined to to final passage without intervening motion indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the bill and shall not exceed ninety minutes, except one motion to recommit with or with- f with forty-five minutes equally divided and out instructions. controlled by the chairman and ranking mi- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE nority member of the Committee on Inter- SHIMKUS). The gentleman from New A message from the Senate by Mr. national Relations and forty-five minutes York (Mr. REYNOLDS) is recognized for Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- equally divided and controlled by the chair- 1 hour. nounced that the Senate had passed man and ranking minority member of the Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, for Committee on Ways and Means. After gen- without amendment a bill of the House eral debate the bill shall be considered for purposes of debate only, I yield the cus- of the following title: amendment under the five-minute rule. In tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman H.R. 2035. An act to correct errors in the lieu of the amendments recommended by the from Massachusetts (Mr. MOAKLEY), authorizations of certain programs adminis- Committees on International Relations and the distinguished ranking member of b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5689 . H5690 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 16, 1999 the Committee on Rules, pending Mr. Speaker, the new economic reali- the chairman of the Committee on which I yield myself such time as I ties of sub-Sahara Africa must be met Ways and Means, the gentleman from may consume. During consideration of and encouraged by the United States. Texas (Mr. ARCHER); the chairman of the resolution, all time yielded is for Indeed, improving the lives of the peo- the Subcommittee on Trade, the gen- the purpose of debate only. ple in sub-Sahara Africa can best be ac- tleman from Illinois (Mr. CRANE); and House Resolution 250 is a structured complished by advancing the develop- the ranking member of the full com- rule, providing for the consideration of ment of free market economies and mittee, the gentleman from New York H.R. 434, the African Growth and Op- representative democracies. H.R. 434 is (Mr. RANGEL). portunity Act. The purpose of this leg- the vehicle for that economic and so- I urge my colleagues to support both islation is to authorize a new trade and cial progression. this rule and the underlying bill. investment policy for sub-Sahara Afri- The African Growth and Opportunity Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ca. Act will provide sub-Saharan countries my time. The rule provides for 45 minutes of with the tools needed to raise the Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank general debate, equally divided and standard of living in African nations, my colleague and my dear friend, the controlled by the chairman and the while simultaneously benefiting the gentleman from New York (Mr. REY- ranking member of the Committee on United States by opening new trade NOLDS), for yielding me the customary International Relations. and investment opportunities for U.S. half-hour, and I yield myself such time Additionally, the rule provides 45 firms and workers. as I may consume. minutes of general debate, equally di- Mr. Speaker, under H.R. 434, the Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to vided and controlled by the chairman President would identify potential Af- this closed rule. Although no one would and ranking member of the Committee rican nations that may qualify for free- challenge the idea that our policy to- on Ways and Means. trade status. The African nation would wards Africa needs to be improved, this The rule also provides that it shall be consult with the United States Govern- rule presents the House with a very in order to consider as an original bill ment and, whenever applicable, the pri- limited choice on how to change that for the purpose of amendment an vate sector, with the goal of promoting policy. It will not even consider 25 of amendment in the nature of a sub- trade, investment and debt relief for the 29 amendments, many of which stitute consisting of text of H.R. 2489, the African country. would have made great improvements which represents the combined work The bill outlines specific criteria the on the bill that is before us. product of the two committees with ju- sub-Saharan country must meet and Mr.
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