ANGLICAN JOURNAL Inspiring the faithful since 1875 vol. 139 no. 5 may 2013 COURTESY OF GREG THATCHELL A church injustice and an apology In 1953, Tim Makoto Nakayama, a young Japanese seminarian, asked the then-bishop of New Westminster, Godfrey Philip Gower, what happened to this church. He was told it was “relinquished.” See story, p. 6. ENSURING RECORDS accESS The Anglican Church of Up to $30,000 of the amount Canada will release an addi- will support dioceses in meet- tional $125,000 to help defray ing their legal obligations to the costs of providing Indian provide archival documents residential schools-related as part of the revised Indian documents to the Truth and Residential Schools Settle- Reconciliation Commission ment Agreement (IRSSA). The (TRC) of Canada. remaining $95,000 will fund a The Council of General digital version of documents Synod (CoGS), at its spring that will be accessible to the meeting March 14, approved public through the National a resolution that this money Research Centre. REUTERS / POOL be drawn from unrestricted The funds are over and surplus funds of the Mission- above the $50,000 that General ary Society of the Anglican Synod Archives estimates it ‘I am Justin’ Church of Canada (MSCC). will need to spend to provide The west door of Canterbury Cathedral receives the knock of the new Archbishop. See story on p. 2. The MSCC is composed of the documents. CoGS members. See CHURCH, p. 6 NEXT ISSUE: JULY Pentecost ANGLICANS IN The June Journal and the PUBLIC LIFE Holy will be delayed to Reg Stackhouse, Spirit bring you General priest and Synod/Joint Assembly news politician PM# 40069670 PM# 3 11 ACROSS CANADa + the cOMMUNION ARCHBISHop’S MINISTRY BEGINS The Most Rev. Justin Welby was enthroned as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury in a March 21 service that celebrated the diversity of the Anglican Communion. More than 2,000 people from around the world gathered in Canterbury Cathedral for a celebration blending traditional ele- ments of Anglican worship with contemporary music, REUTERS/CHRIS ISON/POOL vibrant Ghanaian danc- After his enthronement, the Archbishop of Canterbury ing and drums, a Pun- greets the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. jabi hymn and a blessing spoken in French. “that together we may of the Democratic Repub- Guests included Church proclaim the Gospel of lic of Congo brought a REUTERS/OSSERVATORE ROMANO of England clergy and Christ, who reconciles us wooden carving express- Pope Francis kisses the washed foot of a detainee in a youth prison. lay people, including the to God and breaks down ing the desire for peace. Prince of Wales, the prime the walls that divide us.” The bishop of Ma- minister and a host of Following his sermon, lawi, the Rt. Rev. James act OF HUMILITY ecumenical guests. All but five Communion repre- Tengatenga, chair of the one of the Anglican Com- sentatives presented gifts Anglican Consultative On Maundy Thursday, the new Francis broke with tradition once munion primates attended. symbolic of their home Council, spoke of the pontiff celebrated traditional morn- again by including two females, Archbishop Welby was regions. The bishop of importance of the service ing mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, one of them a Serbian Muslim, in installed as both Bishop Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, to the Communion and of and in the afternoon celebrated the ritual. Historically, popes have of Canterbury—by, for presented a wooden the Archbishop’s key role. the mass of the Lord’s Supper at washed only the feet of men. the first time in history, a cross; Ms. Adele Finney of The Rev. Canon John 5:30—not in St. Peter’s, not in the According to a Vatican news female archdeacon—and Canada shared the gift of Peterson, president Basilica of St. John in Lateran—but release, as Archbishop Bergoglio of Primate of All England. water; Mrs. Real Kewasis of the Compass Rose in the chapel of Casal del Marmo, Buenos Aires, he celebrated mass The Archbishop of Canter- of Kenya brought packets Society, said there was a a suburban correctional facility for in prisons, hospitals, AIDS hos- bury is also the spiritual of bread and milk; the Rev. “wonderful sense of a new teenagers and young adults. There pices and homeless shelters. leader of the worldwide Peter Koon, provincial beginning centring on the he washed and kissed the feet of 12 In 2007, Pope Emeritus Benedict Anglican Communion. secretary of Hong Kong theme of reconciliation. young inmates in commemoration celebrated a mass with ritual foot The Archbishop then Sheng Kung Hui, pre- Nothing,” he added, “could of Christ’s act of humility toward washing in the same youth deten- publicly committed sented a rice picture in the be more important.” his apostles after the Last Supper. tion centre. —DIANA SWIFT himself to the service of shape of his province; and —ANGLICAN COMMUNION the Anglican Communion, the Rev. Desire Mukanirwa NEWS SERVICE WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO WALK WHERE JESUS WALKED? Jesus forged His ministry along the Sea of Galilee. As you walk its breathtaking shores you are transported across thousands of years and you feel the Bible – and your faith – come alive as never before. Experience the wonder of the Holy Land in person. You’ll never be the same. Make your dream journey come true. Go to goisrael.com/bestdeals 2 anglican journal • May 2013 FEATURE REFLECTION THE FORGOTTEN FEAST The Holy Spirit journeys with me Why doesn’t the Anglican church avidly celebrate Pente- cost, and its important encoun- How can I be comfortable with her? ter with the Holy Spirit, with the same fervour as the mega-feasts BY SISTER AMY, SSJD* of Christmas and Easter? The The Holy Spirit Rev. Dr. David Reed, professor I like to be able to control seems to be last emeritus of pastoral theology things, or at least fool myself at Wycliffe College, University into thinking I can control on our invite list, of Toronto, offers this possible them. I think that this is why “ and I am sure she has explanation. I am not all that comfortable “There has been debate over with the Holy Spirit. It is the been left out in the the centuries as to how much part of the Trinity that I try cold many times. attention ought to be given to not to think about. I think that the Holy Spirit. Some call the ZVONIMIR ATLETIC this comes from my fear of Holy Spirit the ‘shy member of what could happen if I let the of resurrection; and the eagle, a the Trinity’ because in John’s Even evangelical CONTRIBUTED Holy Spirit have a go at my symbol of ascension. gospel, Jesus says that when Luther caustically Pelican: symbol of sacrifice life or the situation that I am Yes, I know these are yet the Spirit comes, he will not in, because you hear stories of more bird images, but after speak of himself but only the noted that the what happens when you let go praying with them, I have come words Jesus gives him.” “ and let the Holy Spirit in. to see the Holy Spirit I want to Reed adds that institutional radical reformers of In the Anglican circles in journey with me. I want her to theology places very little em- his day had ‘swallowed which I have travelled, the encourage me to look beyond phasis on the human experienc- Holy Spirit is really not talked my own walls, like the pelican, es of the Spirit. “Such episodes the Dove, feathers about much. The Holy Spirit to sacrifice my own selfishness have been associated with and all.’ seems to have been relegated and to push past self-set limita- fringe groups and revivals and to a last resort: when we don’t tions; to sit with me as I weep their excesses,” he says. Even know what else to say or do, we over the ashes of my life, like evangelical Luther caustically London, Ont., would like to see invoke her to come and blow the phoenix; and to help me rise noted that the radical reformers Pentecost take its place as one in a wind of change. The Holy yet again a little closer to the of his day had “swallowed the of the Big Three holidays, but Spirit seems to be last on our person I am called to be; help- Dove, feathers and all.” he concedes that the coming of invite list, and I am sure she has ing me, like the eagle, make that In mainstream doctrine, the the Holy Spirit may get shoved CONTRIBUTED been left out in the cold many leap of faith. Trusting in the immanent work of God through aside in favour of the coming of Phoenix: symbol of resurrection times. So what to do? How can wings that I have been given, the Holy Spirit has been either summer and Victoria Day. I become comfortable with her? that will help me soar, but also marginalized as too extreme “Another reason for the How can the church? calling me to experience the joy or domesticated into inof- low status of Pentecost might For myself, I decided to of the flight. Calling, encourag- fensiveness. “Some argue that, be that Acts 2:1-13 stands as a revisit my understanding of the ing and challenging me to historically, the church became critique of the lack of unity in Holy Spirit. The images that embrace what has been given suspicious of potentially today’s multi-denominational came to mind were of Glinda to me. uncontrollable aspects of what Christian church,” he adds.
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