Tonga Bibliography This list of over 320 entries is based on the research bibliography of Roderick Ewins, PhD. Last updated 19 Novl 2019. It is included here to provide a tool to assist other researchers, but as an entity it is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form. © Rod Ewins 2019 1875+. Koe Makasini A Koliji. Ko hono ua tau. Koe Fai e he Faifekau ko Misa Moulitoni pea mo Tevita Toga koe Tiuta i he Koliji. Nae Buluji i he Koliji ko Tubou i Nukualofa. [A magazine of the Methodist church in Tonga]. Nukualofa: Wesleyan Mission. 1900+. Koe Fafagu [A magazine of the Catholic Church in Tonga]. Nukualofa: Roman Catholic Diocese. 1916+. Koe Tohi Fonogonogo, a magazine of the Methodist Church in Tonga. Nukualofa: Wesleyan Mission. n.d. 186? Missionary Transactions, Volume I. 'Tongataboo in the Friendly Islands, Journal of the missionaries 1797-1860' London (AIDAB), Australian Development Assistance Bureau 1980. Tongan handicrafts. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service (for AIDAB). Addo, Ping-Ann 2004. Pieces of cloth, pieces of culture: tapa from Tonga & the Pacific Islands. Oakland & San Francisco: California Colleg of the Arts & California Academy of Sciences. — 2009. "Forms of transnationalism, forms of tradition: cloth and cash as ritual exchange valuables in the Tongan diaspora". In Migration and transnationalism: Pacific perspectives. Ch.2. Lee, Helen and Steve Tupai Francis (eds.), Canberra: ANU E Press — 2013. Creating a nation with cloth: women, wealth and tradition in the Tongan diaspora. (ASAO Studies in Pacific Anthropology v. 4). Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books. — 2015. "Tongan women and migratory circuits of wealth and value(s)". In Migration, Mobility, & Displacement 1(1): 99-111 — 2017. "Passing on, and passing on wealth: compelling values in Tongan exchange". In Sinuous objects : revaluing women’s wealth in the contemporary Pacific (Pacific Series). Ch.7. Addo, Ping-Ann and Katherine Lepani (eds.), Canberra ANU Press pp.211-34 http://press- files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/n2571/pdf/book.pdf?referer=2571 Free download Addo, Ping-Ann and Niko Besnier 2008. "When gifts become commodities: pawn shops, valuables, and shame in Tonga and the Tongan diaspora". In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute [n.s.] 14: 39–59. (Re-issued in inaugural JRAI Virtual Issue, “Anthropology of the Gift,” 2012, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291467- 9655/homepage/virtual_issue-_anthropology_of_the_gift.htm) Addo, Ping-Ann, et al 2007. "Pragmatic creativity and authentic innovations in Pacific cloth". In Pacific Arts, Special Issue in honor of Jehanne Teilhet-Fisk NS 3-5 Afeaki, Emiliana 1983. "Tonga: the last Pacific kingdom". In Politics in Polynesia. Vol.2. Crocombe, Ron and Ahmed Ali (eds.), Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific. pp.57-78 Anon n.d. (c.1910). Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited: tours to the South Sea Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji. Auckland: Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited. Arbeit, Wendy 1994. From mortal to ancestor; the funeral in Tonga. Edited by. First shown at the 1994 hawai'ian Film Festival, Honolulu, [email protected]. Arbeit, Wendy 1995. Tapa in Tonga. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Arkinstall, Patricia Lorraine 1966. A study of bark cloth from Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga and Fiji: an exploration of the regional development of distinctive styles of bark cloth and its relationship to other cultural factors. M.S. thesis. Cornell University, Ithaca (NY) Aswani, Shankar and Michael W. Graves 1998, Fall. "The Tongan maritime expansion: a case in the evolutionary ecology of social complexity". In Asian Perspectives 37(2): 135-64 Attenborough, David 1960. "Royal Tonga". In People of Paradise. Ch.Ch. 9. New York: Harper & Brothers. pp.132-50 Bailey, B.A.D.V. 1947. "Notes on Oceanian war clubs". In Journal of the Polynesian Society 56(1): 3-17 Bain, Kenneth R. 1954. The official record of the Royal Visit to Tonga, 19th-20th December, 1953. London: Pitkin. — 1967. The Friendly Islanders. London: Hodder & Stoughton. — 1993. The new Friendly Islanders. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Baker, Beatrice Shirley 18?? Narrative of Peter Vi, an early convert to Methodism, translated by Miss Baker. Unpublished manuscript. Baker, Lillian and Beatrice Shirley Baker 1951. Memoirs of the Reverend Dr. Shirley Waldemar Baker, D.M., Ll.D. missionary and Prime Minister. London: Mayflower Publishing. Baker, Shirley Waldemar 1885. "A description of the new volcano in the Friendly Islands, near Tongatabu". In Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 18: 41-46 — 1897. A Tongan and English vocabulary, with a list of idiomatic phrases; and a Tongan grammar. Auckland: Wilsons and Horton. — 1929. "Volcanic activity near Tonga". In Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 210: 1 Barnes, S.S. and R.C. Green 2008. "From Tongan meeting house to Samoan chapel". In The Journal of Pacific History 43(1): 23-49 Barrow, Terence 1956. "Human figures in wood and ivory from Western Polynesia". In Man 56((NS)): 165-8 Beaglehole, J.C., (ed.) 1955-67. The journals of Captain James Cook. (Extra Series, Nos. 34, 35, 36). Cambridge: Hakluyt Society. —, (ed.) 1988. The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Millwood (NY): Kraus Reprint. Beasley, Harry G. 1921. "Some Polynesian cuttlefish baits". In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 51( Jan-Jun): 100-14 (esp.06-7) Beddie, M.K., (ed.) 1970. Bibliography of Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S., circumnavigator. Sydney: The Library of New South Wales. Bedford, Stuart, et al, (eds.) 2007. Oceanic explorations: Lapita and Western Pacific settlement. Canberra: ANU E Press. Bell, Lilian and Ulistra Brooks 1979. Tapa: the bark paper of Samoa and Tonga. (Honolulu Academy of Arts: Tapa,washi and handmade paper-Symposium). Tokyo: Bunseido Press. Besnier, Niko 1997. "Sluts and superwomen: the politics of gender liminality in urban Tonga". In Ethnos 62: 5–31 — 2002. "Transgenderism, Locality, and the Miss Galaxy Beauty Pageant in Tonga". In American Ethnologist 29: 534–66 — 2003. "Crossing genders, mixing languages: the linguistic construction of transgenderism in Tonga". In Handbook of Language and Gender. Holmes, Janet and Miriam Meyerhoff (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell. pp.279–301. (Reprinted 2007 in Discourse Studies. Teun van Dijk, ed. Vol. 1, pp. 115–135. London: Sage; extract reprinted 06 in The Art of English: Everyday Creativity. Janet Maybin and Joan Swann, eds. Pp. 140–149. Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave Macmillan in association with the Open University.) — 2004a. "Consumption and cosmopolitanism: practicing modernity at the second- hand marketplace in Nuku‘alofa, Tonga". In Anthropological Quarterly 77: 7– 45 — 2004b. "The social production of abjection: desire and silencing among transgender Tongans". In Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 12: 301–23 — 2007a. "Gender and interaction in a globalizing world: negotiating the gendered self in Tonga". In Words, Worlds, Material Girls: Language, Gender, Global Economies (Language, Power and Social Process Series, 19). McElhinny, Bonnie (ed.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp.423–46 — 2007b. "Language and gender research at the intersection of the global and the local". In Gender and Language 1: 67–78 — 2007c. Negotiating local subjectivities on the edge of the global: inaugural lecture delivered on the appointment to the Chair of Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam on Friday 4 May 2007. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. — 2009. "Modernity, cosmopolitanism, and the emergence of middle classes in Tonga". In The Contemporary Pacific 21: 215–62. (Revised version published as トンガにおけるモダニティ・コスモポリタニズム・中流階級の出現. 社会 人類学会年報 [Annual Review of Social Anthropology] 37: 51–85, 2011.) — 2012 "The athlete’s body and the global condition: Tongan rugby players in Japan". In American Ethnologist 39(491–510) — 2013a. "Modernité, corps et transformation de soi: les salons de coiffure aux îles Tonga (Polynésie occidentale)". In Terrain 61: 150–65 — 2013b. "Professionalizing hair care in Tonga". In Anthropology Now 5(1): 18–26 Besnier, Niko and Kalissa Alexeyeff 2017. "En las fronteras del género: política y transformaciones de la no-heteronormatividad en Polinesia". In Sociología Histórica 6: 27–54 Besnier, Niko and Kitahara Takuya 2009. "在日トンガ人ラグビー選手:グローバル な移動とスポーツ (Tongan rugby players in Japan: global movements and sports)". In 季刊民族学 (Journal of Ethnographic Studies) 130: 46–54 Betz, Elisabeth and Toon van Meijl 2016. "Humour in the negotiations of social identity in the Tongan diaspora". In Etnofoor 28(1: Special Issue on Humour): 111-25 Biersack, Aletta 2006. "Rivals and wives: affinal politics and the Tongan ramage". In Origins, ancestry and alliance : explorations in Austronesian ethnography. Ch.12. Fox, James L. and Clifford Sather (eds.), Canberra: Department of Anthropology, Australian National University. pp.241-82. oapen.org Blanc, J.F. (Monseigneur) [See also Malia, P.S.]. — 1934. A history of Tonga or Friendly Islands. (Trans. from the Tongan by C. S. Ramsay). California: Vista. Boissonnas, Valentin 2014. "Beyond the rim: a comparative study of kava bowls from Samoa, Tonga and Fiji". In The Journal of the Polynesian Society 1123(4): 357-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.15286/jps.123.4.357-382 Bolitho, H. Hector 1920. The islands of wonder: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga. Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd. Boot, Henry and Ray Sturtivant 2005. Gifts of war: presentation aircraft in two world wars. Tonbridge, Kent: Air Britain Historians Ltd. Bott, Elizabeth 1981. "Power and rank in the Kingdom of Tonga". In Journal of the Polynesian Society 90(1): 7-81 — 1982. Tongan society at the time of Captain Cook’s visits. Wellington: The Polynesian Society. Brodie, J. W. 1970. "Notes on the volcanic activity at Fonualei Tonga". In New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics 13: 30-38 Brothers, R. N. et al 1980. "Tholeiitic basalt from the Monowai seamount, Tonga- Kermadec ridge (Note)". In New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 23: 537-39 Bryan, S.
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