...... SerIeI, Vol. XVIII, No. , 'f• ...,., ".1, 29, 1916 Sra,... 7, l!HJI (SMa) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Sixth Session (Eighth Lot Sabha) (Yol. XVIII COItI""" N08.1 to 10) LOK SABIL\ SECltETA8IAT NEW J)I3JII hIce:'" 'M tOrttial PAati* proceedi... iDcluded lD SqUab VonloD ud 0rfIIaaJ BtadI ........ IacWed .. IIiDdi VenioD will be treated u autborltatlYe aud DOt till til i t_ dIertof.J CONTENts No 9-Tue,day, July 29, 1986/Sravana 7, 1908 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions- ·Starred Questions Nos. 162 to 164, 167 to 169 1-33 and 171 Written Answers to Question8- Starred Questions Nos. 165, 166, 170 and 172 • 33-49 to 182 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1494 to 1548, 1550 . 50-336 to 1627, 1629 to 1701 and 1703 to 1726 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 340-344 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 344 REPEALING AND AMENDING BILL, 1986 • 345 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE- Thirty-fifth Report • 345 CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF UROENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE- Situation arising out of the settlement on Mizoram • 345-372 Shri C. Madha v Roddi • • 345, 350-353 S. Buta SiDah • 345--350, 363--372 Shri S. Jaipal Reddy • • • • 353-355 Shri M. Raghuma Reddy. • • • 355-357 Shri Huish Rawat • • 357-360 Shri Bhattam Srirama Murty 360-363 *The Slan+marked above the name of a Member i~dlcates tbat the Question WI aCluaDy mod on the 800r of tbo House by tlat MeID.f. COLUMNS MATTERS UNDER RULE 377- (i) Need to extend the Haldia-AUahabad National Waterway upto lCanpur. Sbri Jagdish Awastbi • • 372 (ii) Need to connect Girdih with Kodarma and Kodarma with Hazaribagh by a railway line. Shri THak Dhari Singh • 373 (iii) Need to send a team to Ahmednagar to assess the gravity of situation caused by drought and to render necessary relief to the farmers. Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil 373 (jv) Need to accelerate the process of setting up a "Navodaya Vidyalaya" in rural area of district AJwar, Rajasthan. Sbri Ram Singh Yadav 373-374 (v) Need to establish a centre for women's studies at Berhampur University of Orissa to carryon research studies on the Development of women. Shri Somna th Rath 374 (vi) Need to provide adequate financial assis- tance to tbe State Government of Rajasthan for rendering relief to victims of heavy rains in Kota, Bondi, Ibalawar and other areas of Rajasthan. Shri Shanti Dhariwal • 375 (vi" Need to scttle the Jongstanding demands of Gramio Bank employecs. Sbri Hannan Mollab • • • 376 (mi) Need to amcnd tbe handloom reservation order to protect tbe silk powerloom industry and handloom industry in lCarnataka. • • • • '''-577' COLt1MJi8 DISCUSSION R£ : SITUATION IN PUNIAB-Co~td. Prof. Sai fuddin Soz • • • 383-388 Prof. P.J. Kurien • 388-391 Shri Piyus Tiraky . • • 391-393 Shri Yogeshwar Prasad Yogesb • 393-394 Shri Sultan Salahuddin Owaisi • • 395-397 Sbri V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo • • • • 397-399 STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE : DISAPPROVAL OF THE COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY (AMEND- MENT ORDINANCE, 1986 AND COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY (AMENDMENT) BlLL, 1986-Contd. 399-451 Motion to consider Shri Bha ttam Srirama Murty 400-406 Shri Somnatb Ratb • • 406-410 Sbri S. Thangaraju • 411-412 Dr. G.S. Rajbans 412-415 Shri Somnath Chatterjee • • • 41'-422 Shri Dharam Pal SiDlh Malik 422-427 Shri Dinesh Goswami 427-435 Shri Girdhari La) Vyas • 435-438 Sbri Sbantaram Naik • • 438--+11 Shri Indrajit Gupta 441--448 Sbri Raj Kumar Rai !" 448-451 DISCUSSION RB : SITUATION IN PUNJAB-Co,,'d. S. Buta Siqb • • • • • 451-451 STATUTORY RESOLUTION R.E : DISAPPR.OVAL OF THB COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY (AMEND- MENT) ORDINANCE, 1986 AND COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY (AMENDMENT) BILL, 1986-Contd. • • 458-467 MonOD to cODsider Shri Ram Singh Yada v • 459-467 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITIBE- Twenty-Fifth Report • 467-468 PAPBR LAID ON THE TABLE-Collld. • 470-472 LOK SABHA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA THE MINISTER OF ST A TB IN THE MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICB (SHRI H.R. BHARDWAJ): (a) Yes, Sir. Tuelday, July 29, 1986/ Sravana 7, 1908 (SAKA) (b) The information is not readily available. The same will be collected The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the from the State Governments and will be laid on the Table of the House. Clock. Cc) By the Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Act, 1978, offences under [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] the Act have been made cognizable for the purpose of investigation of such offen- ces and for all matters, other than matters [Translation] referred to in section 42 of Cr. p.e. (arrest on refusal to give name and MR. SPEAKER: Shri G. Bhoopathy. residence) and the arrest of a person without a warrant or without an order of SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr. the Magistrate. Speaker, Sir, Shri Bhoorathy is going to speak on marriages fDr the first time. Is [Translation] it the beginning? SHRI G. BHOOPATHY : I have seen MR. SPEAKER It is an auspicious the photographs in the newspapers and beginning. Have the memories of your the magazines that child marriages are OWn solemn occasslOn become fresh? taking place in Rajasthan and other States. Raj:lsthao alone accounts for 50 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS thousand child maniages. This is reatJy painful. [English] MR. SPEAKER: Vyasji, what is he Steps to ban Child Marriages saying 1 .162. SHRI G. BHOOPATHY: Will SHRI G. BHOOPATHY: After child the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be marriage, small children start the' con- pleased to state summasion of marrjage at an early age, and the Government cannot stop it. If (a) whether child marriages are this process continued unchecked, the taking place in spite of the fact that they number of children in the country will go are banned; up steeply. If the children continue this process, the mother as well as the father (b) the number of caSfS registered would become weak. What steps the during 1984, 1985 and upto June, 1986; Government are going to take to stop and child marriage and early consummation thereof? (c) the steps proposed to be taken for the strict implementation of the Act ban- I would like to congratulate tho niDI child marriages 1. Rajasthan Government ......... Oral An,wr, JULY2t.lt86 MR. SPEAKER: You put your ques- undergoing a change. These local custo- tiOD rather than giving a lecture. mary laws exist in other parts of the country too which are monitored by the SHRf O. BHOOPATHY : I congratu.. State Governments and we do not inter. late the Rajasthan Government that they fere with them. Therefore, the hone dismissed the Minister who arranged a Member should know tbat\tbis social evil cbild marriagt of her daughter at a tender of child marriage is also gradually dying ~ge. Why don't they make this punish- away in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. ment effective throughout the country? SHRI G. BHOOPATHY: Mr. SURI H.R. BHARDWAJ: Sir~ the Speaker, Sir, in his reply the bon. bOll. M ember's first 6ut.missiofl that the Minjster has not stated as to how many children and the men from Rajasthan are persons were convicted. The law is very weak ctn be judged from the very appea- dear that whosoever rrranges cbild rance ()f Sbri Vyas. Vyasji, you kindly marriage can be arrested, fined and even stand up so tbat we may have a glimpse jailed under Section 52 All this is provided of your body. (I"te"uptions) I find that in the law. For whom this law bas been 70 per cent people in Rajasthan •••••. _ enacted? Child marriages are taking place for years bu t why are the Gevernment sitting silent? What steps are proposed to be taken in this regard in future? PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: So (Interruptions) far I thought that Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas beJoaged to the Youth Congress but now SHRI H.R. BHARDWAJ: Sir, as I it seems that he belongs to the children's have stated earlier, the State Governments academy! have been asked to take action, the cul- prits will also be tried, we are collecting (Translal ion) information and as soon as it is received, it will he placed before the House. r SHRI GIRDHARI LAL VY AS: The child marriage which takes place in [English] Rajasthan is not in fact the rea) marriage: SHRIMA TI GEET A MUKHERJEE: The real marriage takes place when the The Question was submitted 21 days airl attains the age of 20-22 years and earlier, bu t in the reply not even rough Cgauna" ceremony is performed. and ready estimates could be given From this it is clear that no State Government SHRI H R. BHARDWAJ: Sir, I is really monitoring the:,e C48es. Wbat the know a Jot about Rajasthan. Perhaps, the hone Minister S.Jys "bout lhild marriage hone M(mber does not have complete may be partially all rl!~ht. But the fact information. Take allY person f,om remains that lh~re IS this attack of R.ajasthan" you will find him ... ell built fundamentalism and all that. Will the and sturdy. Take for example an animal, hon. Minist{ r tell us whether they will a camel from Rajasthan. You will find it make arrangements to really monitor this the stoutest of all. None js weak there. question of chiJd marriage which is not just disappearing like this. Will they give So far as the prevaJence of social directions to the State Governments to evils is concerned, this social evil was in monitor this and take appropriate prevalence there from tbe very beginning steps ? due to historical reasons. This evil is aradually diminishing as a result of social [Trans/ation] DlOVfmenU. Earlier, the age of consent in the Cbild Restraint Marriage Act, 1929 MR.
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