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(y/^^^^ i^*- Three Years' Hunting and, Trapping 'IN \ ' und the C.reat North- .>i. m '^ j \hM I UKNhR. :t': ii-ntf& m^i-' -^0^,,,^^, , .f\;»ft!4l«* 'XHtPKtiKm tmi^tSi^ THBSft tVUVKLS. j;:t:#??f<»AfR» l?V 0^H1 AKCW "HOARE. r-rt*Mrw«»'Wa ^'% : MACLIRI- j( iV, ^SEN VICTORIA SfSFr-P --^ i?SfePfi 'W^t ''m^ _j riniitUlfc: WF^^^^ MCI 'V?-, • • • '?•-:" ;' ', .J i . M V ^x b/ C Three Years' Hunting and Trapping IN America and the Great North-West. ..-T* J':^ BY J. TURNER-TURNER. Se5tcatf5 TO HIS WIFE, HIS CONSTANT COMPANION DURING THKSK TRAVELS. ILLUSTRATED BY CONSTANCE HOARE. vmi- ' '-'J MAC LURE & Co., QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. 1888. M^ •"* h *• >^ w- • : Vonbon MACLURK ft CO., QUEEN VICTOHM STREKT, E.C. • t • • « • • • • • t • • • • • • • I • • . • • • • • • I • • a • • • • • • • *»«*•• •• • • * • r • •'• •• ••t • • cct t/» t,» • • •#• ••' • Introduction. OHOULD you anticipr.te the reaiiiiif,' of thrilling adventures, or hair- breadth escapes, it is not in these paf(cs you must seek them, indeed, the author ahnost doubts whether, if in the absence of such scenes of excitement as usually render a book of interest, he was justified in compiling the following, dealing as it does solely with stern and unromantic facts, in the narration of which the imagination has been curtailed from running riot. That the casual reader will feel on closing this volume that he has been more than slightly interested is beyond the most sanguine hopes of the author, whose main object is in some degree to remove from the paths of those sufficiently persevering to wade through his experiences, the mary pitfalls, disappointments, and inevitable failures which waylay the hunter who seeks for sport in fresh countries. At the same time, the author has endeavoured, by the addition of such little events and incidents as appeared to him likely to prove entertaining, to minimise to a certain degree the monotony of sameness so characteristic of the long winters in a trapper's life ; should he by so doing have added yet another failure to his already somewhat lengthy list, he craves the reader's pardon for several wasted hours, and as the only reparation in his power, he offers experiences such as have seldom, if ever, been procured except by professional trappers. \^v ^ J I —I INDEX PART I. CHAI'TKR 1. l-AUKH We Btart for Virginia—The American Cugtoms—We reach Liberty I CHAPTER 11. We hanker after Sport and are forced to collect Woodpeckers—A Driving Tour—A Turkey Hunt— I buy a Horse -A Day's Fishing in James River CHAPTER MI. Preparations for the Great Hunt—The Start—A Lively Night—The Hunt -We remove to the Daggar Springs and continue Hunting— L. has a Flare Up .... CHAPTER IV. I join another Hunting Party -.\ Miserably Cold Night -We return to Liberty—A Day's Game Shooting—Virginians lo CHAPTER V. Baltimore—Shooting on the Chesapeake Bay «3 CHAPTER VL Wc Embark on the Celtic—A BreakdoArn—A Month at Sei—Another Hunt in Prospect - «4 I'ART II. CilAPTER I. En rout* for the Big Horn Mouutains —Shipping Cartridges—Checking Baggage, and Breaking it—Cashing English Bank Notes—A Day's Fishing on Bear Lake, Si. Paul's— An Overturned Engine— Prairie Dogs —We meet Uncle Billie, and fall in with some Indians—Some Grand Fishing on Tongue River—A Stormy Night —How the Indians on the Reservations are Defrauded by the Government Agents — purchase three Horses - «; CHAPTER 11. The Pleasures of Packing—We set out on a Wild Goose Chase, and are bothered by Indians— I change Horses H CHAPTER HI. Uncle Billie loses his Way, and we strike game— Quantities of Wapiti — My first Grizzly - ^ L. gets a Shot— I lose all our Money ... 26 CHAPTER i\. Uncle Billie and I fall out— I lose Myself—We run out of Flour— I lose my Horse —Am Charged by a Wapiti 3» CHAPTER V. We Scare two Buffaloes—A Falling Star— L. Wounds a Wapiti—A Fatal Accident— Bob Stewart shows us a Short Cut— I discover where to find Mule Deer—A piece of Luck—Lakes Teeming with small Trout 33 CHAPTER VI. Antelope—We leave the Mountains, and reach the Ranche—We bid adieu to our Outfit We arrive at Powder River Crossing where we make the Acquaintance of Cow Boys —We take the Stage for Rock Creek—A little Shooting *n route —List of Trophies- What can be procured in the Big Horn— A word on certain Food and Drinks of American America—An Pastinu— Home 39 ^TttS, VI I'AKT III.
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