CALI^SJJNDAY,; 27;\ fHE SAN FRANCISCO JANUARYJ 1907. 53 Weather Report United States Department of. Agriculture— AMATEUR SAILORS Bureau, Francisco, . Dollar Package Shipping News and Gossip Weather San Jan. 26. 1901. TWO VESSELS SUNK TO ELECT NEW SPEECH OF ROOT § | i in? <• of the Water Front \u25a0TATiom ? ijjil.: ? BY COLLISION OFFICERS PLEASES BRITONS ; ; j ?j.;j , j.f meeting SAN PEDRO, Jan. 26.—The lumber The annual of the Corin- Secretary ?s Words Baker - Captain thian Yacht Club" will be held .next Tend to Man Medicine Free ........80.10 80 12' 8 Clear .00 schooner Carmel,, Donaldson, 1 Hall,- Vw*AS^RSsCP9KBks>s9SBCaWSSss^'JssnsjBS<%s8ssflH Boise 30.14 Cloudy -00 Wednesday evening' in Naval 925 aVw*AS^RSsCP9Kßks>s9SßCaWSSss^'JssnsjßS<%sBssflHa 34 23 SW owned by George & to Ton can now obtain a —large dollar- sis a fr«* ...;.29.88 Fritsch avenue, Soften Sentiment Flagstaff « 28 W Clear .01 Son of San Golden Gate when officers Con- package of Man Medicine frea oa request. French Steamship Poor Fresno 30.10 68 44 N Cloudy -00 Francisco, while leaving- port last even- serve duringlthe coming; year will be Man Medicine- has cured thousands upon Makes Independence .30.02 CO 28 SB Cloudy .00 be cerfdng thousands : Swettenliam's Act of weak men. Man Medicine will Cloudy ing, elected. The annual dinner will ; Kailspell 80.20 18 0 W Tr. backed Into the excursion steamer ingoing officers at the care you restore you to fall strength. Los Angeles ..80.00 60 50 SW Pt.Cldy .00 given by.,", the ; Man Medicine cures Tltal weakness, nervous Modena ......80.02 46 18 W Clear .00 J. C. Elliott and the fishing smack same place". debility, early decay, discouraged ra.tnbood. Speed ML TamalpBis.Bo.lo 43. 41 N.. Foggy .01 Clemente, sinking both. by nominat- blood poison, brain fag. prostatitii. on Japanese Goal The ticket selected the SITUATION ' baeiacte. North Head \u008430.02 48 88 S Clear .00 of John C. IMPROVES kidney and bladder trouble and nerroasness. PocateUo .....30.06 80 22 Cloudy Tr. The Elliott was valued at 115,000 ing "committee consists You can core yourself, at home by Man Medi- SW and Brickell,'owner sloop Genesta, ,commo- Captain P. Reyes Llght3o.G4 51 S Rain .01 the Clemente at J5OOO. cine. and the fnll-size dollar packsge will.b* Fernand Jenk blames the kan. On tbe way up she ran short of oil, and Portland 30.06 "42 .86. ND Cloudy Tr. ItIs believed dore; P.- Frank Stone, "owner sloop 7. LONDON. Jan. 26.—Britons of all delivered to you free, plala wrapper, with poor quality the Japanese coal ob- after' taking six day* to mske three-day Phoenix 29.04 68 44 w:Clear .00 both will be a total loss. Part of the Presto, vice commodore; McMahon, ways fnjl directions how to nse It. The foll-slia of a run Pt.Cldy .00 of each vessel, Dr. .of thinking as to the ""Swetten- free, any kind; tamed at Yokohama for one day vas finally tied cp in Ketchlkan. Tb« Bteamer Reno .J \u266630.00 S3 SO SB crew^ was on board at secretary;" Stringer, treasurer; dollar package no payments -of . the 1 Ferallon will be dispatched to her aid. The Red Bluff ....30.08 62 42 N Cloudy .00 narrowly Arthur ham sincident" -have only one opinion no receipts; no promises; no papers to, slsn. It extra taken by the French steamer r .01 the. time and escaped drown- "Keefe, port captain; Robert I arallon la carrying oil, and If Captain l&rlng- Roeetiurg .....30.02 52 40 NW- Rain ing. The Carmel was damaged. John H. as to Is free. Amiral Exelmans In coming to this ston, master of the Jefferaon, deem* It neee»- Sacramento ...80.10 62 46 SW" Cloudy Tr. not Dean and Clarkson Swain are the other the value of the demonstration of All we want to know la that yon are not "port sjut Cloudy Anglo-American good sending curiosity, from Honolulu. Exelmans of it will tow the Jefferson back to the Salt Lake 80.04 86 28 S .16 The regatta committee will will• it'has elic- for It.out of ldl« bnt that The eounA. 68 .04 directors. \u25a0 ' ;,>-"• -•- ••' you want to be well, and become your strong. the French AroTmd-tbe-World line ar- San Diego 30.04 62 NW- Cloudy - of T. J. Kavnagh, Douglass ited..- :..-:\u25a0\u25a0 ASTOEJA. Jan. 26.—The big British tramp San Francisco. 3o.lo 62 48 N Cloudy Tr. consist- chagrin natural self one* more. Man— Medicine- will do rived late Friday \u25a0 'The over the lack of tact of nlgrnt from Havre by steamer Crusader today from : San Jose .80.08 58 48 SW Rain Tr. Erskine and 'George Harrold. what you want it to do make you a real arrived Portland \u25a0 \u25a0 - way Governor, • of the Orient and and went to lies cargo S.Luis Obispo.3o.oB 62 44 KB- Cloudy, Tr. the Jamaican" whose missive man. .. Hawaiian Isl- directly sea. She a of - bring you ends. ,She brought a 3,000,000 feet of lumber for Calcutta. The S. E. FaraUon.SO.OS 62 SB Rain . .04 has elect- to Admiral Davis reminds one news- Tour name and address will it:all fair cargo but no steam Seattle 30.06 44 ... SW PtCldy .00 The California Tacbt Club hare to do is to send and get it. We send it Jjassengrers.; Very heavy scboaer Thomas L. M'sod arriVed today 26 CONFER following Kane, paper writer of the fable of a pig In discouraged weather vas Cloudy REGARDING officers: E. J. every Rem- Tr. ed th« free to man. Interstate experienced from San Francisco and went up the river to Spokane ......80.14 22 10 NB Francisco,-com- perspiration, part by Detroit, between Yokohama and load a lumber cargo for the return tripJ •Snmmlt 89 .' 12 SW Pt.Cldy .00 owner of- the schooner is relieved In the edy Co.. 284 Luck Bids.. Mien. Honolulu, but port The American shin Oriental, 32 fiayi from San Tatoosn 80.02 44 84 6 PtCldy .00 modore; • Sherry, "owner -of the perfect composure of the American from the Island PCCldy .00 John J. here the voyage of the plego, arrived today. She is under charter to Tonopah 30.14 88 28 SW. sloop Perhaps, commodore; B. S. Government and' nation under gross Amiral Exel- load lumber > 80.14 28 22 W Cloudy .00 vice mans was at Portland for California. The Walla secretary; Dv provocation. under summer ekies end French bark Jacques, Captain Michel, 137 fiay« Wlnnemnoca ..80.04 44 82 W Cloudy ,.00 Broadwater, Frederick through Yuma ..29.06 74 N Clear, CANAL heightened by comparatively 44- CONTRACT ..ThisE relief is the visits smooth. rrom .00 members water Hamburg, arrived today. Bbc brings a Brutz, treasurer. The other ' Bad coal, however, the liner one carp of cement and is under charter to load • — of are: A. G. of: Secretary Root to Lord Grey and "made grain •Snow on ground- 148 inches. "WASHINGTON, "the board of directors day on tt Portland for Europe. : Jan. 26. Secretary strong speech at It Dr.Holsman&Co. late the last section of her long RAINFALL DATA..' :\u25a0--•\u25a0 yet ready Byxbee,"- Thomas :M. Kendell. owner of his Ottawa. is voyage. The schooner Balboa departed today for San . Taft is not to make his an- Clara; Shaw, own- considered "the- next -thing' to special V" j Pedro. She. Use a cargo of 680.000 feet of lum- Past 24 Seasonal nouncement respecting; the sloop George M. The Exelmans £52 'Japanese ber for that port. Station* \u25a0 . hours. to date. Normal. the award of yacht Idler, former Com- providence", that the American Secre- carried I The German steamship Nieo- Eureka 23.58 the contract for the . er of the and coolies from Yokohama to Honolulu, luedia, whlsb arrlvpd here a few days ago from ... construction of modore Robert \ Vincent, owner of the tary of State Bhould have been a guest Hongkong, left today for Red Bluff 08 14.6» -14.46 the Panama canal. He made ; where the little brown laborers, many Portland. The schoon- Pacramento 03 13.15 10.77 this state- yawl lola. The regatta committee con- In the greatest of the British colonies of ers AJvena and San liucna Ventura were towed 13.43 ment this afternoon at the conclusion Brandes, at moment marines them previously engaged for work up the river today. Both ressels will load lum- San Francisco .04. .12.67 of a three hours' sists of August R. F. B. Mc- the When American \u25a0on Hawaiian plantations, ber California. San Jose .01 11.7P....•••P ....••• conference at the ! Horry. were -being "unceremoniously trundled were all j for 6.70 4.52 manua and H. L. The measurer Lj. Fillmore Fresno .00 White House. He said no - li landed without question. The scbooner J. H. Lunsmann, lumber-laden announce- out" of ona of the smallest In satis-' for Ban Francisco, San Luis Obtapo .07 14.C8 11.35 ment would be made Monday is W. R. C. Chamberlain. f^fp^ fnpnpr The Amlral Exelmans, after passing arrived today from Portland. Los Angeles .... .01 14.24 .before of the faction over Root's "generous plea for Gutter The schooner Alice McDonald, which ran 8.86 and declined discuss question The clubßouse site at the end quarantine, docked at Steuart-street ashore at Clatsop Bpit San Diego 08 7.89 '6.28 to the Key. pier, a foundation of co-operation between the two great wharf, I a few wpelcs afro, wat -~- or to indicate what might be con- Route where .
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