H1286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2021 Pingree Schrier Tlaib b 1408 Thank you for your leadership of our great Pocan Scott (VA) Tonko Mr. KATKO changed his vote from State. Porter Scott, David Torres (CA) Sincerely, Pressley Sewell Torres (NY) ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ MARCIA L. FUDGE. Price (NC) Sherman Trahan So the motion to concur was agreed Quigley Sherrill Trone to. f Raskin Sires Underwood The result of the vote was announced Rice (NY) Slotkin Vargas COMMUNICATION FROM LEGISLA- Ross Smith (WA) Veasey as above recorded. TIVE CORRESPONDENT, THE Roybal-Allard Soto Vela A motion to reconsider was laid on HONORABLE MARILYN STRICK- Ruiz Spanberger Vela´ zquez the table. LAND, MEMBER OF CONGRESS Ruppersberger Speier Wasserman MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Rush Stanton Schultz RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Ryan Stevens Waters fore the House the following commu- Sa´ nchez Strickland Watson Coleman Allred (Davids Kirkpatrick Payne (KS)) (Stanton) (Wasserman nication from Elizabeth Beltran, legis- Sarbanes Suozzi Welch Babin (Norman) Langevin Schultz) Scanlon Swalwell Wexton lative correspondent, the Honorable Baird (Walorski) (Lynch) Pingree (Kuster) MARILYN STRICKLAND, Member of Con- Schakowsky Takano Wild Barraga´ n (Beyer) Lawson (FL) Porter (Wexton) Schiff Thompson (CA) Williams (GA) Bush (Ocasio- (Evans) Roybal-Allard gress: Schneider Thompson (MS) Wilson (FL) Cortez) Lieu (Beyer) (Leger HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Schrader Titus Yarmuth Ca´ rdenas Lofgren (Jeffries) Fernandez) Washington, DC, March 5, 2021. (Gomez) Lowenthal Ruiz (Aguilar) Hon. NANCY PELOSI. NAYS—211 Cleaver (Davids (Beyer) Rush (KS)) McEachin (Underwood) Speaker, House of Representatives, Aderholt Golden Moolenaar Cohen (Beyer) (Wexton) Steube Washington, DC. Allen Gonzales, Tony Mooney DeFazio (Davids McHenry (Banks) (Franklin, C. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: This is to notify Amodei Gonzalez (OH) Moore (AL) (KS)) Meng (Clark Scott) you formally, pursuant to Rule VIII of the Armstrong Good (VA) Moore (UT) Fudge (Kaptur) (MA)) Strickland Rules of the House of Representatives, that Arrington Gooden (TX) Mullin Grijalva (Garcı´a Moore (WI) (DelBene) Babin Gosar I, Elizabeth Beltran, have been served with Murphy (NC) (IL)) (Beyer) Thompson (MS) Bacon Granger subpoenas for testimony issued by the Nehls Hastings Morelle (Tonko) (Butterfield) Baird Graves (LA) United States District Court for the Middle Newhouse (Wasserman Moulton (Rice Watson Coleman Balderson Graves (MO) Norman Schultz) (NY)) (Pallone) District of Florida. The testimony sought re- Banks Green (TN) Nunes Johnson (TX) Napolitano Wilson (FL) lates to events witnessed while I was em- Barr Greene (GA) Obernolte (Jeffries) (Correa) (Hayes) ployed by the Speaker’s office as a Staff As- Bentz Griffith Owens sistant. Bergman Grothman Palazzo f Bice (OK) Guest After consultation with the Office of Gen- Palmer RESIGNATION FROM THE HOUSE eral Counsel, I have determined that compli- Biggs Guthrie Pence Bilirakis Hagedorn Perry OF REPRESENTATIVES ance with the subpoenas is consistent with Bishop (NC) Harris Pfluger The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the privileges and rights of the House. Boebert Harshbarger Posey Sincerely, VEASEY) laid before the House the fol- Bost Hartzler Reed ELIZABETH BELTRAN, Brady Hern Reschenthaler lowing resignation from the House of Legislative Correspondent. Brooks Herrell Rice (SC) Representatives: f Buchanan Herrera Beutler Rodgers (WA) Buck Hice (GA) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Rogers (AL) Washington, DC, March 10, 2021. BIPARTISAN BACKGROUND Bucshon Higgins (LA) Rogers (KY) Budd Hill Rose Hon. NANCY PELOSI, CHECKS ACT OF 2021 Burchett Hinson Rosendale Speaker of the House, Burgess Hollingsworth Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Rouzer Washington, DC. to House Resolution 188, I call up the Calvert Hudson Roy DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI: It has been my Cammack Huizenga Rutherford honor and privilege to serve the people of the bill (H.R. 8) to require a background Carl Issa Salazar check for every firearm sale, and ask Carter (GA) Jackson 11th Congressional District of Ohio since No- Scalise Carter (TX) Jacobs (NY) vember 2008. My appreciation for their sup- for its immediate consideration. Schweikert Cawthorn Johnson (LA) port as I sought to represent their interests The Clerk read the title of the bill. Scott, Austin Chabot Johnson (OH) and those of many Americans for whom I Sessions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Cheney Johnson (SD) Simpson could be a voice is boundless. Cline Jordan ant to House Resolution 188, the bill is Smith (MO) I will always remember my colleagues and Cloud Joyce (OH) considered read. Smith (NE) friends who have become a part of my family Clyde Joyce (PA) Smith (NJ) during the last twelve years. I am fortunate The text of the bill is as follows: Cole Katko Smucker H.R. 8 Comer Keller to have been selected by President Joe Biden Crawford Kelly (MS) Spartz to continue to serve the public good as Sec- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Crenshaw Kelly (PA) Stauber retary of Housing and Urban Development. resentatives of the United States of America in Steel Curtis Kim (CA) Therefore, please accept this correspond- Congress assembled, Davidson Kinzinger Stefanik ence as notice of my resignation from the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Davis, Rodney Kustoff Steil Steube U.S. House of Representatives, 11th Congres- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bipartisan DesJarlais LaHood sional District of Ohio, effective imme- Diaz-Balart LaMalfa Stewart Background Checks Act of 2021’’. Stivers diately upon delivery on March 10, 2021. Donalds Lamborn SEC. 2. PURPOSE. Duncan Latta Taylor Thank you for your leadership and support Tenney during my tenure. The purpose of this Act is to utilize the Dunn LaTurner current background checks process in the Emmer Lesko Thompson (PA) Sincerely, United States to ensure individuals prohib- Estes Long Timmons MARCIA L. FUDGE. Fallon Loudermilk Turner ited from gun possession are not able to ob- Upton Feenstra Lucas HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tain firearms. Valadao Ferguson Luetkemeyer Washington, DC, March 10, 2021. SEC. 3. FIREARMS TRANSFERS. Fischbach Mace Van Drew (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 922 of title 18, Fitzgerald Malliotakis Van Duyne Hon. MIKE DEWINE, Fitzpatrick Mann Wagner Governor of Ohio, United States Code, is amended by adding at Fleischmann Massie Walberg Columbus, OH. the end the following: Fortenberry Mast Walorski DEAR GOVERNOR DEWINE: Effective March ‘‘(aa)(1)(A) It shall be unlawful for any per- Foxx McCarthy Waltz 10, 2021, I have resigned my seat in the U.S. son who is not a licensed importer, licensed Franklin, C. McCaul Weber (TX) House of Representatives representing the manufacturer, or licensed dealer to transfer Scott McClain Webster (FL) 11th Congressional District of Ohio. Enclosed a firearm to any other person who is not so Fulcher McClintock Wenstrup licensed, unless a licensed importer, licensed Westerman is a copy of my letter of resignation to the Gaetz McHenry manufacturer, or licensed dealer has first Gallagher McKinley Williams (TX) Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, which Garbarino Meijer Wilson (SC) was hand delivered to her this afternoon. taken possession of the firearm for the pur- Garcia (CA) Meuser Wittman An Ohioan born and bred, serving the peo- pose of complying with subsection (t). Gibbs Miller (IL) Womack ple of the 11th Congressional District has ‘‘(B) Upon taking possession of a firearm Gimenez Miller (WV) Young been an honor. My selection by President under subparagraph (A), a licensee shall Gohmert Miller-Meeks Zeldin Joe Biden as Secretary of Housing and Urban comply with all requirements of this chapter Development and confirmation by the Sen- as if the licensee were transferring the fire- NOT VOTING—1 ate will allow me to continue to serve the arm from the inventory of the licensee to the Tiffany public good. unlicensed transferee. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Mar 11, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR7.033 H10MRPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE March 10, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1287 ‘‘(C) If a transfer of a firearm described in Code, to enact a law on the same subject Gun violence of this magnitude is a subparagraph (A) will not be completed for matter as this Act. distinctly American problem. A recent any reason after a licensee takes possession (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment study in the American Journal of Medi- of the firearm (including because the trans- made by subsections (a) and (b) shall take ef- fer of the firearm to, or receipt of the fire- fect 180 days after the date of enactment of cine found that compared to 29 other arm by, the transferee would violate this this Act. high-income countries, the gun-related chapter), the return of the firearm to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill murder rate in the United States is 25 transferor by the licensee shall not con- times higher. Even when you adjust for stitute the transfer of a firearm for purposes shall be debatable for 1 hour, equally divided and controlled by the chair and population differences, Americans are of this chapter. disproportionately killed by gun vio- ‘‘(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to— ranking minority member of the Com- ‘‘(A) a law enforcement agency or any law mittee on the Judiciary. lence. This is a disparity that we can enforcement officer, armed private security The gentleman from New York (Mr. remedy by passing this bill. With the exception of certain limited professional, or member of the armed forces, NADLER)
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