GEORGIA-CAROLINA COUNCIL PROGRAM PLANNING GUIDE & CALENDAR 2019-2020 THANK YOU TO OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS Hall-Knox Foundation United Way- Aiken Co., Barnwell Co., CSRA, Edgefield Co., McDuffie Co. South State Bank Knox Foundation Savannah River- Nuclear Solutions, LLC. Publix Supermarkets Charities, Inc. Community Auction Augusta Exchange Club Club Car, LLC. Columbia County Merchants Association The Community Foundation for the CSRA Dorothy Buttolph Foundation MAU Workforce Solutions Morgan Stanley Dear Scouter or Parent, In your Hands you Hold a road map designed to Help you and your unit CONTACT US commiQee develop, plan, and deliver a memorable year of ScouPng adventure to your Scouts. This guide explains all tHings ScouPng for Georgia-Carolina Council both parents and leaders. Follow tHe plan and it will take you and your Scout Service Center Scouts on a year-long journey tHat will prepare tHem for a lifePme of 4132 Madeline Dr. learning, leadersHip, and service. THank you for leading tHese Scouts Augusta, GA 30909 on tHis adventure. Office: 706.733.5277 Whoever said, “GeUng tHere is Half tHe fun,” Had to be a Scout. Ask Toll Free: 888.215.2669 any Scout and tHey will tell you, tHe only tHing beQer tHan being Fax: 706.733.0765 awarded a Belt Loop or Merit Badge is all tHe fun tHat went into www.gacacouncil.org earning it. Because of your efforts, our Scouts will discover new tHings and learn important life lessons. They will Have fun wHile learning to Hours of OperaPon: live by tHe Scout OatH and Scout Law. 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (M-F) Closed (Sat & Sun) ScouPng promises a youtH adventure and promises parents a program that will Help their kids grow. We conPnue to strive to provide you witH tHe best possible faciliPes and tools to build tHat adventure for Augusta Scout Shop eacH Scout, and eacH family regardless of tHeir experience level or 4132 Madeline Dr. ScouPng knowledge. Augusta, GA 30909 This Program Guide is your recipe for success, your tool to keep tHe Office: 706.824.8777 promise of adventure. Use it to plan and budget for your upcoming Fax: 706.821.3868 year. Discover new acPviPes and trainings to make your ScouPng year even more magical. If you Have quesPons, contact your Unit Hours of OperaPon: Commissioner or District Execuve. 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (M-F) As we close out 2019 and enter 2020, tHe council Centennial 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Sat) Celebraon will commence. We encourage your unit to parPcipate in Closed (Sun) a variety of centennial celebraon events. Some events will be for just Cub Scouts, some just Scouts BSA and Crews, and some will include all Camp Robert E Knox Scouts in tHe council. More details will be provided for tHose events as 1150 Fred R PratHer Parkway we get closer to 2020. Lincolnton, GA 30817 The staff and ExecuPve Board of tHe Georgia-Carolina Council are Admin Bldg: 706.359.5499 commiQed to making ScouPng tHe best opportunity for tHe young people in our community. With your leadership and commitment, this year will provide memories for families for years to come. Camp Daniel MarsHall 2144 Daniel MarsHall Camp Rd. Thank you for all your efforts in making it possible. Lincolnton, GA 30817 Phone: 706.359.7292 Sam Tyson Dan Rogers Paul Korinko Council President Scout ExecuPve Council Commissioner COMMON ABBREVIATIONS & TERMS Table of Contents ScouPng is an impressive program witH many facets, new ABOUT THE GEORGIA-CAROLINA COUNCIL innovaPons, and great tradions. Over tHe past 100 Mission of tHe Boy Scouts of America .............................. years, ScouPng Has developed a vast inventory of abbreviaons, acronyms, and special terms. Here is a Staff Contact InformaPon ............................................ guide to tHe most common to Help you speak tHe District Map & Contact InformaPon ............................. ScouPng language. Council Structure ......................................................... BALOO: Basic Adult Leader Outdoor OrientaPon; an Journey to Excellence (JTE) .......................................... introductory outdoor skills training for Cub Scout SCOUTING RESOURCES leaders. Commissioner Service ...................................................... BSA: Boy Scouts of America; tHe American NaPonal Roundtable ...................................................................... ScouPng OrganizaPon. My.ScouPng.org .............................................................. Charter: WriQen permission for an organizaPon to Guide to Safe ScouPng ..................................................... form, organize, and maintain a Scoung unit. TRAINING Chartered OrganizaPon: An organizaPon tHat Has What Makes A Trained Leader ......................................... permission to own and operate a Scoung program. RecerPficaPon InformaPon .............................................. Commissioner: A volunteer wHo is a quality control Training ........................................................................... person for the Scoung program. Notes .............................................................................. FUNDING YOUR SCOUTING PROGRAM C.O.P.E.: CHallenging Outdoor Personal Experience; ScouPng’s ropes course program. Camp Cards & Popcorn Informaon ................................. Unit Budget Plan InformaPon .......................................... COR: CHartered OrganizaPon RepresentaPve; tHe Guidelines for Unit Funds Accounts.................................. liaison between your unit and your cHartered organizaPon. SCOUT ACTIVITIES Age Appropriate AcPviPes CHart ...................................... Cracker Barrel: A get togetHer or informal meeng at nigHt aer an event tHat includes refresHments. Camping .......................................................................... PLANNING TOOLS CSC: Council Service Center; tHe Headquarters MontHly Planning Calendars ............................................ building of the Georgia-Carolina Council. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR SCOUTING PROGRAMS District: A geograpHic territory tHat a Council uses to Overview ......................................................................... administer ScouPng acPviPes. Cub Scoung ................................................................... DE: District ExecuPve; A full-me professional Scouts BSA ....................................................................... responsible for supporng volunteer Scout leaders. Venturing ........................................................................ FOS: Friends of ScouPng; Annual Council fundraising Sea ScouPng .................................................................... campaign. Exploring ......................................................................... GACA: Georgia-Carolina Council Notes Pages ..................................................................... DC Mtg: District Commissioner MeePng Comm Mtg: District CommiQee MeePng THE MISSION OF THE BSA The mission of tHe Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make etHical and moral cHoices over tHeir lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law Scout Oath Scout Law On my Honor I will do my best A Scout is… To do my duty to God and my country TrustwortHy Loyal And to obey tHe Scout law; Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind To Help otHer people at all times; Obedient Cheerful To keep myself pHysically strong, Thrifty Brave mentally awake, and morally straight. Clean Reverent The Georgia-Carolina Council Staff Contact Roster Scout Executive/CEO Accountant Daniel Rogers Stephanie Lake [email protected] [email protected] Cell - 828.734.2671 Office - 706.733.5277 x 301 Office - 706.733.5277 x303 District Director Executive Assistant Michael Shook Regina Jeffries [email protected] [email protected] Cell - 706.691.7839 Office - 706.733.5277 x311 Office - 706.733.5277 x302 Knox Scout Reservation Ranger Creek River District Executive Greg Sewell Vacant; Michael Shook interim [email protected] Cell - 706.799.4527 Kiokee River District Executive Camp Daniel Marshall Ranger Ron Bane Jay Seago [email protected] [email protected] Cell - 706.834.9536 Cell - 706.990.7265 Office - 706.733.5277 x308 Yamasee District Executive Vacant; Michael Shook interim DISTRICTS IN THE GEORGIA-CAROLINA COUNCIL The Georgia-Carolina Council, Boy Scouts of America was cHartered in 1922 by tHe Rotary Club of Augusta. Since tHat time, tHe Council has grown to now serve sixteen counties in the CSRA: Aiken, Barnwell, Burke, Columbia, Edgefield, Emanuel, Glascock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McCormick, McDuffie, RicHmond, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes. WHAT IS THE GEORGIA-CAROLINA COUNCIL? For over 100 years, Scouting Has instilled in young people the virtues of Honor, respect, cHaracter, Healthy living, and citizensHip tHrough tHe principles of tHe Scout OatH and Scout Law. THese affirmations of character Have served as a code of conduct for millions to Be Prepared! And for young people to make etHical and moral cHoices over tHeir lifetimes. THis mission is tHe bedrock of our purpose as we cultivate tHe leaders of tomorrow. The Georgia-Carolina Council is dedicated to improving the lives of local youth by addressing issues related to general education, public HealtH, and quality of life. Scouts in tHe CSRA are directly engaged in programs tHat target environmental conservation and boosting matH and science aptitude. Scouting provides youth with an opportunity to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence, and reinforce etHical standards. WHAT IS A DISTRICT?
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