( 12 ) United States Patent

( 12 ) United States Patent

US010106817B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 106 ,817 B2 Weinberger ( 45 ) Date of Patent: Oct . 23 , 2018 ( 54 ) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE 2009/ 0210952 A1* 8/ 2009 Wu .. .. .. C12N 15 /63 THEREOF FOR IDENTIFYING ANTI -VIRAL 800 / 13 2011/ 0136896 A1 * 6 /2011 Fu .. .. .. CO7K 14 /005 AGENTS 514 /44 R 2012/ 0156238 AL 6 / 2012 Silverstein et al. ( 71 ) Applicant : The J . David Gladstone Institutes , 2013 / 0345294 A1 * 12/ 2013 Yang .. .. .. .. C12N 15 /63 San Francisco , CA (US ) 514 / 44 R ( 72 ) Inventor: Leor S . Weinberger , San Francisco , 2015 /0218584 A1 * 8 /2015 Payne .. .. .. .. .. .. C12N 15 /85 CA (US ) 435 / 455 ( 73 ) Assignee : The J . David Gladstone Institutes, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS San Francisco , CA (US ) WO WO 199303769 3 / 1993 Wo WO 199309239 5 / 1993 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this WO WO 199319191 9 / 1993 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO 199412649 6 / 1994 U . S . 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