10 | BEMUSE | Nº 21 MUSEINGS. | OCT – DEC 2012 | 11 THE POSTAL CONNECTION SINGAPORE AND THAILAND TEXT BY LUCILLE YAP singapore and thailand share close his- tion hub for states and countries in South- MODERNISING SIAM torical ties dating back to the 13th centu- east Asia. All written correspondence from Siam was known to be a great entrepot ry when Singapore was under the Malay countries in this region with the rest of the centre in the 17th century. However, its ef- sultanate. The opening of the Kingdom of world, and vice versa, was done via Singa- forts in diplomatic and commercial rela- Siam (now Kingdom of Thailand) to for- pore. Incoming and outgoing foreign mail tions with foreign and Western countries eign trade from 1855 drew Singapore closer to and from Southeast Asian countries were were put to a halt by Burmese invasion in to Siam via trade. collected in Singapore before being for- 1767. Although Burma did not retain con- Singapore received the first royal visit warded to their destinations. trol of Siam for long, Siam closed its door from the Kingdom of Siam when His Maj- Located at the crossroads of interna- to the outside world and spent more than esty King Chulalongkorn made his first tional shipping routes, Singapore’s unique a hundred years to restore and reunite the overseas visit as king to Singapore in 1871. geographical position placed it in a posi- country. It was during this period when Siam stud- tion to influence the postal arrangements Siam began to resume external contacts (Top): 2005 stamp commemorating a century of ied how Singapore, then a British colony, of neighbouring countries – many of which during the reign of His Majesty King Nang abolition of slavery in Thailand, which was part of His Majesty King Chulalongkorn’s reform. was administered, including its economic followed this British settlement’s post- Klao (Rama III 1824 - 1851). He reopened Outgoing letters sent from Bangkok to (Above): 1995, 120th anniversary of the Ministry and social affairs, as well as the postal sys- al system closely when introducing new relations with Western nations and estab- San Francisco and France via Singapore. of Foreign Affairs featuring His Majesty King tem. The advancement of the British postal postal systems and extending old ones. The lished trade with China. But it was during Source: Collection of Dr Prakob Chirakiti. His Majesty King Mongkut (Rama IV). Chulalongkorn. system in Singapore inspired the Kingdom Kingdom of Siam was no exception. the reign of His Majesty King Mongkut of Siam to introduce and develop the postal Singapore continued to serve as an im- (Rama IV 1851 - 1868) and later His Majesty system in Siam. The first post office and portant collecting and forwarding hub until King Chulalongkorn (Rama V 1868 - 1910) stamp issue for Siam was inaugurated on 4 late 1800s when its neighbouring countries that Siam underwent tremendous transfor- August 1883. became members of the Universal Postal mation. colonising states and countries around more than doubled, from 146 in 1850 to 302 sult, modern technology such as the con- Union (UPU). As members of the UPU, Siam, King Mongkut kept these Western in 1862. The total annual value of trade also struction of roads and bridges was brought SINGapore – A POSTAL HUB which was established in 1874, they were Diplomacy, Sovereignty powers at bay by signing treaties with sev- rose from about 5.6 million baht in 1850 to to Siam. Since its establishment as a trading post able to send and receive international mail and Modernisation eral European countries. United Kingdom about 10 million baht by 1868. During the start of the reign of King in 1819 by the British East India Company, directly to and from foreign countries with- Faced with the pressure and threat of was the first to succeed in signing a treaty Capitalising on the good relationship Chulalongkorn, the progress of Singapore, Singapore was a postal and communica- out having to route their mail to Singapore. Western imperialist powers’ advances in with Siam in 1855. Signed by King Mongkut with the Western powers, King Mongkut Java and India had deeply impressed the and Sir John Bowring, the Bowring Treaty studied their form of government, admin- young king. British and Dutch colonial in essence allowed foreigners to trade free- istration, as well as their social and eco- government and administration – not the ly in Bangkok without the heavy royal taxes nomic affairs. He undertook many social states in Europe – were his models. There » did you know? « imposed on trade. The constructive treaty and economic reforms to modernise Siam. are two main periods of reform during his put Siam’s foreign relations on a positive King Chulalongkorn continued his father’s reign: the first from 1873 to 1874; and the When did Siam change note at a time when resistance was met tradition of reform, abolishing slavery and second, after 1892. The reforms were re- its name to ‘Thailand’? with force. The Bowring Treaty set the tone improving the public welfare and adminis- lated to his travels to Singapore and Java The attempt to change the name of non-interference in Siamese affairs and trative systems. in 1871 and his subsequent visits to these ‘Siam’ to ‘Thailand’ began in 1939 respect for Thai independence, which was same places in 1896 and 1901. and again between 1945 and 1949. also observed by other Western powers. Singapore – An Inspiration to Siam In 1881, with a view to establish post It was only on 11 May 1949, through The Bowring Treaty resulted in an Singapore was the British centre in the offices in the kingdom, an officer was sent an official proclamation that the increasing volume of trade between Singa- region. There were many visits between to Singapore to gain insight into the post- name of the country was changed to pore and Siam. Rice exports formed the British and Siamese officials. In 1861, King al system. Siam hoped to establish direct ‘Thailand’. The word ‘Thai’ means biggest part of this trade. With the signing Mongkut sent Chao Phraya Sri Suriya- postal communication with the rest of the ‘Free’, and therefore ‘Thailand’ 1997 Singapore-Thailand Joint Stamp Issue from Singapore and Thailand. of more treaties with other foreign powers, wongse Juang Bunnag and Prince Krom- world, and there was no post office in the means ‘Land of the Free’. trade grew by leaps and bounds. For exam- mamun Vishnunarth Nibhadhorn to study kingdom at that time. ple, ships visiting Bangkok from Singapore how Singapore was administered. As a re- 12 | BEMUSE | Nº 21 MUSEINGS. | OCT – DEC 2012 | 13 INTRODUCTION OF POSTAL SYSTEM IN SIAM Code of Arms of British Consulate in Bangkok Post office at the British Consulate on British Consulate in Bangkok used as postal cancellation Charoenkrung Road. The signing of treaties between Siam and foreign countries allowed these countries to establish their consulates in Siam. The need to communicate via letters and corre- spondence with other consulates and with their home countries stressed the need for a postal system. At that time, there was no postal service in Siam. The people of Siam sent letters through messengers or friends who were travelling within or out of the country. Straits Settlements stamps overprinted with ‘B’ In 1867, the British Consulate was the used in Bangkok. first entity in Siam to introduce the system of post. With that, all international mailing services were provided by and dependent Straits Settlements Stamps younger brother, published a daily news- on the British Consulate. Overprinted with ‘B’ paper named ‘COURT’ or ‘Government In April 1882, the branch of the Singapore News’ with a group of the royal family’s Straits Settlements Stamps post office established in Bangkok was members. The newspaper was distribut- Used in Bangkok permitted by the United Kingdom to oper- ed by despatch to high ranking officials When the British Consulate Post Office ate postal services in the city, as sending and close members of the royal family, and was set up in Bangkok, Siam did not have messages was in great demand. The Straits Prince Bhanurangsi Sawangwongse issued its own stamp. British India stamps, which Settlements stamps were overprinted with a stamp as evidence of payment for the were also used in the Straits Settlements the Roman alphabet ‘B’, which stood for delivery service. This stamp, referred to as (Malacca, Penang and Singapore), were ‘Bangkok’, the place from where the letters ‘Local Stamp’, featured a portrait of Prince used by the British Consulate Post Office were mailed. Bhanurangsi Sawangwongse. They were until 1867 when they were replaced by After Siam started operating its own also used for letters sent to a specific area. Straits Settlements stamps. postal services in 1883 and became a mem- Following this, Prince Bhanurangsi During this early period, outbound mail ber country of the UPU on 1 July 1885, the issued another series of stamps printed in must be sent out from Bangkok to Singa- British postal services in Siam and the use England named ‘The Royal Family’. It was pore, and thereafter forwarded to other of the stamps printed with the letter ‘B’ used only by members of the royal family in countries. The letters and packages were were terminated. communicating government news. thus cancelled in Singapore with Singa- pore postmarks. This practice continued Local Stamps for Palace Use until 1 July 1885 when Siam joined the UPU In 1875, when the British Consulate was which coordinates the international postal still offering postal services in Siam, system, and started its own international His Royal Highness Prince Bhanurang- postal services. si Sawangwongse, King Chulalongkorn’s (Top): Letter dated 24 August 1859 written by His Majesty King Mongkut to Mr CHH Wilsone, Vice Consul of Denmark in Singapore.
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