November 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1031 CELEBRATING THE UNIVERSITY Integrated Domestic Violence Court. This Richard and Guillermo have a long history OF ST. FRANCIS’ 100TH ANNIVER- monumental court reform initiative allowed of developing cannabis-derived products, op- SARY New York State to streamline the legal proc- erating under California state laws and fo- esses involved in domestic violence cases, cused on putting ‘‘patients before profits.’’ HON. BILL FOSTER thereby better serving individuals and families. With FSO headquartered in California’s 34th OF ILLINOIS Justice O’Donnell has been honored with District, Messrs. Brumfield and Avina play an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES numerous accolades throughout his rich ca- important role in our community. They also re- reer, including the 1999 Judges and Police cently held an event in the district to ‘kick off’ Monday, November 16, 2020 Executives Conference Jurist of the Year, the a major new initiative. Richard and Guillermo Mr. FOSTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today 1997 Western New York Matrimonial Trial have tirelessly worked to serve our commu- to honor the University of St. Francis located Lawyers Association Judge of the Year, the nity, and I want to recognize and thank them in Joliet, Illinois, which is celebrating its 100th 1998 Bar Association of Erie County Family for their innovative contributions. anniversary. Since 1920, the University of St. and Matrimonial Law Committee Special f Francis has distinguished itself as a valuable Achievement Award, the 1993 William B. Hoyt HONORING LYNDELL ‘‘DALE’’ institution for its students and a major contrib- Award from the Erie County Coalition Against WOODS utor to Joliet and the greater Illinois area. Family Violence, and the 2001 Ted Hengerer Founded in 1920, the Congregation of the Award from the Theatre of Youth. In 1997, Third Order of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate Justice O’Donnell was inducted into the HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH established the Sisters’ Normal Institute of Signum Fidei Society of his alma mater, St. OF VIRGINIA Higher Leaming, now known as the University Joseph’s Collegiate Institute. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of St. Francis, to educate its own members. Madam Speaker, thank you for allowing me Monday, November 16, 2020 By 1930, the institution reorganized its edu- to recognize the retirement of Justice John Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I submit cation to provide a full college curriculum and O’Donnell here today. He has dedicated his these remarks in honor of Lyndell ‘‘Dale’’ grant bachelor’s degrees. As the college ex- career to finding justice for the people of Woods of Salem, Virginia, who died on No- panded its educational opportunities, it was Western New York and we greatly appreciate vember 8, 2020. He was a longtime volunteer eventually renamed the University of St. his service. at the Fort Lewis Fire Department, and the Francis in 1998. f heart disease that took his life developed as a The University of St. Francis has been an IN HONOR OF LESTER J. STOUDT result of his service. institution committed to providing opportunity Mr. Woods was born in Stuttgart, Germany, for its students and educating a community of on March 8, 1960 to Rodney Leroy and Maria learners who are engaged in the continuous HON. JOHN JOYCE Liebelt Woods. He graduated from Salem High pursuit of knowledge, faith, wisdom, and jus- OF PENNSYLVANIA School in 1978 as part of the school’s first tice. Their academic excellence makes the in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES graduating class. Volunteer firefighting in the stitution a valuable part of the community. Monday, November 16, 2020 Fort Lewis Fire Department was a calling he Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join pursued for 35 years, from March 1981 until Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- me in celebrating the University of St. Francis’ his diagnosis with heart disease in 2016. Dur- er, I rise today to honor Lester J. Stoudt of 100 years of excellence and congratulating the ing that time, he attained the ranks of Lieuten- Huntingdon County for his service in the institution on achieving this milestone. ant, Captain, and Membership Office and ac- United States Army. Lester is an outstanding f quired certifications including Firefighter 1–2, Pennsylvanian, and I am grateful for his serv- Fire Instructor, and Emergency Vehicle Oper- CELEBRATING THE CAREER OF ice to our nation, the Commonwealth of Penn- JUSTICE JOHN F. O’DONNELL ator—Class 4. sylvania, and our community. Mr. Woods worked at PMI Lubricants for 22 In Pennsylvania and across the country, our years. His community involvement in addition veterans have served and sacrificed for Ameri- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS to his volunteer firefighting service included cans’ freedom and our values. They answered OF NEW YORK the Boy Scouts of America and coaching the call to serve and fight for us—at a great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Glenvar Recreation League soccer. cost. Truly, our veterans are the best of Amer- Monday, November 16, 2020 Mr. Woods’ survivors include his wife Jewel, ica. his son Daniel, four stepdaughters, and eight Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Madam Speak- In Congress, it is my privilege—and my re- grandchildren. I wish to offer them and the er, I rise today to celebrate the retirement of sponsibility—to stand up for those who have Fort Lewis Fire Department my condolences the Honorable John F. O’Donnell, J.S.C. Jus- served our country in uniform, as well as to on their loss. Many communities across the tice O’Donnell is stepping down from his posi- recognize these brave Americans. As a nation, Ninth District rely on volunteer firefighters such tion as the New York State Supreme Court we are indebted to them. On behalf of the as Mr. Woods for their safety, and his death Justice of the Eighth Judicial District after a re- 13th Congressional District, I thank Lester for as a result of the performance of his duties re- markable legal career. his service to our nation and our community. minds us of their great dedication and sac- In doing so, I recognize the efforts Justice f rifice. O’Donnell has made on behalf of Western New York families; especially those affected HONORING RICHARD BRUMFIELD, f by child abuse and domestic violence. Justice JR. AND GUILLERMO AVINA’S RECOGNIZING THE INSTITUTE FOR O’Donnell has been an outspoken advocate CONTRIBUTIONS TO INCLUSION IN THE LEGAL PRO- for women and children within the court sys- HEALTHCARE FESSIONAL tem. Justice O’Donnell began his career in the HON. JIMMY GOMEZ HON. DANNY K. DAVIS private sector in 1971, and later ventured into OF CALIFORNIA OF ILLINOIS public service as a confidential law clerk. Jus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tice O’Donnell soon became a pillar of the Erie County Family Court. In November 1985, he Monday, November 16, 2020 Monday, November 16, 2020 was appointed as a hearing examiner, and in Mr. GOMEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam January 1988, he became an Erie County to recognize Richard Brumfield, Jr. and Guil- Speaker, I stand tonight to recognize the Insti- Family Court Judge. In January 1992, he was lermo Avina, Co-Founders of Full Spectrum tute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession on its named the Supervising Judge of the Family Omega, Inc. (FSO), a Service-Disabled Vet- 10th Anniversary. The legal profession re- Courts, and the Domestic Violence Education eran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and mains one of the least diverse professions in Coordinator for New York’s Eighth Judicial phytocannabinoids life science company in the United States. This adversely impacts the District. Los Angeles. FSO’s mission is providing ac- pipeline of women, racial/ethnic minorities, Justice O’Donnell has served on the State cess to FDA-approved marijuana-derived openly LGBTQ+ individuals, individuals with Supreme Court since 1995. In November products that address unmet medical condi- disabilities, and religious minorities, who will 2003, Justice O’Donnell became the first judge tions and improve people’s lives and serve as future legislators, judges, public pol- to preside over the Erie County branch of the wellbeing. icy advocates, civic and community leaders, VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:46 Nov 17, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16NO8.031 E16NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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