Global Index with Hyperlinks to PDF Files

Global Index with Hyperlinks to PDF Files

Index A allography, 129, 134, 136, 232, 233 alphabet, 89, 144–148, 150, 152, abbreviation, 14, 15, 32, 33, 60–63, 154, 155, 157, 166, 168– 76, 77, 91, 269, 282, 378, 170, 172, 177, 180, 182, 514, 631, 719, 819, 946, 185–187, 218, 223–230, 1078 232, 234–236, 241, 242, marker, 15 244, 429, 432, 463, 473, abjad, 51, 53, 54, 60, 76, 134, 178, 569, 763, 765, 807, 810, 180, 228, 625, 781, 807– 811, 822, 825, 829, 831, 811, 820, 822, 910, 1109 837, 841, 888, 907, 908, Abkhaz, 115 910, 916, 1109, 1112 abstract, 561, 563, 565, 567 a monument to hidebound object, 9 conservatism, 114 abugida, 54, 162, 163, 165, 177, Arabic, 910 180, 184, 228, 625, 807– Aramaic, 166 811, 818–820, 822 Armenian, 166, 185, 186 acrophonic, 208, 232 Bougainvillian, 837 principle, 168, 224, 232 Carian, 181, 182, 232, 233 acrostics, 1109, 1111–1113, 1116 consonantal, 208, 218, 810, Adobe, 441 811 Aegean, 807, 809 Coptic, 184, 775, 776, 778, 780 Aidarus, 980 Cyrillic, 115, 154, 1068, 1070, Ajami, 971 1080 Akkadian, 59, 116, 117, 216, 218, dual, 14 929, 1112 English, 825 al-Busiri, 980 Entlehnungs-, 150 al-Inkishafi, 977 Etruscan, 170, 171, 916 Albanian, 166, 373, 392 Georgian, 793 aleph, 466, 1114, 1115 Gothic, 166, 224 Algerian (typeface), 397 Greek, 115, 167–171, 182, 187, Algernon, 276, 278 225, 226, 230–232, 234, Alice in Wonderland, 350, 351 775–779, 781 alloglottoepy, 790 Hebrew, 231, 497 alloglottography, 790 history, 157 βʹ Index Korean, 807 476, 478, 479, 497, 498, Latin, 147, 151, 154, 171, 176, 530, 564, 568, 580, 622, 182, 300, 305, 443, 445, 625, 760, 810, 835, 905, 762, 999, 1068, 1070, 1077 907–910, 912, 913, 919, linear, 231 963–972, 977, 978, 980– Lycian, 233 983, 986, 1044, 1083– manual, 1060 1086, 1088–1094, 1097– North Italic, 146 1100, 1107 origins, 207, 217 classical, 1098 Otomaung, 825, 826, 829, Quranic, 217 831, 837, 840, 844 Arabism, 497 Phoenician, 146 Aramaic, 59–61, 76, 115, 164, 166, phonemic, 580 178, 179, 181, 206–209, proto-, 167, 182 211, 495, 787–794, 797, Roman, 111, 115, 154, 155, 174, 799, 912, 1113, 1114 177, 228, 650, 651, 832, arbitrariness, 742 844, 908 archaeology, 144, 146, 179, 225, Romanian, 1075 523, 544, 788, 791, 873, Russian, 1071 874, 929, 957, 1098 are you? Shavian, 905, 912, 914, 915 you are , 311 Ur-, 170 Arial (typeface), 420, 913 Venetic, 172, 186 Ariekan, 283, 310–312 vowelled, 208 Armazian, 792–794, 797 alphabetic, 120 Armenian, 155, 166, 182, 184–186, Altaic, 209 373, 392, 789, 810 Amharic, 373, 392 Arnold Böcklin (typeface), 398, Amiri (typeface), 969 399 amulet, 806 ARPA, 440 analogy, 742–744 Art, 561 Anatolian, 223, 226, 230, 232, 234, artificial intelligence, 96 929, 932, 939 artificial language learning, 215 Andika!, 967–971, 973, 974, 981– ASCII, 342–345, 423, 440, 441, 983 444, 504 ANRT, 439, 444–446, 452, 457 ASL, 1040, 1047–1049 ants, 566, 569 ASLphabet, 1049 apostrophe, 14, 28–30, 61, 269, asomtavruli, 791 276, 290, 293, 719, 720, association, 744 725–727 Assyrian, 202, 789, 906, 1112, 1113 special, 490 asterisk, 251, 254, 275, 717, 718, Apple, 441, 442 720, 726, 731, 863 Arabic, 14, 35, 36, 52, 54, 60, 111, ateji, 295, 307–309, 637 112, 114, 116, 117, 159, 173, Athapaskan, 116 203–207, 209–212, 217, attitudinal factor, 781 223, 265, 267, 350, 373, audibility, 86, 87, 96 377, 392, 394, 398, 410, Austroasiatic, 115 Index γʹ Austronesian, 111, 829 C awareness, 84, 99 Ayka (typeface), 430 Cafe (typeface), 397 Azeri, 111 Cambria (typeface), 913, 914 S.O.S. Aztec, 810, 812, 816, 817, 820 Canapés , 309 Aśoka, 178, 179 Carian, 181, 182, 212, 226, 228, 232, 233, 235 Catalan, 373, 392 B Catholicism, 74, 721, 724, 730, 837 Caucasian, 115, 166, 182, 787, 799 B B B, 323 Northwest, 115 BabelStone Naxi (typeface), 995 cave painting, 1110 Bajuni, 972, 978 Celtiberian, 182 Bakery (typeface), 397 Celtic, 184 Bamum, 174, 827, 828 cenemic, 48, 53, 625 Bantu, 111, 115 CETI, 516, 519, 523 Bastian Balthazar Bux, 284, 285, chaos hypothesis, 181, 226 320–324 character component, 278, 279, Bauhaus, 316 648–651, 657, 660, 664, 668, 669, 675–677 BCCWJ, 586–588, 602, 603, 636 Charlie Gordon, 276–278 Beatles, 11 chat communication, 20 Behistun, 160–164 chatbot, 344 Berber, 204, 205, 210, 212, 217, chereme, 1048 1097 Cherokee, 111, 112, 114, 173, 174, Kabyle, 210, 212, 217 181, 184, 185, 530, 626, biliteracy, 113 826 Blackletter (typeface), 303, 373, Chi-square test, 746 378 Chihiro, 1117, 1118 , 328 Chimwiini, 210, 211, 969 boldface, 203, 205, 211, 212, 216, Chinese, 14, 25, 26, 35, 37–39, 301, 319, 324, 325, 347, 41, 48, 49, 51–57, 63, 64, 348, 374, 832, 1057, 1092 66–68, 70–72, 75, 76, 108, Book Antiqua (typeface), 914 109, 112–115, 118, 128, Bookman (typeface), 397 134, 159, 175, 176, 201, Bosnian, 373 209, 216, 223, 230, 300, Bougainville, 825, 826, 829, 830, 373, 393, 459, 530, 580, 832, 833, 835–838, 840, 582, 636, 645–651, 654, 844, 845 657–659, 664, 668, 675– brackets, 13 677, 683–685, 687, 711, braille, 631 712, 781, 805, 810, 818, Bronze Age, 945–947, 960 823, 851, 906, 966, 986– brute-force attack, 931–933, 941 992, 994, 998, 1000, 1001, Brāhmī, 178–180, 208, 209, 217 1109, 1116, 1117 Bulgarian, 165, 373, 392, 910 Middle, 71, 72 δʹ Index Old, 48, 55, 56, 216 congruence, 744 chirography, 441, 446 connector, 1084, 1088–1090, CIA, 338, 339 1092, 1093 cipher, 182, 624, 625, 633, 832, connotation, 72–75, 137, 276, 303, 844 362, 365, 373, 384, 390, script, 832 402, 407, 411, 418, 422, clicks, 115 432, 491, 501, 521, 530, clitic, 28 535, 538, 596, 605, 740, Cloister Black (typeface), 303 742, 906, 1085, 1086, coda, 203, 216, 629, 645, 646, 654, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1104 664–668, 671–673, 677, consonant, 61, 105, 113, 159, 162, 757 163, 177, 205–215, 218, Codex Mendoza, 812 228, 622, 629, 631, 718, codification, 4 751, 755, 758, 759, 763– Codman’s Paradox, 1030 765, 769, 777, 779, 807, cognition, 84, 86, 89, 94, 103, 810, 811, 820–822, 829, 104, 106–108, 116–119, 910–912, 916, 935, 936, 132, 134, 137, 223, 225, 939, 999, 1071, 1077 228–230, 235, 261, 265, affixal, 214 341, 362, 366, 404, 429, ambisyllabic long, 629 442, 491, 523, 528, 546, coda, 216, 664 565, 585, 615, 732, 742– conjunct, 180 744, 775, 776, 778, 806, double, 758 883, 886, 940, 985, 986, final, 232 1000, 1010, 1041–1043, full, 207 1045, 1049, 1083, 1088, geminate, 213 1089 high-frequency, 744 coherent discrimination, 907 initial, 177, 482, 746 coherent thought, 12 intervocalic, 33 Comic Sans (typeface), 405 labial, 105 comics, 16 low-frequency, 744 comma, 6, 12, 15, 17, 21, 29, 126, middle, 217 321, 530, 714, 717, 719, nasalized, 998, 999 720, 722, 723, 726, 727, null, 209 729, 730, 732, 874, 967, palatalised, 1071 1056, 1075, 1084–1086, pharyngeal, 491 1089–1091, 1093 prenasalised, 977 community of practice, 776 retroflex, 999 Comoro Islands, 967, 971 romance, 759, 764 complete thought, 12 root, 217 componentness, 712 subscript, 819 conceptual, 561, 742 uvular, 998 conceptualism, 9 vocalized, 810 concrete, 561, 565, 567 voiced, 998, 999 conditions of well-formedness, 8 voiceless obstruent, 629 Index εʹ weak, 808, 916 dash, 251, 254, 269, 277, 293, 299, content, 742 517, 728, 732, 1052, 1086, contingency coefficient, 746 1090, 1091 continuum, 95 double, 1086, 1089–1091 Cooper Black (typeface), 399 em-dash, 325 copresence, 86, 87, 96 en-dash, 726 Coptic, 182, 184, 775–781 deafness, 1042 Coreguaje, 116 decimal point, 15 correlation, 744 decipherment, 85, 169, 181, 445, correspondence, 744 514, 515, 522–525, 528, 530, 534, 535, 541, 544, cotemporality, 86, 87, 96 545, 791, 812, 821, 848, Courier New (typeface), 905, 912, 852, 858, 868, 869, 878, 914 879, 883, 888, 928–933, COVID-19, 223, 501, 506, 508, 511, 938, 941, 945–947, 1043, 639, 825, 826, 829, 837, 1044, 1050, 1085, 1097, 855, 1026 1105–1107, 1109 Cratylos, 1115 deep, 756 Cree, 218 definition of writing, 119 critical period, 107 (deleted), 342 Croatian, 373, 714, 721, 724, 726 deliteracy, 964 cryptanalysis, 523, 931, 932 Demotic, 182, 184, 775–781 Cthulhu, 534 Devanagari, 105, 109, 112, 223, cultural heritage, 964 373, 819, 821 cuneiform, 57, 59, 114, 116, 117, Dhivehi, 108, 117 160–164, 167, 178, 207, diachronic, 760 444, 818, 821, 851, 1109– diadocal movement, 1030 1111, 1113, 1114 dichotomy, 92 Cyrillic, 114, 115, 154, 155, 173, 182, differentiation, 821 223, 267, 305, 373, 442, digital 810, 823, 905, 908–910, arena, 96 912, 915, 920, 971, 1067– era, 87 1073, 1075–1077, 1079, media, 88 1080 digitisation Czech, 305, 373, 539, 724, 725, 732 full, 966 Czechoslovak, 93 digraph, 115, 768 DIN (typeface), 368, 378, 388 distinctiveness, 907 D Dongba (typeface), 987 dongba, 821, 985–1003 dada, 244, 334, 856 <d~ſ>, 63 Dakota, 985 dual alphabet, 14 Danielian, 166 Duisburg-Marxloh, 373, 393, 397– Danish, 93, 111, 150, 325, 373, 714, 403, 410, 415 724, 725, 1022 Dur-Sharrukin, 1112, 1113 ϛʹ Index Dutch, 111, 138, 295, 318, 344, 373, 344, 373, 375, 377, 392, 724, 725, 727, 730, 758 394, 427, 441, 503, 530, 540, 544, 546, 580, 592, E 622, 624–626, 628, 633, 634, 647, 648, 653, 659, Earth chauvinism, 533 664, 714, 724, 726–728, École Estienne, 304 730, 741, 755, 757, 758, economic theory, 562 825, 832, 837, 840, 860, economists, 562 862, 876, 890, 905, 907– efficiency, 907 912, 914–916, 965, 968, Egyptian, 53, 57, 155, 207, 208, 969, 972, 975, 981, 982, 218, 224, 496, 775–777, 987–989, 994, 1001, 1033, 779, 781, 807, 809, 810, 1040, 1048, 1068, 1075, 817, 818, 820, 821, 851, 1084, 1089, 1098, 1117 877, 907, 936, 966, 1001, Middle, 916 1097, 1098, 1100, 1106 Old, 739–742, 745, 746, 748, Electroharmonix (typeface), 110 750, 751 electronic era, 87 Enlightenment, 713, 715, 716, 725, ELIZA, 343 726, 728–732 ellipsis,

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