THE CATHOLIC PAGE 4 Synod: Welcome gays, COMMENTATOR nonmarital unions October 17, 2014 Vol. 51, No. 18 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org WORTH THE RISK Teenager survives harrowing journey to begin new life By Debbie Shelley perilous journey to the United States The Catholic Commentator so she could reunite with her mother who lives in the Baton Rouge area and “Maria” made a dangerous journey with whom she had been communi- from Central America to the United cating through letters. States and was kidnapped before she Maria scraped together money to got to the border. But her life was even pay some people who promised to more at risk if she didn’t leave home. bring her, her brother and her uncle The 17-year-old lived a relatively to the United States. The smugglers, happy childhood in Honduras, but however, ended up breaking their as she grew older and a violent orga- agreement, and Maria was left with nized crime and drug culture settled her uncle and brother to find their in, her life became progressively un- way alone. stable. Although she should have been As Maria got close to the border, enjoying a happy coming-of-age time she and her uncle were kidnapped. filled with the usual teenage pursuits, The captors contacted Maria’s mother she was surrounded by brutality in a and demanded that she pay $5,000, country that has the world’s highest $2,500 each for her and her uncle. murder rate. Maria’s mother was able to raise Rival gang leaders considered $2,500 but not the entire amount. Maria a “prized possession” and told The kidnappers told Maria’s moth- her that she had to choose to be one er she must pay the full amount or of their girlfriends or face dire con- they would kill her daughter. Poverty and violence caused by organized crime and drug cartels compel many unaccom- sequences. Maria chose instead to According to her mother, the kid- panied children to make the treacherous trip from Central and South America to the Unit- make, with few possessions, the hot, SEE IMMIGRATION PAGE 24 ed States, where some hope to reunite with their families. Photo by CNS Blessing of Boats Understanding her son’s pain (Second in a Series) community. He was “a friend to everyone” and was never bullied. He was a graduate By Debbie Shelley of St. Alphonsus School, a member of the The Catholic Commentator St. Alphonsus youth group and a student at Central High School. He played the gui- Lisa Carmena found her son, John Na- tar and was a NASCAR fan who loved car than, in his bedroom of their Greenwell driver Jimmie Johnson. Springs home after he took his life on He was a member of St. Alphonsus Boy March 31, 2009. He left a note telling his Scout Troop 322. Nathan so inspired by his parents how much he loved them, thanked fellow troop members, that after his death, them for the best 14 years of his life and Logan Schlater said he was motivated by expressed his gratitude for the love and the memory of Nathan to complete his support he had received. But he then wrote Eagle Scout project of building an outdoor the words that left many questions in her amphitheater-style classroom for St. Al- mind, “But I just can’t take it anymore.” phonsus School in 2010. BLESSING OF THE BOATS – Father Al Davidson, pastor of St. Joseph the Carmena said her son was far from what “He never met a stranger,” Lisa Carme- Worker Church in Pierre Part, blesses boats after a special Mass held on people think of as a teen who is at risk of na said of her son, who was always glad to Virgin Island Oct. 11. Boats surrounded the island for the Mass which is committing suicide. While, like most teen- help others in need. celebrated twice a year on the island to honor the Blessed Mother. Photo by agers his age, Nathan liked the privacy of Nathan was also deeply spiritual, said Barbara Chenevert | The Catholic Commentator his room, he had a good relationship with his mother. his family and many in his church and SEE SUICIDE PAGE 14 2 The Catholic Commentator The LIGHTER SIDE of FAI t H October 17, 2014 | TREASURES FROM THE DIOCESE | DID YOU KNOW October, the month of the Holy Rosary Do you remember the fruits of the ro- The Luminous Mysteries – The sary? Baptism of Jesus, openness to the Holy Every Catholic knows that as each de- Spirit; the Miracle at Cana, to Jesus cade of the rosary is recited, they are to through Mary; Proclama- reflect on one of the mysteries of Christ’s tion of the King- life. There are four mysteries: the Joyful, dom of God, re- Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous. pentance, trust Lesser known is that each mystery has in God; Trans- a virtue, or fruit, associated with it. Catho- figuration, de- lics pray that they may receive that virtue sire for holiness; as they meditate on the mystery. Institution of the St. Louis de Montfont, a French priest Eucharist, adoration, who lived from 1673 to 1713, is credited active participation in with establishing the fruits of the rosary. Mass. In his many books fostering devotion to The Sorrowful Mysteries – Agony the Blessed Mother, St. Louis de Montfont in the Garden, contrition, sorrow for sin; advocated reciting the rosary with a view Scourging at the Pillar, purity, mortifica- toward honoring and imitating the virtues tion; Crowning with Thorns, moral cour- of Jesus and Mary. age; Carrying of the Cross, patience; Cruci- These are the fruits of the rosary: fixion, perseverance, self-denial, salvation. The Joyful Mysteries – The Annun- The Glorious Mysteries – the Res- ciation, humility; the Visitation, love of urrection, faith; the Ascension, hope, de- neighbor; The Nativity of Our Lord, pov- sire for heaven; the Descent of the Holy erty of spirit, detachment from the things Spirit, wisdom, love of God; the Assump- of the world; the Presentation of the Lord, tion of Mary, devotion to Mary, grace of a obedience; Finding of the Child Jesus in happy death; the Coronation of the Blessed the Temple, piety. Virgin, eternal happiness. | PICTURES FROM THE PAST A crucifix sculpted by Baton Rouge artist Frank Hayden is the centerpiece in the St. Vin- cent De Paul Society conference room in Baton Rouge. The cross originally hung in a non-Catholic church on N. Acadian Thruway in Baton Rouge and was a favorite of Bishop Stanley J. Ott. Several years after Bishop Ott’s death in 1992, Dr. Brooks Cronin, who knew of the bishop’s love of the cruficix, learned the church was closing and contacted St. Vincent de Paul executive director Michael Acaldo and asked if he would be interested in having it at the administration center. Cronin bought the crucifix and the decision was made for it to be placed in the conference room, which previously served as the dining room where Bishop Ott would greet guests and visitors. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Com- mentator Families will traditionally visit cemeteries to place flowers at the graves of their loved ones on All Saints Day, which is celebrated Nov. 1. On Nov. 2, All Souls Day is celebrated. Now is the time to reserve Above, the late Bishop Stanley J. Ott is shown blessing the graves at St. Joseph Cemetery Annual Mass Schedule space. in Baton Rouge in this undated photo. Photo provided by the Archives Department, Diocese of Baton Rouge Every year we sell out of advertising space. Don’t get left out. thecatholiccommentator.org | Facebook.com/TheCatholicCommentator Call today and reserve Bishop Robert W. Muench Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager Father Than Vu Associate Publisher Penny G. Saia Production Manager your space – 225-387-0983. Richard Meek Editor Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Barbara Chenevert Staff Writer THE CATHOLIC The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thru- way, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: CSERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1962 $14.00 per year. POSTMASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4746. October 17, 2014 The Catholic Commentator 3 ‘Christ’s hands’ bring healing at 40 Days for Life By Richard Meek “She left encouraged by the love, continues to suffer in its wake.” The Catholic Commentator compassion and hope offered by Bergeron said attendance women she didn’t know who had has spiked as high as 80 in one Tears moistened the face of a served as Christ’s hands and feet day, with participating groups young woman as she walked out that day. coming from throughout the Di- of Delta Clinic, where earlier she “It is an incredible blessing to ocese of Baton Rouge, as well as had ignored her own wishes and pray with members of other de- neighboring dioceses. Support- acquiesced to the demands of her nominations and churches and ers have come from as far away boyfriend to abort their child. witness the body of Christ unified as Ville Platte and Bayou Teche, Nearby, a group of young through 40 Days for Life in prayer she said. women from Lanier Baptist at Delta – the foot of the cross – “People are very glad they Church, participating in 40 Days where the most vulnerable broth- make the effort to come,” for Life for the first time, noticed ers and sisters die every day.” Bergeron said.
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