CONTENTS 1 Choose King’s for... 2 Engineering 36 3 What you need to know 78 our London setting 2 Geography & The Environment 38 Key dates 78 our history 4 History & Classics 40 Entry requirements 80 our location 6 International Affairs 42 Applying 82 our student community 8 & Development Fees & funding – 86 our global opportunities 10 Languages & Literature 44 Home/EU students our graduate prospects 12 Law 48 Fees & funding – 88 Overseas students our academic excellence 14 Management, Business & Finance 50 International students 90 our facilities & resources 16 Mathematics 54 Your accommodation 92 our faculties 18 Medicine 56 Nursing & Midwifery 58 King’s Residences 94 Student support & wellbeing 96 2 Our courses by subject area 22 Pharmacy & Pharmacology 60 Experience King’s for yourself 98 Academic Preparation Courses 22 Philosophy & Religion 62 Arts, Culture & Media 24 Physics 66 4 Index A–Z 100 Biomedical & Life Sciences 26 Policy & Society 68 Courses A–Z 100 Chemistry 28 Politics & Economics 70 General index 103 Computer Science 30 Psychology & Neuroscience 72 Conflict & Security 32 Therapeutic Health 74 5 Important information 104 Dentistry 34 Pre-University 76 Summer Programmes ‘Studying at King’s has opened so many doors for me, I’ve loved my TOP time here so far.’ Mike Physiotherapy 10 BSc One of the top 10 universities in the UK QS World University Rankings 2018–19 CHOOSE SUBJECT WHAT YOU FULL COURSE 1 KING’S AREAS NEED TO KNOW INDEX A–Z FROM THE PRESIDENT & PRINCIPAL & PRESIDENT THE FROM WELCOME WELCOME ‘Aswelookforwardtoour200thanniversaryin2029,wearestrivingto makeapositiveimpactthroughourstrategicvision.King’swillcontinue toinspirefuturegenerationstobethecriticalthinkers,problemsolvers andchange-makerstheworldneeds. ByjoiningKing’s,youwillbecomepartofourdiverseandwelcoming communityofstaffandstudentsfrommorethan150countriesworldwide. Youwillbenefitfromourcross-disciplinaryapproachandresearch-led teaching,learningfromacademicswhosecutting-edgeresearchmakesa positiveimpactonsociety;fromgeneresearchthatwillimprovecancer diagnosis,tohelpingLondonsolveitspollutionproblem. Undergraduate Guide 2020 • For up-to-date course details, please visit WeareLondon’smostcentraluniversityandlifeinourincrediblecapital isanintegralpartoftheKing’sexperience.Ouroutstandingpartnerships withinstitutionssuchasTheBritishFilmInstitute,leadingNHShospitals andourmanyglobalconnections,willenableyoutobuildnetworksand developinvaluableskillstosupportyouinyourfuturecareer. Ourstudentsareagreatexampleofoursuccessandtheirexperiences sharedinthisguideandonourwebpages,demonstratejustthat.Youwill havemanyopportunitiestospeaktothemanddiscoverlifeatKing’satour on-campusevents,onsocialmediaandthroughoutourcommunications. Ihopeyouwilljoinusaswepledgetoworktogethertomake theworldabetterplace.’ Professor Edward Byrne, President & Principal AC kcl.ac.uk/ug Discover King’s strategic vision in full: kcl.ac.uk/aboutkings/ strategy/index.aspx Front cover: The Quad, Guy's Campus 2 CHOOSE SUBJECT WHAT YOU FULL COURSE KING’S AREAS NEED TO KNOW INDEX A–Z Choose King’s for... OUR LONDON SETTING Londonwillbeanintegralpartofyourstudentlife. King’sisthemostcentraluniversityinLondon,including fourThames-sidecampuseswithinasinglesquaremile andonelocatedinsouthLondon. 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 1st Rated the best student city in the world QS Best Student Cities 2018 3 OUR LONDON SETTING LONDON OUR CHOOSE KING’S FOR: 1 King’s Strand Campus 10 King’s Waterloo Campus KEY 2 Bush House 11 Shakespeare’s Globe King’s locations 3 Royal Courts of Justice 12 Waterloo Station London landmarks 4 Maughan Library 13 St Thomas’ Hospital 5 Palace of Westminster 14 City of London Financial District 6 London Eye 15 King’s St Thomas’ Campus 7 South Bank 16 King’s Guy’s Campus 8 Tate Modern 17 The Shard 9 St Paul’s Cathedral 18 Guy’s Hospital Undergraduate Guide 2020 • For up-to-date course details, please visit 14 17 9 18 11 8 16 10 12 kcl.ac.uk/ug King’s Denmark 13 15 Hill Campus, King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley Hospital approximately 3 miles (5km). 4 CHOOSE SUBJECT WHAT YOU FULL COURSE KING’S AREAS NEED TO KNOW INDEX A–Z Choose King’s for... OUR HISTORY ‘King’sreputationandhistorywasoneofthereasons Ichosetostudyhere.Walkingdownthesamecorridors asalumniwhohavemadesuchahugeimpacton societyisincrediblyinspiring.’ Anna, Physics BSc In 1829 King George IV NOBEL LAUREATES and the Duke of Wellington Wearealsofamousforourdistinguished founded King’s College London, contributiontoartsandsciences.Some ofthegreatestmindshavestudiedat making King’s the fourth oldest King’s–fromProfessorPeterHiggs,who university in England. When receivedtheNobelPrizefordiscovering the University of London theHiggsboson,toMichaelMorpurgo was established in 1836, OBE,authorofthechildren’sbook WarHorse,latermadeintoacritically King’s became one of its acclaimedmovieandWestEndplay. two founding colleges. 1. Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) 230k MEDICAL EDUCATION Founded the world’s first professional Therootsofmedicaleducationat school of nursing at St Thomas’ King’scanbetracedbackto1107,from Hospital in 1860. theestablishmentofStThomas’ 2. Dr Oliver Johnson Hospital,namedafterThomas Medicine MBBS & Director of King’s A large network Becket,totheFlorenceNightingale Sierra Leone Partnership of more than FacultyofNursing,Midwifery& Studied Medicine at King’s from 2004. 230,000 alumni PalliativeCare,establishedby From 2011, Oliver led the fight against worldwide Florenceherselfin1860. Ebola as Director of the King’s Sierra Leone Partnership. He is currently a 1 visiting lecturer at King’s. 3. Michael Morpurgo OBE Studied English and French at King’s. His novel War Horse was adapted first for the stage, followed by a film adaptation in 2011. 4. Dina Asher-Smith Studied History at King’s from 2014. Dina is currently Britain’s fastest woman and the 2018 European Champion at 100 and 200 metres and Olympic bronze-medalist from Rio 2016. Discover more about the history of King’s: Right: A student sits kcl.ac.uk/study/why- with the John Keats kings/index.aspx statue (Guy’s Campus) 5 OUR HISTORY OUR CHOOSE KING’S FOR: 4 ‘I’m so proud to be a King’s graduate. With hard work you can do anything you set your mind to.’ Dina Asher-Smith 2 History BA 3 Undergraduate Guide 2020 • For up-to-date course details, please visit 12 kcl.ac.uk/ug Nobel Prize winners have studied or worked at King’s 6 CHOOSE SUBJECT WHAT YOU FULL COURSE KING’S AREAS NEED TO KNOW INDEX A–Z Choose King’s for... OUR LOCATION ‘ThecombinationofKing’sconnectionswithleading organisationsandendlessopportunitiesincentral Londonmadestudyinghereanobviouschoiceforme.’ Calum, Law LLB VISIT US Why not visit us for the day to get a taste of life in London? kcl.ac.uk/study/visit 5 campuses in the heart of London 7 OUR LOCATION OUR CHOOSE KING’S FOR: 3 1 2 Undergraduate Guide 2020 • For up-to-date course details, please visit When you join King’s as a GUY’S KING’S AND LONDON student, you also become TheFacultyofLifeSciences& ThefutureofKing’sisinterwoven part of one of the world’s Medicine,InstituteofPsychiatry, withthefutureofLondon–asaplace PsychologyandNeuroscience tolive,work,learnandexperience. most dynamic cities. With andtheDentalInstitutearebased IncorporatingLondon’smany London as an extension of atourriversideGuy’sCampus, possibilitieswithinKing’seducation, your campus, you’ll have rightnextdoortotheShard. researchandservice,weareputting constant opportunities ourexpertisetoworktoaddress ST THOMAS’ to explore and enjoy this London’schallengesandopportunities TheFlorenceNightingaleMuseum andensureitshealthandsuccess.Our incredible city. isbasedatStThomas’,alongwith commitmenttothecommunitiesand kcl.ac.uk/ug bothmedicalanddentalteaching. thecityaroundusissharedacrossthe Ourcentrallocation,convenient universityandisembeddedin transportlinksandestablished STRAND everythingwedo;fromKing’s relationshipsacrossthecityprovide Locatedonthenorthbankofthe ExperienceLondonAward,which theperfectenvironmentforyouto RiverThames,theStrandCampus recognisesstudents’contributionsto combineyourstudieswithyour housesKing’sCollegeLondon’sarts localcommunities,totheLondonAir socialinterests.You’llhavedaily andsciencesfaculties.King’sBusiness QualityNetworkthatworksto accesstoworld-classresourcessuch SchoolandEnglishLanguageCentre minimiseairpollutionhealtheffects aslibraries,galleries,museumsand arebothsituatedinthenewly acrossthecapital. topresearchhospitals,aswellas acquiredBushHouse. music,theatre,theartsandsport. kcl.ac.uk/london WATERLOO DENMARK HILL HomeoftheFlorenceNightingale HometotheInstituteofPsychiatry, FacultyofNursing,Midwifery& Psychology&Neurosciencewhile PalliativeCareandprovidesfacilities alsoprovidingfacilitiestothe fortheFacultyofLifeSciences& DentalInstitute. Medicine,FacultyofSocialScience& PublicPolicyandtheDentalInstitute. 1. Guy’s Bar, the Students’ Union bar at Guy’s Campus 2. The Maughan Library is located on Chancery Lane, just a short walk from Strand Campus 3. Bush House, home to King’s Business School and English Language Centre 8 CHOOSE SUBJECT WHAT YOU FULL COURSE KING’S AREAS NEED TO KNOW INDEX A–Z Choose King’s for... OUR STUDENT COMMUNITY ‘Thesocialscenehereisfantastic…the Students’Unionalwayshaseventsgoingon.’ Dana, Digital Culture BA Being a student at King’s is not KING’S COLLEGE LONDON only an enriching experience STUDENTS’ UNION from an academic perspective, KCLSU(King’sCollegeLondon Students’Union)offersyouahugerange but you’ll also become part of ofwaystomeetnewpeople,joinsocieties, a diverse and active student campaignforthethingsthatmatterto
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