Allgust 1!)!)7 www.ncvadabusincss.com Iiulustrltll .n.n•• aM Mar/let SUIIM J lJ.P 1.U1}J~~ J'JE !JJ1 r J ltiiP21RICS • Child Care Facilities • WHEN BUSINESSES COME TO NEVADA, THEYLOOKFOR HOWARD HUGHES. Federal Express. AT&T Wireless Services. Williams-Sonoma. Mutual of Omaha. Hilton Hotels Corporation. Bank of America. This is just a sampling of the national and international companies currently doing business with The Howard Hughes Corporation. These successful businesses chose The Howard Hughes Corporation because no other developer in Southern evada can boast a wider variety of commercial, industrial or residential sites in more prime locations. They know that in Southern Tevada, the name to know is Howard Hughes. Hughes Ce nter Summerlin Hughes Airport Center Canyons Center at 17tis I 20-acre, mixed-use, This 22,500-acre master-planned 17tis 390-acre master-pian ned Summerlin master-planned Class A office couununil)1 has been the #I seller business and industrial park 17tis 14-acre Class A suburban center is Las Vegas 1 most in America for four of the past is a designated office development is located recognizable business five )'ears. Foreign Trade l one. adjacent to the new Toumament. development. Players Club al The Canyons. Fashio n Show :\1 all - Home to world<lass restaurants and stores such as Sfuzzi. Oi\'e!. Monon's of Chicago. Dillard's,l eiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue. Hughes Cheyenne Center - A 209-acre master·planned industrial park which features easy access to major interstate arterials. The Crossing Busine Cen ter- A 11 5-acre masterplanned employment center located in The Crossing Village at Summerlin. The Plaza at Summe rlin - 88.000 sq uare feet of Class A suburban office space located adjacent to the Tournament Playe rs Club at Summerlin. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 1-800-700-7128_ THE HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATION In AUity Full Of Super Stars, We've Made APretty Good Name For Ourselves. In the city where ruzme.1 like SiegfrieJ anJ Roy, Franlc, Lim, Wayne, and Garth have become r.Jynonynww ... with entertainment, we've nuide a pretty good name for ourr.JelvM crealing La.J Vega.~' rno.Jt Jucce.JJjuL rruLJter-planned cornmunilieJ and commercial depefopmen i:J. American NePada Corporation ha.1 become a c~uper.:Jtar in La.1 ~gtM UecaJMe of talented people, t~lcillful planning and a real lcnowledge of the hu.c~inM.:~. HowePer, the real heaJlinercJ are the people who fipe, worlc and play in the neighhorhood.:J where we dePelop t~hopping experiencet~, entertainment enPironmenttJ and worlc placecJ that creale quality lijMtylu Ad we e.-x:panJ throughoui the WMt and beyond, the .:~potlight American Nevada will alway<~ he on corporat on s ~::: ~~ .'~ .~~~s the people. A Greenspun Company FOR MOBB INF ORMATIO N, CONTACT: Om OL SON, SBN IOR VI CE PR ES ID EN T OF MARK ETI NG 702·458·8855 Commentary ~BUSINESS ARE BUSINESS ETHICS ~OUR~~1 CORPORATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lance Bradford - Partner, Bradford & Bradford CPAs SITUATIONAL? Lyle Brennan - Publisher, NBJ Stephen Brock - President, NBJ LYLE E. BRENNAN Publisher Philippe Jaramillo - President, Mardi Gras Hotel Dr. Anthony Pollard -President, Rainbow Medical Center Frank Scott - CEO, Sports Media 'etwork here is a trend in society that should be a concern to everyone in business. It ADVISORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS appears as if an accelerating spiral deterioration in our ethical and moral structure MaryS. Falls - Vice-Pres. 'orthem Nevada T Business Banking US Bancorp is taking place which could mean real trouble for corporate America. Somer Hollingsworth · Pres. Nevada Development Authority Take the case of the Air Force pilot Kelly Flinn. This case brings into focus the Larry E. Krause - Partner and Director Arthur Andersen LLP national degradation of moral standards. Here is one of our Armed Force's pilots on MaryDean Martin - Pres. MaryDean & Associates Clare O'Brien -Dir. of Marketing McCarran Airport whom we've spent a million dollars to train. The problem is not a flaw in her training, Stan Thomas - Dir. of Spedal Business Projects rather she simply does not know right from wrong. She admits to committing adultery, Sierra Pacific Power Company Carol Vilardo - Pres. Nev. Taxpayers Assoc. lies about it, then disobeys a direct order to break it off. And when she is scheduled to Patricia M. Wade - Pres. Wade Development Company, Inc. be court-martialed, society debates whether or not she is being treated fairly, or if she PUBLISHER is being discriminated against because she is a woman. Lyle E. Brennan In the fust place, the commission of adultery is being glossed over and treated as PRESIDENT Stephen M.j. Brock acceptable behavior. Actually, as a practical cause-and-effect matter, adultery has been ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER - EDITOR a cancer in society and forbidden for thousands of years simply because it places the Connie Brennan ASSOCIATE EDITOR- ART DIRECTOR basic unit of society, the family, in jeopardy ... as well as causing the spread of disease. Barbara L. Moore In business, how many careers have been destroyed by adultery? How many teams have CIRCULUIONIDISTRIBUfiON Usa Maguire been broken up by the favoritism and conflict? How many wives have called the boss CONTRIBUfiNG EDITORS Tom Dye I Kathleen Foley I George Fuller to complain about a husband "fooling around" with someone in the office? All dis­ Richard A. D. Hendrix I Jan jones I Unda Unssen I Usa Maguire Sandy Miller I joe Mullich I Randall Putz I jennifer Robison ruptive and costly to business. R. Keith Schwer I Bob Shriver I Michael Sullivan My major concern is that a large sector of our society wants to excuse the behavior CORPORATE OFFICE 2127 Paradise Road • Las Vegas, NV 89104 of Ms. Flinn because "it isn't fair that she be prosecuted when so many others have (702) 735-7003 • FAX (702) 733-5953 email:www. nevadabusiness.com done the same thing and gotten away with it." How many times has a traffic cop heard NATIONAL MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE Usa Maguire that one? "How can you arrest me when that other guy sped around me?" This is the SOUTHERN NEVADA MARKETING REPRESEI\'fATIVES Stephen M.j. Brock • Nanci Biddle same mindset that says "somebody else is doing it, so why not me?'' This deteriorating Christopher Evans • Leny Elias jennifer jasonek • Liz Young circular reasoning uses one violation of societal rules as a basis for excusing another. NORTHERN NEVADA MARKETI G REPRESENTATIVE Standards are made to guard against the imperfections in man's misbehavior. It appears The Elizabeth Younger Agency Tiffany Frisch as though we are using misbehavior to evaluate the standards .. just the opposite from 223 Marsh Ave. • Reno, NV 89509-1626 (702) 329-4200 • FAX (702) 329-4283 what we should be doing. Violators are being redefined as victims. 'evada Business Journal is listed in Standard Rates & Data. My point: This trend could be very costly to the business world; that ethics are #20A·Business-Metro, State & Regional . Advertisers should contact Sal es at (702) 735-7003 in Southern Nevada, or (800) 242-0164 in Northern Nevada, or write to: Neva­ viewed by a large segment of society as situational. A recent survey reports "the major­ da Business Journal. 2t27 Paradise Rd .. Las Vegas. V 89 t04. Demographic info rmation available upon request. Month-to-month ci rculation may vary. ity of adults between the ages of 18 and 34 say that there are no absolute standards ... 1BJ is published monthly. bulk postage paid . Subscription rate is $36.00 per year. Special order single-copy price is $3.95. that what is ethical depends upon the situation." Translated: it may be all right to steal All cements© 1997 copyright. and reproduction of material appear­ ing in 1\'BJ is prohibited unless so authorized by the publi sherofNBJ. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Pl ease send previous address or mail­ if the company can afford it. How do you like those ethics? ing label & new address. Allow six weeks. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIO S: Address all submi ss ions to the anention of Connie Brennan. Unsolicited manuscrip lS must be ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. NBJ assumes no responsibility for unsoli cited materi als. DISCLAIMER: Editorial views expressed in this magazine COMMENTS? e-mail: [email protected] are not necessarily those of the publisher or its boards. 1 Nevada Bu5ine53 journal • Augu:n 1997 AT&T Digital PCS Country's largest digital wireless nerwork You think outside the box. So why should your wireless service box you in with a limited network? Give yourself the kind of freedom only AT&T Digital PCS can provide. With the nation's largest digital wireless network. your PCS features w ill work in more places across North America- more places than any other PCS provider can offer. But what else would you expect from the world leader in wireless? With AT&T, wireless is more en C 0 m paSS i n g. AT&T Wireless Services I 800-IMAGINE® It 's all within your re ach. © AT&T 1997. Some features require local phone company support or additional software and equipment. Other restrictions may apply. The healthcare plan that car about you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call j221-1000I Las Vegas 1333-91911 Reno LAS VEGAS' ONLY ALL NEWS RADIO STATION From the Editor GROWTH IS NOT A FOUR-LETTER WORD CONNIE BRENNAN Editor ne of the hottest issues at the recent legislative session concerned limiting growth. McCARRAN OSounds like a good idea. Let's make builders and developers pay more so that afford­ able housing is out of reach for more families. And besides, the value of our property will CENTER increase and we'll all make a few bucks.
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