ACUMEDIA BD/DIFCO BD/BBL OXOID MERCK * Similar formula, but not exact + Supplement required. 2xYT Medium (7281) 244020 4.85008 A-1 Medium (7601) 218231 1.00415 Acutone TSB (7729) VG0101 1.00525 Agar, Bacteriological (7178) 214530 299340 Agar, Select (7558) 214010 212304 LP0011 1.01614 Agar, Technical (7619) 281230 LP0013 1.11925 APT Agar (7302) 265430 1.10453 Azide Dextrose Broth (7315) 238710 CM0868 1.01590 Bacillus Cereus Agar Base (7442) CM0617 + Baird Parker Agar (7112) 276840+ CM0275 + 1.05406 + BCYE Agar Base (7728) 218301 212327+ CM0655 + Beef Extract Powder (7228) 211520 212303 LP0029 1.03979 Beta-SSA Agar (7336) BIGGY Agar (7191) 211027 CM0589 1.10456 Bile Esculin Agar (7249) 299068 CM0888 Bile Esculin Azide Agar (7133) 212205* 1.00720 Bile Salts Mixture #3 (7230) 213020 LP0056 Bismuth Sulfite Agar (7113) 273300 CM0201 1.05418 Blood Agar Base No. 2 (7266) CM0271 1.10328 Blood Agar Base, Improved (7268) 211037 CM0854 1.10886 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (7115) 241830 211065 CM0225 1.13825 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (7116) 237500 211059 CM0225 1.04930 Brain Heart Infusion Solids (7262) Brilliant Green Agar (7117) 228530 CM0263 1.07232 Brill Green Agar w/ Sulfadiazine (7310) Brill Green Agar w/ Sulfapyridine (7299) 271710 1.11274 Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% (7119) 274000 CM0031 1.05454 Brucella Agar (7120) 271000 211086 CM0169 1.10490 Brucella Broth (7121) 211088 Buff Listeria Enrich Broth (7579) 220530* Buff Listeria Enrich Broth Base (7675) 290720 CM0897 1.09628 Buffered Peptone Water (7418) 218105 212367 CM0509 1.07228 Buff Sod Chloride-Peptone Sol, pH 7.0 (7732) N/A N/A CM0982 1.10582 Campy Bld Free Select Med (7527) CM0739 + 1.00070+ Campy Cefex Agar (7718) Campy Selective Agar Base (7443) CM689 + 1.02248 + Campy Enrichment Broth (7526) CM0983 + 1.00068 + THE LAB DEPOT | LABDEPOTINC.COM | 800.733.2522 PAGE 1 ACUMEDIA BD/DIFCO BD/BBL OXOID MERCK * Similar formula, but not exact + Supplement required. Casein, Acid Hydrolysate (7229) 223050 211843 LP0041 1.02245 Casein Digest Peptone (7689) 211610 Casman Medium Base (7123) 211106 Cetrimide Agar (7222) Cetrimide Agar (Agar Medium N) (7688) 285420 CM0579 1.05284 Charcoal Agar (7586) 289410 CM0119 CLED Agar (7122) 212218 CM0301 Clostridium Difficile Agar (7385) CM0601 Columbia Agar (7734) 211124 Columbia Blood Agar Base (7125) 279240 211124 CM0331 1.10455 Columbia Broth (7127) 294420 Columbia CNA Agar (7126) 212104 CM0331 Cooked Meat Medium (7110) 226730 CM0081 Corn Meal Agar (7350) 211132 CM0103 D/E Neutralizing Agar (7375) 268620 1.09804 D/E Neutralizing Broth (7562) 281910 1.09805 D/E Neutralizing Broth with Tween (7705) Demi-Fraser Broth Base (7656) 265320 CM1053 1.10398+ Deoxycholate Agar (7130) 227310 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar (7186) 227410 CM0035 1.02896* Dermatophyte Test Medium (7265) 212330+ CM0539*+ 1.10896 Dextrose (7203) 215530 LP0071 1.08342 Dextrose Tryptone Agar (7340) 280100 CM0075 1.10860 Dextrose Tryptone Broth (7338) CM0073 DHL Agar (7457) Dichloran Glycerol (DG-18) Agar (7592) CM0729+ 1.00465 DNase Test Agar (7129) 263220 211179 CM0321 DRBC Agar (7591) 258710 CM0727+ 1.00466 EC Medium (7206) 231430 CM0853 1.10765 EC Medium w/MUG (7361) 222200 CM0979 A.05101 EC Medium Modified (7506) 234020+ CM0990 EC Med, Mod w/ Novobiocin (7700) 1.14582 EE Broth, Mossel (7603) 256620 CM1115 1.05394 Eos Methy Blue Agar, Levine (7103) 211221 CM0069 1.01342 Eosin Methy Blue Agar, HH &T (7134) 211215 CM0173 1.01347 Fastidious Anaerobe Agar (7531) -- -- -- -- Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (7137) 225650 211260 CM0173 1.08191 THE LAB DEPOT | LABDEPOTINC.COM | 800.733.2522 PAGE 2 ACUMEDIA BD/DIFCO BD/BBL OXOID MERCK * Similar formula, but not exact + Supplement required. Fraser Broth (7626) 1.05467 Fraser Broth Base (7502) 211767+ CM0895+ 1.10398 Fungisel Agar (7205) 211462 GC Agar (7104) 228950 211275 CM0367 Gelatin (7202) 214340 LP0008 1.04070 GN Broth (Hajna) (7218) 248610 211279 1.10756 HC Agar Base (7520) 268510 Hektoen Enteric Agar (7138) 285340 212211 CM0419 1.11681 Hemoglobin Powder (7195) -- 212392 LP0053 KF Streptococcus Agar (7610) 249610+ CM0701 1.10707 Kligler Iron Agar (7140) 211317 CM0033 1.03913 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate (7465) Lactobacilli MRS Agar (7543) 288210 CM0361 1.10660 Lactobacilli MRS Broth (7406) 288130 CM0359 1.10661 Lactobacillus Selective Agar (7234) 248020* 211327 CM0627 1.05413 Lactose (7231) 215620 LP0070 Lactose Broth (7141) 211835 211333 CM0137 1.07661 Lauryl Sulfate Broth (7142) 224150 211338 CM0451 1.10266 Lauryl Sulfate Broth w/MUG (7300) 211744 298076 CM0980 1.12588 Lauryl Tryptose Broth (7324) 224150 CM0451 LB Agar, Lennox (7289) 240110 LB Agar, Miller’s (7213) 244520 1.10283 LB Broth, Lennox (7290) 240230 1.00547 LB Broth, Miller’s (7279) 244620 1.10285 Legionella Agar (7307) 218301 Letheen Agar Base (7118) 268010 Letheen Agar Base with Tween (7710) Letheen Agar Base, Modified (7495) 263110 1.10404 Letheen Broth Base (7105) 268110 Letheen Broth Base with Tween, Mod (7712) Letheen Broth Base, Modified (7496) 263010 1.10405 Listeria Enrichment Broth (7398) 222220 CM0862+ 1.10549 Littman Agar (7173) 229410 Lowenstein-Jensen Medium (7245) 244420* Lysine Iron Agar (7211) 284920 211363 CM0381 1.11640 M Broth (7296) 294020 1.10658 m-Endo Agar (7724) 273620 CM0479 1.11277 THE LAB DEPOT | LABDEPOTINC.COM | 800.733.2522 PAGE 3 ACUMEDIA BD/DIFCO BD/BBL OXOID MERCK * Similar formula, but not exact + Supplement required. m-Endo Broth (7723) 274930 MM0551 1.10750 m-Enterococcus Agar (7544) 274620 CM0377 1.05262 m-FC Agar (7397) 267720+ MM0747 1.11278 m-FC Broth (7396) 288330+ 1.00549 m-Green Yeast and Fungi Broth (7190) 211287 m-HPC Agar (7690) 275220 m-TEC Agar (7421) 233410 m-TGE Broth (7451) 275020 MacConkey Agar (7102) 212123 211387 CM0115 1.05465 MacConkey Agar w/o CV (7236) 247010 211393 MacConkey Agar w/o CV & Salt (7378) 294584* CM0507* MacConkey Agar w/Sorbitol (7320) 279100 299769 CM0813 1.09207 MacConkey Agar, CS (7391) 212306 CM0109* MacConkey Broth (7185) 220100 CM0505 1.05396 Malt Agar (7456) 224200 211401 Malt Extract (7341) 218630 LP0039 1.05391 Mannitol Salt Agar (7143) 230650 211407 CM0085 1.05404 Maximum Recovery Diluent (7658) 218971 CM0733 1.12535 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar (7244) 283810* 212203 Milk Plate Count Agar (7703) CM0681 1.53380 MIO Medium (7389) 273520 Mitis Salivarius Agar (7277) 229810 Motility Test Agar (7247) 211436 MRSA Agar Base (7420) MR-VP Broth (7237) 216300 211383 CM0043 Mueller Hinton Agar (7101) 225250 211438 CM0337 Mycobiotic Agar (7419) 211462* Mycological Agar (7309) 240520 211445 CM0539*+ Nutrient Agar (7145) 213000 CM0017 1.05450 Nutrient Agar 1.5% (7286) 269100 CM0015 Nutrient Broth (7146) 234000 1.05443 Nutrient Gelatin (7471) 211100 CM0635 OGYE Agar Base (7655) 218111+ CM0545 1.05978+ Orange Serum Agar Base (7587) 211486 CM0657 1.10673 Oxgall (Oxbile) 212820 1.03756 Oxford Listeria Agar (7428) 222530+ CM0856+ 1.07004+ PALCAM Agar (7669) 263620* CM0877 1.11755+ THE LAB DEPOT | LABDEPOTINC.COM | 800.733.2522 PAGE 4 ACUMEDIA BD/DIFCO BD/BBL OXOID MERCK * Similar formula, but not exact + Supplement required. PALCAM Broth (7670) 1.10823+ Pan Dig of Casein (Pep C1) (7179) 225930 211921 LP0642 Pan Dig of Casein (Pep C 2) (9189) 251420 1.11931 Pan Dig of Gelatin (Pep G) (7182) 211677 211870 LP0037 1.07284 Pan Dig of Soybean Meal (Pept S1) (7180) 243620 211906 LP0044 1.07212 Pap Digest of Soy Meal (Pep S2) (9213) Peptic Dig of Anim Tiss (Pep A) (7181) 211684 212302 LP0049 1.07224 Peptone S Ultrafiltered (7680) 210931 Peptone Water (7365) 218071 CM0009 Phenol Red Broth Base (7148) 211506 1.10987 Phenylethanol Agar (7147) 211539 Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 (7380) 211544 Potato Dextrose Agar (7149) 213400 211550 CM0139 1.10130 Potato Dextrose Broth (7585) 254920 1.00510 Potato Infusion Agar (7532) 251100 PPLO Broth w/o CV (7485) 255420 211458 CM0403* Presence-Absence Broth (7500) 219200 1.00414 Pseudomonas Cepacia Agar (7458) CM0995+* Pseudomonas Isolation Agar (7329) 292710 CM0559+* 1.07620* R2A Agar (7390) 218263 CM0906 1.00416 Rapp-Vassiliadis (MSRV) (7511) 218681+ CM0910+ Rapp-Vassiliadis R10 Broth (7512) 218581 CM0669 1.07700* Rapp-Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrich Br (7730) 214943 CM0866 1.07666 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (7714) 218081 CM0149 1.05411 Rose Bengal Chloramp Agar (7664) 218312 CM0549+ 1.00467 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (7150) 210950 211584 CM0041 1.05438 Sab Dextrose Agar Emmons (7204) 211589 Sab Dex Agar w/ Chloramp ( 7306) Sab Dex Agar w/Lec & Twn 80 (7392) Sab Dextrose Broth (7617) 238230 CM0147 1.08339 Salmonella Shigella Agar (7152) 274500 211597 CM0099 1.07667 Schaedler Agar (7153) 212189 Schaedler Broth (7154) 212191 CM0497 Select Strep Agar, Mod. #2 (7405) Selenite Broth (7155) 227540 CM0395 1.07717 Selenite Cystine Broth (7283) 268740 CM0699 1.07709 SIM Medium (7221) 211578 CM0435 1.05470 THE LAB DEPOT | LABDEPOTINC.COM | 800.733.2522 PAGE 5 ACUMEDIA BD/DIFCO BD/BBL OXOID MERCK * Similar formula, but not exact + Supplement required. Simmons Citrate Agar (7156) 211620 CM0155 1.02501 Skim Milk (7352) 232100 LP0031 1.15363 Standard Methods Agar (7157) 247940 211638 CM0463 1.05463 TAT Broth (7219) 298410 1.11723+ TCBS Agar (7210) 265020 CM0333 1.10263 Tergitol 7 Agar (7187) CM0793 Terrific Broth, Modified (7708) 243820 1.01629 Tetrathionate Broth Base (7241) 210430 CM0671 1.05285 Thio Medium w/o Indicator (7160) 243010 Todd Hewitt Broth (7161) 249240 211736 CM0189 Tomato Juice Agar (7349) 211794 CM0113 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (7162) 226540 CM0277 1.03915 Tryptic Soy Agar (7100) 236950 211043 CM0131 1.05458 Tryp Soy Agar w/Lec & Twn 80 (7163) 255320 211764 1.07324 Tryp Soy Bld Ag Base No. 2 (7654)
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