June 27, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3705 colleagues again on the floor at a fur- emotion on both sides of the issue. a gentleman in Colorado who was con- ther time. There are people who would suggest cerned about the fact that this person f that even to bring it up is an indica- Mr. Manson, Mrs. Manson, Ms. Manson, tion of some sort of ulterior motive whatever, was coming in, and he was b 2115 that is akin to and always likened to concerned. Because in the past, this ENERGY CRISIS racism. particular rock idol had offered to I have said here on the floor many come in and do some sort of concert for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. times, I will repeat it tonight. It is not the people who were responsible for the KENNEDY of Minnesota). Under the where we come from, it is the number deaths of the children at Columbine Speaker’s announced policy of January of people who come. In fact, we must High School. 3, 2001, the gentleman from Colorado deal with it. Hear me, Marilyn Manson would (Mr. TANCREDO) is recognized for 60 We may not like having to deal with come in to do a concert for the people minutes. it, but we may not like the debate that who killed them. There was concern Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, to- will ensue as a result of any change in about this kind of individual coming in night, I want to talk about a couple of our immigration policy, but it must be to Colorado again and spewing his subjects. done. It is for the good of the country, filth. So this person called our office First of all, I cannot help but reflect and it has absolutely nothing to do, as here. The gentleman that called, I be- upon some of the prior speakers and far as I am concerned, anyway, with ra- lieve, was Jason Janz. what they have talked about, espe- cial-related issues. It is a matter of Mr. Janz said, look, we are trying to cially in terms of our energy crisis. I quality of life. It is a matter of energy organize some sort of boycott. We will only spend a couple of minutes on resources that we have been talking think that people should just avoid that, because I addressed it a couple of about here. going to hear this particular per- times in the past also. As I sat here and prepared my re- former. He said, can we use your name It is undeniably true we have an en- marks, I listened to others speak. The in our, ad or whatever they were going ergy crisis in the United States. It is gentleman from Colorado (Mr. to do, and I cannot remember now undeniably true that gas prices are ris- MCINNIS) talked for an hour about the whether it was as a person who would ing, that blackouts, rolling brownouts, energy crisis. Although, he is abso- support our efforts or not. all kinds of things are occurring lutely correct in all of the things he I said to Mr. Janz, well, yes, you can. throughout the United States, but es- said in terms of why we are here, I I can certainly understand why you pecially in California and on the West must admit to the gentleman that the would be concerned. I do not think peo- Coast. one thing that he left out, which I ple should go myself; whether they do We spend a great deal of time in this think is extremely important, is the or not is, of course, their own decision body debating as to exactly why that fact that the reason we have this crisis to make. has occurred, and, in fact, there are a and the reason it will grow throughout Anyway, Mr. Janz used my name in number of reasons, of course. They deal the United States is because of the some sort of advertising or publication, mostly with supply problems. We just number of people we have in the coun- I do not know what it was, saying that do not have enough energy. We do not try and the number of people coming these people have also suggested that produce enough. in. people should not go to this particular AMERICA’S POPULATION GROWING AT A RAPID A little over, I will repeat, a little concert. RATE DUE TO IMMIGRATION, LEGAL OR ILLEGAL over 50 percent of the growth of this We had a storm of reaction to that. Mr. TANCREDO. There is a basic Nation in the last decade was a result There was a lot of protests, a lot of problem and there is something below of immigration, legal and illegal; 50 people called our office here and in Col- even all of that, which we must iden- percent of the cars on the road; 50 per- orado, in Littleton and said, how dare tify and talk about from time to time, cent of the houses that are popping up you? How dare you, a Member of Con- and that is the fact that America’s in neighborhoods all over the country gress, try to sensor this particular per- population is growing at a rapid rate. and what was at one time a pristine former? That population growth is a result, landscape; 50 percent of the problem I was, in a way, shocked, because, of not just of the birth rate of the people you have getting in to national parks, course, censorship is a term that can who have lived in the United States for any of the other kinds of issues come be defined. It is defined in the dic- some period of time, it is the result about as a result of population pres- tionary. It is pretty clear what censor- that over 50 percent of that population sures are, in fact, a direct result of this ship is. It means someone preventing growth in the last decade is a result of immigration issue. someone from expressing themselves. immigration into the United States, Mr. Speaker, I cannot come before Mr. Speaker, I tried to explain to the both legal and illegal. the House tonight without bringing people who called my office that, in California is a prime example of the that particular issue to the attention fact, I really was not trying to sensor problem. It has an enormous popu- of the Speaker and to those who may this particular ‘‘artist’’; that I really lation. It has enormous growth in the be listening. could not care less what he or she or it population primarily as a result of im- LIMIT GOVERNMENT FUNDING RELATING TO ART did. It was just that when I was asked migration. The United States Congress Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, but whether people should participate in has a responsibility. It is to establish that was not the original intent, that this kind of garbage, I would say, no, immigration standards, immigration was not the original purpose I asked they should not. That is my opinion. quotas. for this time period to address the Their point of view was that I should We are the only body that can do House. be censored; that I should not be al- that. No State can do it. California A short time ago, Mr. Speaker, in lowed to say such a thing; that I should cannot determine how many people it Colorado, there was a rock star, ‘‘an not be allowed to criticize this par- will let in. It has to deal with however artist’’ of some sort, and I put the term ticular performer or anybody else, I many people come in, and in dealing ‘‘artist’’ in quotation marks, by the suppose, that they felt was a particu- with it, it has to build more power name of Marilyn Manson. larly important personage in the enter- plants, whether they like it or not. I admit I do not have any of this per- tainment world. It has to encourage conservation, and son’s, I was going to say gentleman, This whole thing was a fascinating it has to, in fact, tap the natural re- but I am really not positive what he or sort of phenomenon, because eventu- sources available to it. We will be she or it is, I am just saying, I do not ally Manson came to Colorado. It was doing that throughout this Nation as a have their particular records in my just last week or so, did his or her result of the dramatic increase in popu- cabinet. I had read something about thing. I am sure there was a large lation brought about primarily by im- this person’s particular ‘‘artistic’’ ac- crowd and everything was, you know, migration both legal and illegal. complishments. just pretty fine. No one likes to talk about this. It is I had a call one day, this was about 2 I do not know if people enjoyed it or an issue that oftentimes evokes a lot of weeks ago or 3 weeks ago, I guess, from not. I do not know, and I truly do not VerDate 27-JUN-2001 03:31 Jun 28, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27JN7.208 pfrm04 PsN: H27PT1 H3706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 27, 2001 care. But the debate surrounding this troubled, confused, angry, defiant, de- been able to enter into the discussion whole event was characterized, I think, pressed, macabre, antisocial and an argument that, although, certainly, perfectly in an article that was in the sociopathic adolescent and arrested-ad- this person, Manson, should be allowed Rocky Mountain News last week.
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