Exh. 1196 The Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Tel. 956-6100 Cable: Modernart ~of the Registrar CHECKLIST LE CORBUSIER: ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS January 20 - 14arch 26, 1978 Ccodwi.n Gallery 1. 1977.1101 (FLC 30864) Assemblee a Chandigarh: Tapisserie du Hall d'Entree MoMAExh_1196_MasterChecklist Sud-Ouest. Pencil and tempera, 1961. 2. 1977.1102 (FLC 10585) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 3. 1977.1103 (FLC 10582) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 4. 1977.1104 (FLC 10581) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 5. 1977.1105 (FLC 10583) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 6. 1977.1106 (FLC 15559) Pavillon Suisse a Paris (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 7. 1977.1107 (FLC 15579) Pavillon Suisse a Paris (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 8. 1977.1108 (FLC 15427) Pavillon Suisse a Paris (Perspective). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 9. 1977.1109 (FLC 16575) Eglise de Firminy: Fa~ade Ouest (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper "ith overlay of pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1961. 10. 1977.1110 (FLC 16583) Eglise de Firminy: Fa~ade Sud (Croquis Divers). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1961. 11. 1977.1111 (FLC 16574) Eglise de Firminy: Niveau 3 (Plan de Niveau). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1961. 12. 1977.1112 (FLC 16593) Eglise de Firminy: Fa~ade Nord (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper "ith overlay of pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1961. 13. 1977.1113 (FLC 16599) Eglise de Fi~iny: Fa~ade de Ouest (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1961. 14. 1977.1114 (FLC 10569) Villa les ~errasses a Garches (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 15. 1977.1115 (FLC 31514) Villa Meyer a Neuilly (Perspectives). Pencil, p~n and ink on drafting paper, 1926. 16. 1977.1116 (FLC 8594) Maison Guiette a Anvers (Perspectives). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, 1926. 17. 1977.1117a-c (FLC19097) Immeuble-Vil1as (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, 1922. 18. 1977.1118 (FLC 31525) Villa Meyer a Neuilly (Perspectives). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, 1925. 19. 1977.1119 (FLC 19261) Cite Universitaire a Rio (Perspective). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1936. cant .•. Page 2 ,. 20. 1977.1120 (FLC 30068) Maison de Week-End a Rambouillet (Elevation). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 1924). 21. 1977.1121 (FLC 30069) Maison de Week-End a Rambouillet (Perspective)Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 1924). 22. 1977.1122 (FLC 1234) Couvent de la Tourette a Eveux (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, 1954. 23. 1977.1123a-d (FLC 23384) Societe des Nations a Geneve (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink (few notations in red crayon) on drafting paper, (c. 1926). 24. 1977.1124 (FLC 31480) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on board, 1926. 25. 1977.1125 (FLC 30280) Vi.lla Paul Poiret (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on draft ing paper, (c. 1918). 26. 1977.1126a-b (FLC 31504) Quartier de la Marine a Alger (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on brown tissue, (c. 1942). MoMAExh_1196_MasterChecklist 27. 1977.1127 (FLC 5709) Palais du Gouverneur a Chandigarh (Croouis Divers). Pen and ink on tissue, 1953. 28. 1977.1128 (FLC 7095) Villa Sarabhai a Ahniedabad (Perspective). Pen and ink on buff paper, 1953. 29. 1977.1131 (FLC 15275) Villa la Roche (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, (1923). 30. 1977.1132 (FLC 26738) Unite d'Habitation a Marseille (Croguis Divers). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1947. 31. 1977.1133 (FLC 16818) Maison des Jeunes a Firminy: Hall d'Entree (Perspective). Ink on drafting paper, 1956. 32. 1977.1134 (FLC 16620) Eglise de Firminy: (Persnective). Pen and ink with cut and pasted colored paper, 1963. 33. 1977.1135 (FLC 3979) Palais du Gouverneur a Chandigarh (Plan de Niveau). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, 1954. 34. 1977 .1136 (FLC 14711) Villa Paul Poiret (Persnective Irrteri.eur-e}.Pen and Lnl; (with traces of pencil) on cardboard, 1918. 35. 1977.1137 (FLC 31014) Villa Baizeau a Carthage (Perspectives). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, (c. 1929). 36. 1977.1138 (FLC 9353) Villa t4mes.Joseph et Hanau (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, 1926. 37. 1977.1139 (FLC 24235) Villa Ocampo a Buenos Aires (Perspectives). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, 1928. 38. 1977.1140 (FLC 7644) Weissenhof-Sicollung a Stuttgart (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, 1926. 39. 1977.1141 (FLC 15043)Amenagement de la Porte ~Iaillot (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 1929). 40. 1977.1142 (FLC 28619) Ferme Radieuse (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on (green) drafting paper, (c. 1934). 41. 1977.1143 (FLC 31508) Lotissements Durand a Alger (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on green drafting paper over board, (c. 1933). 42. 1977.1144 (FLC 9419) Villa Le Lac a Vevey (Croquis Divers). Pencil and pastel on paper, (c. 1923). 43. 1977.1145(FLC 19879) Quartier Fruges a Pessac (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 1925). 44. 1977.1146 (FLC 31510) Pavillon Suisse a Paris (Persnective). Pencil, pen and ink on green drafting paper over board, (c. 1931). cant ... Page 3 ." 45. 1977.1147 (FLC 22829) Amenagement rlot rnsalubre no. 6 a Paris (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 1937). 46. 1977.1148 (FLC 23369) Sociece des Nations a Geneve (Perspective). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, (1926). 47. 1977.1149 (FLC 19583) Villa Savoye a Poissy (Croquis Divers). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, (c. 1929). 48. 1977.1150 (FLC 31503) Quartier de la Marine a Alger (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 191,2). 1977.1151 (FLC 16112) Centrosoyus a Moscou (Perspective). Pen and ink and pencil on dr af't.Lngpaper, (1928). 50. 1977.1152 (FLC 23319) Societe des Nacions a Geneve (Coupes). Crayon and pencil on drafting paper, (1926). 51. 1977.1153 (FLC 31512) Cite du Refuge a Paris (Perspective). Pen and ink and pencil on cracing paper, 1932. MoMAExh_1196_MasterChecklist 52. 1977.1154 (FLC 8982) Villa Errazuriz au Chili (Perspective). Pen and ink on tracing paper, (c. 1930). 53. 1977.1155 (FLC 31522) Villa Savoye a Poissy (Perspeccive). Pencil, pen and inJ, on drafting paper, (c. 1929). 54. 1977.1156 (FLC 12059) Asile Flottant de l'Armee du Salut (Perspective). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, (c. 1930). 55. 1977.1157 (FLC 3307) Secretariat a Chandigarh (Croguis Divers). Pencil, pen and ink, crayon on drafting paper, 1952. 56. 1977.1158 (FLC 4918) Musee de la Connaissance a Chandigarh - Esguisse de la Fa~ade Ouest (Elevation). Pencil, ink, crayon on drafting paper, 1961. 57. 1977.1159 (FLC 30291) Maisons Domino (Elevation). Pastel (crayon?) on drafting paper, (c. 1914). 58. 1977.1160 (FLC 30290) Maisons Domino (Perspective). Pencil and pastel on drafcing paper, (c. 1914). 59. 1977.1161 (FLC 14345) Immeuble Villas - Plan Obus a ft~ er (Pers ective). Pencil, pen and ink on green drafting paper, c. 1933 . 60. 1977.1162 (FLC 29935) siefe des Nations Unies a New York (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, 19 7. 61. 1977.1163 (FLC 2962) Assemblee a Chandigarh (Coupe). Pencil on drafting paper, (c. 1956). 62. 1977.1164 (FLC 10407) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Elevation). Pencil and pascel on drafting paper, n.d. 63. 1977.1165 (FLC 19702) Villa Savoye a Poissy (Perspective). Pencil on drafting paper, n ,d. 64. 1977.1166 (FLC 10587) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Perspective). Pencil and pastel on drafcing paper, n.d. 65. 1977.1167 (FLC 30277) Villa Favre Jacot (Perspective). Pencil on drafting paper, (c. 1912). 66. 1977.1168 (FLC 29036) Hauce Cour de Justice a Chandigarh (Perspective). Pencil and crayon on buff paper, 1955. 67. 1977.1169 (FLC 4574) Haute de Cour de Justice a Chandigarh (Perspective). Pen and ink (traces of pencil) on drafting paper, 1952. 68. 1977.1170 (FLC 1507) Place de la Mairie a Boulogne (Perspeccive). Pen and ink (traces of pencil) on drafcing paper, (c. 1937). cont ... Page 4 'I \ .. 69. 1977.1171 (FLC 7941) Maison Ternisien a Boulogne (Axonometrie). Pencil on drafting paper, 1926. 70. 1977.1172 (FLC 22360) Abattoir de Challuy vue a vol d'Oiseau (Perspective). Pen and ink on drafting paper, 1917. 71. 1977.1173 (FLC 10586) Villa les Terrasses a Garches (Elevations). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, (c. 1926). 72. 1977.1174 (FLC 19429) Villa Savoye a Poissy (Plan de Niveau). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, n.d. 73. 1977.1175 (FLC 19430) Villa Savoye a Poissy (Plan). Pencil, pen and ink on drafting paper, n.d. 74. 1977.1176 (FLC 31509) Urbanisation Projet B a Alger (Perspective). Pen and ink on green drafting paper on board, (c. 1934). 75. 1977.1177 (FLC 23195) Societe des Nations a Geneve (Pers ective). Pencil, pen and ink, blue pastel on green drafting paper, c.1926). 76. 1977.1178 (FLC 6425) Villa Shodan a ftJunedabad. Pencil, pen and ink, blue crayon MoMAExh_1196_MasterChecklist on drafting paper, 1954. 77. 1977.1179 (FLC 8058) Villas Lipchitz Miestschaninoff a Boulogne (Elevation). Pencil and pastel on drafting paper, n.d. 78. 1977.1180 (FLC 24520) Mundaneum a Geneve (Perspective). Pen and ink (traces of pencil) on green drafting paper, (c. 1929). 79. 1977.1181 (FLC 27250) Palais des Soviets a Moscou Fo er A (Pers ective). Pen and ink (Traces of pencil) on green drafting paper, (c.
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