Recent Publications on the History of Mining Compiled by Lysa Wegman-French The following bibliography contains books, Anderson, Gary Clayton, and Laura L. Ander- dissertations and theses, articles and chapters, and son (eds.). The Army Surveys of Gold Rush Cali- other media, organized within those four catego- fornia: Reports of Topographical Engineers, 1849- ries, that relate to the history of all types of min- 1851. Norman, OK: Arthur H. Clark Company, ing in North America (that is, Canada, the United 2015. [Also an e-book. Reports by George Hora- States, and Central America). It does not include tio Derby, Robert Stockton Williamson, Edward book review articles. O. C. Ord, et al.] Many older books are now being reissued as e-books, and older films are being distributed as Anderson, Jonathan, and Edwin Low. City DVDs. We did not include them in this compila- of Mines: Victor, Colorado. Stockport, England: tion since the content is not new. However, if you Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2015. [Noted London are interested in an older work, check to see if it is photographers focused on this mining town.] now available as an e-book or DVD. In addition, some works, especially government documents, Andrews, Thomas G. Coyote Valley: Deep films, and theses and dissertations, are available History in the High Rockies. Cambridge: Harvard for viewing on the internet. We haven’t included University Press, 2015. [Also an e-book. An en- URLs for these, but again, check the internet for vironmental history of an area in Rocky Moun- their availability. tain National Park that includes mining.] We thank all the members who have sent in contributions, and welcome suggestions for our Angel, Gustavo A. del, and Lorena Pérez next compilation. Hernández. 80 Años Del Fideicomiso de Fomento Minero: Palanca de la Minería [80 Years of the Books: Mining Development Trust: Lever of Mining]. México, D.F.: Fideicomiso de Fomento Minero, Adams, Sean Patrick. Home Fires: How 2014. Americans Kept Warm in the 19th Century. (How Things Worked.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni- Arenas Hernández, Tomás D. La Población versity Press, 2014. de Sombrerete de 1826 a 1900: Dinámica, De- mográfica y Minería [The Population of the Town Allan, Chris. Gold, Steel and Ice: A History of Sombrerete from 1826-1900: Dynamics, De- of Mining Machines in Yukon-Charley Rivers Na- mographic, and Mining]. Zacatecas, México: tional Preserve [Alaska]. (Special History Study.) Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura “Ramón López [Wash., D.C.]: U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Nation- Velarde,” 2014. al Park Service, 2015. 98 2016 Mining History Journal Armstrong, Richard L., and Marion O. Berkove, Lawrence I., and Donnelyn Curtis. Smith. “They Also Served”: The Confederate Niter Before the Big Bonanza: Dan De Quille’s Early and Mining Bureau District 4 1/2 - Staunton, Va., Comstock Accounts. Columbia: University of Mis- 1862-1865. Buena Vista, VA: Mariner Media, souri Press, 2015. 2015. Billock, Jennifer. Keweenaw County [Michi- Ascarza, William. In Search of Fortunes: A gan]. (Images of America.) Charleston, SC: Arca- Look at the History of Arizona Mining. Evansville, dia Publishing, 2014. [Also an e-book.] IN: M T Publishing Company, Inc., 2016. Bridge, Kathryn Anne (ed.). New Perspectives Azzarelli, Margo L., and Marnie Azzarelli. on the [British Columbian] Gold Rush. Victoria, Labor Unrest in Scranton [Pennsylvania]. Charles- BC: Royal BC Museum, 2015. ton, SC: History Press, 2016. [Years of conflict led to Clarence Darrow representing workers at Bridge, Kathryn Anne. Gold Rush!: El Dora- the 1902 Anthracite Coal Strike Commission do in British Columbia. (Also published as Ruée hearings.] Vers l’Or! : El Dorado en Colombis-Britannique. Souvenir Catalogue Series, 14.) Gatineau, QC: Baksys, Sandy. A Century of Lithuanians in Canadian Museum of History, 2016. [Accom- Springfield, Il: Best of the Blog. North Charleston, panies an exhibition organized by the Royal BC SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Plat- Museum.] form, 2015. [Twentieth-century immigrant life in the central Illinois coal belt.] Brown, Priscilla Purcell. Webb Cit y. (Images of America.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publish- Baldwin, Douglas. Cobalt [Ontario]: Cana- ing, 2015. [Missouri lead and zinc mining.] da’s Forgotten Silver Boom Town. Charlottetown, PE: Indigo Press, 2016. Calvi, Jim. Men of the Yahk Mining District: Biographical Sketches of Some of the Prospectors Ballek, Karen, and Leon Washut. We Are One and Businessmen Who Were Active in the Yahk Family: Polish Immigration to Sheridan County, Mining District and the Town of Sylvanite, Mon- Wyoming, 1890-1920. [Sheridan]: Ochodzita tana. (Troy Heritage Mini-Series.) Trego, MT: Publishers, 2015. Jim Calvi, 2015. Bartlett, Jon, and Rika Ruebsaat. Soviet Calvi, Jim. Ore Processing Mills: Kootenai Princeton: Slim Evans and the 1932-33 Miners’ National Forest, Lincoln County, Montana. (Troy Strike. Vancouver, BC: New Star Books, 2015. Heritage Mini-Series.) Trego, MT: Jim Calvi, [British Columbian businesses and newspaper 2014. editor against striking coal miners led by a notori- ous labor organizer.] Calvi, Jim. The Construction and Operation of an Aerial Mining Tramway. (Troy Heritage Mini- Bergan, Kathleen, and Michele M. Lammi. Series.) Trego, MT: Jim Calvi, 2014. [American Iron Range [Minnesota] Ghost Locations. [Gilbert: Kootenai Mining Company Tramway, Lincoln MN]: Iron Range Historical Society, 2015. County, Montana.] Recent Publications 99 Calvi, Jim. The Keystone and Goldflint Glo- Comis, Anna Degenaars. Casada: A History ry Holes: Yahk Mining District. (Troy Heritage of an Italian Village and Its People. (Original text Mini-Series.) Trego, MT: Jim Calvi, 2014. in Italian, 2003. Introduction by Isabel Comis, “From the Northern Hills of Italy to the Coal Cerney, Janice Brozik, and Roberta Sago. Mines of Pennsylvania.”) Tucson: Wheatmark, Black Hills Gold Rush Towns. Vol. II. (Images of 2015. America.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2015. Corr, Jeff. Silverton [Colorado] and the Alpine Loop. (Images of America.) Charleston, SC: Ar- Chafin, Andrew. Mingo County. (Images of cadia Publishing, 2014. [Also an e-book.] America.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2014. [Also an e-book. Site of the 1920 the Mat- Croguennec, Soizic. Société Minière et Monde ewan Massacre, West Virginia.] Métis: Le Centre-Nord de la Nouvelle Espagne au XVIIIe Siècle [Mining Society and the Mixed An- Chapman, James. Energy and Enterprise: cestry World: Northern and Central New Spain Coal Mining at Deep River, North Carolina. Lex- in the 18th Century]. (Bibliothèque de la Casa de ington, NC: James Chapman, 2015. Velázquez, no. 64.) Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2015. Chaput, Donald, and Sean M. Goldman. The Cliff: America’s First Great Copper Mine(rev. ed.). Davies, Charles. Gold Standard: The Story of Hancock, MI: Quincy Mine Hoist Association, Agnico Eagle’s Mission to Be Not the Biggest but the 2015. [A reprint of the 1971 edition about the Best. Vancouver, BC: Echo Storytelling Agency, Cliff Mine, Michigan, plus additional chapters, 2016. [Canadian gold mining company.] an epilogue, appendices and an index.] Deen, Robert L. Owyhee County [Idaho]. Chaput, Donald. Empire of Sand: La Paz (Images of America.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia County, Arizona, Mining Frontiers. Santa Ana, Publishing, 2015. CA: Graphic Publishers, 2015. Delano, Alonzo. Life on the Plains and among Charles River Editors. The California Gold the Diggings: A Personal Account of a Gold Seeker’s Rush: The History and Legacy of the Forty-Niners Journey to California. New York: Skyhorse Pub- and America’s Golden Dream. [Boston]: Charles lishing, 2016. [Originally published as Life on the River Editors, 2014. Plains and among the Diggings, 1854.] Chatman, Jay. McDowell County Coal and Eckert, Allan W., and Thayle K. Anderson. Rail. (Postcard history series.) Charleston, SC: Gold Fever: The Beginning of the California Gold Arcadia Publishing, 2014. [Images of West Vir- Rush. Ashland, KY: Jesse Stuart Foundation, ginia coal mining.] 2014. Chilicky, Robert A., and Gerald D. Hunt. Eifler, Mark A. The California Gold Rush: The Clifton and Morenci Mining District. (Images of Stampede That Changed the World. (Critical Mo- America.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, ments in American History.) New York: Rout- 2015. [Arizona copper mining.] ledge, 2016. 100 2016 Mining History Journal Fink, Leon. The Long Gilded Age: American Harpster, Jack, and Ronald M. James. Lumber Capitalism and the Lessons of a New World Order. Baron of the Comstock Lode: The Life and Times of Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2015. Duane L. Bliss. Staunton, VA: American History [Also an e-book. Interlocking roles of politics, Press, 2015. internationalism, and labor, including the mining industry.] Harris, Wess (comp. and ed.). Truth Be Told: Perspectives on the Great West Virginia Mine War: French, Richard U. Return to the Lost Adam’s 1890 to the Present. Gay, WV: Appalachian Com- Diggings: The Paul A. Hale Story. North Charles- munity Services, 2015. ton, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. [Southwest U.S.] Hirsch, Susan F., and E. Franklin Dukes. Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia: Understand- Frost, Dorothy M., and Rolfe G. Buzzell. ing Stakeholders and Change in Environmental Gold Rush Wife: The Adventures of Nellie Frost Conflict. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2014. on Turnagain Arm, 1895-1901 as Told to Her [Also an e-book.] Daughter Dorothy Frost. Eagle River, AK: Ember Press, 2016. Huizing, Terry, and Wendell Wilson (eds.). Mineral
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