Edinburgh University Student Newspaper--- Grants action gets poor relaunch at McEwan Hall. T illS week ----- Smart toemptyGM rn bfA-HOIWl' STUDENT Edinburgh University had its own "trickle-back" effect on Monday evening as the Students' Associa­ tion relaunched its grants campaign at a General Meeting. About a hundred students managed to crawl out of hibernation to turn up at the McEwan Hall. Many of thoM who were thete attmed to be from the e.ctlam, wJillng for thl arrtval ol fearle" John Ruth elford gives Curty Wtt'*". with the rescued ScotiMd the thumbf up lot the International Chtmplonshlp. Senlof Pre$16tnt.. John Mannix. C.n we do it ega!N Dave - ... beenfonnoltyk­ bytheWitheted tlefldon Friday in Ytnow ..-.set Scodlnd"s Chane.. egainat Ireland ltd ol the Ethtopl,t Appeal. As Manni~ observed, "never have &o I'N"Y done JO big a atvnt lor so - Page 15 ltw" Anyway. we ~re tU damn· abl'y exerted.. ~sman. the~totm. The Girl can't N.at-on.l UoiOn of Students 1n help it - Page 10 SCol1and, was 1htJtto apeak abOut tht ttlaun<:hing of the studenta' cempaign aga!n11 the grents cuts. '1ht 1111 tlme I s.poltt hete was at Al1on ,;.,.,.,. tddrttllna Monda~l Gft\eral MMtlnf. the ttlly attended by abOut two end a half thoutetld of you, ~t't IJ.tum on tu11t0n Thete w-..llto a mouon es~ng publis'*t .00 to Ioree tht CIOs~~t• Sl'l\ltt ~an. ton;ght i:$ some­ fees l'lad U'Ytd the familta of EUSA 10 fight against the ols.mllll~ th~ng of a contrast, 10 aay lhe least tludent5 at Edinburgh Unlvertlty introduction of VAT on Anotn.r motion whkh was It ttems that all ovor the country, ttone £750,000. He added that it pubhcatlo/\4. e proposal which the passed, a1th01.1gh not quorattly, tht1stue has died, and it that's the wet a lltue ironic th81 18St yotr gc>Y&r'nmorll it now examining. ptoposed that rocyc!Od paper cut, then the government h.u Edinburgh htd rejected rt• Oeklre Watt, the Chairpe~n ot prOducts thoutd be aoklln Union won Twomont.hsago.-.er.attd atfdiation to NUS ovet £35,000 t PubhethOntBoatd,wt\oPfc>pOMd Shops in order to ,...,. tropiCal I ChtQ lntf'le~nmerttand they ~ (although ht $lid that ht themocion,NJclthaiVATonboollt rtinfotem frOm detttucllon. It ""'' totetd to m1kt t ~itt didt'l'l want to reopen H~t woukl M ttudtnts wry hMvtly seemed • ~ ttonk:: th.at two wtM>Ie W.lhclrawal of theft plans." referendum c•mptlgn). ainc.t tht number of ~s whk:h pages or tht Otdtr papet thOuld be However. tlthovgh Smart HetMnOlCPie.lntdtheaii"Mc>fln. hbfaries could bUy would be t<'JI&n up with such a mollon. bUt ~~ted that the withdrawal o l NUS '"New O.al" among whk:h Ita teveroly roeluced tfld It would bo J ulian Goocsare aa.aur.cr the Ptrtn1a conU1buUng tuition foes claim tor £30 t wtot-k for ~~ even hardtt 101 studants to buy meeting that lhi1 was a ttflous 1\14 betn t victoty, htNid lhtt he tJ:u6eots.HesaldlhtNew06alhH bOOb. eapeclt.Jty with .....,. motion, tnd daimed thtt two­ Cldn'l belieYe IM majority or bttft tnt6e as J)Otllrve as popi• d ecr ea •• ng Jlud ents g,.n 11 thitds of the raintorest.t ot SOuth a.ucr.nts knew t.h1t the abohtion of "to reverM the p-ernmenf't ""Thdisatuon~.tttx Atnttk:l ht'tt bMn ftlted. moat of Contents tt'lt minimum grant. increased poff.cy of tralnlno students to onec:ruc.tlon,'"thesai<t.sn..odtd thai $1~ the 19601, tncl that N.,_. 2,3.4 Plfentel contt1bu1lont enclthe 3~ oxpoctle$$." that it would be very dlflicult to Britain I• the 1Jrge5t lmporttt of Comment s increaJt:ln gra.nta t'lllatood. lt wat Smartclaimed lhattheTorlesart m1k0 edUCo~ l lon bOOks exompt, litrtet In thO WOrld.. Lotter• s tor lhi1 rNson, ht txptllned, that ttlll vulnortblt over higher ainoe 751/t Of books wtte Clot.rty John Mannix was Obviously Film 6 ~ NUS's grants ~n w*' tctucatlon becal.IH it is still tht .OUcationaJ. It would 11$0 havt • di$apPQlntt<S with theU,1rn-out and ..,. 7 bttno ,.._unched U'IIJ week with pr~oftichandtnlddlefncomt dtva.ttatlng effect on amtll sMith&I the meeting had not been Wl\aft On Gu1<1e: &.9 rtttltt On Wtdnesd"Y •n Finehlty, groups wfiO m~lnty wotecf TOt)'. ·n pubtW'Iing r..ouse. lt'ICI woukJ well pubhCI'Md., but he NICI INI Musk 10.11 lttcta North Eaat and Ayr, the won"t be easy, but we havetomakt trmost certainty IOtce Publ Bolrd tttat WJS pertly d!JIO to tht t.ct that. FeeturH 12.13 OOnttJtuonclet ol Mrt Thatcher, 11 clear to the govornment th~l U to c50tt down (or at teas.t ttop unl•ke tnt tnd of tart tetm. lew BOOks 14 Sir K~th Joseph and George they cot us, then we11 malto sure publishing bookt). Other rotulta people wore oHering help with Sport Younger respoctlvtty that lhoy pay a h.,vy political prlct wovtd be to make 11 much mQft pu~lclty, end he 8PP8Jitd tor Car1oon Smau elaimect that tht 101 it. diffiCult tor SConithaU1hottto hnd people to dO JO. Threat to Chaotic flat queues ended Dental School Edinburgh Unlvottlty't Dental SchOol It now und•r threat of the alcq;tlof"' ot tonm lor ftatt on the pavtment OUtSide Ttvtot! amount of tccommodahon has Watt a rector clOSure FacHttles at tht sehoOI ._.. , YW1 d tt. bdot lmttad ol Tl'at forms ...,,, be •vallabre Nlfy Increased due to new ~ ._,,. ~ been rtcogneted IS ~ PftMn l qu.ulng proc:e<lu,., 1n the aec<~nc:l ttrm or ntxt ~r for Mttlt$ SUCh It 8t.acbtt A....,ut ina.<H<~ua~. but 1 goytfnment he SAS and SRC Accommoda· uplif11ng and arG to be retumed on and at the P._asance but thit ABERDEEN Univerally I'IU 110 decl.ston oo its ruturt 11 now " Committee feel thet thiS first A named d8lO to bo olig!bto lor tho sooms to havo helped greatly efected former SNP MP fof Benff. expected by tt\6 end ot this year. C:Otf'lt flttt ..rved Mtthod cannot draw This wtll take place undet IncreASe studOnt awtrenesa of thl Mr Hamish Watt. a.s its newAoctor. full atory, p.3 condnue In Yiew of th~ yut't tht etglt eyes ot tn SAS membef availability ot choice between Mr Watt who was nominated by and SAC atw:f Accommod.abOI"' unt.,..1'$11y, at tgtmst private, U•t• lhe Ftderatton ot Student Eart..,... ttws rerm. more than 600 Comm.nee .mtn'lbtrs to ensure Nab0t\all1ta. derea:ed the Labour Mandela v. - Private tlatt ate becOming mott Club't etndtCJ.ete. Wflltt lnd :Udtnts q-ueued ovts.ldO the that ll'lere Js no tout pt•y.After the expens;,. and menystuc:tents 1t10 MacDonald "C(wan Hall all night and low forms have been drawn out in femimat Ll:r Loeh"'"d Dy a find it an advantage to know at ordOr. priority llflltJs will be kft>stanllftl mtJodty. According to Tht rtctof'lal election c•mpalgn n~~bertd fotma lfllet ehanoed E8stet that lhev have a fla t tfllhor ,,; I fOf pri-oet up to £80. TI'IOft applied In the tamt ~Y 8S thlt Aberd&On'a SAC Vfco·Protldent. It now btglnrtlng 10 watm up, with than ha" lO search fn the tummcu ._. that thtt will only get Grah•m Milne, Mt Watt won the nomlna Uons ol tht torrner SN P 0 tura yoor. leon. This year'• wa•ting list• Will because he stOOd as tnt tt'IOdtrtte MP M.argo MICOoMid end the ~e m subsequtnt ye-ar• This mew. hM bMn noeessatY go up soon on t.r. SAS and SAC ;;;~'ftg 'frilh If lht cf.anget'$ Of btctuse of lht much greater eond:ldate. "and rntddlto-of·lhe­ AHC ...ader, Nt-1$on Mandele. now nohceboardt u last year l'fte ~ lnd Cruthes not to demand hom ttudtnts tor ro.ct candtCSa*dOweflln poltbeat In prison In South Alrlca ~'~Uon the ahor.. ttocta or 3 night umvers1ty accommodation. Tht Heather Findlay terms at AbtrdHn" ful tiOf}'. p. ~ 2 THE STUOENT Yhurtday. 31st January t985 NEWS Rectorial race gets under way ~ rector a.s.pec:t of tht Margo MacDonald and Uac:Oona'd eampa~gn. ~brioua~y Nelson Mandela are the NtltOn Mande4a won't be able to first two candidates to etrry ootthe tunct10ns ol ~Or. but ttte Mandela For Aeeto1 emerge In the elecllon for ctmpaig.n c:an nominate a rectOr't Edinburgh University's llletiOf. who wouk1 be Just 11 Rector. to be held on ofltctlve as a wotking rect01. Although MsOOtHa's lelwyer has March 8th. the power ol anorney. and so c:an MsMacoonll.ld Itthtnomlnoe of sigh tho nomlnatton form on ti'IO Campaign tor a Workrng. MaMiole•s behalf, he obviously Rt(tor. and a.mongtt thott who c:t.n't be eJCpec:ted to appoint an showed int.,-ott In lul)t)Ot'tino her ..a.euor, to we would." at the ~etoptlon meeting lilt The Mandela For Rector WedntSdty wert Union PrMkiont tu1)901'1ert genuinely believe their Htlaty O'Ntlll.. Honorlry Trtuurtt candidate c:an win. and U'lty c:•te Callum Cltdtt, tnd Viet· tl'lo recent ease oi lonoon P<Oildorll (<Min) Gr-CIM< Unfveri•CVs ~ial eteouon. w-.
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