![Angliæ Notitia, Or, the Present State of England with Divers Remarks Upon](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
s/3/ AKGLIM N0TIT1A: jyhn or,the/w/ ENGLAND: With Divers REMARK S UPON The Ancient State thereof. By EDW. CHAMBERLATNE, Doctor of Laws. The Nineteenth Edition, with great Additions and Improvements. In Three PARTS. Sfart am quam naff us efi banc ornni. LONDON, Printed by T. Hodgkin, for R. Cbiftveil, M.Gillyfioretr, S. Sonith and B. Watford, M. Wotton, G. Sanbridgs, and B. Toots, 1700. Moft Excellent Majefty, william m. K I N G O F GreauBritain, Frame3 and Ireland’ Defender of the Truly Ancient, C.i- tholick, and Apoftolick Faith. This Nineteenth Impreffton of the (P RE¬ SENT STATE of ENG¬ LAND is Humbly Dedicated By Edw. Chamberlayne, Doftor of Laws. THE CONTENTS. A Defeription of England in general. Chap. X. Of its Name, Climate, Dimenfms, Di- Chap. II. Of the Bifhopricks of England. Chap. III. A Defcriftm of the feveral Counties tf England and Wales. Chap. IV. Of its Air, Soil, and Commodities. Chap. V. Of its Inhabitants, their Number, Language, and Character. Chap. VI. Of Religion. Chap. VII. Of Trade. GOVERNMENT. Chap. I. QF the Government of England in ge- Chap.II. Of the KJng of England, and therein of his Name, Title, Pcrfon, Office, Supremacy and Sove¬ reignty, Potter and Prerogative, Dominions, Strength, Patrimony, Arms and Ref fell. Chap. III. Of the SucceJJion to the Croton of England, and the King’s Minority, Incapacity and Abjence. Chap. IV. Of the prefent King of England ; and therein of his Birth, Name, Simame, and Genealogy, Arms, Title, Education, Marriage, Exploits, and Accef- fiyn to the Crown of England. A 4 Chap. The Contents. Chap. V. Of the late Queen Confert ami Sovereign of .England. Chap. VI. Of the Queen of England, token flee ii Confort only and not Urgent. Chap. Vil. Of the Prcfcnt Qiicen Dowager of England. Chap. VIII. Of the Sons and Daughters of England. Chap. IX.' Of the Princfs and Princeffies of the Blood, an'dtfrfti of hcg'^oyal.Highiiefs the Prmcefs Ant* of Denmaci. t: J / . Chap. X. Of EcclefiafHcal Government. Chap. XI. Of Ecclcjhifiical Courts j and firfi, of the Chap. XII. Of the Civil Government of England ; and firfi, of the Great Officers of the Croton. Chap. XIII. Of the Privy-Council. Chap. XIV. Of the Parliament of England, and there* ■ in of the Pcrfon fummming, the manner of the Sum¬ mons, the Perfons (bummed, their Privileges, their Place, and manner of Sitting, the gaffing of Bills in cither Houfe, the faffing of Ads of Parliament, of Adjourn¬ ing, Proroguing, and uiffrlclng of Parliaments. Chap. XV. Of Particular Governments, and firfi of the EccUJiafttcrl, Civ:’, and Miliary Government of the Chap.XVI. J Of the Queer’s Court. Chap. XVII. Ot ciic Civil Government of England in the Ryfydive Courts ',if Judicature ■ and firfi, of the Cant cj Jufific, call'd t,.. Klng’s-Bench. Chap. XV111. 0/ rue Military Government of Eng-, land. PART III. OF Mime) s, Cujhms, Laics, See. ; Chap. I. of the Clergy j their AW. Orders, _ . nlficence, &c, . Alfo of D'.jfcnters from the Efialtlifad tlmrch. Chap. The CONTENTS. Chap. Hi 0/ the Englilh Computation , Ntanking. Weights, Meafures, Money. Chap. III. Of Names, Titles of Honour, Privileges, S.C. Chap. IV. of the Commons of England 5 and therein of Baronets, Knights, Citizens, Handicrafts, &c. _ Chap. V. Of Women, Children and Servants in tag- land. ■ Chap.VL 0/ the Lares of England. Chap. VII. Of Humours, Manners, Diet, Attires, E?- creations and Buildings,~ Chap. VIII. Of Vices and Punijhments. Of the City of London. Of the two Vniverflties. ■ • And laftly, thefeveral Lifts, to which the BookrefetS. J THE THE TAB L E. 48s J Bijhtspricks, a I Board if Green-Cloth, 9 Bnxnijls, . 3fiS I Buildings, Alitstatim-Offce, .Almmirt, 490, Buttery, Antthaptijls, ajl | By-Laws, Atitimmimis, Aptthtcaries, •Archiiflxp, Mrchdeimn, ’Archn, Articles if Religion, ArtiQery-Cmpany, 343 Carmens Rate;, 4 48 Cartakers, 4 A$Zs, 1 j Carvers to the King, 169,4; Officers there, Chancdkur. 13 j Cbarter-Houfe, Chandlery, Bahhsttfe It tl Chaplains in Ordinary, Barrel of Pin/io: Bank of England, i'f. JamesV, Barber' to the King, r Baronets, 28 The TABLE. Ckirurgm »* s°°; CCallerrZ^t°tt of t’beHcufh,Id, Churchwardens, of the Pipe, 20s of the Navy, 222 Civil Law, Computation, 2 55 Clergy, 'their Privileges, ConfeSionary, 4B7 Confute, 5°5 Revenues, Cmflables High 210 Clerk of the Chfet, clerks of the Council of the Signet, Convocation, Clerk of the Cram, Council at LpfO tc of the EJlrcatl, 503 if the Patents, Court of Admiralty, 519,380 of the Petty-Bag, of Chancery, 187 ' of the Pleas, of Common-Pleas, 195 of the Reports, Dutchy of Lancalter, 206 of the Market, Exchequer, ' sg6 of the Ordnance, „ Court of High-CommiJIion, 130 of the Green-Cloth, 486 of Delegates, 18. of the Works, 1 of Arches, ib. Climate, o( Audience, IJI Clofet-keepcr, Prerogative, ib. Collar-Days, of' Peculiars, ib. Colleges of London, Bifhops, ib. College of Heralds, Archdeacons, 131 of Phyficians, of Records in the Tower. of Oxford, 3SJ Committees of Council, of Aldermen, j6f Cmmiffmers of the Admiralty, Cup-Bearers to the King, 16% of the Navy, 225,594] Curfieors-Office, of the Viaualling-OffceA Curftors, ib. and 5941 Cuftos Brevium, of the Stamp-Off ce, Cujiom-houfc, of Hackney-Coaches, of Duty upon Glafs, of Rcgifiring Seamen, ofTrade, Daughters of England, 1 o j Deacons, 230 Commodities Dean and Chapter, 123 308 Rural, J25 the TABLE. Dim of the Chapel-Rojal, I Fleet-Royal, Degrees of Precedencyi 559 Fonts of a Prefentation, Deputy Chamberlains, zoi of a Tefiimonial, Directors of the New Eaft-, FerreJI Law, India Company 5971 Fowl, Dimenfion, Diffenters, Divifton, DoHors-Commons, 33 Doge, 39 Duke, 2J Gentlemen of the Es'tsgs Bed- Duke tf Glouceller, Dukes and Dutchejfes, of the Chapel, 484 Dutchj of Lancafter, Gentlemen of the Privy-Cham- for> 169,492 Gentlentets-Ujhers of the Prim- Chamber, 131, 4S3 Earl Marfhal, tntlemen-Ujhers, Daily-ff'ait- Earls, 174,883,458 493 Eccleftaflical Courts, Gentlemen-Ujhers, Sp, 171 General, Embetffadors EngUfB, Ecelefiajiical, Foreign, of London, 3 Elqusres of the Body, 165,491 of Weftminfter, : Etymon, 1 . nsours of Forts, < E«ry, . 487 Grefham-Co/ftge, , Exchequer, tnf Grooms of the Bed-Chamt Excife-Offce, Eftigenters, 344 Halls of Companies, 533 Harbingers, 38 Heralds, 774, The TABLE. in Ordinary, 498 High-Cmjlabk of Eng- Lord Prefident *37 Lord Privy-Si ■Lord High-S, vi of Eng land. •31 Mootings in the Inns of Court, Lord i rd of the King ■ 388 in the Inns of Chancery, LordTreafurer, i 3 6 Lord Mayor, 336 Miiggletoniarts, bis Authority and Court, Muftcians in Ordinary, 33: Atttndimci, lsy Lords Jufiices of England, 599 Lord Warden of she Starmari- *7* Ndvy-Ofiicc, 552 'ulity of England, 273, 457, &c. 'tiler of Inhabitants, 46 Martyutjfes ,583,458 | Numbering, 258 Marjhalfea, Martial-Lav, 0. Majler of the Beagles, 499 of the Ceremonies Officers above flairs, 169 497 of the Cttfions-boufe, J73 Mafier Falkoncr, of the Hall, 490 of the Hart and Buck- of the Robes, 173 Hounds, ib. of the Kings's Stable1 of she Harriers, ib. of the Work ty6 of the Horfe, i66 of th. 35* of the Honjbold, 168 of the Towe: of she Jevtl-Houfe, 496 tjfice of Ordnance of the flute ^ irdcrs Holy, of the Revel of the Rolls, of the Cm ts Magnificat Mafic, in Chancery, 189 Pi Princeft Henrietta, *05 Prifm, 40 c Honour to the King, Private Buildings ^ 42c Privy-Council, 141, 45* the Prefence-Cham&er, ProBort, 38c 284 Qfterries, Vide Eqmrits, ' 490 I Ranges, 499, &C 424 ; Rgmti'ii ranurs Office, 19! 589: ’ of the Sir(l-Fruits, 20 488* Records in the Tower, 35 tim to ft Benefice, 233 RoyaMxchange.- - „ 231 . Society, f Wales, io3 George of Denmark, $. Errata’s and Additions. to Page 540, Plint-Cafle, Peter Whitley, Efq; Con- jle ; p. 541,1. 5, inftead of Sir Edmltnd: JSndrat, read ■rmcit tfichelfm; p. if. 1. 6, inftead of Cchnel Franlit read C»M Biaxto,}; -ttlfo 1- n, after Peiifilvama, hw Providence j p. sifji jaftlineof the sd Column, (Strtlereigk ahmjl finijhed.; p. 544, Column ad, after cvenge 660 Mm, potGww, lb. Column i, after line Ztmwallefl6 him ,C<rfitent 446A/111; p. ib. Column -dele Revenge Nee,jj.7075; p. 545, Column ad. Midway Prize : In Ijagc'546, among the 5th Rates iVfcbeen added the Cbartes-G.T&y, Venl-Gaftlc, Gar- ,flings, Pearl, Rain'M ; alfo among -the- 6th Rates ive been added St. Abas Prize, Difcovery and Bri¬ gantines ; Exprel's AkicctBiat, Eagle, Ply-Brigantine, d, Henry Prize, 3erjey,\ Jei?Prize, Intelligence Brigan- Jcfepb, Mercury and Mefenger Alvice-Bonts; Orfcrd 3rig.wri Tie, Parmoitr Piniy Rupert Prize, Shark ,e, spy Brigantine; Scout Boat, Smjt Mvice-Boat, Men Navy 00 Queenforotigh 30 Soefdske • A Defcription ENGLAND 2 X$eState Parti. Angles, a People of the Lower Saxony, in whofe PofiefTion the greateftpart ofthis Country then was) named Anglo or Englelond, thence by the French called Angle terre, by the Germans Engel and, and by the Inhabitants England. Climate ] It is fituated between the Degrees 17. and a; Longitude, as are Brittany and Normandy in France, and be¬ tween so and 5 6 of Northern Latitude, as are Flanders, Zea¬ land, Holland, Lower Saxony, and Denmark: advantageoufiyfor Traffick to all parts of the World. The longed Day in the mod Northern part is 17 Hours, 30 Minutes, and the Ihorteft Day-in the mod Southern parts, is almoft 8 Hours long. ©imendctlff.] It is in length from Berwick totheLands- end, 386 Miles, its Diameter from Berwick to Portjmuth, 310 Miles; inbreadthfrom Sandwich to theLands-end, 279; in Compafs (by reafon of the many Bays and Promontories) about 1300 M.
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