ISSN 0013-2845 September 2016 Railway Technology ETR Review INTERNATIONAL EDITION Special Advanced Rail Technology by German Industry & Engineers 111001010110101011001010101110100101100001101010101010101010010101010101010100101101110 101010111101010001011101001110101011010101010100101101011001010101110100101100001101010 101010101010010101010101010100101101110101010111101010001011101001110101011010101010100 101101011001010101110100101100001101010101010101010010101010101010100101101110101010111 101010001011101001110101011010101010100101101011001010101110100101100001101010101010101 010010101010101010100101101110101010111101010001011101001110101011010101010100101101011 001010101110100101100001101010101010101010010101010101010100101101110101010111101010001 011101001110101011010101010100101110010111011101110001011101010111100001101010010111010 001011010100101010110110010101010010111010110111010101010100110110110101011011101010101 111010100010100101010101010101001011011101010101111010100010111010011101010110101010101 001011100101110111011100010111010101111000011010100101110100010110101001010101101100101 010100101110101101110101010101001101101101010110111010101011110101000101001010101010101 010010110111010101011110101000101110100111010101101010101010010111001011101110111000101 110101011110000110101001011101000101101010010101011011001010101001011101011011101010101 010011011011010101101110101010111101010001010010101010101010100101101110101010111101010 001011101001110101011010101010100101110010111011101110001011101010111100001101010010111 010001011010100101010110110010101010010111010110111010101010100110110110101011011101010 101111010100010100101010101010101001011011101010101111010100010111010011101010110101010 101001011100101110111011100010111010101111000011010100101110100010110101001010101101100 101010100101110101101110101010101001101101101010110111010101011110101000101110100111010 101001010101010010111010111011101110001011101010111100001101011001011101000101010100101 010110110010101010010110111010101011110101000101110100111010101010101010100101110101110 111011100010111010101111000011010101111100101011010101100101010111010010110000110101010 101010101001010101010101010010110111010101011110101000101110100111010101101010101010010 110101100101010111010010110000110101010101010101001010101010101010010110111010101011110 101000101110100111010101101010101010010110101100101010111010010110000110101010101010101 001010101010101010010110111010101011110101000101110100111010101101010101010010110101100 101010111010010110000110101010101010101001010101010101010010110111010101011110101000101 11010011101010110101010101001011010110010101011101001011000011010101010101010100101010 101010101001011011101010101111010100010111010011101010110101010101001011100101110111011 7488_ETR_Special_Cover_210x160.indd 1 05.08.2016 10:55:58 /RZO\LQJGHVLJQ KLJKÁ\LQJH꿌FLHQF\ 6DYLQJVSDFHDQGIXHOZLWKFRPSDFW ORFRPRWLYHHQJLQHV:KRHOVHEXW0$1 :KHQLWFRPHVWRWKHUDLOZD\VRQHWKLQJLVFOHDUDQHQJLQH WUXVWHGWRJHWUDLOFDUVDQGORFRPRWLYHVIURP$WR%PXVWEH UHOLDEOHHIÀFLHQWDQGSRZHUIXO%XWPRGHUQWUDLQHQJLQHV PXVWEHFDSDEOHRIDORWPRUH$GGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWV LQFOXGHFRPSOLDQFHZLWKYDULRXVHPLVVLRQVVWDQGDUGVDQG IXHOTXDOLWLHVDVZHOODVEHLQJDEOHWRKDQGOHWKHVWUDLQRI FRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQ7KHDQGF\OLQGHUGLHVHOHQJLQHV IURP0$1(QJLQHVRIIHUHIÀFLHQF\IRUWKHHQWLUHMRXUQH\ ZLWKXQLWVRIXSWRN:FRPELQLQJHFRQRP\VWUHQJWK DQGWRUTXHZLWKKLJKYROXPHUHOLDELOLW\HDV\PDLQWHQDQFH DQGWRSFODVVVHUYLFH:HDUHDOVRRQHRIWKHIHZPDQXIDF WXUHUVWRRIIHUFRPSDFWHQJLQHVWKDWFDQEHRSWLPDOO\ LQWHJUDWHGLQWRWKHWUDLQ·VV\VWHPVZLWKRXWZDVWLQJYDOXDEOH SDVVHQJHUVSDFH0DNHZD\IRUJUHDWHUHIÀFLHQF\7RÀQG WKHHQJLQHWKDWLVULJKWIRU\RXYLVLWPDQHQJLQHVFRP 0$1(QJLQHV 11832_24 210x297 motiv223_e.indd 1 26.08.16 17:47 Sgmar Gabrel Digital technologies are going to shape transport by rail decisively in future Germany must take the lead in the digitisation of rail trac from high-speed trains and sys- if it is to safeguard the extraordinary competitiveness of the tems of local public transport railway manufacturing industry. With sales of around EUR 12 through to detailed solutions billion and more than 50 000 people employed directly by for equipping the infrastruc- it and a further 165 000 employed indirectly, it is one of the ture. There is tremendous vari- most important industrial sectors in Germany. Its long tradi- ety, ranging from the classical tion gives it particularly close ties with our country. construction of tunnels and Amongst the 200 German businesses manufacturing rail- bridges by large civil-engineer- way vehicles and infrastructure there are numerous “hidden ing companies through to dig- champions”. They are making their ital timetable contribution to Germany’s eco- Germany must take the lead in information nomic growth and prosperity and the digitisation of rail traffic if it delivered by also to the creation of good jobs. is to safeguard the extraordinary a smartphone It is only if such companies are app devel- able to work in a propitious, relia- competitiveness of the railway oped by a ble general business environment manufacturing industry. start-up. that it will be possible to safe- As a high- guard the competiveness and innovativeness of this sector. technology country, Germany That is why the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs must in future remain a leading and Energy is pursuing a dialogue with the companies and supplier of sustainable mobility workers in this industry. and a leading market for it. That being so, the Federal Govern- The railway manufacturing industry in Germany has a strong ment will continue to support research and development and export focus. It achieves approximately half its sales outside to take action in the political field to accompany the world- of its home market. That is a clear indication of the techno- wide marketing of innovative products and services. logical leadership of German products and their strong com- It is also a contribution to attaining Germany’s tough cli- petiveness. International competition, however, is increas- mate objectives. Transport by rail offers enormous potential ing all the time. That is why it is important for the German for saving CO2 as the backbone of sustainable mobility. manufacturers of railway technology and their suppliers to I trust that InnoTrans 2016 will prove a big success for the be leaders as the next fundamental wave of innovation takes companies and visitors alike, and may the trade fair achieve hold: the digitisation of rail transport. That includes digital everything it is setting out to do. command, control and safety systems, digital electronic in- terlocking systems, autonomous train control, intermodal Sincerely yours, service platforms, networked logistics, the precise diagnosis of conditions for preventive maintenance and a high level of data security. Transport by rail tomorrow is going to be deci- sively moulded by these developments, and they are what will bring about its progress. These innovations are going to be on display at the 2016 edition of the world’s leading trade fair for the railway man- ufacturing industry, InnoTrans in Berlin. Visitors are able to walk around a dedicated set of railway tracks beneath the Berlin Funkturm and directly assimilate the innovations from Sgmar Gabrel the railway manufacturers. The trade fair presents everything Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy www.eurailpress.de/etr ETR | INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 1/2016 3 World Rail Market Study Commissioned by UNIFE, conducted by Roland Berger and published by DVV | Eurailpress | Railway Gazette Commissioned by THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY WORLD Conducted by MARKET STUDY Commissioned by Conducted by forecast 2012 to 2017 THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY Commissioned by UNIFE – The European Rail Industry WOR Conducted by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants RAILMAR world forecast to railmarket 2014 2019 study Worldwide Rail Market Study – forecast 2016 to 2021 status quo and outlook 2016 A study commissioned by UNIFE, the Association of the European Rail Industry and conducted by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants DVV Media Group GmbH DVV Media Group DVV Media Group GmbH New! The largest study of its kind Special rate More information at www.eurailpress.de/wrms16 for InnoTrans exhibitors! Contact: DVV Media Group GmbH • Eurailpress Email: [email protected] • Phone: +49 40 237 14-260 • Fax: +49 40 237 14-258 www.eurailpress.de • www.railwaygazette.com DVV Media Group THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY BU_EW_1614_7460_anz_UNIFE_ERP_182x265.indd 1 22.07.2016 13:41:50 4 ETR | INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 1/2016 www.eurailpress.de/etr Volker Schenk Digital mobility by rail Digitisation is creating the best rail mobility ever – even safer, uisite for that, nonetheless, is even more attractively priced, even quieter, even more com- that manufacturers, operators fortable and causing even less harm to the climate. That is a and government must toe the claim made into a living reality by the companies manufac- same line. Germany must be turing for the railways in Germany and the technologies that both a leading supplier and a are theirs. These developments are always clearly centred leading market. It is of decisive on people, and it is they who benet from the technological importance to have both more progress of “Rail 4.0” through social participation and sustain- proactive support for research able mobility. Quite apart from that, transport by rail is indis- and development and political pensable for a modern society the actions ac- basis of which is division of labour. What we now need is for manufac- companying
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