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IIIII~ 2.2 ~ I~ ~~j£ W ...I.:.i I~ 2.0 VROYAL HONG KONG POLICE L;i" u , , . f' ' 1;.II..u 111111.1 FORCE TRAINING DI«,ECTORY 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 r- \ ! / "', MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A 76252 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice o Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with This document has been reproduped exacfly as received from the the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. person or organization originating It. Points of view or opinions stated In thiS document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Naflonal Institute of Justice. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been those of the author(s) and do not represent the official granted by position or policies of the U. S. Depaliment of Justice. J .C.H. Gr.aves Royal Hong Kong Police I: ! 08/04/82 to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Nationa~ Institute of Justice FUrther reprodUction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ United States Department of Justicle sion of the copyright owner. Washington, D. C. 20531 "., .... f' ) Distribution INTRODUCTION Training objectives in Royal Hong Kong Police are defined as follows :- CP DCP (Ops) (a) To provide the new entrant to the Police DCP (Man) Force with those basic skills and DSB (5) knowledge necessary for him to carry out PAO ordinary police duty at Inspector or Constable level. " (b) To supplement, expand and update the police officer's basic professional knowledge. DOS DPT DCI DMD pcs DD Ops DDFT DDCI DDMS DPR (c) To prepare the police officer for those DD S DD P CSO A&SG CSC P&R cro C additional demands and responsibilities C PTU C PTS (3) CSO Sp Ops CSC C&D aID F arising out of his being required to perform CSO C&T C PCSch CSO CCB Forcf3 Librarian specialist duty or his advancement in rank. eso Aux CSO SR CSO NB eso THQ SFTO This Directory provides information as to the facilities SFWO available to enable these objectives to be met. The content of each course syllabus, except in the case of certain specialised courses, is given in some detail, thereby enabling supervisory officers to be aware not only of the scope of the Force Training Programme but of precisely what is being taught DPC HKI (2) DPC K (2) DPC NT (2) DPC 1M (2) at all levels of training. SSP CID HKI SSP CID K SSP CID NT SP CID M DS T HKI DS T K DS T NT DS Sectors Training is not an end in itself; newly-gained knowledge SP EU HKI SP EU K OC EU NT DS Islands and skills are of value only if effectively employed. It is of DS W DS SSPo DS TW DS H importance that those attending courses of training should thereafter DS C DS MK DB KwC / be given the opportunity to put into practice what they have been DS Wch DS I DS ST taught. It is in this way that the value and relevance of training DS E ris KC DS YL can best be assessed. DS AP DS SS DS WTS DS 'IM Details of Cadet and Traffic Warden training have been DS MTR DS F included as being part of the overall Force Training Programme. DS KT The content of the Directory will be reviewed from time to time and amended as necessary. In particular the Force Training Schedule annexured to the Directory will be updated and re-issued annually. Deputy Direct~r Force Training I---J-.! ~ J R 5 December 1980 ! , MAR '101981 \., CON TEN T S ~ction 8 ~iscellaneous Training Courses Stu~ent Instructors Course Section l' Recruit Basic Traini.!!5, Po17ce General Education Course Recruit Basic Training Course for Inspectors Pol~c~ Intensive English Course Funct~onal English Course fo J . Recruit Basic Training Course for Constables Functional English Course r un70r Pol~ce Officers (UB) Recruit Basic Training Course for Traffic Wardens Police Adventure Trainin gor JUn(10r Pol1ce Officers (CrD) Police Adventure .. g ourse Standard Course) ) Rural Area PatrolT~:~:~:g Course (Recruit Inspectors) Section 2 Command Cours~ Senior Officers' Seminar (11) Senior Command Course (12) Intermediate Command Course (14) ) Annexure A - Other Specialised Training Courses Junior Command Course (16) Annexure B - Local Courses conducted by Outside Agencies Section 2 Promotion Courses Annexure C - 0 verseas Courses attended by RHKP Officers Station Sergeant Promotion Course (18) Annexure D - Force Training Schedule for current Sergeant Promotion Course (20) financial year Section 4 Refresher/Continuation Courses for Junior Police Officers Refresher Course for Station Sergeants (3rd Year) (22) Refresher Course for Station Sergeants (6th Year) (23) Refresher Course for Station Sergeants (11th Year) (24) Refresher Course for Sergeants (3rd Year) (25) Refresher Course for Sergeants (6th Year) (26) Refresher Course for Sergeants (11th Year) (28) Police Constable Continuation Course (3rd Year) (29) Police Constable Continuation Course (6th Year) (30) Police Constable Continuation Course (11th Year) (31) Police Constable Continuation Course (16th Year) (32) \ District Continuation Training (33) / • Section 5 Traffic Training Courses Inspectors Traffic Course (35) General Traffic Course (37) Divisional Traffic Course (37) i Accident Investigation Course (39) (40) - . Senior Traffic Warden Course Section 6 Detective Training Courses CID Training Course (Inspectors) (41) CID Training Course (NCO's) (45) CID Training Course (Constables) (48) • CID Induction Course (50) Section 7 Poli~) Cadet Cours~ Basic Training Course for Police Cadets f·' hIi " " 1 r RECRUIT BASIC TRAINING COURSE FOR INSPECTORS FOR (a) Officers joining the Force in the rank of Inspector (b) Junior. Police Officers of the RHKP promoted to f the rank of Inspector who have been selected through the Potential Officer Scheme. OBJECTIVE To produce a Police leader who has sufficient knowledge to carry out his. duties as a Junio~ Inspectorate Officer. ENROLMENT In classes of up to twelve officers, optimum three classes per intake but four classes can be accommodated. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION ,I (a) Cri teril;:)~~ based in that students must meet sub Section 1 I, and/a:r tt.!;t'minal objectives set for each subject /- (b) Input by less:";l:\S, demonstrations, participative Recruit Basic Training IJ group and illdi'Vidt,lal exercises, guest lectures, I visits and on-the-job attachment (c) A variety of audio visual aids including OHP, film, audio-tape, slides, tape/slide presentations. DURATION Total 36 weeks. Divided into :_ (a) Induction (1 week) all officers, followed by (b) Introductory Course (8 weeks) Local Officers only, concurrent with / (c) Language Course (8 weeks) Expatriate Officers only ( " () (d) Professional Subjects Course (27 ,weeks) all officers. CURRICULUM (a) INDUCTION WEEK c ! ft/', Opening address " '- ,I Oath of office ! \''II' Interviews with C PTS I ! Kit issue ! Familiarisation, PTS and Territory ( ! Documentation ~. ll~, Blood grouping, fingerprinting, photogI'aphs Personal administration PTS Officers Mess and Mess Life r'I PTS Standing Orders I I Acceptance of Advantages Regulations " Welfare C . " " " - 1 - \.) _, ____• __ ."" ___________ ---1AL-_--'-'-_~ ___ IT \1I ( b) INTRODUCTO~~ COURSE Prisoners' property t Bail ?.,eraonal dey'e.!oprn~ Courts of Hong Kong Summonses Footdrill Warrants P.E. Evidence Map reading Attending Court Lecturettea Magistrate's court procedure I' English idioms Committal proceedings Research and written projects Classification of vehicles Advanture training Registration and licensing of vehicles Lifesaving/swimming Driving Licences ~bserva~ion . Motor Vehicle Insurance f eapon ra~nJ.ng t, Construction and Use Regulations ,Group development Lights on vehicles Control of traffic, traffic signs .' Orienteering Examination, testing, removal of vehicles Initiative exercises Public Service Vehicles Use ~f Beat Radio % Cyclists and pedestrians ~ SocioloSical development f" . Dangerous/careless driving Community Service Work Notice of Intended Prosecution Attachment to a Government Department Traffic Accidents Adaptability exercises Traffic - reporting for prosecution, methods Visits Mock Court exercises 3t Police arms and armouries f (c) LANGUAGE COUR~ Use of force and police weapons Property Tui tion to rf:ach Hong Kong Government Case papers Colloquial Cru1tonese First Certificate. 1!~ingerprints Statements from witnesses Conducted by' Civil Service Training :t Division. [ Statements under caution ,,~ ! Hissing persons, lost/abandoned children (d) PROFESSIONP~ SUBJECTS COURSE Descriptions of Persons - - I Criminal Damage / Self Development ! The Report Room Crime Reports :t J Footdril1, Parades, Inspections It v Theft Ordinance Offences I: Weapon I'raining I Loitering (~ I P.E. I Raids on premises Self Defence I Triads Lifesaving/swimming I Gambling Sport ,I Dangerous drugs ~ Emerg~ncy Child Birth Public Order t First Aid Terrorism Cantonese revision (Expatriate Officers) Arms and ammunition Lunatics, loss of memory cases, beggars Law/police Procedure Liquor licensing I , Identification
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