39th Military Librarians Workshop "Information Warfare: Librarians on the Frontline" 9-12 October 1995 Combined Arms Research Library Fort Leavenworth, Kansas mm m THIS DOCUMENT IS BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. THE COPY FURNISHED TO DTIC CONTAINED A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF PAGES WHICH DO NOT REPRODUCE LEGIBLY. Information Warfare: Librarians on the Frontline Proceedings of the 39th Annual Military Librarian's Workshop Elaine McConnell & Stephen Brown, editors 9-12 October 1995 Combined Arms Research Library Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188 reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources. Public s gatheringgarnering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden est.mate or anpther ?^£ °'™' collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 1204 Arlington VA 22202-4302. and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Pr0)ect (0704-0188). Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 30 October 1996 Conference Proceedings- Final 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Information warfare: librarians on the frontline: Proceed- ings of the Thirty-Ninth Military Librarian's Workshop, 9-12 October 1995 6. AUTHOR(S) Elaine McConnell Stephen Brown, editors 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER USACGSC Combined Arms Research Library USACGSC/CARL 250 Gibbon Avenue Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2314 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER -r*~ 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Al 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) The Thirty-Ninth Annual Military Librarians Workshop was held in Kansas City Missouri and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, October 9-12 1995. The conference entitled "Information Warfare:Librarians on the Frontline" was hosted by the Combined Arms Research Library The focus was electronic and information security. Presentations included "Copyrights and Electronic Media", the Army Knowledge Network, the JANUS training system. "Lib- rarians in the Information Age" and "Information Warfare: Netsurfing and Military Secrets" Subject terms (25 field) Military Librarians Workshop (MLW), Military Libraries, Information Security, Infor- mation Warfare, Internet, WWWW(World Wide Web), IW (Information Warfare), MLW (Militajr Librarians Workshop) 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Libraries, Copyrights, Information Systems, Networks, Military 197 p. Research, Information Centers, Digital Systems, Integrated Systemp16. PRICE CODE Technology Forecasting, Missouri, Kansas, Information Sciences 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT unclassified unclassified unclassified unlimited NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Welcome Letter 1 Keynote Address Information Warfare 2 Military Librarians in the Age of Information: Warriors or Wallflowers? 49 From the War Department to the White House: A Library Legacy 53 DTIC Update 59 FLIC/FEDLDSfK Update 66 AKN (Army Knowledge Network) Overview .' 74 TCDC (Tactical Commanders Development Course)~Janus Demonstration...Ill CGSC Foibles 120 Copyright for Libraries in Electronic Media 122 Libraries in Science Fiction: Revisited 134 MLW Executive Board Meeting 150 Air Force Report 153 Army Report 159 Canadian Department of Defense Report 161 Navy Report 163 Attendees List 168 Program 180 FOREWORD The Thirty-Ninth Military Librarians Workshop (MLW) was an exciting opportunity to exchange information with our peers, get update information, and, most importantly, get a good look at how the world of libraries and information is changing. There were a variety of excellent speakers who provided fascinating and highly useful information. The keynote speakers, Winn Schwartau and Robert Steele, addressed the workshop theme of "Information Warfare: Librarians on the Frontline" directly and in detail, and were the hit of the workshop. The pace of change in our profession has seldom been faster or more challenging. MLW has become more than a professional development tool, it is a lifeline to critically needed information and insight on the direction of information access, tools and technology. Thanks are due to so many people who helped make the 39th MLW a success; notably the staff of the Combined Arms Research Library who have a service orientation that is unequaled. They not only showed the welcome and helpful attitude they are well known for, but took on other planning and analytical tasks just as easily and quickly. Our thanks to the speakers is both genuine and essential. Their insights on future trends will help us all be better prepared for the new developments that will impact our activities. Last, but certainly not least, we want to thank the participants who made the workshop the memorable event it was, and who freely shared their experiences and thoughts in order to help others. MARTHA A. DAVIS, Director Combined Arms Research Library CD cd CM CO m CO cd mi **> CD a.-J CO E co o -^ oo O o © ■ O c E O CD co S£3 ö CO o cö CO tr CO 5C0 d CO CO CO O) IJfgfgllg S iMSliiiSSro ci OL CO CO ICÜ-lp] CO fteay T— O (Dm CO 2 * • CD > J_: Q_ • CO £ 0 LU ■«■■ T3 C 05 CO 0 o 0 E o 4) CO £Z CO c cd EZ CO 05 co£ Ü co*° 0 cC E IHN- -"; E o o o Ü Iff & £ § 0 0 105- O ic o "5 05 !05;; E C <|) h- 03 cö o §§ . o o 03 H- C 03 S ■2 c E O ^ CO Ü §££ CO ;= £ -2 >> o o c ^ lo o o 8 I ~ O 3 O o i- o DC 5 <D •— 2 CO o 0 > IS <D "*-' -Q CO O) 0 CO f 8 C T5 < -* c _ O J3 <D 0) o <D Q_ 03 -C fc: £ J2 0 O £ I- o .£ 2 OL CO T3 0 0 Ü CO CO O Co o ,c CO 1Q: o c Ü 0 XZ.- (0 "CD Q. 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