Prosecutions Hong Kong 2015

Prosecutions Hong Kong 2015

特稿 Feature Articles 黄惠沖資深大律師專訪 Interview with Wesley Wong SC 沈仲平博士專訪 Interview with Dr Alain Sham 黃惠沖資深大律師專訪 Interview with Wesley Wong SC 2015 年 9 月 3 日,黃惠沖資深大律師出任法律政策專員,掌管法律政策科。他是首批由 本司培訓的見習律政人員,在 1994 年 8 月 2 日成為檢察官時被選派至刑事檢控科工作, 其後他也在司內其他科別服務。黃先生在 2011 年出任副刑事檢控專員,並由 2012 年 8 月 2 日起擔任刑事檢控專員辦公室人事主管,此時距離他首次加入刑事檢控科剛好 18 年。 這位律政專員談及過往的工作和經驗如何造就他,讓他有今日的信心履行現時範圍如此廣 泛的職責。 Mr Wesley Wong Wai-chung SC assumed the post of Solicitor General on 3 September 2015 to head the Legal Policy Division. From the Department’s first crop of home-grown Legal Trainees, he was first posted to the Prosecutions Division on 2 August 1994, and thereafter served elsewhere in the Department. He had been a Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions since 2011 and started discharging the role of Chief of Staff of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions from 2 August 2012, exactly 18 years after he first joined the Division. The Solicitor General talks about how his previous work and experience has benefited and allowed him to discharge his present role with such a broad span of responsibility with the confidence which he otherwise would not be able to command. 由見習律政人員 ( 大律師 ) 到法律政策專員, From Legal Trainee (Barrister) to Solicitor General, Mr Wesley Wong SC’s 黃先生過去 22 年經歷的升遷之路,都甚具啓 acceleration through the ranks in the past 22 years is nothing short of 發意義。他曾三度 (1994 至 1996 年、1998 至 inspiring. Having had three spells (1994 to 1996, 1998 to 1999 and 1999 年和 2010 至 2015 年 ) 在本科工作。本司 2010 to 2015) in the Division, he is the only other former prosecutor 歷來曾任職檢控官而獲委任為法律政策專員者, (apart from the Honourable Mr Justice Stock GBS1 and retired High Court 除了司徒敬法官 1 和高等法院榮休法官杜輝 2 外, Judge Mr Justice Duffy2) in this Department’s history to be appointed 就只有黃先生一人了。 Solicitor General. 黃先生說:“我覺得非常幸運,並因能夠與刑 “I feel very lucky and, indeed, proud to be associated with the 事檢控科結緣而感到自豪。法治是香港賴以成 Prosecutions Division in this way. In playing my current role as Solicitor 為國際金融中心的基石。我當上法律政策專員, General in the maintenance and promotion of the rule of law which 定當有責任維護並推廣法治。與刑事檢控科的 is the bedrock of Hong Kong’s success as an international financial 聯繫好讓我掌握到第一手資訊,告訴海內外社 centre, I can tell both the local and international communities, with 會,香港確實是一片福地:在我們的法律制度 firsthand knowledge, how blessed Hong Kong is with a first-class 下,香港享有司法獨立,質素之高享譽國際; prosecution service which is as independent as it is impartial when its 而受《基本法》第六十三條保障的獨立檢控權, counsel discharge their role as ministers of justice,” Mr Wong said. 正正能讓這支提供卓越檢控服務的專業團隊作 “And, this happens when prosecutorial independence is entrenched Hong Kong 2015 Prosecutions 為秉行公義的檢控人員在履行職責時,能保持 under article 63 of the Basic Law in a legal system where the quality and 獨立公正無私。” independence of the judiciary is well recognised internationally.” 才華初展 The Young Lawyer 這位年輕的法律系畢業生,早在本地一所教會 Nature appeared to be taking its course when the young law graduate, 學校求學時已酷愛辯論活動,畢業後自然希望 who had developed a keen interest in debating since his days at a local 香港刑事 1 現時為終審法院非常任法官。他在 1987 年 9 月 16 日至 1992 年 5 月 20 日期間出任律政專員。 檢控 Currently Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal. He was Solicitor General from 16 September 1987 to 20 May 1992. 2 他在 1986 年 10 月 27 日至 1987 年 9 月 15 日期間出任律政專員。 He was Solicitor General from 27 October 1986 to 15 September 1987. 75 成為訟辯律師,在法庭上一展所長。適逢在 missionary school, wanted to pursue a career as an advocate before the 1993 年當時的律政署推出見習律政人員計劃。 courts. As it happened, the then Legal Department was launching its 這項計劃對這位欲展抱負、服務社群的青年來 Legal Trainee Scheme in 1993. The prospect of serving salaried pupillage 說,能夠受薪見習 ( 當時大律師公會獎學金或類 (before the times when the Bar scholarship or the like was available) was 似的計劃仍未設立 ),當然是不二之選。 the obvious choice for the aspiring lawyer, especially when it married his desire to serve the public. 1993 在香港取得大律師資格 參與當時律政署的見習律政人員計劃,當見習大律師 Called to the Hong Kong Bar Served pupillage under the Legal Trainee Scheme (at the then Legal Department) 1994 獲委任為檢察官 Appointed Crown Counsel 1995 晉升為高級檢察官 Promoted to Senior Crown Counsel 2004 晉升為副首席政府律師 Promoted to Deputy Principal Government Counsel 2011 晉升為首席政府律師 Promoted to Principal Government Counsel 2012 出任副刑事檢控專員期間同時擔任人事主管 Served also as Chief of Staff in his capacity as Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions 2013 獲委任為資深大律師 Appointed Senior Counsel 2015 出任法律政策專員 Assumed position of Solicitor General 這位年輕檢察官,在完成為期一年的實習後第 Within the second month after completion of his year-long 二個月即須在杜輝法官席前處理人生首宗裁判 apprenticeship, the young Crown Counsel was catapulted to conduct 法院上訴案。杜輝法官在退休時承認,在他席 his first magistracy appeal before Mr Justice Duffy. Having survived 前應訊,較深入虎穴還凶險 ( 因為“至少老虎 appearing before a judge who upon retirement confessed that it would 只在饑餓時才撲食!”)。黃先生得以“虎口餘 be worse appearing before his lordship than going into the lion’s den 生”,並在 24 歲時首次負責在陪審團前提控。 (because “at least the lion was not always hungry”), Mr Wong went on 1995 年 12 月,即黃先生在出任檢察官僅一年 to conduct his first jury trial at the age of 24. In December 1995 - only 零四個月,便獲擢升為高級檢察官。他憶述當 a year and four months as Crown Counsel - Mr Wong was promoted to 時的心情:“我晉升為`高級檢察官´,實在 Senior Crown Counsel. “I was actually quite surprised to be promoted 出乎意料之外,因當時我最多還只是期望能在 to Senior Crown Counsel, as at the time, I was still expecting to be 1997 年以後才晉升為一名當時職銜尚未敲定的 promoted after 1997 to ‘Senior something else’,” Mr Wong recalls. The `高級政府律師´。” 接下來的,正如大家所說, rest, as they say, is history. 就是人所皆知的事了。 Connecting the Dots 點滴相連 “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them “你無法預見人生的點點滴滴如何串聯起來, looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow 只有在回顧過去時,才能看到點滴之間互有關 connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, 連。因此你要相信,這些點滴會在你未來的日 destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and 子裡以某種方式連繫起來。你得信任一些東西, it has made all the difference in my life.”3 3 The late Mr Jobs was referring to time where after he dropped out of Reed College, he sat in on a calligraphy class on campus where he learned about Feature Articles Feature serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations. “None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me… If I had never dropped in on 特稿 that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.” . 76 (See 黄先生 2014 年參加哈佛大學甘迺迪學院高級行政人員進修課程時的研習小組 Wesley’s study group when attending the Senior Executive Fellows programme at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 2014 直覺也好、命運命數也好、因果什麼也好。這 Mr Wong came across this part of the late Steve Jobs’ commencement 信念從沒讓我失望,我的人生也大有不同。”3 address in 2005 at Stanford University only after the information technology guru’s death six years later. The message, however, 上文節錄自已故資訊科技教主喬布斯 2005 年於 resonated with him as the Solicitor General has never shied away from 史丹福大學畢業禮上的演講。當喬布斯六年後 hard work, always holding the firm belief that challenges – an enriching 去世時,黃先生才偶然接觸到該文,並且對內 process – should be met full on. “When I was in secondary school, my 容產生共鳴。他從不逃避困難,一直篤信應勇 father had told me this: ‘Whatever you learn cannot be taken away by 於迎接挑戰,從中充實自己。“念中學時家父 others. Even though at school you might not have a choice over what is 曾這樣訓勉我:`自己學到的東西誰也無法奪 taught, the knowledge acquired is still yours’.” Since those early years, 走,即使在學校選科時未必能隨心所欲,但所 Mr Wong had embraced every task thrown his way wholeheartedly, be 得的知識依然是屬於你的。´”黃先生自早年 it in his studies or at work. “My bosses were not paid to entertain my 起,不論在學業還是工作上,都全心全意把每 personal interests. Rising to the occasion each time when I was called 個事項做好。“我的上司無責任迎合我的個人 upon actually paved the way for what was to come.” 興趣。每次獲指派任務我都全力以赴,實在亦 為將來打好基礎。” The Solicitor General explained how his path to Law Officer turned out to be an example of “connecting the dots” over time. When he 黃先生解釋在他人生中,從喬布斯眼中的“點 took on the appeal against conviction and sentence as leading counsel 點滴滴”來看,如何鋪陳出他晉升為律政專員 for the respondent in HKSAR v Mui Kwok-keung CACC 133/2013, 之途。他在香港特別行政區 訴 梅國強 ( 刑事上 the first champerty case brought against a practising barrister whose 訴 2013 年第 133 號 ) 案中作為答辯人的領訟大 convictions were upheld4, it became apparent to the Senior Counsel 律師,負責處理針對定罪和刑罰提出的上訴。 what the experience he gained whilst at the Civil Division meant to 該案是首宗指控執業大律師的包攬訴訟案,當 him. “I started off as a prosecutor before being tasked to serve the last 4 中法庭維持原判 。黃先生處理該案時,深明他 Attorney General and the first Secretary for Justice in their private office, Prosecutions Hong Kong 2015 Prosecutions 在民事法律科所取得的經驗,對他的工作有重 which allowed me some exposure to the work of policy formulation 大意義。“我是檢控人員出身,其後調派往最 and law-making. Then I went to the Civil Litigation Unit in 1999, after a 後一任律政司及首任律政司司長的私人辦公室 12-month spell back at the Prosecutions Division as the second-in-charge 工作,這項安排讓我接觸到制定政策及立法的 of the section which handled, inter alia, constitutional and human rights 工作。其後我重返刑事檢控科 12 個月,在該科 cases, for some judicial review work because my passion was in public 專責處理有關憲法和人權法等案件的組別當副 law.” As it turned out, his work portfolio eventually widened to include 香港刑事檢控 3 已故喬布斯先生所指的是,他從里德學院 (Reed College) 退學後,曾在校園的書法課旁聽,得知有襯線 (serif) 及無襯線 (sans serif) 字體,以及 可更改不同字母組合的間距。“我沒想過這些東西會對我的生活有任何實際用途。但是十年後,當我們設計首台麥金塔 (Macintosh) 電腦時, 我記起了這一切……如我從未在學院旁聽那一堂課,蘋果電腦就不會有各式各樣的字體或比例間距字型了。”( 見 watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NA) 4 被告向終審法院申請上訴許可,但申請在 2014 年 10 月 22 日遭拒絕。 The defendant’s application for leave to appeal to the Court of Final Appeal was refused on 22 October 2014. 77 主管。在 1999 年,因為我熱愛公法的工作,所 disciplinary actions, personal injuries, employees’ compensation and 以我調往民事訴訟組,處理司法覆核案件。” costs. “The champerty case drew together all I knew in those areas.” 結果,他的職責範圍最終擴闊至包括紀律處分、 人身傷害、僱員補償及訟費。“在處理該宗包 During the course of his posting to the Civil Division, Mr Wong acted 攬訴訟案中,我得運用我在那些範疇中學到的 as counsel to the tribunal inquiring into acts of insider dealing before 所有知識。” market misconduct was criminalised.

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