t )alesttnt alette publish by aut^orit? No. 1638 THURSDAY, 1ST JANUARY, 1948 1 CONTENTS Page ORDINANCES CONFIRMED Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 30, 35, 36 and 40 of 1947 - - 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICES Trans-Jordan Frontier Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal-Award of - 3 ־ - - - Appointments, etc. - - 3 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes ­ ­ ­ ­ 4 Tender ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 5 Annual Report of the Department of Civil Aviation, Palestine for the year 1946 ­ 5 Citation Orders ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 5 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary ­ ­ ­ 11 Statement of Receipts and Payments from 1st April, 1947, to 31st August, 1947 ­ 12 ־ ­ ­ Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st August, 1947 14 ־ ­ ­ Sale of Unclaimed Goods ­ ­ 15 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND BANKRUPTCIES, ETC. ­ ­ 15 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Municipal Corporations (Nomination of Municipal Commission) (Jerusalem) (Amendment) Order, 1948, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 ­ 3 Notice under the Department of Labour Ordinance, 1943, appointing a Person to be an Inspector for the Purpose of the Ordinance ­ ­ ­ 3 Road Transport (Palestine Electric Corporation Limited) Order, 1948, under the ־ ­ ־ ­ Road Transport Rules ­ 3 Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) (Amendment) Rules, 1948, under the Road ־ ­ ­ Transport Ordinance ­ ­ 4 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regard­ ing Withdrawal from Acquisition of certain in Natanya ­ ­ 5 Ports of Haifa and Jaffa (Storage Dues) (Amendment) Rules, 1948, under the ־ ­ Ports Ordinance ­ ­ ­ 5 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Detailed Scheme within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area ­ 6 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Detailed Schemes within the Nathanya Town Planning Area and the Samaria District Regional Planning Area ­ ­ ­ 6 Notice of De­Requisition of Land by a Competent Authority, under the Defence 11־ ­ ­ ­ Regulations, 1939 (Continued) PRICE: 50 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Notice under the Press Ordinance, regarding a Change in a Permit for Publica­ tion of a Newspaper ­ ­ ­ Notice under the Land Registers Ordinance, 1944, regarding Destruction of Entries in Land Registers in respect of certain Lands ­ Notice under the Food Control (Prohibition of Slaughter of Cattle) Order (No. 2), ־ ­ ­ ­ ­ 1947 Notice under the Food Control (Prohibition of Sale of Beef and Veal) Order (No. 2), 1947 1st January 1948 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1638. 3 CONFIRMATION OF OEDINANCES. I. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 30 of 1947 entitled "Civil Trial of Members of the Forces (Amendment) Ordinance, 1947". H. L. G. GURNEY 24th December, 1947. Chißf :Secretary. (J/27/46) II. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in res• pect of Ordinance No. 35 of 1947 entitled "War Loan (Bearer Bonds) (Amend• ment No. 2) Ordinance, 194-7". - H. L. G. GURNEY 22nd December, 1947. Chißf Secretary. (F/37/44) III. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 36 of 1947 entitled "Administrator General (x\mendment) Ordi• nance, 1947". H. L. G. GURNEY 23rd December, 1947. Chißf Secretary. (F/CL/15/47) IV. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 40 of 1947 entitled "Criminal Procedure (Trial upon Informa• tion) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1947". H. L. G. GURNEY 25th December, 1947. Chißf Secretary. (J/48/44) TEANSJOEDAN FEONTIEE FOECE LONG SEEVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL HIS EXCELLENCY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER has been pleased to award the Transjordan Frontier Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to:— 1626 U/A/C TEWFIC ABDULLAH EAIS TEWFIC DIAB By His Excellency's Command, H. L. G. GURNEY 30th December, 1947. Chief Secretary. Settlement, to be Land Officer, with effect from OBITUARY. the 1st April, 1947. The High Commissioner announces Mr E. ROSENSHEIN, Land and Water Clerk with regret the death of JIBRIL ' EFF. Grade I, Department of Land Settlement, to ABDUL HADI ZAQQUT, Education Officer be Land Officer, with effect from the 1st April, Grade IV, Department of Education, on 1947. the 10th December, 1947: Mr M. ITSHAQI, Land and Water Clerk Grade I, Department of Land Settlement, to APPOINTMENTS, ETC. be Land Officer, with effect from the 1st April, 1947. APPOINTMENTS. FOUAD EFF. HALAZOUN, Land Officer, Grade The High Commissioner has appointed: — II, Department of Land Settlement, to be MICHAEL EFF. GEORGE NASSAR, Land and Inspector of Valuation, with effect from the Water Clerk Crade I, Department of Land 1st April, 1947. 4. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1638. 1st January 1948 Mr B. LIPHSHITZ, Assistant Town Planning in respect of these notes should communicate with Superintendent, Department of Town Plan• the Currency Officer, Jerusalem. ning, to be Town Planning Superintendent, Number Value Name of Claimant with effect from the 1st April, 1947. of Note Mr C. H. BUSHELL, Assistant Auditor, Audit E.3G3712 500 Mils Department, to act as Senior Auditor, with F.685350/ 500 Mils Mr Joseph Pinhas, Tel effect from the 18th December, 1947, until fur• E.003779 Aviv ther order. D.981126/ 500 Mils D.872023 Dr P. HAMBURGER, Senior Assistant Statis Bottros Eff. Ibrahim C.9132R1 LP.5 tician, Department of Statistics, to act as Mishrky, Jerusalem. Assistant Government Statistician, with effect B.419724 LP.10 Adel Eff. El Hawwash, from the 22nd December, 1947, until further Jerusalem. order. T.520806 LP.l Saleh Eff. Freih Dabab- neh, Jerusalem. Mr N. SLAVNY, Assistant Statistician, De• V.H76957 LP.l Muhammed Eff. Samara, partment of Statistics, to act as Senior As• Kafr 'Ana Village, Jaffa sistant Statistician, with effect from the 22nd District. December, 1947, until further order. D. 585630 ! LP.l Ahmad Eff. Zu'bi, Beisan. Social Department, Local K.195066 ; Lp•! Mr I. G. H. HANANIA, Accountant and Es• Council, Eamat Gan. tablishment Officer, Department of Statistics, H.5446S9 J 500 Mils Izzat Eff. Said Kamal, to act as Senior Assistant Statistician, with Jaffa. effect from the 22nd December, 1947, until fur• J.034727 ! LP.l Mr Nishan Mazmanian, ther order, Jaffa. M.016520 ! LP.l Safawat Eff. M. Shahin, Mr W. R. C. KEELER, Inspector, Department Jaffa. of Labour, to act as Chief Inspector, with effect K.712950/ J LP.l Barclays Bank (D.C.&O.), from the 26th November, 1947, until further G.552137 Jerusalem. order. L.487837 1 LP.l Mr Sender Shur, Haifa. N.404320 j LP.l Hanna Eff. Salim Abu Mr A. A. HABRA, Clerk Grade I, Department Ata, Haifa. of Education, to act as Accountant and Esta• C. 711546 J LP.5 Mr Solomon Hassan, Tibe• blishment Officer, with effect from the 22nd rias. December, 1947, until further order. G.530131/ I 500 Mils G.620890 Mr S. WEISEL, Accountant, Office of the Ac• F.099333/ I 500 Mils countant General, to act as Senior Accountant, F.947493 i with effect from the 28th August, 1947, until F.125506/ ! 500 Mils The Anglo-Palestine Bank further order. F. 935433 I Ltd., Jerusalem G. 049969/ Mr M. ASHKENAZY, Accountant, Department F.878170 ' 500 Mils of Posts and Telegraphs, to act as Deputy F. 182073/ Chief Accountant, with effect from the 21st E. 406047 500 Mils December, 1947, until further order. P.974642 Mr Israel Barochoff, Jeru• LP.l salem. G. 266228/ The Palestine Discount F. 809358 500 Mils Bank Ltd., Jerusalem. TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. J.277575 Zaki Eff. Saffarini, Tul- 500 Mils karm The acting appointment of Mr V. H. PAR- F.935479/ 500 Mils NAS, Accountant, Department of Posts arid H. 406285 Telegraphs, as Deputy Chief Accountant, pub• F. 860649/ 500 Mils lished in Palestine Gazette No. 1631 of the 4th G. 139738 Workers Bank Ltd., Tel Aviv. December, 1947, ceased with effect from the 26th D. 775948 500 Mils December, 1947. F.345848 I 500 Mils F.102997 j 500 Mils C.828804 ! LP.l E. 843803 j LP.l TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT. L.866955 ; LP.i Mohammad Eff. Mustafa H. 226808 ! LP.l Shinawwi, Haifa. The appointment of Mr C. A. R. LAWRENCE, L.164137 ! LP.l Deputy Superintendent, Police Force, termin• ated with effect from the 27th November, 1947. The following notes in respect of Abdulatif Eff. Omar Souan, Eamle, of the denominations of £P.l each: — NOTICE. S.317659, M.185758, M.110617, T.195820, T.421168, K.959071, N.391944, J.871120, S.281036, U.973790, Notice is hereby given that Dr Alexander L.124350, U.064868, T.994607, M.585785, H.182916, Zolkowitz, Advocate of Haifa, paid his annual HJ 94564, T.825802, X.300224, X.313778, X.273416, practising fees after the period prescribed by X.135125, U.726476, P.631249, F.869225, P.526136, the Chief Justice in Rule 3(1) of the Advocates S.922423, E.364126, L.975396, X.128854, L.690171, Rules, 1943, i.e. after the 31st of January, 1947. 'P.077998, P.112668, S.493926, M.411003, T.396842, M. COTEAN E.457472, M.6059S6, B.715175, U.852107, M.288309, Deputy Chief Registrar, W.858975, U.714645, X.530382, P.614814, T.939745, Officer in Charge of the Roll of Advocates. R.182304, K.844967, M.673802, L.306200• W.900425, 20th December, 1947. W.954243, V.403380, R.605719, U.995394, M.621998, W.605347, X.490844, W.706806,, T.947165, V.168511, X.533332, U.115426, X.533318, N.471189, T.835967, PALESTINE CUBBENCY BOAED.
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