June 5, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5963 While it can do much more, China has The text of the resolution is as fol- ance, and urban planning projects that were taken some steps to alleviate the suffering in lows: undertaken openly and with the knowledge of the Iranian Government; Darfur. Last November, China helped nego- H. RES. 430 Whereas on May 31, 2007, a State Depart- tiate the agreement at Addis Abba which Whereas Haleh Esfandiari, Ph.D., holds ment spokesman announced that California called for the deployment of a joint United Na- dual citizenship in the United States and businessman Ali Shakeri, who holds dual tions/African Union peacekeeping force. In Iran; citizenship in the United States and Iran, May, China appointed a Special Envoy to Whereas Dr. Esfandiari taught Persian lan- had been arrested approximately ten days guage and literature for many years at Sudan and pledged $5.1 million in humani- earlier; Princeton University, where she inspired un- Whereas Mr. Shakeri serves on the board of tarian aid to Darfur. Yet these positive steps told numbers of students to study the rich University of California at Irvine’s Center are far outweighed by China’s continuing sup- Persian language and culture; for Citizen Peacebuilding, a research institu- port for the genocidal regime in Khartoum. Whereas Dr. Esfandiari is a resident of the tion that seeks to promote reconciliation Unless China acts to pressure the Khartoum State of Maryland and the Director of the and sustainable peace in areas of inter- Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson government into accepting a U.N. peace- national conflict; International Center for Scholars in Wash- keeping force, China risks having the 2008 Whereas Mr. Shakeri’s arrest occurred as ington, D.C. (referred to in this preamble as Beijing Olympics forever known as the geno- he sought to leave the country after having the ‘‘Wilson Center’’); cide Olympics. China must condemn the vio- Whereas, for the past decade, Dr. visited his ill mother, who passed away dur- lence taking place in Darfur, halt all military Esfandiari has traveled to Iran twice a year ing his stay; arms sales to Sudan, and suspend economic to visit her ailing now-93-year-old mother; Whereas reports indicate that a fifth dual ties to Sudan until the Government of Sudan Whereas, in December 2006, on her return American-Iranian citizen, who has thus far stops attacking civilians, complies with U.N. to the airport during her last visit to Iran, remained anonymous, has also been impris- oned unjustly by Iranian authorities; Security Council resolutions, and enters into Dr. Esfandiari was robbed by three masked, knife-wielding men, who stole her travel doc- Whereas the Iranian Government has yet peace negotiations with rebel groups. to produce evidence of wrongdoing by any of As China rises as a power in the 21st cen- uments, luggage, and other effects; Whereas, when Dr. Esfandiari attempted to these individuals to justify its actions to- tury, it must realize that with its increased obtain replacement travel documents in ward them; and power comes a greater responsibility to take Iran, she was summoned to an interview by Whereas Dr. Esfandiari, Ms. Azima, and action to stop genocide. Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence; Mr. Tajbakhsh have been charged with espio- Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Whereas Dr. Esfandiari was interrogated nage and, if convicted, face execution: Now, voice my support for H. Res. 422, which calls by the Ministry of Intelligence for seven to therefore, be it eight hours per day; Resolved, That Iran should immediately on the Government of the People’s Republic and unconditionally release dual Iranian- of China to use its unique influence and eco- Whereas the questioning by the Ministry of Intelligence focused on the Middle East Pro- American citizens Dr. Haleh Esfandiari, Ms. nomic leverage to stop the genocide and vio- gram at the Wilson Center; Parnaz Azima, Mr. Kian Tajbakhsh, Mr. Ali lence in Darfur. Whereas Dr. Esfandiari answered all ques- Shakeri, and a fifth unnamed individual also The world must be united in its call for an tions to the best of her ability, and the Wil- being detained against his will, replace their end to genocide. As China seeks to enter onto son Center also provided extensive informa- lost travel documents, cease its tactics of the world stage as a global economic and dip- tion to the Ministry in a good faith effort to harassment, and permit them to leave Iran. lomatic power, the government must assume aid Dr. Esfandiari; Amend the title so as to read: A resolu- Whereas Lee Hamilton, former United tion ‘‘calling for Iran to immediately release the responsibility, as well as the benefits that five dual Iranian-American citizens cur- accompany this distinction. States Representative and president of the Wilson Center, has written to Iranian leader rently being held unjustly.’’. China must use its close economic and mili- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to call his attention The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tary ties and advise the Sudanese government to Dr. Esfandiari’s dire situation; ant to the rule, the gentleman from that genocide is very bad for business. Con- Whereas Mr. Hamilton repeated that the Tennessee (Mr. TANNER) and the gen- gress and the world are watching. It is impera- Wilson Center’s mission is to provide forums tlewoman from Florida (Ms. ROS- tive that China uses its power in a responsible to exchange views and opinions and not to LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. manner and help bring a change to this trou- take positions on issues, nor try to influence The Chair recognizes the gentleman bled region. specific outcomes; from Tennessee. Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Whereas the lengthy interrogations of Dr. back the balance of my time. Esfandiari by the Ministry of Intelligence of GENERAL LEAVE Iran stopped on February 14, 2007, but she The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, I ask heard nothing for ten weeks and was denied unanimous consent that all Members question is on the motion offered by her passport; the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Whereas, on May 7, 2007, Dr. Esfandiari was may have 5 legislative days to revise TANNER) that the House suspend the summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence and extend their remarks and include rules and agree to the resolution, H. and taken immediately to Evin prison, where extraneous material on the resolution Res. 422. she was arrested and is currently being held; under consideration. The question was taken. Whereas Iran’s Intelligence Ministry has The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the implicated Dr. Esfandiari and the Wilson objection to the request of the gen- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Center in advancing what it alleges is the tleman from Tennessee? United States Government’s aim of a ‘‘soft in the affirmative, the ayes have it. There was no objection. revolution’’ in Iran; Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, on that I Whereas Parnaz Azima holds dual citizen- demand the yeas and nays. ship in the United States and Iran; support of this resolution and yield The yeas and nays were ordered. Whereas Ms. Azima is a journalist for myself as much time as I may con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Radio Farda; sume. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Whereas the Iranian Government con- Mr. Speaker, just a few short months Chair’s prior announcement, further fiscated the passport of Ms. Azima when she ago, a remarkably accomplished Ira- proceedings on this question will be arrived in Iran to visit her ill mother in Jan- nian American woman, Dr. Haleh uary of 2007; postponed. Esfandiari, made a decision that any of Whereas the Iranian authorities have in- us would make under a similar cir- f terrogated Ms. Azima on multiple occasions; cumstance. Her 93-year-old mother was CALLING ON THE GOVERNMENT Whereas Ms. Azima’s attorney was told in April 2007 that she would be detained in Iran failing and she needed to visit her in OF IRAN TO RELEASE DR. for at least two years or more; Tehran without delay. She boarded a HALEH ESFANDIARI Whereas social scientist Kian Tajbakhsh flight to Iran, completely unsuspecting Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, I move to was arrested in mid-May by Iranian security of what would unfold. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- officials while consulting for the Open Soci- After a visit with her ailing mother, lution (H. Res. 430) calling on the Gov- ety Institute, which runs humanitarian pro- Dr. Esfandiari reached the Tehran air- ernment of the Islamic Republic of grams in Iran; port. As one of the leading Middle East Whereas Mr. Tajbakhsh holds dual citizen- Iran to immediately release Dr. Haleh ship in the United States and Iran; scholars in the United States at the Esfandiari, as amended. Whereas Mr. Tajbakhsh was retained by highly respected Woodrow Wilson Insti- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- the Open Society Institute as a consultant to tute, she had no reason to believe she tion. facilitate public health, humanitarian assist- was about to encounter trouble. But on VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:18 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\H05JN7.REC H05JN7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 5, 2007 her way to the airport, she was at- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I tacked by plain-clothed, knife-wielding my time.
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