41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2010) 1130.pdf THE GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT OF IO: CONSEQUENCES FOR LITHOSPHERE STRUCTURE AND VOLCANIC ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY. G. Leone1, L. Wilson1 and A. G. Davies2, 1Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK ([email protected]; [email protected]), 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena CA 91109-8099, USA ([email protected]) Introduction: Near-surface sulphur compounds modulus ~10 GPa, and SO2 and S in the mass ratio of on Io are mobilized by interaction with erupted vol- 5:1, both with density ~2000 kg m-3. The ratio of sili- canic materials [1-3], incorporated into eruption prod- cates to volatiles is a variable in the model. We include ucts and buried by later eruptions. Thus the internal the variation of acceleration due to gravity with depth: temperature structure of Io [4] exerts a vital control on g = g0 [(R - z)/R] where R is the radius of Io, ~1815 km, and g0 is the the distribution of the recycled volatiles and how they -2 interact with rising magmas. This influences both sur- acceleration due to gravity at the surface, ~1.8 m s . face eruption styles [5] and the presence or absence of Finally we correct the thermal diffusivity, defined as κ subsurface magma reservoirs [6]. = k / (ρl Cp), for the dependence of thermal conductiv- Methods: To improve estimates of the variation of ity k on porosity: 2 temperature T with depth z in Io's lithosphere we util- k / k0 = 1 - 1.738 vv + 0.8228 vv ized the basic equations defined by [4]: where k0 is the value of k when vv = 0. Results: The key model variable is the volcanic Fa = V ρm [ΔH + Cpa (Tm - Ts)] and heat flux, Fa, for which we assume a present-day value of 2.4 W m-2 [10-13]. We then explore the conse- #2T #T A V quences of using smaller values to reflect the possibly " 2 = $ #z #z %l cp complex spatial and temporal history of Io's heat flux where Fa is the volcanically advected volcanic heat [14-18]. flux per unit area of the planet, V is the resurfacing (i.e. Table 1 shows how thermal parameters vary with surface burial) rate, ρm is the density of erupted magma depth for the present-day heat flow Fa and a litho- ! -3 (2700 kg m ), ρl is the depth-dependent bulk density sphere thickness of 30 km. Temperature initially in- of the lithosphere, Cp and κ are the magma specific creases slowly with depth and then rises very rapidly to heat and thermal diffusivity, respectively, ΔH is the the mantle temperature. Figure 1 shows how varying 5 -1 latent heat of magma crystallization (4.5 × 10 J kg ), Fa changes the temperature structure. Our results A is the radiogenic heat production rate in the litho- broadly agree with those of [4]: our model produces sphere (initially assumed equal to the bulk Earth value somewhat higher temperatures at intermediate depths ~2.4 × 10-8 W m-3, though varying the value by a factor in the lithosphere with a corresponding less-rapid in- crease near the lithosphere base. of 2 has a negligible influence on the results), and Tm Consequences for volcanism: For the current heat and Ts are the magma temperature in the mantle source region and the mean surface temperature, 1500 K and flow, each temperature profile in Figure 1 gives the 100 K, respectively. Average values of the thermal depths (~21 and 26 km), temperatures (209 and 421 K) and pressures (92 and 118 MPa) at which SO2 and sul- parameters Cp and κ were used by [4] to make an ana- phur melt. We find the bulk density of rising magma as lytical solution of these equations possible, but we it incorporates various amounts of these volatiles from have used a numerical solution method implemented as aquifers produced by melting and compare this with a FORTRAN program allowing us to make Cp and κ the lithosphere density through which the magma rises: continuous functions of temperature based on data (a) volatile-free magmas are positively buoyant at from [7] and [8]. Over the 100 to 1500 K temperature the base of the lithosphere for surface void space frac- range C is found to be equal to 1040 J kg-1 K-1. We pa tions, v , < ~0.38 but become neutrally buoyant at evaluate the bulk density of the lithosphere rocks by v0 some depth, where they may form intrusions growing assuming a surface porosity void space fraction v , up v0 into magma reservoirs. The neutral buoyancy depths to 0.3 (i.e. 30% porosity) and integrating numerically for vv0 = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 are 0.2, 14.8 and 23.0 km, the increase of density ρl and pressure P as the void respectively. Only if vv0 = 0 will a volatile-free magma space compacts like be positively buoyant all the way to the surface. vv = vv0 exp(-λ P) (b) magmas absorbing more than ~5 mass % of the where λ = 1.18 × 10-8 Pa-1 is a constant independent of S2-SO2 mixture from deep aquifers will be positively the acceleraton due to gravity [9] and buoyant at all depths for all plausible values of vv0. ρl = ρc (1 - vv) (c) magmas absorbing 10-30 mass % of volatiles, where ρc is the density of an assumed mixture of sili- the range implied by the highest eruption plumes, will cates with density 3000 kg m-3 at the surface and bulk 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2010) 1130.pdf be very positively buoyant, and the pressure gradients References: [1] Kieffer, S.W. 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Model parameters are advective (volcanic) heat flux Fa = 2.4 W m , radiogenic heat pro- -8 -3 duction rate A = 2.4 × 10 W m , lithosphere thickness 30 km, surface void space fraction vv0 = 0.3, surface tem- perature T0 = 100 K and magma temperature Tm = 1500 K. z ρl P T k Cp κ / km / (kg m-3) / MPa / K / (W m-1 K-1) / (J kg-1 K-1) / (m2 s-1) 0.0 2096 0.0 100 1.47 226 3.10 × 10-6 10.0 2440 40.9 117 2.36 286 3.37 × 10-6 20.0 2672 86.7 189 3.29 510 2.41 × 10-6 25.0 2752 110.8 326 3.24 815 1.45 × 10-6 26.0 2766 115.7 386 3.04 898 1.23 × 10-6 27.0 2779 120.6 474 2.72 982 9.97 × 10-7 28.0 2791 125.5 615 2.29 1078 7.61 × 10-7 29.0 2802 130.5 882 1.78 1162 5.47 × 10-7 29.5 2808 133.0 1122 1.75 1197 5.19 × 10-7 29.6 2809 133.5 1185 1.74 1207 5.12 × 10-7 29.7 2810 134.0 1252 1.72 1216 5.04 × 10-7 29.8 2811 134.5 1327 1.71 1227 4.96 × 10-7 29.9 2812 135.0 1410 1.69 1239 4.86 × 10-7 30.0 2813 135.5 1500 1.67 1252 4.75 × 10-7 .
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