- r* V; ; 'jfv'X. .1 ■f M O B TWE w rr THURSDAY, JtIl Y 1«. 19S9 iUanrIr(Bt(r Stti^nitts Iftralh Average DmIIv Net PrcM Run 4 ^ Fm- tiM Week Ended Tti* Weather \ . - .................................. Ferwaat of 0 . O. WeetlMr OenNW Tomti Will Close st th* hearing, Charles Morrison | ractora qhoa# ta aacluda waa flO,- May $Srd, ItSt About Town of 32 Constanre Dr., asked, 000 for architectural and anginaer-1 whether the tou-n had considered | Building Unit Ing advice on the tong-range plgn | dMU’ teMglit eteeet smm iog The AelN-Atton Army »1ll con­ Hoad Extension i closing the extension temporarily! of school rcnqvatione. 12,925 late kHKikt. Law M to M 4egreaa. duct en open air aenice tonight ( to observe results, before taking, The Building Committee will i Member ol the Audit Towerrow fair, hat, huinM, Mfli at 7;S0. In the event of rain an in -' The extension of Westminster ; the final step. Martin said this had! Meets Monday diacuts the need for thik^, appro-! | Bureau of OIrealatlou I been considered, but that the .Slate temperatw'ro aear M degreaa. door eervlce wtU be held at the Rdj .through an eaplanade between prlation at Monday’s masting. VIC’S Maneh9$tPT-^A City of Village Charm atadal at the same hour. i agreement on putting up a traffic The School’ Building Committee ' Porter St. and K. Center_SUwill be light at Lenox and E. Ceijter pre- wilt meet Monday at • p.m. In Army Capt. Harold B. Hodge.' closed up probably m September, ; supposed that the Weatminater e x -! 153 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE Barnard Junior High School to dle- VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 244 (SIXTEEN PAGES) aon of Mr. and M n. Harold General Manager Richard Martin , Icnaion would be closed perma-' MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 19.59 (UlaMined Atfvertlaing m t t * $ » 14) PRICE FIVE CBNTi Hodge, W .Tarvlt Rd.. recently le- , nently. ciisa the $28,800' appropriation aaid today. tiimed tb the United States from i The managfr aald the extension made Tueaday by the Board of Hawaii hltend the officers ad-; The manager held a hearing last VALUE 1 could he closed In September, the Directors for ..Immediate school r-ance course at the Chemical: night in the Municipal Building on j roadbed torn out. topaoll and curb WE WILL BE E q u a l T im e ®»ys Well Scho^. Ft- McClellan. Ala A the proposed abandonment. It I Installed, and grssa planted. renovations, ’ graduate M Manchester High-, would be a part of a new traffic The committee will meet with Select Bad Tai^et School «i>d of Norwich University, i pattern featuring a traffic light at Chief of Police Jamea Reardon, Superintendent o f Schools Arthur PLUS Steel Walkout waa alao at the manager’s hearing.! NorthfiMd. Vt.. In 1»S1. he en-. the Intersection of E. Center with H. Illing to tour Educational New Enghuid Coloolal with Easing Backed tered the Army In IPSl, |a newly /hpilt exteniion of Lenox Under the new pattern, west­ Square during the meeting. Mem­ Sail Francisco. July 17 op)-- bound Irafftc out of Porter St. will breecoway a$id gorage; 1 </i tiled Three smalt boys picked the Castro Quits St. through the esplanade. bers of the Board _ of Education CLOSED Charles Rohan. SS Gardner St,; Approval of closing the West­ use the Lenox St. extension to will alao attend. hoths. Formal dining room, S By Humphrey wrong target when they slid a has been admitted to the Blast | minster extension is now expected enter E. CenteV. The remaining lied rooms, toll Iwaemoof, ahiml- Losses Mount u ...... 25-pound chunk of Ice down a The $28,400 appropriated by the Hartford Hospital for an opera­ to he given by the Board of nlrec- portion of Porter SI. to E, Center ■teep hill toward an automo­ Board of Directors was intended to nnm combination windows. Ex­ Washington, July 17 (JP)— bile. tion on Ws hand, which was ln-| tors. will he one i^'ay for eastbound be split into four ailocationa: )unHl in A^ril. Martin aald the only taxpayer .^raffle. cellent VA or FMA mortgage FOR VACATION By WILLIAM A. SW.ARTWOBTH^hem............... from New York _as part_ of a A partial blackout from one of In the cor wag Policeman $6,300 for fire prevention . meaa- available.' Immediate oecu* union campaign to boost — Dennis Johnstone. 35. Th* Ice Martin h ^ ‘ proposed to abandon iirea in seven schools, $600 for the Pittsburgh, /u ly 17 (IP)— striker 1 his favorite media television Gets Gold Award panejr. bounded into the right front al,«o the exfBi.slon of Goodirtn SL sietjs at Bowers playground. $11,- Steel production loss mounted morale. Howard R. Hague. USW'|— brought a demand from Ml.sa Jean, Rebecca Hsmill, vice president fender. Johnstone swerx'ed to through the east end of the es­ 800 for equipment and furmture. at. JULY 20 to JULY 27 resident, touring the j ggn. Hubert Humphre.v , (D . Rally Supporters totvard $100 million today in planade. deplendihg on future oh- daughter of Mr; and Mra. Robert Chicago0 area while I. W. Abel, the left, then to the right, Educational Square, and $10,000 the third day of the nation­ yecretarvry-treasurer, w., was ...in i..*the ^ ' ’' " !. ^oda.V, fo. r . speedt, Con-, s'ervatlon-of how the new pattern F. Hamill, ,3t Vine St., haa been struck s curb, then a tree. for maintainance at'Educatlonal JARVIS REALTY GO. wide steel strike. No end to Pittsburgh dislrict, gre.ssional revision of the He was thrown from the car works oul. The Board of Directors awarded a PhilipT ,A. Goold arholar- Square.' OPEN JULY 28 has tabled the propnsal on aban­ MI S-tIl$^M 1 9-ISOO the crippling shutdown is in The union president told a R adio-T \’ etiual tim e rule, and slid 12 feeh down th* hill. NOTICE ship at Hillyer y/i'ollege,/College, of the The Board of Education had doning that extension, pending the cheering throng: Because his friends put him into He watched the kids disap­ hoped for a $38,200 appropriation. sight. "Industry riever wanted a con- the race for the I960 Democratic pearing over a backyard observation. University’ of Hartford, The Item which the Board of ’Di- MI D-1878.—.Ml $-7847 Many more millions in wages - The award carries full tjiltion tract. It never really made us an presidential nomination this week, fence. • . ' ' Radios A sk T o Hartford Electric LigH^^^Company have been lost by 500,000 striking offer. We did not wanC to litrike. Humphrey said his scheduled sp­ for the freshman year, and la United Steelworkers, quietly man­ Despite cuts and bruises, he I it was the steel industry itself pearanre on CB.S’ "Face the Na- chased the boys over the Cu»tomer» in the Manchester Area given annually to a high achoni ning picket lines at darkened mills, that provoked the shutdown. tion" next Sunday had been can- graduate active In the program of Loses on both sides will grow fences and collared them- McDonald indicated he would celed. Then he serx’ed their parents I Cuba Recall L T. WOOD CO. the YMCA. YWCA. Catholic steadily. The negotialionz front is return to New York today. Humph'-ey said (TBS attorne.vs Youth Organization, the Jewish •tatic. with citations accusing the For yonr convenience. In addition to onr Company office ICC SLANT R. Conrad Cooper, chief industry had rulied he was officially a can- boys with malicious mischief. fi\ BISSCU. ST. Community Center. oi' a church In^Wishington, Ptesident Eisen- negotiator. was in Pittahurgh. didate and that the network would located at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. Connecticut, group. Demonstrated religious and Secretary of Labor i They have a date in juvenile N o. 1 Man ' Joseph Finnegan, director of the have to give other aspirants, court. pa3rment of service bills and other charges may he made Cuhe^-i.ru^hed-RlorUf leadership 'among young people Is THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Jamea P. Mitchell conferied for an : mediation and conciliation time on news program* on i at the following authorized locations in the Manchester also required. The award may he hour and 45 minutes today on the aervice, plans to meet separately " ’hich he appeared, Rv HAROLD K. HillJU renewed as a general acholarahlp steel strike but the White House with the union and industr.v Mon- On the other hand he was invited Havana, July 17 (/P)— Fidel area: In the aophomore year. CloM.yaur tyot ond imagina you art sit* declined to provide any. details. dav in an effort to And a basis for and pro.-nptly acceptiyl an invita- Castro ia quitting u primis ~X June graduate of Mancheater There's little optimism on the resuming joint talks. ^ tion to appear today on NBC's "To- Hartford Gas fing on on ieobtrg with cool b rttiM part of strikers, the slee.l indus­ minister, apparently to rally' G p m h f ^ r m o e y 501 Middle Tphn.. High Srhool. Mlsa Hamill was F.xplorea PoslHon* day” sho'.v. elected to the National Honor So­ try or the government that the Finnegan explored the positions I There he said he felt the CBS I I public aupport for his troubled J. W. Hole Corp. 945 Main Street new LONDo ciety and the Legion of Honor. Mowing through your hair and a hiet tall contract stalemate can be resolved of both sides in New York meet- ban was an effort to subject him Hop es to Bar rcRime.
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