' i l l E ( >OUR IER-G, \ZE' j" I E. HOCK LAN I> GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1840. i ®{jt $rtss is t{n ^njrimcbtan $tbcr that 3#°bcs tin Olorlb at £too Dollars a $car I TWO DOLLARS A TEAR IN ADVANOBl ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1874. I (SINGLE COPIES PRICE EIVK CENT8. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE is, 1889. V o l . 8.— N e w S e r ie s . D umber 23 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. SEA AND SHORE. rises the red roof of the old Ober homestead, EDITORIAL CHAT. NEW PHOTO ROOMS where the mother and sister of the Ideal Obcr NEW ENGLAND reside. Ideal Lodge is the name given to the The June number of the Union Farmer is up Before deciding where to have your Something About the Cost in Various A Jolly Trip in a Gallant Ship rejuvenated homestead. Near it is a long, low to the usual high mark of that interesting picture taken, call at the new studio Cities and Towns. building where the Indy of fame shoots at her monthly. CLOTHING HOUSE! gueBts—with a camera. John Holman of From Rockland to Ellsworth Along a Brookline, Mass , has a very handsome sum­ Nine states hive adopted some kind of secret — DEALERS 15— 362 MAIN STREET. An Article Worth Preserving for Future Beautiful Coast. mer home on the Point. Prof. Hills of Welles­ ballot system, and Maine must soon come into Nothing hut first-clasH work done. Reference. We left our readers last week spell-bound at ley College being another of the fortunate resi­ line. Papers thrt are in favor of ballot pro­ Children a specialty. I be matter of electric lighting is Interesting Northwest Harbor. Deer Isle, nnd will proceed dents. Hon. George 11. Stover of New York tection of this sort should strive to keep the Clothing, Hats, Caps, a good many towns and cities just at the pres­ to take ’em along farther, although Northwest has n beautiful summer home on the green matter before tbe people, anil build up a public ent time, and n comparison of the costs in Harbor Is a good place to stay. It being lug slope of the main-land, to the right ns we pick sentiment that shall demand snitnhle laws. —AND— Miss Frances A. Wade. different cities may prove of value to such as tide the sturdy little Bluchill went overland, as our way through,the tortuous winding channel are interested. it were, that it, taking a short cut between By the way* the pigs-in-the-clovor nnd razzle- A yacht race poem, “Rounding the Stake- GENTS’ FEJRNISHING GOODS. Portland is justly noted for the kind nnd Deer Isle and Little Peer Isle, and thence to dazzle puzzles arc simplicity themselves com­ boat,” by the Rev. Walter Mitchell, author ot character of its lights. No city in the country Sargentville. The usual course is around pared to this dizzy channel. The steamboat in the oft-quoted sea song, "Tacking Ship off Encouraged by our largo incroawo of bunincfla over that of corresponding montlia of any previous year, YOU S A W , is better lighted, nnd ns the comparison given Little Deer Isle, and past Pumpkin Island with entering makes the figure eight four times, Shore," will appear, with seven accompanying and believing that in t hi a city and vicinity the com- below will show, hardly a cltv in the country its light. The keeper ol this light, by the way, writes and puts an extra quirk and turn on the illustrations, in Harper's Magazine for July. ing year will be one of great commercial and indus­ is lighted so cheaply. The Consolidated trial activity, wo have made preparations accord­ is Charles Babson,an old soldier who lost a leg last one, but Capt. Crockett knows just where The poet sings from the point of view of the ingly. HE S A W , Electric Light Company is giving Portland in the army. Mr. Babson is a member of James the quirks eoine. If we had to go in there on winning boat. excellent service. A. Garfield Post, G. A. It., of Bluehill, nnd n dark und stormy night, we’d get out and Men's & Youths’ Suits As in the production oreverything else there on Memorial Day went all the long Interven­ walk in. The Maine Farmer has received crop reports I S A W , are many things local in their nature which ing distance to participate in the day’s services. llt.U E IilLL VILLAGE from its large corps of correspondents in the We have opened a very large and attractive lino of influence the cost of electric light. The price Sargentville is an attractive villigc so named Men’s and Youth’s Suits, which embrace every­ is some distance above the wharf, and at the state. All agree that the prospects for a boun­ thing that is new, novel and magnificent. We will of Inbor is different in different places, the cost on account of the prevalence of tamilics of that head of sloop navigation. It is a pretty village tiful harvest were never better and the season simply stnte that everyone who examines our stock And all could see who were fitted of fuel varies, as does the cost of land and the name in the vicinity. Prominent among the with a beautiful view seaward. It has two is certainly two weeks in advance of last year. will acknowledge that we offer the best assortment cost of materials. houses of the town is the handsome residence churches, Congregational, Rev. Mr. Drew, and to select from In uocklund at with Glasses at The condition of tbe grass crop Is incompara­ I here are five forms of contracts made or W. G. Sargent. The flaring boards ot a Baptist, Rev. Mr. Mason. The Memorial ble, tbe only variation being perhaps in UNCOMMONLY LOW PR IC ES! between companies in the various cities and new bouse shows that there’s some building Day services were held in,ihe Congregational Aroostook und Franklin counties, where the towns now using electric lights, relative to the going on there. church. Bluehill is noted for the excellent grass was winter killed. While the fruit crop form of burning. The first form is for lights SEDGWICK music provided on all such public occasions will hot be as large as last year it will he more Genthner’S. to hum Irom dusk until dawn on every night Light-W eight Overcoats comes next on the list. As the Richmond and last Memorial Day was no exception. In valuable. Stock raising has received n black in the year. This makes an average in New pulls out irom the wharf the Bluebill slips in tne cemetery stands a handsome granite eye on account of tho low price of beef. Every­ To supply the Increasing demand for these useful lie also keeps a complete line of England of about twelve hours n day for the eery neatly and takes her place. Then out for soldiers monument, and up the hill is the wind­ thing shows that the farmers nre not discour­ Garments we are prepared to show a much larger year. The second form of eonfrnct is for the mill that furnishcs’the power for the polishing and handsomer line than ever before. Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. Brooklin we go, meeting the Clmbrta ns she aged by the ill luck of last year but have gone time from dusk until 12 o’clock, and this steams down the Thoroughlare. At Brooklin mnehinerv of Howard A Green who cut the to work again in earnest, with a good prospect amounts on nn average to six hours a night monument referred to and also the elaborate the boat makes a long stop, having a great this season of a rich return for their labor. Boys’ Clothing! for the year. The third form is on what is deal of freight to discharge. As we pass into one at Ellsworth. From Bluebill overland to 416 MAIN STREET. called "a moon table.” That is, the lights are Brooklin is a beautiful drive with ever chang­ We have now ready the most extensive and lest the harbor a crew of men is seen nt work on assortment of Boys’ Spring Suits in this city and at to hum from dusk until the moon rises, and ing views of lund and water, with the frown- J,\ SUBSTANTIAL WHARF, ABOUT TOWN, very Low Prices. PERCHERON STALLION then are to he put out, When the moon does peaks of Mt. Desert’s massive piles of rock not appenr until midnight the lights burn running out to deep water so that larger boats nnd cliffs seemingly near at bund. NEW ENGLAND until thnt hour, and arc then put out. The may stop there. This whart is being budded Next week Surry and Ellsworth with the in­ CRESUS! fourth lorru of contract is lor the lights to bum by a corporation of the town’s citizens. A tervening rocky road will receive our attention. on “dark nights,” but to be paid for as if they road is being budded from the village to the CLOTHING HOUSE Now i« the time to improve your wharf, Joseph B. Babson, an old 4th and lJ.h stock. Black roan, fouled Feb. 10, burned every night. Under this scheme the MILL MATTERS. 371 MAIN S T R E E T . 1885,10.J bunds high, weight 1600 lbs. lights would bum in this climate say fitteen to Maine boy, having charge ot the work.
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